Faultless Underskirts Brand New Line The best fitting, the most convenient and the most satis factory sktrt on the market. It fits the waist and hips per fectly. It has wide, circular flounce, designed especially for the latest styles of dress skirts. It is seven gore, tailor maSe fitted top skirt, made up in the latest and most popular de signs. Four fasteners on each side, making it adjustable to any size waist from 20 to 30 inches. Is made from the best materials and by the most experienced operators. See window display. Price from $2.00 to $400. DON'T FORGET THE FREE SATURDAY EVE. CONCERTS TEUTSCH'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE Corner Main and Alta Streets. City Briefs S T'T!I)AV. 11, 1903 COMING EVENTS. Com- April 12 Knights Templar tnamiery, Maker City. April 13 Eastern Oregon Presby-1 women's Clubs, Astoria. June 5. 0 Wool snips Thn nnii, June 9, 10 and June 2G, 27 Wool meo, onaniKO . June 14, 24 Seventh Day Adventlst ujuinnra, renuieion. June io, it, wool sales, Baker June 17 Oregon Pioneer Associa tion, Portland. June 18, 19 Wool snips v.Mn June 23, 24, 25 State Federation of tery, Union, Or. April 10 K, of P. convention at Walla Walla. April 1C, 17, IS Inland Empire Teachers' Association, Walla Walla. April 17 Celebration founding of' the Women of Woodcraft, Pendleton April 20 School district bond elec tlon, Pendleton. .May 3 Second annual meeting of the Oregon State Federation of Labor at La Grande. -May 4 State supreme court at Pen dleton. May 0 State camp Modern Wood men. The Dalles. May 8 Interstate scholastic debate at Walla Walla. May S-17 Pacific Coast Congress of Congregatlonallsts, Seattle. May 201. O. O. F. grand lodge, Portland. May 20, June 3 Presbyterian gen eral assembly, Los Angeles, Cal. May 28, 29 and June 12, 13 Wool tales, Pendleton. June 1 Circuit court. June 2, 3 and June 23, 24 Wool sales, Heppner. June 4 Presbyterian Academy commencement. June 4, 5, C Ninth annual Umatilla County Pioneer reunion at Weston. Golf Souve mts A new novelty that is greatly admired by all lovers of the popular game. Hat pins.ster mg silver, in caddy ag Artistic and beautiful. Keep your eyes on our window for all the new novelties. HUNZIKER THE PROGRESSIVE J EWELER July 2 Eastern Oregon G. A. R. en. campment. Union July 6-10 Forty-second annual meeting National Educational Asso ciation, Boston, Mass. July 7 Improved Order of Bedmen great council. Portland. August 17 National G. A. R. en campment, San Francisco. September 8-11 National Irrigation congress, Ogden, Utah. Good Outlook for Baseball. J. H. O'Neill yesterday stated that me miiiooi; lor baseball is very prom ising, even now. R. Burns is at Col fax today, arranging details for the organization of a team there and con sulting with them about the terms they will be willing to enter a league on. The Pendleton people Interested now expect that Pendleton will have a team and get into the combination which Is forming. Loss Is Settled. Nick Taltenirer who h ml H OtWI bushels of insured wheat stored at Cayuse In the Kerr-Glfford ware house, yesterday arrived at a satis factory settlement of his loss, which was estimated at the market value of the grain at the time of the fire. Notice Street poll tax of the city of Pen dleton is now delinquent. Prompt payment must be made or collection will be enforced according to law. J. A. BLAKJJ3Y, City Marshal. Methodists to Build. The Methodist people of this city expect to build a new church on the site they purchased a few days ago, but will not be able to carry out the proposition this year. They will erect a building which will cost from $12, 000 to $15,000. I tup di irrr m m m 1 r i c runt kv THE PURE GRAIN COFFEE Even children drink Grain-0 because they like It and the doc tors say it is good for them. Why not ? It contains all of tho nourish ment of the pure grain and none of the poisons of coffee, TRY IT TO-DAY. At grocers everywhere ; 15c. and 25c, per package. Choice meats at Houaer'i. Try Qratx'g clam chowder. Oyster cocktails at Qratz's. Be3t thoo work at Teutsch's. House to rent, S. E. T. Wade. Smokers' supplies at Neuman'r. Drop Into Clark & Co.'s tor a social time. Spring samples, largo lino, at Joer- Havfc your shnns ronnlrpil at reutsens. Clark & Co.'s new rlenr store for goou smokes. Nice furnished rooms to rent at 309 Court street. Hays' cigar store, headouartera for smokers' supplies. Smoke "The Pendleton Favorite." made by J. Devlin. All kinds of ImtinrtPil mid ilnrmwtlr. lunches at Gratz's. Clark & Co.'s new cigar store now open. Ell building. Good housekeenhii? rooms for rent. 407 West Alta street. Have you had your shoes renalred at Teutsch? Try him. new seven-room house for snlo at cost. N. T. Conklin. Forshaw. tho llorlst. Is now aimnlln 1 with cut flowers for Easter. Fresh stock of candles and fruits at Miller's, 209 Court street. A house for sale on Installments, sis per month. N. T. Conklin, imported Ilmburger and Swiss cheese sandwiches at Gratz's. "El SIdolo," the best cigar made, a iieos- cigar store, court street. A paying business for sale, small capital required. N. T. Conklin. New stationery, "two-toned" llneii very popular in tho East. Nolf's. Lot for sale: great bargain: Raloy's auuition. inquire at 403 Alta street. The Oregon Daily Journal can ho found on sale at Frazler's book store. Children's Easter hats at Mrs Campbell's. See our special window Our new spring patterns for suits are for Inspection. Seibert & Sclnil?. Nice furnished rooms to rent at 309 W. Court street. 'Phone and bath, Blacksmith shop in Pendleton for sale. See Earnhnrt, Association block. Mrs. Campbell has received her third invoice of beautiful dress and street hats. Wanted Two or three dozen chick ens; Plymouth Rocks preferred. Ad dress Box 124. For Sale Residence with one, two or three lots, located at 517 Jane street. Call at house. Houser always furnishes good meat. Send in your order. Market Alta street, opposite Savings Hank. Neagle Bros, are engaged in over hauling the machinery of tho woolen mills during tho shut-down for the purpose. For Sale A ladles' Hartford bicy cle. Has been used only a short time. Price $23. Call at E. O. oillce and so It. Wanted A good cook at the Uma tilla Indian school, to cook for nine persons. Wages $25 per montn. Ap ply at once . Local sportsmen are Intel ested In the forthcoming target tournament at San Francisco, which begins May 22 and contiues three days. Stallion for sale; four years old; weight about HJ00. Shire, solid brown color. Price reasonable. Address J, T. Lleuallen, Adams, Ore. I The Jolly Dozen wish to announce to those holding invitations, that tho next danco of their series will bo given Monday evening, April 13. For Rent Suite of rooms in East Oregonlon building. Steam heated, Hot and cold water and bath room on same floor. Inquire at this ofllce. The McKay Creek farmer named Kamerth, who lately sold out his larm for $4,000, tepented and nftor ward repurchased the place, paying therefor $l,C0O. John S. Wheeler, who lives three 0000 aoTfcr BOY IT PAYS TO TRADE AT THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE EASTER AND CONFIRMATION Suits for Boys Wo have the BEST LOOKING and tho BEST WEAR ING Clothing for Boys we have ever offered. They come in all the Bhapes and oolor combinations in BLOUSE SUITS, VESTEE SUITS, DOUBLE BREASTED NORFOLK, ROUND or SQUARE OUT LONG PANTS SUITS. Wo gnarantee to Bave yon money, with an additional saving of roRi 10 Per Cent off FRIDAY and SATURDAY Hoys Blouse Pulta, age sjjf to 10 yrs, $3.00 to $. Jloys 3-pleoo Vestee Suits, 3 to 1) vrs, 2."0 to $5. H ya 2-pleee Suits, age :i to 15 yrs. fOo to 5 Hoy S-plcco Klieo Pants Hulls, hi ft In III vra. t.1 In i lloys Jl-plt-co Long Pmits Hults, ago n to .'0 yrs, f I to flfl GOOD roi KID GLOVES A FEW OF THE APRIL SHOWERS ti and 1.25 kind for 65c T. 1. W. Special, per pair, $1.25 Peerless, per pair, $1.50 Majestic, per pair, $2.00 In all the New Shades and Black. Sizes 5;' to 8, DRESS SKIRT! AND WAISTS Inst received another lot by express. Can tit a large wol man or a small one in cithcij the Silk, Wool or Wash Kind- Have two extra help in the fitting room so can get ready for Sunday. Ribbons and Laces HANDKERCHIEFS, CORSETS An immense assortment of Ribbons just received by express. All the popu lar kinds in all colors and widths. Laces in every conceiv able design and material, lc per yard to $1.00 per yard. Handkerchiefs new and dainty. Royal Woicester Corsots in white, black, blue, pink and drab, 50c to $3 each. Novelties In Collars Another lot of beautiful new Collars, with slocks and without. Tho turn over kind, the ribbon ef fect, the laco kind, in fact all the newest and hand somest creations of this spring. Not one old one, and a lot of Pretty Veils... Easter Table Linens THE QRIBBON KIND Have today unpacked and placed on our shelves 50 pieces of these colobrat-: cd makes, whose Pendleton agents wo are. Table Linen (5c to $2.50 per yd. Napkins 65c to $8.00 per dot. We Hon. invito your inspec- Annual Parish Meeting. On Easter Monday the annual par ish meeting of tho parish of tho Church or the Redeemer will ho held at the church beginning nt 7:30 In tho evonlng. Immediately after Its ad journment, a reception will ho given the members of the last confirmation class at the parish house, to which all friends arc cordially Invited, Jacks for Sale. I have for sale at tho East Oregon stock farm, 12 miles north of Hepp ner, two line largo Jacks, tho pick of six head. Anyono wanting u Jack siiouiu can or address n. v. Swaggart lleppuer, Ore. NEW GOODS Arriving Daily At The Nolf Stoe Fine Line Grepe 'and Tissue Paper All colors and shades. Fine figured crepe paper, for shelves, lamp shades, Etc. A GOOD MEAL California OHvp nn ffissofSSffifi MM from u,,, P , ' Olive Oil. We get thin lw. You II.J5,?'' Southern California. This Oil Is absolutely u very ne.,t ii t , ,nls to.your own .satbfact on f you will notice linilf.Xr-l'll'e olive 1 avor It ta (net au tho rOliroa fin Tt la IhM tn adulter?1 Vteit tM ,lavor and H ' nt 'oun1 1" ay " w"lch an4 other'aluiior . , 0 an-v 00u8,der,il,le extent, because cottonseed oil ".adulterants are i)ra,.Hon., ' 75c P,NT OR $.2S FULL QUART BOTTLES 0flardVe01lvt! 011 for every kind of frying or wlnrever you use butter fj'y ue, LWfi"0 ',ou. contider Olive Oil too expensive for or plmUV,. Ul uw ot, as h quart of olils euual to about two pounds Ul i. . v enuw yuil i our oil. esSPEN'S DRUG STORE r rrom Main TV,-, .A , I barn und also move his residence several rods to a more suitable site. and build thereto an addition. The funeral of Itov, U'lten will take place at Dayton next Monday afternoon arid tho Interment will bo made at Dayton. Sirs. O. W. Hlgby will attend from this city, and per haps Rev. Warner and Mrs, H. 1. Oli ver. C. E. Carter a few days ago sold to It. E. Tarbet for fiS0, lots 2, a. i and T In block 178, of the luservatlou ad dition. Air. Tarbet yesterday sold to U O, Sheek for 250, lot 2 and tho north half of lot 3, receiving there for $250. Frank Ilarber died 'of rheuniutisi'i of the heart at Cold Springs yester day, at the ago of 30 years. He wn.i, a visitor at Cold Springs, coming there but a fow weeks ago from Hills- boro, Or., to which place his body will be shipped tonight. WE ARE pleased to advise that we have received a full new stock of those celebrated $2.50 Shoes FOR LADIES Elected Delegates, Tho local carpenters" nulun met last night and elected delegates as follows: To I.a Grande to tho stato federation, Cal Winslow and Ed Wis dom, To the council in Pendleton to night for tho orgaulxatlon of a car. tiul council of all the unions, Hutler, George Hamblln and W. G. Hoddor. This is the shoe we had last fall and sold out every pair before we could get more of them, Ve have arranged to keep them cons tantly on hand, so you had better try a pair, DESCRIPTION Vici kid, Good year welt, patent tip, smooth insole, flexible and new spring last, la:e, Boston Store Wiser Whole Families Are Shod GARDEN SEEDS-Greater de mand than ever. Fine Oregon renow uanver Union bets, iac per pound. All 5c Vegetable and Flower Seeds, here for 2'jC. CROQUET An nxtra fine line now on sale. Hardwood and well shaped balls and mallets, 95c to ?3 45 a set. One that you will thoroughly enjoy, is always served by us All the good things in season at the FRENCH RESTAURANT OFFICE NECESSITIES-Marking tags, string tags, shipping tags, pin tickets, rubber bands, about twenty different brands of inks, mucilages, Etc. 100 VISITING printed, 48c. CARDS, nicely The Nolf Store TRANSFER TRUCKING STORAGE CROWNER BROS Telephone Mttlu 4 The Little Darlings Now that gentle Spring is with us, Mothers, you can take your children out in the opt n air and let them enjoy the sunshine. ' ' Wu want to have the pleasure of sliowing you the swell est lino of , BABY CABS AND GO-CARTS In Pendletotl. BAKER & FOLSOM, Next door to Postofllce, 'Ik IF