East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 14, 1903, Image 5

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Brand New Line
The best fitting, the mosi convenient ana the most satis-
11 . .. ,. mirlpl. It fits the waict snrl
. rL'trr nil inu - - - . Hktu 111 111 iifr
(aClOi) . , .;r..,sr flnnnr. rfoeicrnnrt oan:.n.. -
.rllv It lias mui ..- " . ' iwy ior
I- .rest styles of dress skirts. It is seven gore, tailor made,
net .-, . J .. :M hA b,ac, anH I .
fitted top s,n ",ut "r V , . yuyuiar ae-
rour . '
"5 ,
any size
waist from 20 to 30 inches
making it adjustable tn
Is made from the hat
Liils and by the most experienced operators. See window
ten" " . ' . . an nn nn
Price irom u -rn.
Corner Main ani Alta Streets.
TUESDAY. APRIL 14, 1903.
...ii ir.v nr
1. 11 1? Iff Inlnnri Kmnln
1 -1 1 nrn- mull.
m 17 rTololirntlnn foiincllncr or
Women of Woodcraft, Pendleton,
urii School district bond elec-
Oregon State Federation of Labor
U Grande.
Walla walla,
ilajr 8-17 Pacific Coast Congress
Cosgregatlonallsts, Seattle.
201. 0. O. F. Brand lodge,
fajr 20, June 3 Presbyterian gen
I atsemblr, Los Angeles, Cal.
21, 29 and June 12, 13 Wool
, Pendleton.
1 Circuit court
t, 3 and June 23. 24 Wool
t Heppner,
4 Presbyterian Academy
i 4. 6, C Ninth annual Umatilla
5, Wool sales, The Dalles.
1 9, 10 and June 2C, 27 Wool
1 Sbanlko . .
ie 14, 24 Seventh Day Adventlst
15, lft Wool sales, Baker
A new novelty that is
greatly admired by all
lovers of the popular
game. Hat pins.ster
ling silver, in caddy
tag. Artistic and
Keep your eyes on our
window for all the
new novelties.
June 17 Oregon Pioneer Associa
tion, rormna,
June 18, 19 Wool sales. Klein.
June 23, 24, 25 State Federation of
women s uiubs. Astoria.
July 2 Eastern Oregon G. A. R. en
campment, union
July 6-10 Forty-second annual
meeting National Educational Asso
ciation, Boston, Mass.
July 7 Improved Order of Redmen
great council, Portland,
August 17 National O. A. R. en
campment, San Francisco.
September 8-11 National Irrigation
congress, ugaen, Utah.
Will Raise But 50 Per Cent.
Reports from the lambing camps In
umiara county tnus far indicate that
trie increase this year will be far be'
low tue average of former seasons,
One sheepman remarked the other
day that he would do well If he rais
ed 50 per cent of the lambs, while
another avers that 17 per cent wlirl block.
auuut iuv uvciufttt ruiHuu mis year.
This means that the loss will be
larger than usual owing to the cold
spring weatner chilling the lambs
and retarding the growth of the grass,
The ewes are rather weak. Condon
Choice moats at Hosier's.
Try QraU's clam chowder.
Oyster cocktails at Orats.
Best shoe work at Teutach'a.
Houso to rent, $8. E. T. Wade.
Smokers' supplies at Neuaaa.
Ice cream and soda. The Delta.
Ladles' halt soles 40c. Teutach.
W. D. Fechtcr, teacher of the violin,
Spring samples, large line, at Joer-
Fish and poultry, Lyman's 310
nave your shoes renalred at
Nice furnished rooms to rent at
303 court street.
Hays' cigar store, headauartera for
sraoKera supplies.
Smoke "The Pendleton Favorite,
made by J. Devlin.
All kinds of Imported and domestic
iuncnes at aratz's.
Good housekeeping rooms for rent
4U7 west Alia street.
Have you had your shoes repaired
at xeutscnT Try him.
A now seven-room house for sale
at cost. N. T. Conklln.
The Delta Ice cream parlors
now open for the season.
Try the Arcade, 221 Court street
for nuts, candles and fruits. tt
Fresh stock of candles and fruits
at Miller's, 209 Court street.
A house for sale on Installments,
15 per month. N. T. Conklln
Imported llmburger and Swiss
cheese sandwiches at Gratz's,
A great deal of sidewalktne Is be
tng done in Helix this spring.
El Sldelo," the best cigar made, at
Rees' cigar store. Court street
A paying business for sale, small
capital required. N. T. Conklln.
Lot for sale: great bargain: Raley
addition. Inquire at 403 Alta street,
Children's Easter hats at Mrs
Campbell's. See our special window
Our new spring patterns for suits
are for inspection. Selbert & Schulz,
Nice furnished rooms to rent at
309 W. Court street. 'Phone and bath
For Rent Furnished lodging
house. Inquire of Whom & Swag'
Blacksmith shon In Pendleton for
sale. See Earnhart. Association
Rambler and Crescent bicycles
$18.50' to 135. and bicycle sundries
Mrs. Campbell has received her
third invoice of beautiful dress and
street hats.
Wanted Two or three dozen chick
New Engines Arrive. ens; Plymouth Rocks preferred. Ad
Three more new enelnw for thn n are8s uox lz
R. Sc. N. have arrived at La Grande. w Sale Residence with one, two
Two of them. Nob. 310 and 311. are or three lots, located at 517 Jane
big freight engines of the compound street Call at house,
type. The third engine. No. 27, is a
simplex, and is to be used for
switching purposes. They came dis
connected and will be set up in the
snops at La Grande. The freight
engines will go Into service in this
district and the switch engine will be
sent to the Umatilla yards.
"The Resurrection."
Tolstoi has written many dramatic
books on the wrongs imposed upon
the helpless, but none are more
touching than the "Resurrection.'
The dramatization by Chase Is said
to be faithfully true to ho story and
Femlleton theater-goers will be given
an opportunity to witness the produc
tion or this masterpiece tomorrow
night, April 15, at the Frazer.
Few Locating at Echo.
O. H. Horton, of Colfax. Is In the
city en route from Echo home. He
notes a sudden cessation in the Immi
gration Into the Echo country of late.
About 20 people from Colfax and vi
cinity nled on government land in the
irrigation district since the govern
ment survey began.
"Father," said the youth, "what Is
your understanding of the saying,
xne race is not always to the swift r
"iracticaiiy. my son." replied the
wise father, "it means that In the
race for life the fast men don't usual
ly come out ahead." Philadelphia
California Olive Oil &-sas2
""Wt from the em,. 1 u T. Olive OlfT We jet this
Hut- Vou 1,.K? er" '? fwthern Cllfornla. Thl Oil i alolut)v
fh( nr pecentlbfc Vur u "otitm it you will uotioe
!Wt Ttocou It At Myr; U Jurt as the olive do. It Is
hM, n adulE-1 feIt thU ,,avor nd W ,s ot found In any oil which
,&uJ!&!SiSt' becausecottoDd 0,1
IU, nn.. ... M
latdT "ve u" i0 "very klua sof frying
MOat 1
f butter.
81u1" Pleased to show
;or wherever you use butter
''iWryim. lSP,lel 110 doubt, OomlUerOllv Oil tm xremalv for or.
- IIUl. HlrHUHnrA I.. I ... .J .-
you our oil,
an.) ;
estePENJSl'RUG- stRE
r" rrom mk. ci t 1 r a tt
J, T. Hlnkle.ls having his new res
ldence wired this week; He expects
to occupy It about May 1.
A slx-rom house with bath, two
lota, fruit and shade, near the
churches, $2,800. N. T. Conklln.
Houser always furnishes good
meat. Send In your order. Market
Alta street, opposite Savings Bank.
For Sale A ladies' Hartford blcy
cle. Has been used only a short
time. Price $23. Call at E. O. office
and so It.
Wanted A good ooolc at, the Uma
tllla Indian, school, to cook for nine
persons, wages ytb per monin. Ap
ply at once .
For Sale A ladles' Hartford wheel,
nearly new. Has been used a few
weeks; $23. Call and sec If at East
Oregonian office.
D. Kemler has sold his house and
lot, on South College street to Clar
ence Boerstler for $000,., Mr. Boerst-
ler Is a newcomer. ,
Stallion for sale: four years Id;
weight about 1600. Shire, solid brown
color. Price reasonable. Address J,
T. Lleuallen, Adams, Ore.
The entire second story of the Pen'
dletou Savlpgs Bank building will be
repapered. repainted and otherwise
renovated, work beginning upon It to
that end yesterday.
E. D. Boyd has sold to C. B. Wade
for $400, lot 9, block 6. In the reser
vatlon addition. The property lies
on the cast sldo of Franklin, between
Railroad and Webb streets.
The' Knights of Pythias had a very
Interesting session last night. Doo
Maple had the degree of page confer
rod iino-i him, and William ftturcls
and Ralph, Ward the degree of es
Dr. Henderson lately purchased a
grayhound from a man on Wild Horse
that Is two years old and weighs 80
pounds. The animal has a registered
pedigree, and Is one of the finest dogs
of his species to be seen anywhere.
The Knight rank was conferred a
few evenings ago upon James Killlart
and, Clarence Orton, of Helix, by the
Knignts or rytmas oruer in tnai
place. J. H .Gwlnn, T, G. Montgom
ery ami j. T. amnio attenoeu tno
session from this .placo.V , '
H. I Stevens fnnd John Jordan,
(Stevens & Jordan) ' expect to opeu1
the new steam laundry about tho
last of thlsjweek or. the. first. of next.
A. H. Finch; of Colfax; will "arrive
very soon to tako chaige of setting up
Ovtfitttn for Men avf Worn
We take great pride in our swester stock, and
we make it a point to eep every thing new and
desirable In the similar Hue. I rices range from
oOc to $1 50 for the cheaper grades, and from $8 to
$3.50 for better grade, and for something very line
we tax you i, $4 50 and up to $5, mi' for theae bet
ter prices yon can expect sweater elegance.
Remember us for sweaters.
We have added to our Shoe Stock and now have
more styles and varities of Footwear than ever be
fore. We know that we can please any member of
the family in High Shoes, Low Shoes or Slippers,
We have
Baby's fancy shoos 60c up
Baby's fancy slippers 60c up
Misses' shoos $1.25 up
Boys' shoes $1.50 up
Ladies', fine style, welt shoos $2.50
Ladica patent leather dress shoos $3
Ladies' oxford tics, nice houso shoo $1,50
Ladios' strop sandals $1.50
Men's vici kids shoes $2.50
Men's cudot calf, genuine wolte$3
In the finer grades we have some very nice Kid
and Patent Oress Shoes for Ladies and Gentlemen.
For Tailor Mad Salts
and Unltned Skirts
A lot diort lengths, some are
5 yards, some 4 yards, some 3
yards, some only 2 yards, $3.50
per yard, 2 50 per yard, fi 50
per yard, $1 per yard.
To close. tlem out they will
be sold like this: $3.50 goods
$ 1.93 per yard, $2.0 kind 1.37
per yard, ti 50 kind 98c per
yard, Ji kind 67c per yard.
New Arrivals
Peoples Warehouse
Parasols and Sunshade
Shoe String Belts
Amber Necklaces
Wrist Bags
Fancy Purses
Indian Bead Necklaces
49c per yaxtl
Another lot of handsome
White Wash Goo
in prices from toe 'to 69c per
yard. Call and see them.
Dress Goods De
partment 13 Pieces Linen Eternise
All desirable shades, should
have arrived here February tst.
The manufacturer was late in
his delivery and we got a re
duction in price so that those
goods that were intended for
a 75c yard article are to go for
48c per yard. They arc cor
rect for waists and shirt waist
Another Lot
35 pieces Kha Ki Silk
Pretty designs, neat patterns,
fast color and washable at
the machinery, and will be foreman of
the laundry after It Is opened.
Monthly Medal Shoot
The regular monthly medal shoot
out at the range Sunday developed
some genuine surprlsos. In ono event
for a possible 2G, Tollman, Boettcher
and Shull each shot a straight 2G. In
the Bhoot-off all three again tied on
poslble 10. In the second shoot-off
for t possible 10, Tallman scored 9,
Shull 8 and Boettcher C. Ayrcs shot
24 out of a possible 25. Stlllman
broke the record for the day and
and pretty nearly for the season.
His remarks and the score are not
WE ARE pleased to advise that
we have received a full new
stock of those celebrated
$2.50 Shoes
Arriving Daily At
The Noll Store
Fine Line Crepe Jand Tisane
Paper All colors and shades.
Fine figured crepe paper, for
shelves, lamp shades, Etc.
mand than ever. Fine Oregon
Yellow Danver Onion Sets, iac
per pound. All jc Vegetable and
Flower Setds, here for ac.
CROQUET An extra fine line
now on sale. Hardwood and well
shaped balls and mallets, 95c to
$3.45 a set. s ; '
ing tags, string ' tags, shipping'
tags, pin tickets, rubber bands,
about twenty different !rariUsv of
inks, mucilages, Etc.
printed, 48c. -. j , ,
The Noll Store
One that you will
thoroughly Cnjoy, is
always served by us
All the good things
in season at the
TeUpkoue Hata 4
This is the shoe we had last fall
nd sold out every pair before
we could get more of them. We
have arranged to keep them cons
tantly.oj hand,, sp you had better
DESCRIPTION - V.ci kid. Good,
year welt, patent tip, smooth
insole, (flexible and ncw.sprinK
Boston store
,ii . , - -
Where Whole Families Are Shod
The Little Darlings
Now that genth: Spring is with us, Mothers, you can
Jake.yqur children out in the opn air and let them enjoy the
smisjiine. v
f 'Wk want to luvc the pleasure of showinir van the swell.
est liin:,67
fn Pendleton,
Next door tj Postqffice.
-M i