East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 14, 1903, Image 4

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EC -
Outfits, Regular f 5 oo $400
Bowls, Regular 60 40
Bowls, Regular 1 35 90
Picture Frames, Regular 25 ao
Picture Frames, Regular 35 25
Picture Frames, Regular 40 30
Picture Frames, Regular 50 35
Tobacco jars, Regular.... 165 j 10
Steins, Regular 165.. . 1 to
Trays, Regular 35 35
. Pipe Racks, Regular 75 50
Stein Racks, Regular 85 60
; TUESDAY, APRIL. 14. 1903.
All are not just becauso they do
not wrong:
But he who will not wrong me
when he may
He only la the truly Just. I praise
not them
Who In tholr petty dealings pil
fer not,
But him whose conscience
spurns a secret fraud
When ho might plunder and defy
His be the praise; who, looking
down with scorn
Upon the false judgment of the
partial herd.
Consults his own clear head and
boldly dares
To be not to be thought an
honest man.
The statement of a Baker City
butcher that "lumpy Jaw" has exist
ed In the herds from which the beef
supply of that city has been drawn,
for the past 30 years, should cause
people to shudder for public health.
The same statement holds true in
many sections of the state. In the
country districts, whore local "meat
wagons" furnish much of the beef for
the community, the possibility of Im
pure meat Is, greater than In the
Thore, competition does not drive
men to furnish a first-class product.
and the butcher who may hold light
ly his obligations to humanity, can
buy anything that Is cheap and after or salaries would bo paid than the
Tailor Made Suits
We have the celebrated "Ainsfield ' suits and skirts, and uone are better fitting, better
more up to date. If you want a good.suit we have it. It you want a. cheap or media J3
or skirt we have it, perfectly made and the best values to oe rouna in eastern Oregon.
SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK, ending Saturday, April 18th: With every tailor mad
skirt and shirt waist suit, sold for $12 or more, we will give you absolutely FREE, you...
any sailor hat in our stock, or any street nai or inram u ""cumg r,75 m prjcei
Saturday Specials
.. 1 ... L 1 ..,1,. rrwn A a Ur wnn IT I n IT ll fl fYl in L'rlc fr . t T
CaiICO joyus. 40c, Ollling uaiiuci iuj uo. y. ft1""1- 0"w' J u-t -nouit
4jC yd. Men s snirts DiacK sinpeii or iigni coiureu 40a ui
An afternoon penny papor, to be
edited and controlled by women, is
to be an Innovation In the Chicago
newspaper field. Women editors, wo
men reporters and women advertising
solicitors will engage In the work,
"For many years." said Dr. Frances
Wilkinson, who Is to bo the editor of
the paper, "the women of Chicago
have planned and discussed a newspa
per which should be controlled by
mum, bdu now meso ureams an-1 jjj
about to be realized, as there is Buffi- With pv tailor made suit, or skirt and shirt waist suit, costing $7.50 or more, we will .uM
, U.tfy ftn Indorsomont n sight I ut 1., ree'anv sai0r or street hat in our stock, costing i or less. R,
M 1 "I HUUDIUiniUK nit; UUIUI 11 1DU
several thousand dollars has been
.subscribed, and ono leading adver
tlser has contracted for a page of ad'
vcrtl8lng for one year; raence you see
wo reel justified in starting our pro
Whon asked about the policy of the
paper, Dr. DIcklriBon Bald: "We shall
not enter tho field as reformers. Wo
shall not advocate woman suffrage
or prohibition, but tho news will be
printed In the Dally Bulletin, as I
think the paper will bo called. We
shall have a sporting page. We have
already applications for the osltlon
of sporting editor, besides other posl
tlous on the paper."
Women can do this work ns well
as men. It may seem strnuge to
have women reporters attending prize
fights, horse races and football games,
but their presence. I think, would tend
to elevate such sports, and glvo digni
ty to the contests; but I think the
sporting editor will be a man.
'As to crime, we shall publish news
of that character, but It will be writ
ten from a scientific standpoint. None
but doctors who understand causes
of many crimes will be assigned on
such subjects.
Dr. Dickinson added that a large
stair would not be employed, but high-
Agents for the Raymond Washable Kid Gloves
campaign, the opposition might carry
the district.
But he would havo to be a remark
ably able democrat who would not be
swept away at the very next election
lu 1904, when this district will be car
ried for tho republican candidate for
president by a tremendous majorities.
If Itooscvelt Is the man, and retains
his present popularity.
Under all these circumstances tne
nominee of the Eugene convention
will probably be elected congress
man against all the odds and ob
stacles that now apparently stack up
ngalnst him. Salem Journal.
The press dispatches say there was
nothing wrong with the sunken flag'
ship of Admiral Montojo, except that
fifteen American shots had passed
through her hulk. What more did
they expect the old tub to bear?
La Grande and Heppnor are each
agitating the erection of a hospital
Pendleton can point with pride to one
of the most beautiful and well equip
ped hospital buildings in the Inland
Empire. It Is a porpetual reminder
of the public spirit and enterprise of
her citizens and those having it in
' charge, as well as those who contrlb
itted so liberally to Its building fund
are deserving of highest praise.
There are meager reports from the
Interior of Qllllam and Morrow coun
ties to the effect that not over seven'
ty per cent of lambs will be saved
by sheepmen in those localities. The
lesson Is a costly one, but it must be
learned sooner or later. Shelter and
protection for herdB must be provld
ed. Sheds are almost as necessary
as feed, In the management of a sheep
ranch, and the sooner Oregonians rec
ognize the fact, the better for them.
Tho man who is to serve Oregon
as labor commissioner, must be an
able, conscientious, earnest citizen,
who will be faithful to the interest of
the state and not a truckling of the
capitalists and large manufacturing
establishments. Oregon Is behind in
this work. The other Western states
have left her In the rear. It will re
quire a tireless worker to catch up
with the record and bring the vital
labor statistics of the mate up to
What became of the public drinking
fountain that once stood in the streets
of Pondleton? The W. C. T. U. and
club women raised $80 and purchased
a very handsome public fountain and
presented It to the city, several years
ago. Of course, there Is no Immedi
ate danger of any one becoming
thirsty in Pendleton, with all the fa
cilities for quenching thirst now at
hand, but.a public fountain Is a thing
of beauty and should ornament the
It is dressed no one can detect its
unfitness for food.
Patrons of butcher shops should In
sist upon government inspection of all
meat used. The bureau of animal In
dustry, uuder the United States gov
ernment, furnishes free inspection in
cities where it is needed, and If the
natural honuBty of tradesmen will not
protect the health of patrons, the
laws of the land should throw Its
safeguards about them.
There are so many opportunities
for dishonesty in handling and ills
trlbuting food products that the pub
lie is at the mercy of the dealer.
Many of the contagions that sweep
ovor the country and leave death and
lingering Illness in
papers in Chicago -wore paying today.
A good price will also be pnld for
space" stories'. She also said that
the paper would be out in a few
months, and a definite announcement
would be made just as soon as the
J 100.000 was subscribed. She thought
there should be that much on hand
before attempting to publish the pa'
per. New York Herald,
Oklahoma will bo well represented
at the dedicatory exercises at the
World's Fair, St Louis. A special
train will bring commissioners, gov
ernor and staff, full regimental Htaff,
military band, a battalion of militia.
and many distinguished citizens and
guests, making five hundred persons
in all.
directly traceable to Impure foods.
Many of the most pitiable cases of
sickness. In Isolated places, that are
blddon from public view, have their
origin in the contemptible practices
of men who prepare foods for public
The laws against unclean, unwhole
some food products should be rigid'
ly enforced. Innocent families are at
the mercy of greedy men who are
willing to risk spreading sickness and
disease in their quest for profits,
No public question shrould be more
thoroughly agitated than that of pure
food. It Is a vital Issue in every
community. What the public eats.
The question of government owner
ship has come up Jn ncnte form in
New York city. The mayor of that
large town is a person of most con
servative mind who believes that ho
Is living the best possible world and
that the right of private ownershlii I
is probably traceable to a divine
origin. Yet even Mr. Low has not
been, so bewildered by the fear that a
their wake, are I community can never do anything for
"It is just a common cold," people
iv. "there's no dantrer in that." Ad
mitting their statement, then there arc
uncommon colds, colds which are dan
gerous; for inany a fatal aicknest begins
with a cold. If we could tell the com
znou cold from the uncommon we could
feel quite safe, lint we can't. The
uncommon van
11000 buys 300x582 feet of sightly
building property, north side.
ISttO, two excellent building lota,
tone wall and sidewalk, W. Court.
1800 buys three lota on north side;
corner and good 6-room house.
1300, corner lot, and cottage nearly
$3060, four lots and splendid real"
dence, a very cheap property.
$2000, four acres, edge of town.houee,
barn, 200 fruit trees.
$2260, 118 acres. Similes from town,
N. E., SOaeres in cultivation, 60 in
wheat, up nicely, 4-room house, good
$860, a graded lot, stone wall, north
side, east front, sightly location.
$10,000, half a section of choice farm
ing land, crop Included.
These are entirely new offers, but I
have many more and would like an
opportunity to talk them over with
Itself, as not to see the folly of pay
ing about hair as much more for Btreot
lighting as it would cost under the
most Improvident public ownership.
He has gone to the length of advocat
ing that the city build and operate
its own electric plant and has been
able to cite Instances of public own
ership of similar plants In other cities
which, have greatly benefited the pub
lic treasury. The officials of the gas
company which has been gouging
New i ork for years offer the objection
to the mayor's plan that the examples
of public ownership which ho cites
nave not been "profitable. That Is.
they have paid no dividends.
Hut that Is exactly the uolnt in
favor of public ownershln of these
plants. The difference between tho
largely determines the public health and tl,e chanre to m m.bi r whM
and any man who wilfully prepares I now finds its way Into enormous drvf
unflt food or offers for Bale a product dends for tne stockholders, would. If
that mieht invite dlaeaKo shm.i.) h tne c,ty owned the plant, bo return-
,-.,. , 1 , ed to the public in part at least. The
treated as a common criminal. rimont ,i iJt . , .
deserve rendition. But we 'linllmn. If
more must De some thinking done to be a fact suscentlblo of demonstra-
by taxpayers on the school situation. I tlon tnat with all tho criminal' waste
this week. Kmi Mnnd.v h I.. ln" Bes n in public offices, the
,, . ., ' , , " cities that are lighted and supplied
mam; win no Tuieu upon, anu me ue-1 wth water, bv tho pltv
clslon of tho taxpayers heard on the pay less than cltleB.,that rely for their
subject. Tho future of Pendleton de-suPPlcs on private corporations and
nends lareolr nnon the rhnoi trii. a P?er served generally. We think
-1.- .. . . . I the time will come when neoDlo will
lira urn, oners me people. mo out- read wih smwmonl nf nAmmnnm
side districts move to the city for tho that paid companlos to light their.
purpose of educating their families, I streets and control their water snp
and In doine this, thov hiillrt uk,,. Pob Ja' 8 we look back with won-
ety is rarely rec
ognized until it
bw fastened its
hold ou the
lunrs. and there
are symptoms of
Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical ,
Discovery cures 1
coughs, bron-"
cbltu, "weak"
tunes and other
diseases of the
Xns of respir
1. It in
creases the sup
ply of pare, rich
blood and builds
tip the emaciated
"I look ft even
cold which KtUed
in the bronchial
tubn, writes Krv.
Frank IUv. at Nor-
tonvllk. Jcflrnon Co.. Vini. After I
medicine labeled Snre Cure almod wl
aumber, I wm led o try lr. Picrce'i Golden
Medical lMjcorerv. I look two bottle and was
Cured- Bkl tuVP Itavftil nirtj. Utt.n I f MW nC
the (real pain I had to eadnrc. and the terrible
cough I bad, t Menu almoet a miracle that I
Ira aosa relieved. That Cad may apace you
many ysara and abundantly bttaa you la the
prayer of your gratefe! friend."
1! yon ask vour dealer Tor "Golden
Medical Discovery n because you have
confidence in its cures, Uo not allow
yourself to tie switched off to a medi
cine claimed to be "iutt as good," but
which yon did not ask for and of which
you know .sowing.
w. lie ret 8 ricasaul Fellets cure dir.
zine&s and sick headache.
Cloak and Suit
Has sold its entire stock
to The Peoples Ware
house. The entire line
of new and seasonable
stock of Suits, Skirts,
Waists, PetUooata and
Undermusllns is being
offered at such a Sacri
fice aa will clear them
out la a few days.
Eastern Cloak
; & Soil House
Water tm
We make a Specialty of Bui
or Squirt
We make them rieht
always give satisfictioij
work is never slightedctk
Pendleton Plantari
and Lumber Yi
'Tho drqp lu tho prlco of Northern
Securities' Compauy -stocks, following
the decision of the courts in the mor
gcr case, shows one of the evils of
monopoly., When thcro was a pros
pect of the merger holding its grip
on the people, the great dividends
promised by Its unbridled power,
buoyed up the values. No sooner
had the court chocked its career than
Its Inflated value collapsed. Its ovll
tendency was. .Its ..life. Shorn of Its
power tojlloeco the people, It de
scends to itho level of other ilegit'imato
enterprises, and its value Is based on
Its earning capacity In
tltlon. . .
tif ul homes, and spend their Incomes
in the city. Pendleton must invite
this class, or It will go elsewhere.
President Roosevelt had more fun
than a schoolboy on a lark at the
wedding or Senator Cockrell's daugh
ter recently. Ho rambled among the
guests at the breakfast, told the girls
how pretty thoy looked, shook hands
with and complimented the matrons
and "Jollied" tho beaux. At tho break
fast he proposed the health of tho
der on the distribution of letter by
express companies. Mr. Pooler In
tvioiuer h.
Eigine, Boiler and lacbinar;
Of all kinds is our specialty. All
work guaranteed.
Mme. Mnrcoiia sembrich says she Extra Parts Fumishwl fnr nil Kiliik
noes not taiK 10 any one, not even her ftf Hnrvif hir Marhinurr
husband, on tho day of tho evoninr 01 H'irttwIS fflacnincn .
sho Is to sing. Neither does she cat
anything .later than 2 o'clock p. m.. .Manufacturer of
until affi.r tl, o...,I.. ,.f.. I
ir damn or Htnrmv. Atnn ulm ifu mnat
carofu! about the quality of hr food. 709 EftSt Alia Street.
M'l.iw. . I. ............ 1 . , . . 1 J. ..
lir. flm nnnnl nf Pntll no OBIICIUIC IV nO!VC VIU aiailU
The genuine, the bicycle
which is the undisputed
leader, ig handled in Pen
dleton only by us. Come
in and see the Racycle.
A Bad Wink
But nut so bad as It mlikttn, mi
wnawicau m inorouiaij
kill and ezaerlencf, rood
nallit amd varnlah can SO
vshlcls Is alwan worth ttpalni
paired rliht. and that li UI wM
And lurttaermors our prlraiaiimS
uur winona wagons in ui
waaroua on the market Tat
blnffka and ataal clad huts ala
(tractable In tnli cllmaM. W
maria bv the same firm aoa an n
tk.. th hMt mart Talt and M
The SyraoDM flaw stsalMrl
slickest tnlna-In eartL. !
We sell aid gnarsnM IMW"I
Bargains in
tin .1 .. n , 1 . ........ ... . I I,,!- a....ntn I. n .1 1.1. .
uiuuc u piovlh hi iruivn IJUT- "w iliiui iii uiuDiciuiiBiup uru-I aTV aTaf"! -aOnn tVXT
lutied toXtho beauty of the bn'do,and servesihor vocal organs in tholr won- I l IfllxaCjaN 1 III l
1 1. ' 1 . . -.1 . . . 1.,. mt. . I ,1 .,..?..! ' . f.w. . - .1 .1 . I . .. 11. 1 I '
uwjiiiijn iui uiu iiiriueKruuui jnuu uu "uiim1 awv.-iit.iii uuu uiiij.-jiiicaKU
came to itho father, the. sorintor" irom
oiissourl. . "I revore Missouri,; said
the piosldont. ' "It Is" a grand o!d
state. But I wouldn't llvo thoro If I
could." There was a gasp ofjiston
iHlmient and the many Allasourlans
present moved uneasily In tholr
chairs. "No," continued ho, "l
wouldn't llvo there If 1 "coUId. 'bo
cause I. think so much of Scnntor
Cockrell 'and ntlmlro hlin so ,rgrcntl)'.
tnat 1 uon:t see how I could, kcoj)
from voting for him, ant! as ho Is a
Jlecord'Horald. f
Will itho republicans defeat Her
mann this tiinoi to- make room for a
newsman Irthe, district next spring?
Thoro Is no doubt but that Hermann
vIUrocolvo n large -vote outside "of
tho ropubllcan party. Will It bo
.enough to overcome possible' republi
can .defection? ,
with a popular candidate, especial'
Is tho cause of more discomfort than
.any othor ailment. If you teat the1
tilings that you want and that are
good for you, you aro distressed. Ack
er's Dyspepsia Tablets will make
your digestion perfect mid nrevont
Dyspepsia and Its attendant disagree-
ablo symptoms. You can safely eat
BiiythlnK. at any time,-. If you take onoi
or these tablets afterward. old !'
alldrugglsts Ami(lcr a positive guar
antee. IT' cts; llonoy refunded If
you aro not satisfied. Send to us for,
open compc ( tiemocratl you i5j,ow that woulu never '.v if he wore an ablo and Jndciiondaat n free sample. W. H. Hookej- & Co.,'
ido." .Baltimore-News... , - .man;, and a skllltullywngod, vigorous IBliffolo, N, J, . . 1 v, j
Real Estate
I have a larger and better
list of Farms, Stock Ranches
and City Property to sell
than ever before. .Also a big
lot of land in the coining
wheat fection of EaBtern
N. Berkeley
Going to i
Repair your .ho0!
of bttainess by having i
nd nicely 4
stock of wall paper andp
! E. I. Mi
111 Court Sin j
Agency for th
llams Paint.
'lire, imve ourciiaseS j
hand store at 312 CowjPj
tend to rettt it wJK5S
We would be g'"".1"
dropinlfou njei
line. xryou"7rffo
us kuow, wecanseiuw1
iu anu two '" - hi in
m ,ie rll. we wU'It
Qrudane 4 j