East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 13, 1903, Image 2

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    m i m i n n 1 1 hi f t minimum i n i 1 1 1
i M
t I? It'.
We are selling all tlie
new things in Spring
Clothing for Men and
Boys at Popular Prices
Men's Suits from
$5 to $17.50
Boys' Suits from
$1.50 to $5
Baer & Daley
One-Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers
j Seed Blown Out of the Ground at
Tlie spring wheat crop In the Ktire-
... ,, ! l;a Flat country, especially where
IMPORTANT FEATURE OF gow ln tne ghtcr 8oUi wa, consi,..
AMERICAN HARE CANNERY, erably damaged by recent high winds
I prevailing there, says the Union.
Will Establish and Operate a Cold Seed sown In the sandy soil was
Storage Plant in Connection With blown out of the ground lind will have
Their Cannery Local Caoltallsts I ,0oe "own.
d-.l. h. rr. . ' such is tlie report mnue n johii
f. 7, ,.?.f pr,Be- ISleemnn. or Rureka Junction. Win-,
11. C. Willis, secretary and nrlnd- tor whpnt. lie snvs 1 prmvlnr under
most favorable conditions.
pal share-holder in the Echo Cannery
and Cold Storage Company, Is In the
cuj louaj. on business connected. Walla Walla Art Student,
with the institution. He Is havlne i-,.... i ..ti
S "1", "h n,ltll,io"a clrc.la.-s , ,, stll(ivlnR dramat e arf at the
printed nnd has ordered a large i stnnlionivWlinntrrof nmmntio sMmnl
11 I I 1 I I 111 IHI 1 'I i I"H"1"H-"I- H"""l"H-'"H-iiiiii,n.i..iii mini.
MON-DAY, APRIL 13, 1903.
amount of stationery .labels and spec
ial circular letters Tor his company.
One of (he principal features of
the cannery will be the establishment
and operation of a cold storage plant
in connection with the cannery. Fruit
driers will also be built, when the
enterprise Is once under way, aud
vegetables will be prepared for mar
ket. The aim of the promoters of the
Industry Is to handle in cold storage. '
the entire beef, pork and mutton out-!
put of Echo, and vicinity. In order to
save freight nnd bring Increased
profits to the producer.
Several local capitalists have sig
nified their Intention of giving finan
cial backing to the Institution, and
as there is need for the Industry ,ILs
promoters hope to be able to h'andlc
all the business in its line In that
district, within a short time.
Stanhope-Wucatcroft Dramatic School
of New lorU, continues to recele fa
vorable mention In the leading dra
matic papers of the big town. His
recent work in "Old Acre Folk" Is fa
vorably criticized by the Xew York
DraniBtlc Mirror. Mr. I.utclier is a
brother of Byron I.utclier. of this
city Ho has been In the East about!
six months. AValla Walla Union.
intolerable Hut when the filthy secretions ,.- .
.... . 1 .1. 1. . . V'U Lft
niroai ana moihhcu, aim uie uioou becomes rt
contaminated T . . "iqM
the catarrhal poiS- purple, my nose h. hy M
then the sufferer "i alckenlnp and dimrustlnir oX? ?EB
i.storcAlie what a it and after taking s?vel &tue. ?mB,5M
The diet of Japan will assemble
May 8. and be in session for 21 days.
Contracts for the building of an im
mense iron and steel plant at Bruns
wick, Ga.. has been let to cost ?10,-.
After yawning without Interruption
for three days, despite every effort
to relieve her, Mrs. William Jenner, .
of Oshkosh, Wis., Is dead.
A year before Philadelphia rang
Joyous bells on account of the Dec-;
laratiou of Independence, she made i
the first piano ever produced in this
An explosion occurred at the arse-,
nal powder company, of Canton,
China, Wednesday. Fifteen hundred j
persons are reported to have been
The cost of repairing and overhaul
ing the Iowa, including the damage
caused by the recent explosion, is es
timated by tlie navy department at
After seriously shooting and wound
ing Miss Ceiba Young, at Little Rock,
aaiuruay. will Alexander, 32 years
nM t.tll.l 1.1 ! t 1 '
siiueu uiuiBuii. jeuiuusy was uie
cause. Miss Youug will recover.
An immense tract of anthracite
coal has lately been discovered in
Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, said
to be the most valuable deposit found
in that region since its general development.
The anniversary of the emancipa
tion of 23,000,000 Russian peasants,
liberated by Alexander II. in 18C1, is
to be celebrated hereafter in the or
thodox churches by elaborate thanks
giving services instead of by a single
requiem mass.
Two boys, aged 11 and 13 respec
tively, fought a duel with pistols Fri
day night ln Brooklyn. They took
a distance of 20 paces and the young
est boy fell, fatally wounded, at the
first discharge of shots. The older
boy was arrested.
Because her sex was repudiated
and disinherited by the founders of
the republic, Mrs. Kate WooUely, of
Kentucky, has resigned her member
ship in the organization of the Daugh
ters of the American Revolution, of
which she was a charter member.
When steel Is exposed to the action
of sea water and the weather, it is
said to corrode at the rate of an inch
in 82 years; nn luch of Iron under the
same conditions, corrodes ln 190
years. When exposed to fresh water
and the weathor, the periods are 170
years for steel and C30 years for iron.
In the Wallowa city election Sat
urday, the ticket In favor of an open
town was successful.
The teachers of the government In
dian school at Riverside, Cal., have
struck for higher wages.
While plowing in a field near Dil
lon, Mont,, Saturday ,a farmer found
the bones of a giant Indian who In
life was ovor seven feet tall.
Au American firm has lately bought
10,000 acres of land In the state of
Tabasco, Mexico, and will go into the
business of growing rubber trees.
For the fourth time In succession.
Whitman College, of Walla Walla,
won the annual Intercollegiate debate
with the Washington Agricultural
College Saturday,
Golden Rule.
H. X. Halvorson. Northfield.
F. X. Churchill. Spokane.
D. F. Kieffs and wife. Xew York.
SI. J. Collins. Xew York.
F. J. Gardner. Portland.
H. J. Biddle. Portland.
E. Banks and wife. Portland.
Sirs. .Murray. Portland.
Slary A. White. Cheyenne.
J. H. Taylor. Formlngton.
C -L. Downer and family, Spokane.
A. G. Howard. Spokane.
W. D. .Marks. Spokane.
C. Pohn, Umatilla.
Graut Smith. Umatilla.
J. Llenaller. Weston.
W. F. Corm, Walla AValla.
B. F. .Mansfield. Athena.
Sirs. A. D. Grant. Salt Lake.
Sliss Pauling. St. Paul.
Lucy .Martin, Troy.
H. X. Cooley, Spokane.
J. L. Cumat. Genesee.
F. E. Hearmau. Sumpter.
G. J. Walter, Sumpter.
Thomas Lister, Spokane.
W. SI. Shannon, Spokane.
V. L. Slarrillot. Spokane.
J. B. Wnlters, Spokane.
W. Grace, Portland.
Sirs. E. Payne, Des Jlolnes.
J. C. Payne. Des Slolnes.
L. R. Yayne. Des Slolnes.
F. B. Payne. Des Moines.
Sirs. A. Scofield. Spokane.
.Mrs. S. G. Wood. Walla Walla.
J. A. Wood. Walla Walla.
F. L. Wood. Walla Walla.
W. A. Henderson and wife.
Dan Witche. .Marshall.
Joseph Howard, .Marshall.
W. Utz, Stickford.
SI. King, Sllckford.
R. Scully. Sllckrord.
D. Orr. Sit. Leonard.
Will Orr, Bt. Leonard.
L. T. Harrison, Sllckford.
G. D. Galley, Portland.
Sirs. Orth. Weiser.
F. C. Orth. Weiser.
L. Si. Orth. Weiser.
J. F. Wooster, San Francisco.
J. S. Warren, San Francisco.
R. L. Dutcher. Walla Walla.
Sir. Roir. city.
C. H. Berryman, Walla Walla.
Sam Lee and wife. Spokane.
Slay Stone, Cayuse.
S. A. Frans. Spokane.
W. W. Smith, Spokane.
G. B. Fletcher. Wnlla AValla.
Jack .Mackay, Walla AValla.
W. J. Sloore, Spokane.
L. Clark and wife, San Francisco.
Sirs. G. Sams, AValla AValla.
A. Xylander. Portland.
Wlla Slarkham. AA'aitshurg.
A. A. Roberts. Portland.
John Painter, Echo.
Olive Slyrlck. Slyrick.
B. Savage, Myrlck.
E. C. Johnson, Prosser.
J. L. Chrlstnln. Summerville.
F. I). Angel. Halley.
B. Day. Grangeville.
A ,B. SIcEwen. Athena.
B. H. Crisp, Durkeu.
C. E. Lauck, Spokane.
L. E. Dyer, Spokane.
P. J. Kevin, Spokane.
A. Hershy. Kebraska.
J Longfellow, Kebraska.
Sheep Shearing Retarded by Cold
Weather Some Fruit May Be
Echo, Or.. April 12. Owen Horton,
city engineer of Colfax, came down
ngaln yesterday to pursue further his
studies of the physical features of this
Sir. and Sirs. Henry Thomnson nf
tinner ureeu, toon last night s train
lor Portland.
Today's train brought In a great
number of men who came with the
view to going to work shearing. The
continued cold weather has delayed
the work of shearing and it is said
that much of the early fruit Is killed.
It Is much warmer today nnd from
every indication shearing will com
mence in earnest within a few davs.
stath or oiiio, i
city op TOi.nno, )m ,
i.tcas cou.vrr,
Trnnl; J. Cheney mikn oath Hint h U
the senior partner of the Arm of F. J.
Cheney A Co., dolnjr business In the elty of
Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and'
that Raid firm will pay the sum of One '
Hundred Dollnra for each and erorr case,
ot Catnrrh that cannot he cured by the1
use of nail's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In
my presence this 0th day of December, A.
. (Seal.) A. W. GI.EASON. I
I Notary Public.
I Hall'j Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally ,
' rnH mnfm l -.! .... Ma1 mtA n,
surfaces of the system. Send tor testl-i
monlala free. t
P. J. CHE-NTir & CO., Toledo. O
Sold br all druzjrlsta. 75c. 1
Hall's Family Pills are the best
d m Bm Vk A, rrnw
UMi ki hm IK K rrTMnr . .
Pnf ir-rli I.fvTifid willi n citnlilifirn rnlrl m lli 1mn.1 . n
.... , r ic i nun.
oenonencs. ticuraiiria aim uuucuii urcauunir. ann i.- .. .
is almost
into the
" ' . , . til no a bp. TW4-r "vniMft.;
mg U.sease i-awrrn is. Northwest Cor 7th and elix V?1!
It affects the kidneys 'm''Bt-JojyM
and stomach as well as other parts of the body. It is a tl
disease and as inhaling mixtures, salves, ointments rtr -50ns'!'5
than palliative or helpful, even in the heffinmii" of CituJL
vou expect from such treatment when it becomes clirnnt I T1
Only such a remedy as S. v?. S. can rl T.rl!
nate, deep-seated disease and imrce iW u f "
-.P'lnlics and Lnilds;
the inflamed men,!.?
catarrhal poison. S,
.1;.. ...i
hcalctl and the excessive secretion of
wncii new, ncu n ooi is nm,; -'m
parts, aud .i jjeruianeiit cure is the result. " e im
S S S. is guaranteed purely vegetable nnd a reliable I
Catarrh in all sta-es. Write if in need of medical advice ih? I
you nomine ....... uiM
inc. awr-f wtbVNC CO., ATlAKj
New Babies in Town
system affected ?
The Jolly Dozen wish to announce j I
io mube uoiuiug inviiuuoiis, inai ino i
next dance of their series will be '
given Monday evening, April 13.
Will Write a Series of Special Histor
leal and Industrial Articles for the
ally Journal.
Paul DeLaney, formerly editor of
the East Oregonlan. but now cnnnt.pt.
ed with the Oregon Dally Journal,
arrived in the city this morning. Mr.
DeLaney will spend n month or more
in r-asiern and Central Oregon, writ
ing a series of special articles for the
journal, for the past six months
ir. uemney has furnished the Jour
nal regular articles and storin nn
the range districts of the Inland Em
pire and has done some valuable
worn in introducing the great "unex
plored" Interior of Oregon to the
public. He will spend a few days in
Pendleton before departing into the
Central Oregon districts.
Tramps Released.
The two tramps whose detention
here for a week or two has been dim
to tlie charge of sodomv. hn
discharged from custody on the mo
tion of Prosecuting Attorney Halley,
who became convinced not only that
the two men could not be convicted,
before any Jury of the eh Ul'Pf lint nl.
so that they actually were not guilty.
Sir. Halley considered the evidence
wholly Insufficient and unieliable, and
gave the men the presumption of Innocence.
That's the point we are tryinj;
to impress on the public nlind.
AVhen a clean, pure drug nook
is spoken of we want that to re
fer to our store. We're doing
all we can to merit that title.
It's the main point of our busi
ness. We think about it and
talk ubout It all the time. live
and bye you'll i ear thin in mind
if you haven't already There
is no extra charge for this puri
ty. Together with accuracy it's
our inducement for your pre
scription trade. We" are care
ful and prompt with mail orders
F. W.
Ph. G.
Pos toff ice Blk.
Phone Main 851
Wheat at Fulton.
E. P. SIiafer nnd H. .1 Tni-lm- nt
Fulton, state that the Wheat fa iron.
-rally a good stand, but that on nr.
count of the protracted cold nights It
s small. They aver that the wheat
looks the least promising from the
city northward and northwestward
for a few miles, than farther nu-nv
The fruit trees In that neighborhood'
are In good condition.
Real Estate Transfers.
W S. Dyers has sold to D. Ulrlch
for $75 a part of lot 4. block 11, in
uyers' Pnrlt addition.
Arthur Hascall has sold to U. AV.
Bowman for $180, lot 7, block 14, in
Raley's addition. The property lies
on the east side of Blame, between
Mark street nnd lite river.
Lot Llvcrmore has sold to John L.
Stockman, of this place, for $225, lot
10 and the south half of lot 11. block
1, in Llvermorc's addition. This prop
erty lies on the cast side of Lincoln,
between .Martin and AVIlson streets.
Enjoy Life
Out door exercise means
itnpro ed health and a
sunny disposition.
All Kinds of Sporting
and Pleasure Goods
No matter what game or
pastime your fancy runs
to, you can get tlie
goods to promote it at
Book and Stationery Store
is the cause of more discomfort than
uny cuner aumeut. If you eat th
things that yu waut and that an
good for you, you are distressed, Ack
ers Dyspepsia Tablets will mal,
juur uigemion periect anil nieven
Dyspepsia and Its attendant disagree
able symptoms. You can safely eat
mi) uuug, ai any time, if you take one
oi tnese tablets afterward. Sold by
uh umggisis under a positive guar
antee. 2u cts. Sloney refunded If
you are not satisfied. Send to us for
a iree sample. AV. H. Hooker & Co.,
iiunaio, n. i.
II S- v II
A Bad Wreck
Hut Dot so bad it might be, uor io UJ but
wbatiictu be tborouKblr repaired by m, m
kill aud experience, good workraamhlu, new
Tiai nl airl w m writ m K .-...- '
vehicle l alwap worth repairing If ltUre.
paired rleht, and that ! wbut we alwari do
And furthermore our iirtne .r vn- tmuLp...
Oar Winona wagona are (lie emleit running
blockiatid ateel clud hulia l. ihm nj.
tructaule In tbU climate Our back! aiv
made br the mine rtrm and are guaranteed to
be the belt made. Call nnd .n hnru
Ttin Byraciue Plow handle br ui la the
allckett thing in e&rtli.
We aoll and marantee th. Rlni n.ii...
Just arrived, the new style Ralij' Upright Pi
315 East Gonrt Street.
Cau and see them. They are reasonable in price
makes it possible for everybody to have one.
On Its Merit
Has the large demand for
Byers' Best Flo
Been built up. Only the choicest wheat that grows enters
to uyers Best flour. It's perfection in FJour. Made by the I
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
Is Manufactured bv
2 for 25c
ALLEN h LEWIS, Distribute
2 741
Sharpies Tubular Dairy Cream Separator
Beats them all for close skimming
and easy running, no cUbo or bowl
complications whatever
.1 fastest tl
Sf parator yet produced, securing "Dlern!
adverse circumstances as rega'd to l1"".
union auu temperature of tlie niiii
llr.tnfnrA rwinolriarnH (t.iwuittll.1o It del
HUlDotll. frntlllpaa norlu.l nrMntil that WIU
uui muiB uuiier luau cau ue ouiaiu CZat
other Separator in exlsten'e. ' au betbewj
ly aud completely washed Inside of ""W
utw, au there are only three pieces to tw "J,
The Sharpies Tubular machines are W "
Hlmule r.nd dumlile ln&de.nnd can oeniln!?L
..,l .. . .. l... . it i .1 nirUial
n ivbf uutii jur uii uiiu rt:iir" i
any other Separator on the market.
For catalogue, addres:
T. C. TAYLOR, The Hardward M