East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 14, 1903, Image 1

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    ' "if."'
Ematem Oregon Wcathw
2 Tonight and Wednesday cloudy
I with probably showers.
r ,5c A WEEK.
' ' ' '
NO. 4717.
Wrecker Andrews Prom-
s to iviaKe uuuu u.o
Isses of Depositors. .
L Qlnn.d by 700 of the Deposit-
of Defunct Bank Ask His Par-
He it Rich and Can Pay Them
.1 T1 1.
-.11. I. -I1H.UIV
r Andrews, who stolo "PardB
f?T Aimr,r niiss Within 90
7 petition signed by 700 do-
I L.nlr lino hnfm
r 01 UIO OBlUlllil uo.in.
- rrhn alcrnntlirM
f ine goveniu.. ;"";r-T
btolncd by a promise that thoir
nnil hn made good If An-
I was released. The governor is
j havo given nis promise.
Llndler Claims That He Has
tightened Out His Affairs.
tiaflon Inrt.. Anril 14. John
the turf commissioner, is hero
j family. He claims that his
n ntrnlirhtnnpil out BO that
creditor will receive 100 cents
(dollar. He says ho sent, oui
today covering 15 per cent of
unities. He has sold his stock
kid his Newport track to a rac-
Isoclatlon. Ho will issue stock
i company in payment of nil his
lies. He claims that its divl-
I will be sufficient to eventually
rh In full on all claims Dcsmes
them possession of valuable
organized Under Commercial
Technical Directors Stole
' $1,000,000.
in, April 14. The police havo
led a famous gang of burglars
I has operated in this portion of
ny for five years. It was Bys-
fcalljr organized under commer-
icnnical directors. They com-
1 50 large burglaries amounting
Ir 11,000,000. The directors llv-
iluiurious houses at the height
f Judge Who Incurred the En-
of the Mlneworkers by His
Won In Favor of Capitalism.
lerabure. W. Vn Anrli -li
lackaon, the wife of the Judge
i unuea states court. John J.
W. fell from hAr phnlr thin mnm.
f& died of heart disease. She
p of the most widely known
rSDected wnmnn nt H.n etntr.
n is the Judge who Incurred
rwy oi the mlneworkers by his
j Beauty in Competition.
P. ADril 14 PnoMr.nnl.lft D..I.
fEJg over the international
I iq Be decided tomorrow.
-piuug, it is a photographic
-. ouu ueauty combined.
DM tha . -
rltn L ""scat numoer oi
J- Jhe united States is
E; vj several, of whom
lowo is ono. The photograph
hu7. . " ,r raoal 'n favor with
1. - --. iuai ui a young
W0hety attracts custom
hZf? "J? ,be Qfosamaklng
i . tho name of
- u maae Known.
S Fumlshed by Coe Commis-
-w' Boulter- Local
lri 120 COUPt Br...
t0.om.r".14-Money has as
Wto n,TaI condlUon
th0 Da,V ,?' .ner. cent.
L5l. 8a,w more brisk.
Opened. Closed.
T4V4) 70
Chicago Wh.,
1 pWAburishef4''Whoat-767ii
Turned Turtle In a Gale on Delaware
Rlvei1 Four Men Locked In the
Philadelphia .April 14. At 10:30
this morning the department of pub
lic safety received an appeal from
Marcus Hook, 20 miles distant, ask
ing for tho police boat to bo sent Im
mediately to help rescue a person im
prisoned in a capsized steamer in tno
Delaware River, It Is rumored that
several wero drowned.
The overturned vessel was the scow
Hughes. Sho turned turtle in a gale
nnd haB been beached on the Dela
ware side. Four men are locked in
tho cabin. It is not known whether
they are dead or alive.
Still Rising Three Inches Per Hour
Stock Drowned Growing Grain
Washington, Ind., April 14. The
White River has risen nine feet in the
past 36 hours and is now rising three
inches an hour. Much stock has
boen drowned. Tho growing frain in
the bottom lands has been ruined.
The river is several miles wide at
some points.
Manufacturers Form a Union
Raise Their Prices.
Indianapolis, lnd., April 14. A
meeting of 100 representatives of cof
fin manufacturers is being held here.
It is probable that they will form a
national association and raise the
price of coffins. They claim a very
small profit is being made in their
business, owing to the advanced
prices of material and labor.
Work of Vendetta.
New York, Ajril 14, A woman
early this morning discovered a mur
dered Italian of the better class
doubled into a barrel and dropped on
the street In the manufacturing dis
trict. Police fear a maffla plot or tho
8o Says a Critic of President's Admi
ration for the Man Who Toils Hard
and Has a Big Family.
Chicago, April 14. A dispatch to
the Tribune from New York, says:
"President Roosevelt's nonsense
about race suicide," was announced
bb the tltlo of an address by Hugh
O. Pentecost, in Lyric Hall, Sunday.
Speaking of the president's recent ut
terances on race suicide, Mr. Pente
cost said:
"The rabbit seems to be his ideal
In part, Mr. Pentecost said:
"The class of Roosevelt's ideal per
son is one who is ready to work, fight,
suffer and have children. He regards
others as shirkers and criminals.
"To be married and have children
If you aro Intelligent and are sure you
are bringing your children into a de
sirable world Is well, but marriage
and child-bearing as it now goes on
among the poor and ignorant, is a
crime against the race. As people
become moro intelligent, they haye
fewer children, and I venture to say
that after many people have bad
children grown, if they had tho ex
perience over again they would have
"So long as conditions remain as
they are now it ifl foolish for work
ing people to marry, and still moro
foolish for them to have children if
they do marry, for every child born
to them is a new little slave of mine
or mill."
Tennessee Medics in Session.
Nashville, Tenn., April 14. Tho an
nual meeting of the Tennessee Stato
Modlcal Association, which began hero
today, is one of the largest ever held
by the association. Prominent physi
cians and surgeons of Memphis,
Knoxvlllo, Murfreesboro, Jackson,
Chattanooga and other cities aro pres
ent. A wide range of subjects of in
terest to tho fraternity will bo dis
cussed during the three days sessions.
Races Postponed.
Garden City, Long Island, April 14.
A heavy rain driven by a Ftrong
wind today, caused the postponrmeut
of tho trial automobile races to decide
who will bo vnt to Ireland with AI
exander Winton to compete for the
world's champlonsi-.'p over a 320 uiuo
course. Tho trials will be tomorrow
or Thursday.
Actress Suicides.
Berlin, April 14. Emma Urludt
once a famous actress, committed
suicide today by taking chloroform.
St. Louis Grand Jury Makes
Makes Startling Disclosures
in the Alum Bill Fraud.
Many Confess to Their Misdeeds in
Effect to Escape Imprisonment
Has Been Learned to Whom Sen
ator Collins Gave Five $1,000 Bills
at the End of the Session.
St. Louis, April 14. The grand Jury
is still in session at this place and
many disclosures havo been made
concerning the boodllng done by tho
members of tho state legislature.
So numerous and startling are these
disclosures that it is now only a
question of how many will confess to
their corruption in an effort to es
cape tho state penitentiary.
By a Bubpoenaed effort the grand
Jury has learned to whose credit State
Senator Collins placed Ave $1,000 bills
in the Lafayette National Bank.
Those bills were deposited only a few
days after the adjournment of tho legislature.
General Greely Goes North to Seek
Landing Place for New Line.
Spokane, April 14. General A. V.
Greely, chief of the United States
eignal service corps, passed through
the city this morning bound for Se
attle, where he will make arrange
ments for the landing of tho Alaskan
cable connecting that city with Ju
neau and Sitka.
The mission of General Greely at
this time in connection with tho lay
ing of the cable is to confer with
the coast army officers and the busi
ness men of Seattle relative to a
place for the landing of the cable.
While the ocean wire is intended as
a war measure, it is also to be used
for commercial purposes.
The idea of the department has
been that the landing be made at
Fort Lawson. However, if this was
the only landing the remoteness from
Seattlo would destroy most of its
value for commercial purposes.
Two plans havo been suggested in
this connection. The one most favor
able Is to land the cable at the fort
and connect It with- a land wiro to
tho city. The work of laying the ca
ble Is to be undertaken at once. The
general during his Western trip will
also arrange many other details.
Northern Securities Counsel Will Con
fer With Attorney-General and the
Merger WW Conform to the Laws.
New York, April 14. It is stated in
well-informed quarters this afternoon
on Wall street that no appeal will be
taken in the Northern Securities caso.
Tho counsel together with some of the
largest bankers Interested will pro
ceed to Washington and lay their
course before Attorney-General Knox
and arrange if possible with him a
status quo for tho securities Involved
which will entirely conform to the
Will Take Place May 1 in All the
Carriage Shops of United States.
Los Angeles, April 14. Word has
been received by the locai carriage
makers' union of a general strike on
May 1 to tako effect In evevy shop in
the country. The men want a nine
h'our day and a minimum scale of 3
per day.
Negro Ghouls on Trial.
Indianapolis, April 14. The attor
neys defending tho negro ghouls at
tempted this morning In tho trial of
Sam Martin to have the Indictment
quashed. The Judge overruled tho
Will Be Hanged.
Houston, Texas, April 14. Charles
Greene, accused of criminal assault
and murder, who escaped tho death
stake by the timely arrival of tho
militia, was this morning sentenced
to bo hanged.
Trial Race.
Weymouth, England, April 14.
Without spinnakers, tho trial of tho
Shamrocks first and third this morn
ing resulted in a victory for the third
by six minutes.
Czar's Patience is Mwut Ex
hausted in the Matter of
Reforms in Turkey.
Correspondent to the Berlin Tageblatt
Reports That the Russian Embas
sador to the Porte Has Informed
the Sultan That He Will Have to
Take the Consequences.
Berlin, April 14. A Constantinople
correspondent to tho Tageblatt wires
his paper today that tho Russian am
bassador to tho Porto has Informed
tho sultan that tho czar's patlenco
Is about exhausted and that Russia
intends to formulato a scries of de
mands which Turkey must accept or
take the consequences. A Turko
Russian conflict, tho correspondent
says, appears imminent.
Elnht Battalions of Troops Have Been
Concentrated by Turkey at Ferizo
vlteh .
Constantinople, April 14. Tho gen
eral opinion hero Is that tho commis
sion sent to pacify tho Albanians will
prove unsuccessful, thus making tho
use of force by tho Turk Inevitable.
Eight hattallonB of troops hnvo been
concentrated at Kcrlzovitch.
Blackmailers Threaten to Destroy
Montgomery, Ind., Unless Paid
Washington, Ind., April II. People
in the town of Montgomery aro ex
cited over letterB received by leading
citizens announcing that unless $2,000
Is left in a Jar at tho end of a brldgo
west of that place, tho writers would
burn and dynamite the cntlro town
within a few days. They call atten
tion to tho three Incendiary fires of
the past three weeks and say theso
are simply warnings.
No New Facts so Far Have Been
Brought Out in Case.
Frankfort, Ky., April 14. Colonel
Jack Chlnn, the witness In tho How
ard trial today, told of accompanying
Goobel to the capital city tho day of
the murder. Colton, tho star wit
nesg In former trials, followed. Noth'
Ing new has so far been elicited,
President Roosevelt Is Now at Slough
Cuek In National Park.
CInnlbar, Mont., April 14. Presi
dent Roosevelt left camp at Black
snako in the park this morning, and
moved to Slough Creek, 18 miles from
Fort Yellowstone. His next camp will
be on Yellowstone Lake, 50 miles distant.
Fire In Rome, N. Y.
Rome, N. Y., April 14. Flro this
morning destroyed tho Washington
opera house and damaged tho Arl
ington hotel. Tho loss is $20u,000.
Later Estimates,
By later estimates of tho Homo flro
the loss Is $100,000,
Great American Handicap.
Kansas City, Mo.,' April 14. All
roads for trap shooters will load this
week to Blue River Shooting Park,
where tho greatest tourney of tho
year opened today under tho auspices
of tho Interstate Association. Tho
chief event will ho tho grand Ameri
can handicap, which will bo contest
ed Thursday, though Important sweep
stako and handicap matches Will also
bo shot on other days, beginning to
day. Several thousand dollars will
be awarded to the victors In the vari
ous events and much moro will prob
ably bo wagered on tho outsldo.
McClelland vs. Ryan.
Toronto, Ont., April 14. Jack Mc
Clelland, of Pittsburg, and Billy Ryan
of Syracuse, aro to furnish tho fistic
entertainment for tho patrons of tho
Crescent Athletic Club tonight. Tho
articles call for 20 rounds at 128
pounds. The two aro among the clov
erest fighters In the featherweight
class and aro oxpected to put up an
interesting contest. t
8ais for Algeria.
Marseilles, April 14. President
Loubet sailed for Agerla today .
Will Result From Disclosures Before
Cole County Grand Jury in Mis
souri. Jefferson City, April 14. Tho Colo
county special grand Jury adjurnod
this morning on account of the death
of tho foreman's mother. Moro sen
satloual ovidence Is expected In tho
alleged baking powder trust corrup
tions. Yostorday's disclosures aro
said to ho sufficient to result In
many indictments for bribery.
The Stock situation Much Confused
London Takes Hopeful View.
New York, Appril 14. Wall street
this morning was visibly unsettled
nnd confused over tho stocks situa
tion. London Is taking a moro hope
ful view and bought rnthor heavily
of American BccnrltleB. On tho curb
tho panic was soon over tho list aver
aging a point higher than last night's
Tho Block market advanced rapid
ly tho last half hour to tho best
prices of tho day and closed strong.
Two Austrian Killed and Two Others
Fatally Injured.
Plttbburg, April 14. In a premature
dynamite blaBt In tho Mount Wash
ington tunnel this morning, two Aus
trian laborers wero killed nnd two
others were fatally injured. Tho ac
cident Is attributed to carelessness.
Largest Liner Afloat.
Bremen, April 14. Immcnso crowds
gnthcred to witness tho start of tho
liner Kaiser Wllhelm II on her maiden
voyngo to America. She Is tho larg
est liner afloat and coBt $3,000,000.
Sho accomodates nearly 2000 passengers.
Summer Resort Burning.
New Orleans, April 14. West End,
tho famous summer resort outsldo
tho city, Is burning. It will bo a to
tal loss.
District Attorney Hall Has Been Or
dered to Baker City to Investigate
the Shooting of Chinese Last Sum
mer In Malheur County.
Baker City, Oro., April 14. Last
week's visit to this city by United
States District Attorney John II, Hall
has served to rcnow discussions of
tho reported outrugo perpetrated upon
defenseless Chlnnmen nt Mormon Ba
sin last summer, nnd In tho Intorest
of which Attorney Hall was hero. It
was given out that Undo Sam's bar
rister had been ordered to Baker City
by Attornoy Gcnoral Knox, who was
In receipt of an indemnity demand
from the Chlncso legation at Wash
ington. Tho celestials nro credited
with having tendered a "hill' to tho
government of $100,000.
Mormon BaBln is located about 40
miles from horo, lying Malheur coun
ty, JtiBt over the lino dividing It from
Baker. It Is a prosperous mining
camp, nnd nmong its Inhabitants aro
a number of Chlnnmen. Tho almond
eyed residents engago mostly In min
ing nnd rollow their traditional prac
tice) of colonizing and living apart
from tho "white dovllB." Ono night
last summer a gang of toughs nssall
ed tho quarters of tho Chlnoso, mur
derously attacking tho Inmates, three
of whom they succeeded In seriously
wounding. Then thoy flrcd n portion
of tha settlement.
Engineer and Fireman Killed
Brakeman and Boy Injured.
Washington, April 14. Advices re
ceived from tho Southern railway say
that a fast train ran into a rock Blldo
10 miles below Conoyds, N. C, last
night. Tho engineer and firemen wero
killed and a brakeman and a boy
slightly Injured. Tho engine was upturned.
Johnson-Newlands Wedding.
Washington, D, C, April 14, A
wedding of noto today was that of
Miss Edith Newlands, oldest daugh
ter of Senator Newlands of Nevada,
to Charles II. L. Johnson, son of tho
lato Dr. W. W. Johnson, of this city.
Tho ceremony was quietly porformod
at tho Newlands homo at Woodley,
tho Rev, Dr. Thayer, of St. Mark's
school, Now Hampshire, officiating.
Tho wedding is tho culmination of a
romance begun a year ago in Nevada,
where Mr, Johnson accompanied Mr,
Newlands, then a member of tho
house of representatives, as privato
secretary, and when the eldest daugh
ter of tho senator mado ono of hor
rare visits to her Western homo.
Surveys Completed for the
Mains and Laterals in Pen
dleton System.
Will Drain an Area of 420 Acres Cart
Be Added to at Will Mains Are
All to Be ZO-lnch Pipes 42,000 Feet
WIM Be Used.
G. N. Miller, the engineer who will
put In the new sower system, is busi
ly engaged In making, nt C. E. Trout
man's ofTico. tho drawings following
tho preliminary survoys for tho ox
tension. His report, Including tho
blue prlntB, will bo ready to submit
to tho sower committee In two or
three days. Tho report will recom
mend as follows:
Ono main, to stnrt nt St. Joseph's
Academy on East Court and oxtond
westward to tho Intersection of tho
diagonal of Court street with Altai
thenco west to tho O. R. & N. right of
way: thenco following tho right hand
side of tho right of way to tho rlvor.
This main will bo approximately two
miles In length. Another main to
stnrt where tho rnco crossos Mill
street, and extending westward on
Webb street to Stnr; thenco it will
connect ono block north of Webb with
tho Alta street main. This main will
bo n llttlo less thnu ono mllo In
length. Another main will begin at
tho corner of Collego nnd Bluff
streets and oxtond westward on Bluff
to Ann street. It will bo one-half
mllo In length. Anothor main will be
gin on Court stroet directly north of
tho courthouse, nnd oxtond westward
on Court street to Star, thon south
ono block to Intersect with tho Alta
street sower. It will bo thrco-rourths
or a mllo long. Anothor main will be
gin nt tho corner of Beauguard and
Lewis and extend westward on Lowls.
to Water; thenco It will extend west
ward to Willow; thenco southward to
tho Court streot main. This sewor
will bo three-fourths of a mile long.
On tho north sldo tho main will start
at tho corner of Jnckson nnd Orant
Btrcots and extend enBtwnrd on Jack
son to tho Main Btreot brldgo, whicli
It will cross and Intersect near tho
Bouth end of tho brldgo tho Wator
street main. This main will bo ono
half mllo in length.
Thero will bo two miles of laterals
on tho north sido connecting with
tho Jackson street main. On tho
south Bldo thoro will bo flvo laterals,
on Mill, Clay, Mnrkot, Post and
Frnnklln streets, each approximately
two blocks In longth nnd connecting
to the northward with tho Alta street
Tho extensions ns otitllnod and de
scribed nbovo will bo of sufficient ca
pacity according to Mr. Miller, tn
drain an area of 420 acres, upon
which can congregnto a population
of between 25,000 and 30,000 people,
accepting tho donBlty of population
of tho avorago town aa a basis for
calculations. Tho cntlro plans aro
mado with tho possibility In view of
still furthor extensions If it should
over bo roqulred, without any alter
ations being mado to tho system that
will ho mado undor theso plans slm
plo connections aro nil that will bo
The mains aro all to bo 20-Inch pipe
and tho lattorals four and six-Inch.
With mains and luterals altogether,
thoro will bo 42,000 feet of pipe used
In tho extension. Thero will ho 81)
manholes nnd 20 automatic flush
A feature of tho plans that should
bo notod and not forgotten Is that
thoyallow of a thorough and easy
flushing of the ontlro system by grav
ity alono from tho Byors race, if tbo
futnro should evor develop thtt ad
visability of bo doing.
Kanawha Fields the Only Ones Rep
resented Mitchell and Other Offic
ials Present Strike May Bo Order
ed at This Session.
Huntington, W. Va.. April H. A
Joint conferonco of tho coal opera
tors and tho United Mlno Workers of
West Virginia convoned at noon.
Tho operators are from tho Kana
wha fields exclusively. Not another
field In tho stato Is represented. All
the minors' stato officers aro present.
John Mitchell will arrive tonight,
Opinions differ as to whether a
strike will bo ordered this Rcselon. It
Is now known that tho Norfolk &
Western and also tho Now River op
orators will entirely Ignore tho mooting.
. , V... u I iffl J. "I. II...IUW