East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 13, 1903, Image 5

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Brand New Line
. .. fUe nmst r.nnvenient and tht nmci
The uesi iub , mu-
i mrv sktrt on the market. It fits the waist and hips per
,lJ It has wide, circular flounce, designed especially for
I latest styles of dress skirts. It is seven gore, tailor made,
tfed top skirt, made up in the latest and most popular de-
s Four fasteners on each side, making it adjustable to
51 v size waist from 20 to 30 inches. Is made from the best
..! and by the most experienced operators. See window
g,7Pricefroin $2.00 to $1-00.
Corner Main and Alta Streets.
MOWAY APniL 13. 1903.
Anil 16 K, of P- convention at
alia Walla.
April 16, IT, 18 miann amiiira
April 17 Celebration founding of
e HUHiril Ui
prit 2U School district bond elec-
Mr 3 Second annual meeting o
vicbu" w.
!j Grande.
My 4 State supreme court at Pen-
May G State camp Modern Wood-
Walla Walla.
May 8-17 Pacific Coast Congress
Congregationalists, Seattle.
May 201. O. 0. F. grand lodge,
av zu. June a i-resnvierifln cen-
assembly. Los Angeles, Cal.
v 'ti vm ann .inn T 13 won
Ac .Jonrtlofnn
2. S and June 23, 24 Wool
4 Presbyterian Academy
Jane 4, 5, 6 Ninth annual Umatilla
5, 6 Wool sales. The Dalles.
Shaniko .
mie 14. Z4 -fMvtnt if iiiiv anvnnttot
A new novelty that is
greatly admired by all
lovers of the popular
game. Hat pins.ster
ling silver, in caddy
bag- Artistic and
Keep your eyes on our
window for all the
new novelties.
June 15, 10 Wool sales. Baker
June 17 Oregon Pioneer Associa
tion, Portland.
June 18, 19 Wool sales, Elgin.
June 23, 24, 25 State Federation of
Women's Clubs, Astoria.
July 2 Eastern Oregon G. A. It. en
campment. Union
July 6-10 Forty-second annual
meeting National Educational Asso
ciation, Boston, Mass.
July 7 Improved Order of Hedmcn
great council, Portland.
August 17 National G. A. It. en
campment, San Francisco.
September 8-11 National Irrigation
congress, Ogden, Utah.
Stock Farm for Sale.
We have the Jas. Lindsay farm,
near Alba for sale. It consists of 640
acres. 140 acres in timothy; more
than 200 acres In wild hay, which will
grow timothy. A portion will grow
wheat and barley, balance pasture;
abundance of water. All fenced;
good buildings.
Will sell in one, two or three tracts.
Easy terms.
g City Briefs
"The Resurrection."
On Wednesday, April 15, Tolstoi's
wonderful story, "The Resurrection,"
as dramatized by Charles W. Chase,
will be presented at the Frazer. All
who have read the great Russian's
thrilling story will be Interested In
witnessing its production on the
stage. It is a typical Tolstoi story;
the strong Russian virtues and hat
reds entering Into Its construction.
The Russion court scene, the road to
exile and the final triumph of love
and right in the northern prison are
strong points that deserve mention.
At the Frazer, April 15.
Looking for Horses.
L. B. Anderson,- the Seattle horse
buyer. Is in Pendleton and Is trying
to- buy horses. The horse buyers
meet with very poor luck buying in
this county this spring, the local suj
ply being practically exhausted aside
from the stock that is at work.
Street poll tax of the city of Pen
dleton is cow delinquent. Prompt
payment must be made or collection
will be enforced according to law.
City Marshal.
Quarantined for Scarlet Fever.
The home of C. O. Stephens, on
Beaugurd street, was this morning
quarantined on account of scarlet fe
ver. Two of Mr .Stephens' children
are now sick, but are getting along
very well.
Ditch Work Progressing.
Work is progressing rapidly on the
Boyer-Burllngame ditch in the Hud
son Bay country. One hundred teams
are at work and ten miles of the ditch
has been completed.
We have just received a
fresh supply of California
Olive Oil.
We uet this
ThU Oil is absolutely
III notice
do. It Is
California Olive Oil
tect from the growers lu ffeutimi-,, n .li-ni
,hvery n!rH,ro,v,e tuls tovour own .satisfaction If you w
ItorXrPHWe olive llavor. It ti. tn-t
wnadniJ!ou?t$rfeU this llavor and It is not found In any oil which
""d othersi .u . any considerable extent, because cottonseed oil
- -uu re practically tasteless.
. . Use Olleo mi ...
. r lard. ""every kind of frying or whsrever you use butter
din..!? PPle. UO don 1 if miill0 mta,u mi oviuinali'A fnr or
of butW. ' 1 IS uoti a quart of oil is equal to about two pounds
" '''"d to show you our oil.
AiiMiii - nvr-arn rnK & .11111 L iiuum
Choice meats at Houser's.
Try QraU's clam chowder.
Oyster cocktails at QraU's.
Beat thoe work at Teutsch's.
House to rent, $8. E. T. Wade.
Smokers' supplies at Neuman's.
Ice cream and soda. The Delta.
Ladles' half soles 40c. Teutsch.
W. D. Fechter, toacher- of the violin.
Drop into Clark & Co.'s for a social
Spring samples, large line, at Joer
Fish and pouttry, Lyman's 310
Have your shoes repaired at
Clark & Co.'s new cigar store for
good smokos.
Nice furnished rooms to rent at
309 Court street.
Hays' cigar store, headquarters for
smokers' supplies.
Smoke "The Pendleton Favorite,"
made by J. Devlin.
All kinds of Imported and domestic
lunches at Gratz's.
Clark & Co.'s new cigar store now
open, Ell building.
Good housekeeping rooms for rent,
407 West Alta street.
Have you had your shoes repaired
at Teutsch? Try him.
A new seven-room house for sale
at cost. N. T. Conklln.
The Delta Ice cream parlors are
now open for the season.
Fresh stock of candles and fruits
at Miller's, 209 Court street.
A house for sale on installments,
$15 per month. N. T. Conklln.
Imported llmburger and Swiss
cheese sandwiches at Gratz's.
"El Sidelo," the best cigar made, at
Rees" cigar store. Court street.
A paying business for sale, small
capital required. N. T. conklln.
Complete line of bulk and package
garden and flower seeds. Nolf s.
Lot for sale; great bargain; Raley's
addition. Inquire at 403 Alta street.
The Oregon Daily Journal can be
found on sale at Frazler's book store.
Children's Easter hats at Mrs.
Campbell's. See our special window.
Our new spring patterns for suits
are for Inspection. Selbert & Schulz.
Nice furnished rooms to rent at
309 W. Court street. 'Phone and bath,
For Rent Furnished lodging
house. Inquire of Rlhorn & Swag-gert.
Blacksmith shop in Pendleton for
sale. See Earnhart, Association
N. A. Miller, of Athena, will begin
the erection of a brick storo building
at once.
The interior and exterior of the
Younger grocery store have been re
painted .
Mrs. Campbell has received her
third invoice of beautiful dress and
street hats.
There are now about 100 pupils at
the Catholic mission school on the
For Sale Residence with one, two
or three lots, located at 617 Jane
street. Call at house.
The Graduation exorcises at Pen
dleton Business College have been
postponed until May 7.
The scarlet fever quarantine will bo
lifted tomorrow from the home of
Perry Gould and Samuel Lowe,
A six-rom house with bath, two
lots, fruit and shade, near the
churches, $2,200. N. T. Conklln.
E. N. Smith, who lives 10 miles
south of the city, will build an addi
tion to his residence this spring.
Houser always furnishes good
meat. Send In your order. Market
Alta street, opposite Savings Bank.
For Sale A ladies' Hartford bicy
cle. Has been used only a short
time. Price $23. Call at E. O. office
and se it.
A. P. Myrick, of Helix, has Just had
drilled by Beddow Bros., a wejl 17C
feet deep, which has 40 feet of excel
lent water.
Wanted A good cook at the Uma
tilla Indian school, to cook for nine
persons. Wages $25 per montn. Ap
ply at once .
For Sale A ladles' Hartford wheel,
nearly new. Has been used n few
weeks; $23. Call and see It at East
Oregonlan office.
Stallion for sale; four years Id;
weight about 1C00. Shire, solid brown
color. Price reasonable. Address J.
T. Lleualleu, Adams, Oro.
Ground was broken this morning
fin- tli new Methodist church at
Athena. It will be one of the finest
church edifices in the county.
Tim .inllv Dozen wish to announce
to those holding invitations, that the
nfxt dance of their series will be
given .Monday evening, April 13.
Tnhii Mcllae. of North Cold Springs,
will soon begin the erection of a six-
loom, two-story resilience, aiamn
Rounds and Will Alspaugh have the
Mrs. Mary K .Johnson has bought
or Joseph Connolly the residence
property first south of the Baptist
church, on Johnson street, Coneldi
elation, was $2,500. ' s
Attention Knights. Damon Idge
No. 4, K. of P., will work In the first
Outfitters for Men and Women
We take great pride in our sweater stock, aud
we make it a point to I eep everything new ami
desirable in the similar lino. Prices range from
60c to $1 50 for the cheaper graded, and fram $2 to
f3.50 for better grade, and for something vety Hue
we tax you $4, 4 50 and up to $5, bui for these bet
ter prices you can expect sweater elegance.
Remember us for sweaters. .
VVc have added to our Shoe Stock and now have
more styles and varitics of Footwear than ever be
(ore. We know that we can please any member of
the family in High Shoes, Low Shoes or Slippers,
We have
Baby's fancy shoos 60c up
Baby's fancy slippers 60c up
Misses' shoos $1.25 up
Hoys' shoos $1.50 up
Lames', fine stylo, welt shoes $2.50
Lariios patent leather drees shoos $3
Ladies' oxford tios, nice houeo shoo $1.50
Ladies' strop sandals $1.50
Men's vici kids shoes $2.50
Men's cudot calf, genuine welts $3
In the finer grades we have some very nice Kid
and Patent Dress Shoes for Ladies and Gentlemen.
For Tailor Made Suits
and Unltned Skirts
A lot short lengths, some are
5 yards, some 4 yards, some 3
yards, some only 1 yards, $3.50
per yard, $2 50 per yard, $1 50
per yard, $1 per yard.
To close them out they will
be sold like this: $3.50 goods
$1.93 peryard, $2.50 kind $1.37
per yard, $1.50 kind 98c per
yard, $1 kind 67c per yard.
New Arrivals
Parasols and Sunshade
Shoe String Belts
Amber Necklaces
Wrist Bags
Fancy Purses
Indian Bead Necklaces
Peoples Warehouse
Dress Goods De
partment J 3 Pieces Linen Etamine
All desirable shades, should
have arrived here February 1st.
The manufacturer was late in
his delivery and we got a re
duction in price so that those
goods that were intended for
a 75c yard article are to go for
48c per yard. They arc cor
rcct for waists and shirt waist
Another Lot
25 pieces Kha Ki Silk
Pretty designs, neat patterns, J
fast color and washable at
49c per Vrd
Another lot of handsome
in prices from 10c to 69c per
yard. Call and see them.
and third ranks tonight. AH members
requested to be present. W. J. Keys,
C. C., D. U. Halley, K. of It. and 3..
pro tern.
The Enlsconal church was yester
day crowded at three of the services,
while It was at least two-thirds filled
at the 6:30 a. m. service. The class
of communicants was the largest in
the history of the church here. The
offerings amounted to nearly $100, of
which about $100 will go to, missions.
Lots for Sale.
I offer some nice lots on tho north
side near tho river. No grading need
ed. Price $200 to $300. N. T. Conklln.
WE ARE pleased to advise that
we have received a lull new
stock of those celebrated
$2.50 Shoes
This is the shoe we had last fall
and sold out every pair before
we could get more of them. We
have arranged to keep them cons
tantly on hand, so you had better
try a pair,
DESCRIPTION Vici kid, Good-
year welt, patent tip, smooth
insole, flexible and new spring.
Inst, la:e. j
Boston Store:
Where Whole Families Are Shod
Arriving Daily At
The Nolf Store
Fine Line Crepe Jand Tissue
Paper All colors and shades.
Fine figured crepe paper, for
shelves, lamp shades, Etc.
mand than evr. Fiae" Oregon
Yellow Danver Onion Sets, iac
per pound. All 5c Vegetable and
Flower Seeds, here for ac.
CROQUET An extra fine line
now on sale. Hardwood and well
shaped balls and mallets, 95c 10
S3.45 a set.
ing tags, string tags, shipping I
tags, pin tickets, rubber bands,
about twenty different brands of
inks, mucilages, Etc. . - !
100 VISITING CARDS, nicely
printed, 48c.
The Nolf Store
One that you will
thoroughly enjoy, is
always served by us
All the good things
in season at the
Telephone Main 4
The Little Darlings
Now that gentle Spring is with us, Mothers, you can
take your children out in the optn air and let them enjoy tho
sunshine ,
WoVwant to have the pleasure of showing you the swoll
est line of
VM ' In Pendleton,
next aoor 10 rosiouice,