East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 11, 1903, Image 5

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Am In California
acre materials are
educed. The lowest
ced roofing made,
sts longer than all
.... If i weather
Id water-proof and
te resisting.
4 fcr VMkM. I
: Paraf fine Paint Co.
Sm Frsiidses, SsssB.
I Dvtr. Winn.
lust received another
car load ol Poultry and
Mock supplies at thej
2T and 129 EMt Alt Street
Newell Instruct Engineer! on Butter
Creek Preposition Hold-up In the
Prlcet Will Caute Abandonment of
Washington, April 11. Hydro
grapher Ncwoll, of the geological sur
vey, has directed his field engineers
who are examining the withdrawn
lands in Umatilla and Morrow coun
ties. In the Butter Creek country to
give special attention to all claims of
individuals and companies who own
or claim to own prior canal rights In
that vicinity, and to determine wheth
er or not these rights, if they exist,
will interfere with government recla
mation. If the project as a whole,
Droves to be nractlcal. ami nnu.
private interests stand In the way.
nir. neweii says tne government will
be willing to nav the ownnrc n roir
amount for their nronnrtv hm r v.
oroiiant prices are asked tho govern
ment win abandon tne project alto
gether and look elsewhere for a site
for a eovernmcnt lrrlimtlnn evctn
as it has nothing to lose save the
lime spent in investigation. There
is a willingness to pay a fair price for
anv nrivate nronertv thn t mm- i
absorbed or utilized by the govern
ment In its Irrigation works, but there
arc so many available sites and so
many meritorious and attractive pro
jects awaiting attention in vnrious
states that no work will be undertak
en where attempts are made to hold
up the government.
The engineers have discovered in
the short time they have been on But
ter Creek, that the Irrigation works
attempted in that vicinity years ago
hv nrlvfitn rnnltnl vera nnf nrnnHnnl
Their promoters contemplated taking
the water from Umatilla River and
distributing it over the low lands, but
no provision was made for storage
reservoirs. Inasmuch as the water
level In this stream is exceedingly
low in the summer months when the
water is necessary for Irrigation pur
poses, their scheme would never have
profited anything.
The scheme roughly outlined by the
geological survey contemplates the
construction of storage reservoirs for
Impounding the flood water of Uma
tilla River and a number of smaller
streams in that locality, and holding
It in reserve until the summer, when
it ran lm iMctrH...!..! - . .
SSvc,,,gaHon and "rveya now In
progress on Butter Creek are satis
factory, and the project is eventually
approved, clear of all obstacles, there
f?.money eno.u8h In the reclamation
fund, says Mr. Newell, to warrant
x. pro,m;lt letting; of contracts.
Mr. Nowell says that because of tho
the 8llvios River, In Harney county,
the government engineers will proba
bly pass over that project, for the
present, at least. Private capital
seems to be doing all that can be ex
pected, in view of the diversified
claims as to riparian and canal rights.
Stock Inspector Kirk Reports Ne
Looms Except Old Sheep.
Stock Inspector C. S. Kirk returned
last Friday from a 10-days' trip
through Sand Hollow ,the lower sand
country and Rhea Creek, where he
has been Inspecting sheep, says the
Heppner Times.
Ho renortR thnt l-mi ,...
- . .....IV 0(tt7ClI ItlU
yet quite thin In these sections, they
.c oti-uKiiit-uuiK on tne new grass.
There has been scarcely any feeding
in the sand country during the win
ter, and naturally sheep aro rather
thin In flesh, but Mr. Kirk says, there
has been no loss except some old
sheep have succumbed as a conse
quence of old age rather than from
lack of forage.
He reports some scab among the
flocks in the north end of tho county,
but that sheep thus affected have
been ordered to bo dipped as soon as
the lambing and shearing season is
over. Shearing has been in progress
in that section the past two weeks,
and lambing Is about a thing of the
past for the season.
The flocks of Morrow county gen
erally have come through fairly well
considering the long forage feeding
Dispute Over Sheep Range Was the
Cause Jonet Had Threatened
Ollck, and Wat Under Bonds.
Fossil, Or., April 11. James Jones,
a sheepman, was murdered at 3:30 p.
ra, Wednesday on the south fork of
the John Day River, IB miles above
Spray, and 50 miles aoutheaat of Fos
sil. John Click, who admits that h
did the shooting, rode Into Mitchell,
35 miles from here, and gave himself
Tho trouble between the two men
arose over the use of a sheep rango.
Last fall Jones pulled a gun on Qllck.
The latter had him arrestd In Grant
county, and he was bound over to the
statu circuit court under $250 bonds.
This case was still pending at the
time of the shooting.
Tho murder appears to have been
premeditated. Jones was unarmed,
and Qllck shot him through tho hand
and body with a rifle or shotgun.
Jones died Instantly. His body was
brought into Mitchell Wednesday and
there the murderer will bo held until
tho arrival of tho sheriff, who has
gone from Fossil to tako him In cus
tody. While Click admits his guilt,
he refuses to discuss his motives.
Stock Farm for Sale.
We have the Jas. Lindsay farm,
near Alba for sale. It consists of 640
acres. 140 acres In timothy; more
than 200 acres In wild hay, which will
grow timothy. A portion will grow
wheat and barley, balance pasture;
abundance of water. All fenced;
good buildings.
Will sell In one, two or three tracts.
Easy terms.
At Philadelphia will be held the
next annual convention of the Nation
al Clothiers' Association, Just ad
journed at Chicago.
A Preparation Discovered That Will
Destroy the Dandruff Germ.
For some time It has been known
that dandruff is caused by a germ
that digs up the scalps into littlo
white flakes and by sapping the vi
tality of the hair at the root, causes
falling hair, and, of course, finally
baldness. For years there have beon
all kinds of hair stimulants and scalp
tonics on the market, but there has
been no permanent cure for dandruff
until the discovery of n preparation
called Ncwbro's Herplclde, which de
stroys the dandruff germ. Destroy
the cause the effect will cease to ex
ist. Kill the dandruff germ and you'll
have no dam'ruff germ and you'll
have no dandruff, no Itching scalp, no
falling hair. Sold by leading drug
gists. Send 10c in stamps for sam
ple to The Herplclde Co., Detroit,
Mich. Sold by F. W. Schmlde & Co.
Ladles' half soles 40c. Teutsch.
As McCormlck waa the original invontor of the roaper and head
er, so waa "Best" the original Inventor of tho first auccetsful Com
bined Harvester.
We wish to call the attention of our friends who contemplate
purchasing a Slde-HIll Combined Harvester the coming season, that
we are still in the lead in the way of improvements, in harvesting
machinery, and which our farmer friends have rightfully named tho
"KINO OF THE FIELD." After watching Its work In the field the
past sixteen years, and for the season of 1903 It will be still better,
as we have made a number of valuable Improvements.
The MACHINE is the stronost and most durable made.
IMPROVED DRIVE WHEEL3 5 feet 4 inches high, 22 Inch tire.
RUNAWAYS are a rare thing with us. There is a brake oa
main drive wheel, which is controlled by the driver.
HEADER is driven Independently from tho grain wheel of sep
arator, and Is arranged with a clutch for throwing In and out of gear
when turning corners,
THE SEPARATOR Wo wish to call your attention particularly
to the separating qualities of our machine. We claim that no other
combined harvester on the market can in any. way compare with it
forspeed aud thoroughness of work, In all kinds and conditions of
grain, and will require less team to operato it.
AUTOMATIC GOVERNOR Our patent wind governor on the
fans governs the blast so that at any speed at which the harvester
may be traveling, the wind is automatically regulated and prevents
cloging the shoe and carrying the grain over in hte straw.
We take pleasure in Inviting you to call on Temple V Wilcox,
Pendleton, and mako a personal Inspection of each and every part of
our machines before placing your orders. Every machine warrant
ed to do all we claim for It and to bo first-class nl evry respect.
Local Agents
MAY 15th, 1903
Development at the Highland Mine Justifies an Advance in the Price of Stock. It is Much More 3
Valuable Now Than When We Placed the Jbirst Allotment on tne MarKet fcome
Two Months Ago. 3
A crew of men have been constantly at work ever
since we acquired this property and the Glasgow crosscut
us now encountered and fully crosscut the ledge. In this
eiosKcut we have oened up a body of ore sixteen feet in
width carrying good commercial values.
In shaking of commercial values we mean ores
Hch have a sufficient value to pay for the extraction
lu'lling and all other incidental expenses thereto, with
ntgh of a margin left over to pay good dividends to the
fhis large body of ore was not in the nature of a
surprise, we simply expected it, as the surface develop
ni'iits showed this same large body of ore, and thero was
reason why it should not le encountered in this cross
't and at this depth.
fm i arC "mv tur,line t0 drift- on the ledge to the west
, m 1he crosscut in order that we may open up the richer
tl ? "I " Krf'n,er doPth which are found on the surface
hwugwut t,c Baiinockbum claim.
tlllS lillp flf 1nvnl..,. . t,1! Ml .... .......
Tfsting to all who arc interested, or may become "titer
cited in the Highland mine, as it will certainly open up
ore IkmHcs rich in quality and in largo quantities.
It will demonstrate that the Highland will rank as one
of the largest producers in the district.
From now on the development work will he com
paratively easy and not very expensive, as we will bo
drifting alongthe ledge where the ground is much easier
to work than in tho country rock which encases the vein.
Kvery month will show a large increase in our ore reserves.
To any one who wishes to invest a reasonable sum of
money in the Highland mine, we will pay all traveling
expenses to and from the mine for the purpose of his
making a jwrMmal examination.
J a offering you a freo trip to tho Highland wo feel
that this is proof within itself of the value of this prop
erty as it stands to reason that if wo di dnot have a good
initio thero and all that we claim for it we could not offer
ou such an inducement.
We would be only too glad to havo each and every
on'- who contemplates the investment of money in mines,
me out and look over this properly and tho district in
general. Jn offering to pay your expenses out here and
back wo feel that we are not running any risk whatsoever
as we know positively that no one, no matter how great
or conservative an expert or mining engineer ho may be,
could possibly, roughly speaking, "turn it down."
If you have not sufficient money yoursolf to justify
you in coming to the Highland to look it over before in
verting, we would suggest that you and your friend make
up a small pool, and send one of your number nut here
to look over the Highland. In this way wo believe you
v uld get absolute information as to tho value of the prop
erty you invest your money in, and you will also have an
opport unity to learn all about the reputation, standing
and ability of tho directors of the Highland c.imptuy.
Wo take pleasuru in referring you to any bank, bn
it ( ss man, or mining man in our own community.
If you wish to secure any of this stock while it is
selling at tho low price you should send in your ordor as
quick as possible. Those who have not all the money on
hend to pay for as much stock as thoy wish to purchase,
may send us a portion of it aud wo will BOt the stock aside
for you and you can pay the balance later,
In cue all the stock we wish to sell you at this price should be sold
before yoc order is received, we reserve the right to return you
your money.
Address all communications, and make your cnecks, drafts find money
orders payable to
Department No. 17
Financial Agents Sompter, Oregon