East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 13, 1903, Image 6

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The new high grade roof
ing for low cost work. On
iheds, factories, warehouses,
barns, depots, wharves. All
buildings of large roof sur
face that require protection
from the elements. A better
roofing at the same price has
never been produced.
Send for booklet. 4
The Paraffine Paint Co.
San Francisco, Seattle,
Portland, Lot Angtlu
and Denver, Colorado.
Just received another
car load of Poultry and
stock supplies at ihej
Colesworthy i
127 and 129 East Alt Street
Bummer, the Mascot of Company D,
Will Enter Analn Oregon Jessie
After the East Oregonlan Prize.
Among the number of fino dogs not
yet montiouud by the East Oregonlan,
the following may go to Portland to
comncto for limes In the fourth an
nual show of the Portland Kennel
"Bummer," n giant yellow mastiff,
welching 145 pounds. 7 years old, own
i eu by T. T. Nelson, will compete for
the cliamnionshii) prize in his class.
"Hummer'' was the "mascot" of Oom;
, pany D for two years in the Philip-
pines, and Is a beautiful specimen.
I Ho has taken three prizes at the for
j mer meetings of tlm Portland Kennel
' Club, and Mr. Nelson will enter him
In this contest with hopes of carrying
off still more honors.
"Mark," an English pointer dog,
owned by J. W. Sewell, may compete
for honors. "Sir Daniel," a Scotch
collie, owned by Charles Ferguson,
and "Cour de I.eon," whose week-day
name Is "Jnck," a Scotch collie, half
brother to "Sir Daniel," may also en
ter the contest.
There Is every probability that the
East Oregonlan special prize cup, of
fered for the best pointer bitch, .will
come to Pendleton, as "Oregon Jes
sie." owned by F. F. Wamsley, stands
at the head of this class in the state.
The Oregon Daily Journal special
prize cup for the best pointer dog,
should come to Pendleton also.
Tho show opens on "Wednesday,
April 15, and lasts for tnree days.
Requisition Will Be Made on the War
Salem, April 13. Tho military
board of the Oregon national guard,
at Its last regular Quarterly meeting
at Salem, decided in view of the In
creased membership that will be re
quired for light Battery A, to recom
mend that requisition be made on tho
war department for two additional
breech-loading guns. The requisition
will call for two 3.2-inch breech-load
ing guns of the latest model, similar
to the two already In use by the bat-
tery. At tho present time the bat- j
tery consists of about 60 men, but in
case the request of tho board is grant- i
ed the additional guns will require 20
additional men, thus Increasing the
battery enlistment to a regular four
gun battery. The new gunB will of
course be complete with caisson, lim
bers and harness. They will require
12 horses to the gun. Increasing the
present number of horses necessary
from 24 to 48, in nddltlon to the
horses required by tho offlcors. In
case the new guns are granted, the
two gatling guns at -present In the
hands of the battery will very likely
be turned over to a company of In
fantry specially assigned to tahe
charge. The proposed Increase In the
strength of Battery A will make It ns
large as the city could well support,
It being difficult to secure horses for
the service when needed, the battery
navmg no horses of its own.
Two passengers were Injured seri
ously Friday at Battlo Creek. Mich.,
when a' Grand' Trunk train smashed a
trolley car.
Out of Cattle Business.
J. S. Holmes, who lives eight miles
south of the city, reports all crops,
Including his 200 acres of wheat, ns
being In fine .condition. The principal
crops out thero are wheat and barley,
and the outlook for both is very prom
ising. All livestock Is In good condi
tion and entirely free from disease.
Mr. Holmes has about completed the
disposal of his cattle with a recent
sale of 80 head and Intends to go out
of tho cattle business altogether on
account of the rapid shrinking of tho
range, which is going on now. Ho
will hereafter pay more attention to
raising mules and horses. Mr.
Holmes' experiences are a detail in
the transformation of the methods of
stock raising In this county, of which
the system of Intensive sheep rais
ing by the development of cultivated
forage, and so raising more sheep on
a given avea than heretofore Is an
other detail.
Robbed the Grave.
A startling Incident is narrated
by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as
follows: "I was In an awful condi
tion. My skin was almost yellow,
eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain con
tinually In back and sides, no appetite
growing weaker day by day. Three
physicians had given me up. Then
I was advised to try Electric Bitters;
to my great joy, the first bottle made
a decided Improvement. 1 continued
their uso for three weeks, and ' am
now a well man. I know they robbed
the grave of another victim." No
one should fall to try them. Only
fin cents, guaranteed at Tallman &
Co.'s drug store.
Wanted Two or three dozen chick
ens; Plymouth Rocks preferred. Ad
dress Bos 124.
The cough that holds on
in spite of all remedies needs
energetic and above all thor
ough treatment. A mere
cough mixture won't do.
Root out the cold that causes
the cough.
How? Scott's Emulsion.
Why Scott's Emulsion ?
Because it stops the irrita
tion, soothes the tissues and
heals the affected membranes.
When? Right away.
Scott's Emulsion begins to
help with the first dose.
We'll send you a umple free upon request.
SCOTT 1IOWNK, o9 Teatl Street, New York.
Going to
Repair your homes or places
of business by having them paint
ed or papered.
to us
Large and nicely selected
stock of wall paper and paints.
E. J. Murphy,
111 Court Street.
Agency for the Sherwin-Williams
. ii
As McCormick was the original Inventor of tho reaper and hed
er, so was "Best" the original Inventor of tho first successful Com
bined Harvester.
We wish to call the attention of our friends who contemplate
purchasing a Slde-Hlll Combined Harvester the coming season tint
we are still In tho lead In the way of improvements, In harvests
machinery, and which our farmer friends have rightfully named the
"KING OF THE FIELD." After watching Its work In tho Held the
past sixteen years, and for the season of 1903 It will be st d better
as we have made a number of valuable Improvements. '
The MACHINp is the stroncst and most durable made.
IMPROVED DRIVE WHEELS 5 feet 4 Inches high, 22 inch tire.
nunnrfniij i .uiut mi., ua. iucic is u DraKe OH
mam drive wneei, wuicn is couirunou uy um unver.
HEADER is driven IndepondenUy from the grain wheel of sep
arator, and Is arranged with a clutch for throwing in and out oj gear
wncn turning corners.
THE SEPARATOR Wo wish to call your attention particularly
to the separating qualities of our machine. We claim that no other
combined harvester on the market can' in any way compare with It
forspeed and thoroughness of work, in all kinds and condition! of
grain, ana will require less team 10 operiue iu
AUTOMATIC GOVERNOR Our patent wind governor on the
fans governs the blast bo that at any speed at which the harvester
may be traveling, the wind is automatically regulated and pievecti
cloglng the shoe ana carrying tne gram over in nte straw.
We take pleasure In inviting you to call on Temple & Wilcox.
Pendleton, and make a personal Inspection of each and every part o!
our machines before placing your orders. Every machine warrant-
ed to do nil we claim for It and to be first-class nl evry respect,
Local Agents
a (((! rff Tfffffrrfifrff fitiitftiiitiLittiiii ilviiiiiiiiiiiiii xiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiii it
MAY 15th, 1903
Development at the Highland Mine Justifies an Advance in the Price of Stock. It is Much More 3
Valuable Now Than When We Placed the First Allotment on the Market Some
Two Months Ago.
A crow of men have been constantly at work ever
since we acquired this property and the Glasgow crosscut
Las now encountered and fully crosscut the ledge. In this
ciosscut we have opened up a body of ore sixteen feet in
width carrying good commercial values.
In speaking of commercial values we mean ores
!':eh have n sufficient value to pay- for the extraction
milling and all other incidental expensea,-jtheieto, with
enf ugh of a margin left over to pay good dividends to tho
This large body of ore was not in the nature of a
surprise, we simply expected it, as tho surfaco dcvelop
nirnts snowed this same large body of ore, and there was
!io reason why it should not be encountered iu this cross
cut and at this depth.
We are now turning to drift on the ledge to the west
from the crosscut in order that we may open up the richer
cies at a greater depth which are found on the surface
throughout the Bannockburn claim.
This line of development, we believe, will prove very
interesting to all who are interested, or may becotno Inter
os ted in the Highland mine, as it will certainly open up
oip bodies rich in quality and in large quantities.
It will demonstrate that the Highland will rank as one
of the largest producers in tho district.
From now on tho development work will be com
paratively easy and not very expensive, as wo will be
drifting along tho ledge whore the ground is much easier
to work than in the country rock which encases the vein.
Every month will show a large increase in our ore reserves.
To any ono who wishes to invest a reasonable sum of
money in tho Highland mine, we will pay all traveling
e-vpenses to and from tho mine for the purpose of his
making a personal examination.
In offering you a free trip to the Highland wo feel
that this is proof within itself of the value of this prop
erty as it stands to reason that if wo di dnot have a good
in:ne there and all that we claim for it we could not offer
.A on such an inducement.
We would be only too glad to have each and every
on- who contemplates the investment of money in mines,
ci me out aud look over this property and tho district in
general. Tn offering to pay your expenses out here and
b.nek we feel that wo aro not running nny risk whatsoever
ns we know positively that no one, no matter how grea:
... - .. ! I... 1.. .3
nr conservative uu expert or mining engineer au miry it.,
could possibly, roughly speaking, "turn it down.
If you have not sufficient money yourself to justify
you in coming to the Highland to look it over before in
ve; ting, we would suggest that you and your friends make
up a small pool and send one of your number out here
to look over tho Highland. In this way we believe you
v 1 uld get absolute information as to the value of the prop
erty you invest your money in, and you will also have an
opportunity to learn all about tho reputation, standing
aud ability of tho directorn of the Highland cumptiiv.
Wo take pleasure in referring you to any bank, l't'?
ii(ss man, or mining mau in our own community.
H you wish to secure nny of this stock while it is
si lling at the low price you should send in your order as
quick as possible. Those who have not all the money on
hfnd to pay for as much stock as they wish to purchase,
may send us a portion of it and we will set tho stock aside
for you and you can pay the balance later.
In case all the stock we wish to sell you at this price should be sold
before your order is received, we reserve the right to retorn yotf
your money.
Address all communications, and make your cnecks, drafts and money
orders payable to
Deturfmonf fin. 1 1
Financial Agents Stimotet. Oregon
r (.1 L.-.Jit: j ,! ) frir. i4Li .t,. t1,
As Me .