East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 14, 1903, Image 2

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cerratGsrr, imi, rr
a. ftvtatat) A CO.
We are selling all the
new things in Spring
Clothing for Men and
Boys at Popular Prices
Men's Suits from
$5 to $ 1 7.50
Boys' Softs from
$1.50 to $5
Baer & Daley
One-Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers
i 11 It 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I WfHtH 1 1 I HI
TUESDAY. APRIL 14, 1903.
The total population of Canada
equals that of the state of Ohio.
Tho wholesale bakers of jersey
City and Hoboken have merged with
a capital of 1,500,000.
Professor Max Uhle, of the Uni
versity of California, has found traces
of a civilized race which lived in
Pent before the Trojan war.
Black smallpox has broken out in
Ju.ce county, Kansas. N'ine have al
ready died and the surrounding terri-1
lory Is In strict quarantine.
Two were burned to death and
four others were injured in a fire in
the residence of Dr. Haas, at Indian
npolls, early Sunday morning.
A tornado swept Logan, Dewitt
nnd Piatt counties in Illinois Sunday.
A child was killed, several persons in
jured and many houses destroyed.
Pour persons were killed and two
fatally wounded in a head-end col
lision on the Intercolonial railroad
Saturday night near Windsor Junc
tion, 17 miles from Halifax, N. S.
The executive board of the United
Golden Rule.
U Cunningham, Portland.
Mont Tong, Georgetown.
George Gray and wife, Oakesdale.
J. E. IjiGrange and wife, Wlscon
.Mrs. C. Martindale, Weston.
C. W. Phillips. Chico.
E. H. Burke, Portland.
D. II. Jarmon. Athenn.
Fred Scott, Arkansas City.
J. C. Burke, Athena.
h. M. Carl .Albany.
S. S. Gill .Spokane.
A. E. McBreen, Spokane.
A. J. Hull, Spokane.
O. H. Horton, Colfax.
J. W. Clay, North Fork.
C. Porter, North Yakima.
W. B. Jinnette. Adams.
G. W .Hour. Pilot Rock.
F. O. Gardner, Portland.
Robbed the Grave.
A startling Incident is narratad
by John Oliver of Philadelphia, aR
follows: "I was In an awful condi
tion. My skin was almost yellow,
eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain coiv
tinunlly in back and sides, no appetite
growing weaker dny by day. Three
physicians had given me up. Then
I was adviacd to try Electric Bitters
to my great Joy, the first bottle made
a decided Improvement. I continued
n'"hX, f rZ... L il Mr "se f"- ""ee weeks, and am
r.J n hQ.V,I TTnUn,? lfn.o , Z ' 0nG h(""" " try thom. Only
parts of the United States to eon- 50 conts r,lmrantmI 't TaIImnn &
BlaoT- Co.'s drug store.
William Vallance. the famous light-
nlng calculator, who could do any.
sum in mathematical calculation men
tally and Instantly, died Monday at
Trenton, N. J., aged 30 years. He
died from mental strain.
Shipping in Portland Is now suffer
ing .on account of a lack of sailors.
Peter Burke, constable of Pichacho,
California, was shot and killed Mon
day In a riot.
Elliot Lyons will be hanged Friday,
April 17, for the murder of Sheriff
Wlthera of Lane county,
Lyman the robber who escaped
from an Astoria train running 40
miles an hour has not been caught
A band of counterfeiters Is working
systematically at Spokane and the
police are searching for tho headquar-1 the senior partner of the nrm of F. J.
ten. Cheney & Co., doing traslness In the city of
Tho O. R. & N. steamer, Nosma, is
now making regular trips between
Walla Walla Favorite to Return From
the East Soon.
Walla Walla, April 14. "Kid" Ti
tus, the speedy little pitcher who was
with the Walla Wntla team part of
last season, is to return West early
in June and take a place on the local
team again. Captain Bniyctte yes
terday received a letter from him at
Washington, where he Is attending
college, saying he wanted to play in
tho WeBt again and would be here in
June. Titus Is one of the best ama
teur pitchers in the country and by
his gentlemanly manner became one
of tho most popular players in the In
land Empire league last yenr.
state or onto.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he U
Lowlston and Wild Goose rnpids on
the Upper Columbia.
Toledo, county and state aforeuld, and
that said Ann will nay the anm of One
Hundred Dollars for each and every case
of Catarrh that ennnot be enred by the
use of TIall's Catarrh Core.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In
E. F, Willis, of Portland, lias been ' my presence this 0th dsy of December, A.
elected president of the Pacific Keh-1 D- 1B8B.
nel League, and W W. Peasley. of (8f'''
Portland, secretary.
George Littlowood, of Olympla,
who mysteriously disappeared from
his boarding house last Saturday, has
been found In a demented condition
near Olympla- j
The output of the Washington penl-1
tentlary jute mill for the year Is fixed i
at 1,348,811 grain bugs. Uf tins num
Notnrr Public.
ITalt'a Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally
end acta directly on the blood and mueons
snrracea or the system, utaa ror iu
monlala free.
F. J. CHRNET & CO., Toledo, O
Sold by all druggists, 73c
Hall's Family Pills are the best
Long Creek Postoffice.
The money order business of tho
f nty tr fmtr 1 1 n II t M fTl ..1 mnild fl (' I 111 fl
bor only 380,000 have been contracted si)owlnE tll0 nrst quarter this year. It
for at J6G.30 per thousand. ,,, moro Umn ln U)02i 2 noo
A gigantic benefit scheme Is to bo 0ver 1901 and $2,000 ovor that of
Inaugurated by Portland theater man- 1900.
agors for tho purposo of raising funds
with which to build a home In Port-j f you are troubled with Impure
land for aged and sick actors. blood, Indicated by sores, pimples.
Tho soml-nuniial conforonco of Cal-1 headache etc., wo would recommend
Ifornla Mormons Just ended at San
Francisco, was the most largoly at
tended meeting over held In tho state.
Tho membership In the state has In
creased about GO per cent In tho past
Acker's Blood Elixir, which we sell
undor ft posltlvo guarantee. It will
always euro Scrofulous or Syphilitic
poisons and all blood diseases. GO eta
nnd Jl.oo, , w. Hcnmmi ec uo
T. C. Taylor Is President and Dr.
Edward W. Mueller, of Sumpter,
General Manager and Secretary.
Last night the Standard-Consolldat
ed Mining Company of this city.
completed organization by electing n
full set of officers, as' follows:
T, C. Taylor, president; Zoeth
Houser, vlce-prosldont; Dr, Edward
W, Muellor, of Sumpter, general
manager and secretary; C. B. Wade,
treasurer; Elmer E, Cleaver, audi
tor, and T. C. Taylor, Sam P. Purdy,
of Weston. Frank Rlchet, wholesalo
grocer of Portland, E. E. Cleaver. Ed
W. Mueller, F. L. Forbes and Zooth
Houser, directors.
Tho company is organized undor the
laws of Arizona nnd Is capitalized
nt $5,000,000, one-half of which Is In
tho treasury.
Stock Is now on the market and
the sales have started with very nat
tering prospects. At last night's
meeting over $200,000 worth of stock
was purchased.
Development work on the property
will begin Immediately. The biiow
has now disappeared on tho ground,
but the roads leading into the district
are in very bad condition yet. Dr.
Mueller, the general manager and
secretary will reside in Sumpter,
where an office will lie opened. Hcati'
quarters for the company, however,
will be located and permanently main'
tallied in this city.
There Is now moro than enough
ore blocked out In this famous prop
erty. than will equal the value of the
stock offered for sale, according to
reports of expert mining men who
have oxamined the holdings.
One of the most important features
of the property Is that the greatest
ore bodies lie above the tunnel levels
and can all bo stoped down, for some
1200 feet, making the cost of opera
tion very light.
The new company starts out with
bright prospects nnd the Standard
Consolidated, with Its 2B rich claims,
promises to develop Into one of the
best properties in that famous district
of which Sumpter Is the huh-.
Pleased With Pendleton.
A North Carollnaian, one of the 20
or more from that state who have set
tled here within the past month', was
doing business the other day with Dr.
GarretBon, and referred to the unfail
ing cordiality with which he and his
fellow Immigrants from North Caroli
na had been treated since they came
here. He said: "People here act as
though they are pleased that we
came here, and put themselves out
of the wny to show us the town and
the country and explain things.
What's more, we are not robbed in
the purchase of things, as we were all
the way ont and were led to believe
we would be after arriving here."
Cannot Recover.
All hope of recovery has been
abandoned fn the case of Lou Rey
nolds, and he will be brought home
from Walla Walla to die. This brave
boy has withstood his great suffering
with unfailing fortitude and deserves
to live, but death knows no discrim
ination. Since the nmpntation of one
leg. bone tnborculosls has appeared
In tho knee Joint of the other. Wes
ton Leader:
Badger Mill Running.
Susanville, Aprfl 14. The mill nt
the Badger mine. Stisnnvillo, Is now
running full head. The tunnel to the
main shaft will be completed In a
week or so and then the tramway will
be done away with, the ore being
brought out at the mill instead of
hoisting several hundred feet to the
top of the shaft, which has been a
great Inconvenience and expense.
Semrtor Ankeny at Home.
Walla Walla, April 14. Senator
and Mrs. Ankeny, accompanied by the
senator's private secretary and his
wife, returned yesterday morning
from Washington. Senator Ankeny
has fully recovered from a recent at
tack of' the grip and Is looking the'
picture of health.
Enjoy Life
Out door exercise means
improved health and a
sunny disposition.
All Kinds of Sporting
and Pleasure Goods
No matter what game or
pastime your fancy runs
to, you can get the
goods to promote it at
Book and Stationery Store
Movements of ine Citizens In South
End of tho County.
Rlttor, April 13. J. D. Kirk loft for
Snonnv lln Frldnv With 2DU liozvu
William Carter, Jr., of Long Creek
was In our midst Saturday
Ed DaVIs loft recently to seek em
ulnvmnnt fit SltHnnvlllP
C. C. Townsend nrrlved In Itltter
Wnilnnmlnv frnm Pilot Hock.
Herman Roscnboom returned home
from Willow precinct Hiday.
Thomas Tuttle moved his family
and household goods to Dale Wed
nesday. Ilnr Plnrsnl nnnifi 111 from Pilot
Rock Thursday and returned again
filinvlno fill anil wliii linn llPCIl In
poor health for some time, left for
Uklah Wednesdny to consult ui.
t.nmllnl'il Knllv of tho Ooldon Rule
hotel at Pendleton, came out to his
homestead near the Atmrus rnncn, in
it'mu- nriwlnrt Wminoniinv. return
ing ngnln to Pendleton Sunday
Amalgamated In Session.
Columbus. O.. April 14. .More than
200 delegates were present when the
annual convention of the Amalga
mated Association of Iron, Steel and
Tin Workers was called to order to
day. President Theodore Shaffer
presided. Tho morning session wns
occupied with the appointment of
committees nnd other routine prelim
inary work. Tomorrow the reports
of officers will be read, and on Thurs
day the wage committee will make
Its roport, which will be tho principal
subject of discussion thereafter. The
delegates present represent directly
some 100.000 workers, but a half mil
lion omnloves of the Iron trades are
artunlly governed by the decisions of
tills body.
Women M. D.'s Meet.
Sioux City. Ia.. April 14. The Btato
Society of Medical Women, tho only
organization of Its kind in the United
States, began Its annual convention
In Sioux City today. The program
occupies several days and calls for a
series of professional papers .Includ
ing a discussion of tho prevention of
insanity, manual training In public
schools, and tho duty of physicians to
disseminate information. The presi
dent of the society is Dr. Jessie V.
Smith, of Wintered, nnd the secre
tary Is Dr. Mary Breon, of Le Mnrs.
A Thoughtful Man.
M. M. Austin, of Winchester, Ind.,
knew what to do in the hour of need.
His wife nad such an unusual case
of stomach and liver trouble, physi
cians could not help her. Ho thought
of and tried Dr. Kfug's New Lire Pills
and she got relief at once and was
finally cured. Only 2Gc at Tallmntj &
Co.'.s drug store.
It Is stated that the grip microbe
Is only sixteen one thousandths of an
inch In length, and It might be added
that it can give the Industrious ant
firds end spades In the game of being-
"btrey."' Kansas City Journal.
That's the point we are tryinir
to- impress on the public mind.
"When clean, pure drug stock
is HM)keu of we- want that to re
fer to our store. We're doing
all we eaa to merit that title.
It's tbe main point ut our busi
ness. We tblnk about it nd
talk about it all the time. Hyp
and bye you'll ear thlt lu mind
if you haven't already. There
is no extra charge for this puri
ty. Together with accuracy it's
our inducement for yout pre
scription trade. We are care
ful and prompt with mail orders
F. W.
Ph. G.
Phone Main 85
Schedule of pares
On and after April i, (are over
the Pendleton & TJkiah Stage Line
will be:
Pendleton to llklsb, 13. round (rip, f ); Pen
dleton to Alb. I'i.76. round trio. ff : rsndleton
to IUle, I?, rounl trip, t.1.50! Pendleton to
Nye, si.au rouna inp, ;.ou; rcnaieion 10 rtlot
Rock, 11, round trip, II. JO.
Office at Qolden Rule Hotel
hereby liven to the stockholders ol the
Penri olon Wool Pvnuring and Pscklni' (tint a
lnectlnx will be held Tueulay, Mar ll'ili, lz,
at the office of the comi Ki.y In Pendleton Ore
gon, H p m. Dtril April 6, 1903. E.Y.Judd,
prea!dem;P II. Clopton,erietary.
hereby given Ut tho stockholder! ol the
Pendleton woolen Mills tbat a moiling will be
held Tuesday, Hay Ath, 1903, at the ottli e ol the
company In Peudlelnu. Oresmi, nt 4 p.m.
Dated Aprils, 1901. E. V Juild, preildeotl F.
B. Clopton, iecretary.
New Babies in Town
Just arrived, the new style Baby Upright Piano ;ij
at ,
315 East Court Street.
Call and see them. They are reasonable in price
makes it possible for everybody to have one.
Sharpies Tubular Dairy Cream Separator
Beats them all for close skimming
and easy running, no disc or howl
complications whatever
The cloetnt skimming and eaiilett hirij
C ...... .v. , n .in. nwirilin.il ........ .1 I fl
orFaii'j J. t- piuuMiu, ocuuuuk nuueruMI
adverse clrcuniNtanccs an rega'd to quality a
dltion and temperature of the milk 2.
heretofore considered irupossl le. ItdlrS
HUiuuiu, iruuiicna, perirui cream IDiUWMtgj
out more butter than can be obtained (
other Separator in existeu-e. anbettuns
ly and completely washed inside of find
utefl, an there are only three pieces to thtt3
The BliarpleH Tubular machines are tbtal
Hlmple i.nd durable made, and can beiaic3
ed at a lew cewt for oil and renews! puulsfl
any inner oeiarauir cm me uiarKei.
For catalogue, address:
T.C. TAYLOR, The Hardwardfi
741 MAIN ST.,
On Its Merit
Has the large demand for
Byers' Best
Been built up. Only the choicest wheat that grows enteni
to Byers Best rlour. its perlection in flour, ftiaae dj.i
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
t Nicely mowed Lawns are easily maintained. Take a I
at our
Easy Running Lawn Mowers.
operate them. Let us supply you with GARDEN Hlftt-I
Best goods at lowest prices. : : : :
Thompson Hardware Co.,
62 1 Main Street
Headouarters for Fishinc Suonlies.
Bowman, the Photographer
Special rate for the next 90 days
One cabinet photo of the baby free
t't.tll T..1.. l. I ...111 t.. ..1 t.
jumpl cabinet photo ol Ay baby less than
uiciu in nuv uy except
8tur(layt at that i my bmy day. Vor Uio tamo
lOlle t II fit limn I urlll mal-n .. UVfllf P1DIM ll
" w " """""-u ui nuuit tur mill i dim
ttali opportunity ( getting au artistic, ell
nnlfltltXl M'lttllM nt WAIt !!.. .w..
lr. Remember tUe place. M&tn c treet, near
i nssfis ALWAYS
By the Fire Insur
Hartford Kire Iuurwiel
All kniw AKMiirance
London 4 Lancashire
Insurance w tiu
North British 4 Mer(
uo -i"'
Itoyal Insurance Co..
800 MAIN
Babbit M.U..D--f(lt
oars. rnci r
Oragonlin Office.
T3SS!kZ. tusk li.isjx
. 'MAi ;