41 ;1 " Sit "hi. 'I :; ' To The Public : Pendleton's congested residence district has created a necessity for a larger area to accom odate its rapidly growing population. We are now prepared to meet this condition and take pleasnro in offering tor your consideration the most beautiful, healthful and desirable addition to the city. COLE'S ADDITION to the CITY of PENDLETON is now on the market; straight warranty deeds to all purchasers. Tiie abstraot is extended to the present owner, and has been passed upon by an attorney, and his certificate attaohed showing the title to be absolutely perfeot. This ADDITION is but SEVEN BLOCKS from the MAIN STREET BRIDGE. The easy grade of JACKSON STREET eztendB to the elevation of this addition, overlooking the entire city. It is just the place for an ideal home, and you will make no mistake if you secure a lot or a whole block at once, for the growth of the past and the present warrant our assestion that the NORTH SIDE 1b the COM ING RESIDENCE PORTION of PENDLETON. Parties desiring to look over the addition will be furnished free transportation by cab or car riage upon application at this office. For prices and particulars see WADE Phone Black 1111 E. T. Office in E. 0. Bldg. ; St" ? ,' 1 ' ,l is