East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 13, 1903, Image 4

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Outfits, Regular $500 $400
Bowls, Regular 60 40
Bowls, Regular 1 35 00
Picture Frames, Regular 25 20
Picture Frames, Regular 35 25
Picture Frames, Regular 40 30
Picture Frames, Regular 50 35
Tobacsojars, Regular.... 165 1 10
Steins, Regular 165.. . . 1 10
Trays, Regular 35 25
Pipe Racks, Regular 75 50
Stein Racks, Regular 85 60
I name I cannot now recall, was a res
ident of East Tennessee. She mar
ried a veteran at 16, and died at the
eanv aeo nr RK. st 1 nnln TVist
I Dispatch.
MONDAY, APRIL 13. 1003.
You better learn to accept all
the small misfits and the trivial
annoyances of life as a matter
of course. Tn nllniv thfm in ra.
celve attentinn lipvnml their iltv.
serts Is to wear the web of your
we io me warp, tie on tne
lookout for tne great joys and 1
never let mosquitoes worry you
into a passion. The Philistine.
nnd the annual tax to the state of Or
egon, means business. They will not
hesitate to buy stock in new compa
nies for new companies tinder the
present law, must necessarily have
something In sight before they can
issue millions of shares on capital that
is invisible to the naked eye of the
The teachers of Umatilla couutv
must attend the coming association
meeting in Walla Walla in force. The
way to make a profession successful
Is to educate it.
With mohair selling at 35 cents a
pound in Willamette valley, and but
ter fat worth 33 u cents on the Port
land markets and both commodities
scarce, it seems that there are some
splendid opportunities for men with
means and energy in Oregon .
The Ohio republicans have decided
that a new leader is needed in state
politics. The constant growth of Tom
Johnson's popularity and the utter
failure of Hanna methods, to cope
with the rising tide of democratic
power, are bringing the thinking men
of that state to their senses. It will
do no good to change leaders. Ohio
republicanism must change its policy
and its tactics, before it can hope to
hold the people in line.
Binger Hermann is not to have
smooth sailing in the first congres
sional district. The little factional
wasp which has fatally stung so many
aspirations in the state within the
past two years. Is buzzing noisily now.
The same reforming forces which
have declared war on machine noli
tics and have shown their power and
wisdom, in the past, are not satisfied
with results. There were young men
in the district, just as able as Mr.
Hermann, and more entitled to polit
leal honor, whose friends feel that it
would be good for the old machine to
give it a severe lesson. The demo
cratic candidate can scarcely hope to
win. yet greater miracles than this
are yet within the memory of poli
The people of Echo are now in no
sitiou to build up one of the best
enterprises in Eastern Oregon if thev
will give encouragement to a local
Institution recently established. At
first, people were Inclined to laugh
at the suggestion to utilize the rab
bits of the sage plains. Notwlth
standing this tendency to make light
of the undertaking, a company has
been incorporated, paid its fee, aud is
now in position to prepare the "Amer
lean Hare" for market. And one of
the best features of the incorporation
Is that one of Its objects is to pre
pare fruits, vegetables and other nro-
ducts for market, and operate a cold
storage plant. In March 75 carloads
of beef were shipped from Echo to
Portland and the Sound. One-half
the freight on this beef was paid on
hides, hoofs and offal. This freight
charge might have been saved to the
producers of this beef, by preparing
ii for market and having It shlnie!
in cold storage. The opportunity is
at .hand for a great enterprise. True,
it may be weak at present, but assis
tance from local capital will build it
up, and there is need for Just such an
enterprise at Echo and other points
In Umatilla county
Campbell county East Tonnoeeo..
holds the record. It is located along
uie jenco ana uoai creek coal belt.
The county has only about 15,000 pop-
UIUL1UU. AOU' IT! PT-f nrn thnm Hurt
tenarfans In n inmfiv Hr. ii..i,.
ard Vincent, a few months past WO;
ucvrKtr inceni. hit unri .mmac
cent, 104. Another remarkable fam
ily is that named Paul Vino l li.i.
say Paul Is more than 100, while her
miner reacnea tne age of 115. Mrs.
Bettie Clepper is the oldest woman
living In the county. Iielnir iin irc
old. She has n sim i oft a n. I
ouier "elderly" lady fo nniiio Q.itin
useu am. Authorities bold that wo
men average loncer Hype tttt n.on
and these threp instnnnes mmi C
prove it. do they not? Tho nMou ... I
ing man In Campbell county Is Jacob I
riuunnhtfi. wno nas passed his 107th
I The robins nil I lilunlilrile nrn horn
I The meadow lark pipes In the trees.
The skits are nil sunny nnri nlnnr
There's balm in the breath of the
I breeze.
The buds arc beginning to swell.
I And soon In the vale and the dell
Tne nowers win wake from the
And all of the glories of nature will
Refreshed from the arms of a long.
restrui sleep.
Again have the spade aud the rake
ueen araggecl rrom the oust of the
The backs are beginning to ache
While bending o'er garden sass
The madame. in gown worse for wear
And gloves with the fingers all
Is shocked that her hubby should
swear. 1
To tprrlhlo lnm-nnr-p t-lro i-nti
At gardn'nlng Instructions from Hps !
he once swore j
Were sweeter than honey from bees'
hidden store.
The signs in the windows denote
To the masses who unto them flunk-
That schooners again are afloat
All laden with beer de In bock. '
The gny-colored vestlngs are here, !
The trousers with bottoms In purl
And beautiful shirt waists appear
All freighted with, plumpness of
And make-believe posies in pictur-
esque mats.
As bright as the genuine, grow upon
hats. ,
And yet this indicative stuff.
These slcns In wlilrh ninnv lu'lloin
May be but a beautiful bluff
Flashed but with intent to deceive.
The symptoms that gladden us so,
That give our soul-joy such a boost,
May coax an old blizzard to blow
And tumble UK off nf thp rniiEt
The snow shovel yet may be coupled
to us.
For Lear Is a notionate sort of a cuss.
James Barton Adams In Denver
Tailor Made Suits
uv l,iv ti, ppiphrstpH "Ainsfield ' suits and skirts, and uone arc better fitting 1...
.n.. ..n tn Jnl. IF vnn mint a imnH Cllit Wf ll2VP it. If VOII W&nt a ctlP3n nr !.!.
AiwiujJituuti. i j... ....... p5 w -. j f vj . 'MCUlum
5 or skirt we have it. rjerfectlv made and the best values to be found in Eastern OrPIrr, w
i SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK, ending Saturday, April 18th: With every tailor a,,'
skirt and shirt waist suit, sold for Jt2 or more, we will give you absolutely FREE, y0
any sailor hat in our stock, or any street hat or trimmed hat not exceeding f i.75 ;a pri
- - - - "',
.:U, . n .li. r-ttXt nr cb.r! nnl cttirf urate Clllt rnCtiflCT Si. rft nr mn.. ....
. ...... w.w.j ...... -. --- o -.w, nc will
I.m ant pn U. nr rtrant list in mir ctnr-h rnCtinfT 1 nr IPQQ. " " I
llllk.li m itjr annul ui aui-vi ... " .vw.., . - -
Saturday Specials
Calico to yds. 40c, outing flannel 10yds. 7c grade for 50c, gingham 10 yds. for 40c, LLhoM,t
uCn 'A Mun't ehirtc hlack strined or lipht colored jns each.
t- J .. - 1 --o--- r--
Agents for the Raymond Washable Kid Gloves
Why should we worry when the edl
to dies? He Is used to association
with the "devil." St. Pan! Dispatch.
I htTP lirf n nituff CIDCABETI Md M
u tul lU unti erTtK'UTtr luxattTe liter are simi)' ou
iioria! 11 r lUuciiter ami 1 were totiirml with
tck moiuat-'ii ana uur hrcath waTrrj-buJ. Alter
taKtncale turn nf Ciivami we hatp tnipruTed
wotiUvrTui.r Tlur tp a irrrat help In the lumlly."
U 11.11c l.JIINA
liz: tUiitfiimm&c tt Ciiictniiiitl. Ub9.
Water tankJ
I We make a Specialty of Building Round
or Square
We make them right and they
always give satisfaction. Our
work is never slighted or botched.
Ple;int Palatable. Patent Tlr Good In , nJtl.-. rin - u:t
uuoa,.cTrf Mcwn. wen.w urn. iuc,ix- uk. Pendleton Planing lUlll
... wwnb wwno ir-M I wn. ...
imC U..Jj r.M. rtlran. ..lnl. Ink. 314
Nn.TD.Rir! oll ana ciiarantpfd bj alldrni!
and Lumber Yard.
The genuine, the bit
which is the umi;.
leader, is handled in!
dleton only by us.
in and see the Rcv
Babbit MeUI. best In
bars. Price, $1 per bar, (
oregonian Office.
To he opened up and developed by American capital and enterprise.
Western Coal and Iron Compan
50 J Bernice Budding, Tacoma, Wash.
With Bennett us president, have secured a large tract of coal land in the Nicola Valley, BritS
u.uu.um, m an, ow acres, or tour nm sections, with rive large seams of coal known to underlay the land, vt
containing over JCO.000,000 tons of the highest grade of Bituminous Coal that has been found in the Northwest
it makes the finest and best coke in the world, and for steam and domestic purposes there is no better cosl p
duced in the country. The coal is situated in Southern British Columbia, about 160 miles eaBt of Vancouver,
ntiBh Columbia and from New Whatcom and Bellingham Bay points. The Canadian Pacific Railroad and tl
iZvtxor Vmi.IIi.i.. I 1 1 .. i .i . - ..... .. ii
There are few Isolated counties left
on the globe today. The process of
civilization has brought the most re
mote people In touch with the world
From points along the Siberian rail
way, the interior of Asia may be pen
etrated with comparative ease. The
energetic movement of railwav build
ing In Africa Is rapidly removing the
unexplored regions of the Dark Con
tlnent, and the Alaskan railroads now
proposed, will place the Arctic zone
within easy access of the world. With
in five years more the cost of travel
will have been so greatly reduced
and the conveniences so greatly In
creased, that "globe trotting" eau br
indulged in by people in moderate
circumstances. Travel is one of man's
best educators and it should be with
in reach of the common people.
These aro fartn. Tho
- - n u u i nn: i
county. taKen in lsnn. win hr mu
out in part, while I have seen some
of the narties mnnrinnoii ni,t
people die there. Nine centenarians
iiuHbt'u a war annnc tho Tartar no,.
of 1901 and the summer of 190S. The
eiuem was Jonn MevGru ncnl 11
John Huhhar rho vmin.urf tru
. ' - J " v i JliO.
jcjimu uessert was 110, and
neioinc Lov urn ins rt..
Slirlnc there were lli-ln- nnh- I
widows or revolutionarj- soldiers. One
menc. wiiu Hipu mere, out wtiose
Fine Yellow Nevtnwn Annlne
only 90 cents a box.
Fresh Ranch V.vtra 1R
O O " WWMkW (
We haVfi thfi Fftmnns QnH qI.IH
ways satisfactory
A trial will convince yon of its
The corporation tax law will do
more substantial development in the
Eastern Oregon mining districts than
nil other agencies combined. It will
stop the grafter and the boomer. It
wm discourage tho "wild cat" cor
poration, which exists only to prey
upon innocent speculators; it will n rr rtlfr TJT n fl AIT
bring into Oregon nothing but solid II KKMIiKK Al SllN
men and will rnrnnrn
capitalist to Invest in the rich re
hources of the state. Hereafter
when a mining company is organized,
people will have faith in it. for they
feel that the company that is willing
to pay the initial organization Xce Alt Street, Opposite Savings flank
I The Big Store to a Small
r xt i ., , " jjcinugimiu ijity puiuie. ineAanaaian racinc nanroau auuw
ureat Northern Kailroad are now loth readv to construct and errand th 1 fipl.l andril
be there this year. This beautiful Nicola Valley will then be turned into a bftfthiv nf nflntir. industries. TV
Western Coal and Jrou Company are now offering the first block of its treasury stock at the low rate of
15 Cents Per Share
The Crow s Nest couUhares sold in 189G for 10c per share. Today the stock is worth $125 per share; it a
advanced from 10c to 830 in two years. And it is sate to Kay that the Nicola Coal offers today just as good cban
to the investor as did the Crow's Nest in 189G. We are quite certain that the stock is sure to advance to par (fl
per snare this year. Jf jou want to be in it on the ground floor and make 700 per cent on your investment in
few months, decide quick as this 15c stock will not last very long The stock will be advanced next month. &
Standard Oil Company has bought. 26G0 acre, the adjoining coal land, only 2 miles from our Company's prop
erty and in the very same coal basin and paid
$2,500,000 CASH FOR THE LAND
ian I8 Serious news to those holding Western Coal and Iron Company's stock. The Tacoma company f
fnrof- P t Au C0.al ?u tbe "wk?t here as 800u a8 "pping facilities have been furnished. For further uv
fM ;ordia.v "?vite you to call at my office, where samples of the coal, reports, maps, diagrams, prospt-
can be seen T proTnt baDkere. la"Ters and other business men, who have investigated this coal propositi
Room 16, Tudd Buildine.