tstmss oaf as ana societies 0FESSI0N8 AND TBAW PHYSICIANS. ' - trrnn rHLK. v i r. m. ; 1 ILI.KR. trouble, cmw sou Impaired neanuK. !XLt fd . retire er rorrKH) --. 1l3v 1 iu ib i inn Ik. -t -jtatrn nil. irFIEU office n J una T3;re.- 24. 'no. main Ml; . PHYSICIAN 11- Bio .i H eje. ear, nose main. AND SUB WIfiftAHV.:. A.m Mock. Telephon ' .-c nMKMtnB.CHnOSIC " jiuflDI ana J"..".hSif. main, 721 : rea trf, 273. - nOTI!flPTn, FRATERNAL ORDERS. DAMON LODGE, NO. 4, MEETS EVEHY Monday evening In Secret Society hall. TjiDow block, at Tendteton Ore. n. W. Fletcher, K. It. S.; W. J. Kcyes, C. C. PENDLETON CHICLE NO B27,WOMEN of Woodcraft, meeta every Friday erea Ing at Henrtrlr hall. All visiting neighbors are cordially Invited to attend. Minnie Stlllman, Guardian Neighbor; Eva Flet cher, Clerk. trf, 273. - .r. naTIsnPATIl. vi ii'" :,-.. Telephone, 813 Tnomi""" 44. , . " .... . t! A Nil Mitt OCULISTS. DK. W. W. GAR rftton. Graduate optician. The only complete optical 1 parlor In the city. .i. Annlnt amith flf l tiAniornn. lire., in: BtiCl., . i ... I (or examination auu DENTISTS. bnlldloe- Thone, red, i 1 . MIh.AJU.. w TDOue, 1-u .i. BOARD AND LODGING. NKU:1'DRNI31IEd"rOOM8 Vor RENT 0N Eait Alta atreet, second door from Wheelers gallery, HOTEL ALTA. COItNEIt ALTA AND Mill streets. Hoard by the day or week. OooA tabic set. Kate. .-, ru and tlio per week, l'endleton feed yard In connection. W. W. Edmlsten, Prop. THE STKAHON riOOMTNGHOl'SE, G1S Main street. Mrs. II, R. Cooper, Prop. Everything strictly first-class, ltntes 25c, fiOc and fl per day. WHEN YOU QO TO MLOT ROCK STOP AT tbo City lintel. Good meals and trst class rooms, special attention given to commercial travelers Mrs. 0. II. Uictel, I'llot Ro;k, Ore THE WHITE BOARDING AND LODGING House, 301 South Main street. Mrs. Helen Whlttemoro Tron. Housekeeping rooms and lodging rooms. Good comfortable rooms and clean, well-kept beds, Lodging 3.1 cents. FURNISHED AND HOUSEKF.EPIN0 ROOMS at No. 777 Thompson street LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. THE DEPOT STAIILKS, COTTONWOOD street, between Alta and Webb streets, II. Stewart Prop. Host care taken of hones. Good stables and plenty of feed. THE CITY LIVERY HOARD AND SALE Stable, M. 3. Carney, proprietor, for fine turnouts, staple us Aita street. FEED AND SALES STAI1LE. LINDSBY & Doty props.: Old Semple Stable, T23 Cottonwood street ; carerui attention given to horses left with us. COMMERCIAL STABLES, G. M. FROOME Prop. Livery, feed and boarding. All kinds of turnouts. Competent drivers. Op poslte Hotel Pendleton, 'Phone, main 101 n.i nw ciiorirriPJ. n. ran ir ni I'pnn.vivaiiiii. i . j..,,ti. in rvari iinirK hi i Co's. drug store, rnone ueu mi. - . ...... . , t. . rn a flfr ttf ii v a l i i.n. iiiiniiunii. . nil 1 1 u ni' . . . . - . NATIONAL RANK OF ATHENA, Capital, jou.uuu; surplus auu J0.00O. Intertst on time deposits. n fore en and domestic exenance. 8 LeOiow. cashier: I M. Kemp, . r i ... a 1 .1 i-s nrnmntlv nttrnriprt tn. H. Jamevon. mn w. m Jnnni. i J. I'nct u. rENDLGTON SAVINGS BANK, riwi nrivnn iirfiiniKMi Mirrn l. Cipltil, (30,000; surplns, $100,000; siiosea on an time aepostu. ex bought and sold on all principal Special attention given to col- Ice-prtsldent ; T. J. Morris, cashier: Win. I. (I.nl nD.ti la. NATIONAL HANK OF I'ENDLE- upiui, 570,000 ; surplus. 193,000 ; ind telegraphic transfers sold on nd rraneiaen. New y one ana i China. Jniinn and EuroDe. Makes) r V iri. i l.. . i r T. t ,.i viitl'Uilinil.lUn AISII HI ll.lll.K. HOWABD, AUCHlTi:CT AND KU- COLE, CONTRACTORS AND n. Latlmates furnished on short Job work a specialty. Prompt "ve "iit street near uaia. IlAY. rrivrninrtt, .r. r. lurmsnea on an Kinds vwciu wa .R. Bfnni walla, mtf . .-"it uregonian oice. i..7.:.""L""l-imM.l AKU BU- - liuuui lei. A mmfj l mw I'todleton. Oregon. THE TELEPHONE LIVERY, FEED AND SALE Htsbie. court street, oi.posite uoim House; boarding horses a specialty; good turnouts; rig detivereo ; rnone nam ssi. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS IS, S. ISItYSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW! Collections mil Ituunuc. 3tlUi In E. O, building, J M. HENTLEY REPRESENTS THE OLD est and most reliable Are and accident insurance companies. Office with Hartman Abstiact Co. i GROWS V) Y HAIR LIKE THIS U within a few months. Kiswcko's llimnciDi; kills the dandruff genns that ciikc falling hair and fm.tlly baldness. No other revration but 1 femicide kills the dan- driillirerm. Destrovthe cause, you remove the cffccL Hernicide is a delightful liair dressing for regular toilet use. I.ivixcstojt, Most., Sent. CO, w I have useil one-linU liotile ot llerplel.le. nn.l my bend U tree from lUnilrtitt ninl my ImtriUict not fall out nt formerly. 1 hiii very much entlnuM over the results, nml linve rrcnmniemleilUto n unrulier of my frlemls. illl!l 1 MMnOLlI jialiiwin. THEY MAY COMBINE AMERICA, ENGLAND AND CANADA ONE. Andrew Carnegte Is Sure Time Will Bring About Union of the Three, In suring the Peace of the Worltl. Andrew Carnojsle Is quoted na uny. ItiB In his reply to an Invitation to at tend n demonstration of Canadian bom persons from all parts of the continent, to he hold In July: "Any such movement as that which you describe moves me deeply. Tho oftcner people of the old homo and the now Kathcr together, and tho bet ter they know each other, the sooner will come that day, which I am certain is to come, when they will bo united and Insure the peace and prosperity of the world. That the people of Canada and of Great Ilrttaln aie to remain divided, talking of boundaries and military forces on one side or the other; to protect one from tho other, Is not to bo thought of. Some day they will come together and move to cetlmr in nil International affairs. In WANTED. WE WANT A REPRESENTATIVE IN TDIH mate to present our bnslneaa our proposi tion Is an exceptional one and offers to a good reliable, honest party, with relerences, not less than 1100 per montn. No canvassing or ap pointing ol agents. A bona tide, legitimate business. Address with stamp, O. O. Pulsl'sr & Co., Lumber Exchange, Boatlto, wasn. WANTED BOARDERS AND ROOMERS AT Mrs. Ilelcomb's, 31;lMalu strict) gentlemen preferred. WANTED 8KWINO IN FAMILIES nY FIRST class seamstress. Call or address 410 Ann 81, wantkd-work: AT washing, IRONING or houso cleaning. Inquire at T01 Alta St. IN POUND THE FOLLOWING DK set ll)e,l onlmals luvo been taken up by the manhal ot the City of Pendleton, to " One roan horse, about IS ycais old, weight 7M pounds; b.andnot visible. One bay mare, about Treats old, weight 1U0O pounds; brand ed J A C. Thteo jeailing coltst one bitmn, with white facet one bay with white taee and legM one bay with white hind legl brands not visible, one chcstnnt sorrel, ahout 8 years old, weight about lore pounds; white t ce and right hind leg; brand not visible, nua black cult, wlilto itjlpo In lace, one year old; branded Ton left blp. One brown mare, white spot In taea, about 7 years old; branded T unlcit hip. One brown mare with youeg colt, weight about C0 pounds, S jearsnld; brand not visible. Ouo sorrel mare with while ttrlne In tare and two whim hind lift, hliuiit 3 years old, weight about SCO pounds One brown cult, nbout I year old; brand not visible. One bay mure with wtatio strlpo In face, and young it; THE GOE COMMISSION CO, Holds no customer re sponsible for more than the margin lie places on a trade. A margin of one cent a bushel is required on grain, anil $2 a share on stocks. An eighth cent a bushel commission is charged on grain and H of one per cent on stocks. tihoiit ! venrinldt brand not visible. One, Iino.i il,... ...in ( i.,i .iirr,.iiii n Ibiycolt, whl'tu spot In lo'obend; one white deed, thoy will not bo dlffeici t i,if,ri loot, branrttd with ludltn brandon right HOMES 1 , Pendleton and out a few miles. Farms or Bmall Tracts. $10.50 per acre buys ICOacro farm with crop, 9 miles from town. $0,000 buys 4S0 ncres, spring water, 9 miles out. $3,200 buys ICO acres, new homo, only 2 miles from Pendleton, $4,500 buys 300 acres, part bottom, some timber, growing crop a rare bargain. $SO0 buys 5-ncre homo near city limits, mostly bottom in alfalfa just what you are looking for. $1,500 buys 20 lots Irrigated, l'rnlt; buildings. $2,200 5-acre home; well improved bottom land, irrigated for garden and chickens. $2,000 A 10-acte home; well improv ed; fruit. 440 acres; choice grain land, 9 miles out. $7,000. N. T. Conklin. :At Postoffice.: Phone, Red 277. tions, Thev will be one politically, as they are one racially." PROGRESS AT THE HIGHLAND. JOHN IIAILEY, JR., U. S. LAND COM mlsslooer Specialty made ot land filing and proof: Insurance and collections. Of fice In Judd building, room 10. JOE H. PARSES, OFFICE 120 COURT ST. land office business, such as filing ot claims and Initiating contest! a specialty. TONSORIAL PARLORS. HILLY 1CRASSIG, HARDER SHOP AND bath rooms. Main street, three doors north of Hotel St. George. First-class service. NEW TONSORIAL PARLORS, COURT ST. Three doors west of Golden Rule hotel. J II. Pace, prop. First-class workmen; everything clean ; all modern Improvements. PATTON'S-SANITARY-UARUER SHOP, Despaln block: Court street: best work manship; all the modern Improvements; nil tools sterllleed; bath rooms In connection. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. STAR EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 6S8 Main St.; It you need belp or seek : env playment call on na. 'Phone, main 1011. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STRODLE, DEALER IN SECOND band goods. If there Is anything yon In nAur mnA Annr1.hft nd fnmtture. stoves, granite ware end crockery, call and get nis prices, io. i- v-uuit n-v NEW AND SECONDHAND G00D8 bought and sold; pawn brokers: money advanced on all kinds of articles. Waters . Sherry, props., 732 Cottonwood street BLACKSMITHING. COPELAND & SON, GENERAL I1LACK smithing and repairing; horseshoeing a specialty: work promptly attended to: call and see us: shop 314 West Webb street. Just three blocks below Main atreet. FOR 8ALE. ttLLEl;, PL4BTEUINQ and c.r. fualshw T "Pwaiu. . - order. o 'ir- "orK guaranteed. Tr St Bsdlsr and 7.ehnr' rli-.r "" street ! o mi CABS AND CARRIAGES. Comiaerelsi r?; McKay, props. Call "1 and the Lack will call for ' street ... 4" "d "l"ng II.. ' urnitrt in Mi oruiVr'l for'eltrTc Mlaltr utt Prices. Repair fwr""". THK rr A Ca. WP ' rear of tndlnger, FOR HALK AT A BARGAIN A SIX-ROOM house with bath, Pntry, and cellar: two acres ot ground; good water; Ha7l street, west Pendleton. Inquire ol J. P. tarl, or ot Fred Karl at Peoples w arehouse. VOB SALE-LODGING HOUSK. SKESPOONK more and liruiumett, .'Jti K- Court tit. Real BARGAINS in REAL ESTATE NEW TODAY $1000 buys S00x5S2 feet of sightly building jiroiierty, north side. VCfl i.u,. ovi-flltlll bllllllllll' lots, stone wall and sidewalk, W. Court. J1800 buys three lots on nortu slue; corner and good C-rootn house. tlSOO, corner lot, and co.tage nearly new, $3060, four lots aud splendid resi dence, a very cheap property. $2UO0. four acres, edgeoftown.house, barn, 200 fruit trees. $2260, 113 acres, X miles froui town N. E., 80acies In cultivation, 60 lu wheat, up ulcely, 4-rooiu house, good t350, a graded lot, stone wall, north side, east front, sightly location. $10,000, half a sectlou of choice fann ing land, crop Included. Thene are entirely new offers, but 1 have many more and would Ilbe an opportunity to talk them over with you. E. T. WADE - E. O. BUUiJJinu SYRUPS Monopole, Rock Candy, Red Star and White Rose in half gallons, gallons, jackets and pails. HOT HOUSE VEGETABLES Lettuce Radishes Onions Celery THE Standard Grocery Court Street Low Sellers of Groceries GOOD SOUND WOOD Is always received when you place your order with us. Fir. Tamarack and ..Pine.. Why buy poor coal when you ran Pet the hest for the same n ptice? Laatz Bros. Telephone Main 5 J Neil J. Sorensen Tells of the High Grade Ores Now Being Uncovered. The lead recently crosscut In the Glasgow claim of the Hlglilniul prop erty shows n body of high Rfnile mill ing oi-o 10 leet between the walls, on the west end line of tho Olnsgow, and near the east end lino of the Hatmock Hum. says the Miner, It Is all solid ore of a good milling quality. The company Is now turning to drift on the vein In order to get under the richer bodies which hnve been un covered on the surface, anil which have been thoroughly demonstrated to exist throughout tho entire length of the Hnnnock Hum claim. The property Is showing up In lino shape. When naked as to the quality of shipping ore, a member of the firm of Nell J. Sorensen & Co., financial agents for the Highland, Bald: "We have ores cnrrylng surface values In gold alono which we can ship to any smelter In the United States with the full assurance that they will bring rich returns to the company. We have had assays from surface cropplngs running as high as $10iHi to the ton. As to milling oie, of course you understand that we consider largo bodies of greater value than smaller streaks of ex ceptionally high grade stuff. In this direction the company Is especially fortunate since Its ore bodies have been proved to be or enormous extent." kin It said at lroals tiro not claimed by the pwnrrs or those entitled to tlio possession, costs and csprnsrs against tnom paid, mid tliiMi tnkrn nwnr within ton flats from the dole hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. ot th? Wml djr ol April, IWI, trie sum nnlmala will be sold to tho highest bidder, nt public miction for rash, at the city noiiiut. on the corner of Cottonwood and Webb streets, In the City of l'endleton, the proceeds of such snle to be applied to tho payment or sucn costs ami expenses or maa inc sale, listed this intb day ot April, 10O1. J. A. HLAKKLY, City Marshal. HOTEL8. GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Comer Court and Johnon Streets, l'endleton, Oregon, IYI. F. Kolly, Proprlotor. STRONG TESTIMONY. This is Pendleton Testimony and Will Stand Investigation. If you should doubt the following and wish to Investigate, you haven't to go to some other state In the union to prove It. It's not a long story pub lished In Pendleton newspapers about a resident In Kalamazoo, Mich., or Tampa, Kla. It's about a resident of l'endleton and given In his own words. No stronger proof can be had. H. A, Thompson, retired, who lives on Stonewall Jackson street, says: "My kidneys troubled mo by spells for 10 years .and at such times with a steady dull aching across my back. I used largo quantities of various kinds or medicines said to be good for it, but they never benefited me enough so that I could notice It. Fi nally I got n box or Ooan's Kidney Pills at the Hrock & McComas Co. ding store and I found them to be Just what I needed. They went right to tho spot and not only relieved my backache, but cured It permanently. I will be only too pleased to tell others about the merits or this reme dy." For sale by nil dealers. I'rlce 50 cents per box. Fostor-Mllbiirn Co., Iltiffalo, N, Y sole agents ror tho United States. Remember tbo name OOAN'S and take no other. Engine, Boiler and Machinery REPAIRING Of all kinds is our specialty. All work guaranteed. Extra Parts Furnished for all Kinds of Harvesting Machinery. Manufacturer of RIGBY-CLOYE HARVESTER 709 East Alta Street. Baltezore & Howe's Old Stand. Freedmen Cases Come Up. Washington, D, C, April 13. Tho Chickasaw freedmen cases, which have attracted much attention, camo up Tor argument today bel'oie tho court or claims. There bus been a lone-standing controversy over the re lations or tho freedmen to the Indians or tho tribe. Tho present law pro vldes that each fieedman In the af lotmcnt of the property of the trlbo is ent t bd to n homestead or 40 acres Tho Chlcknsaws contend that this pi opei ty, ir taken rrom their lands, should bo nuid ror by the government This Is the niiestlon to be decided In the case now bel'ore tho court. Tillman Case up for Trial, Columbia, S. f. April 1.1 Tho court room was filled to overflowing today when tho case or James II. Till man. charged with the killing or N, (J, fionzales, editor or tho State, was called for trial. .Moro than 1&0 ot those present were persons who have been summoned us witnesses, iioth sides were reniesented by eminent counsel and the case promises to bo one of the most noted In the criminal annals or South Carolina. For Rent Suite of rooms In East Oregonlon building, Bteam heated Hot and cold water and bath room on same floor. Inquire at this omce, HEATED BY STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY American I'lnn, rntesl.sjn toll'J.OO lHr ilnv. Kiicnpenu I'lnn. flOo. 78o. 1.M). Special rale by wool; or month. Free 'bus meets all trains! Commercial trade solicited Fine sample rooms Special Attention Given Country Tra HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS 9s&riBstfsSBlBBBBBBBksflB GEO. DARVEAU. Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heateo European Plan. Block and a halt from depot. Sample room In connection. T. W. WADDICKS, Manager Pendleton Office 120 COURT STREET LOSSES ALWAYS MET PROMPTLY By the Fire Insurance Com panies we represent. Our companicb stand first in the world. Ana tit Hartford Fire Insurance t'o. 12,259,076 Alliance Assurance Co 29,030,91 Loudon A Lancashire Fire Insurance Co 2,544,333 North British A Mercantile Co 10,695,974 Royal Insurance Ct 22,807,153 FRANK B. CLOPTON AGENT 800 MAIN STREET Gray's Harbor Commercial Co. We Don't Keep Everything But we tin Keep tt gowl big stock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, Rustic ami Finish, In all grade. Also all kinds of Dimension Inunbtr, In cludlug Lath aud Shingle. Our stook of Doors, Win dows, Moultllug, Building and Tar i'aper aud Apple Boxes Is complete, aud auy one lu need of Lumber will not be wrong lu placing their order with the : : : Gray's Harbor Com. Ce. Off. W; C. R. Depot Bargains in ROOM RATE 50o, 76c, $1.01 THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON America Plan, U jwr day and upwaia uHMBrfr. fnr inurisia and commercial Ira elrs. Hiicclal rates mad to families and slngU rrntlrmtii. The raauaicmcnt will be please at all limes to show rooms and islve l;is. i modern Turkish balh establishments the hoUt II, C, I10WKK6, Mauagtl The East Oreaonlan U Eastern Ore. Qon'a representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate It and show It bv their liberal patronage, ii is ins advertising medium of this section. Real Estate I have a larger aud butter list of Farms, Stook Ranchea and City Property to sell than ever before. Also a big lot of land in tho coining wheat section of Eastern Washington. N. Berkeley UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE OLD DUTCH HENRY FEED YARD Cor W. Alta and Lillith Sts. L. Nell, formerly of tho Hotel Alta, lias chnifie of the Old Dutch Henry Feed Yard, and would be pleased to care for your horses. Plenty o( stalls, large corrals for looso horses nnil cattle, Hay and grain for sale. Chop mill in con nection. . N ', H IIUUKHU'I"! ...... - VM stlDHt on, Btopa pisnwiuisnsM, "luPi """I Bill Mmlf Fj.ilrt. " Klkvl, r ImniwTlsW. luiji.il tluor aui KA2J s tlfa. lioii't iret ilioinlnt, rui Mat haiul. lustores snail, BELL I ". H'ifs-taTrMTJ sf.l 1 g.3 rsl Z I 41 l I SSIIIaliavlJlj.elllllUMti'V.rwyeaisujr 11 .ir!i. .if iiii akiiM.dl'iliialloa, esMWMs, urcleretl smoking-. Cures loat Impotanqv, Lost Powar, Headache, Unfitness to MorrK i,tK!-.M",orclffreu.iuoklii(r. OuresLoat Manhood, Nlnht-Lossea, apermatorrnoealnsomnla, Pain slam. Lossofaiemen, ssssssaai Varicocele, or Con uiin uuutf rilnx triua oue Tssltehlnav of putency ti evorj ruu uauvliiit oriraus. SvuBuaruutM.tu curwiiS1 Remedy Co., San Franolsco.OaU SOLD BV TALtMAN & CO., DRUQQI8T8, PENDLETON, OREGON,