WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1903. THE LITTLE FOLKS Special effort has been made to Ret the newest and best styles for babies and children, and we have a stock which includes some thing to please all. Bring in the little tots and make them happy. Our prices mean a saving to you. Dindtnger, Wilson & Co. Phone Main 1181 Good Shoes Cheap PEBSDHUL mm. : V. C. Moore, of Uklah ,1s In the city today. William Beach, of Dale, Is In the city today. It. P. SIcGec left Inst evening for Logan, Utah. W. Slosgrove, the Athenn merchant Is In the city. John Kraemor, of Walla Walla .Is In the city today. Mrs. M. Jacohs left this morning for Council Bluffs, Iowa. Mrs. Slnnrd, of Milton, Is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. U J. Dell. U B. Miller haB returned from a trip to Boise, Baker and Similiter. Walter Gillette, of Echo, has the lumher on the grounds for a new rest donee. F. M. Nelson has arrived from the Wallowa country, and will remain hero permanently. T. It. Enstmnn, of Walla Walla, was in the city yesterday, the gueBt of the Hotel St. George. "Joseph Kepplnger has arrived from Jervis and Is cooking for his brother John, in his restaurant. James Pendley left for Spokane this morning, expecting to spend the summer In that vicinity." A. D. Reynolds, of Snn Francisco, the new pattern-maker for the Itlgby- Real BARGAINS in REAL ESTATE NEW TODAY $1000 buys 300x582 feet of sightly building property, north side. 850, two excellent building lots, atone wall and sidewalk, W. Court. $1800 buys three lota on north side; corner and irood G-room house. $1200, corner lot, and coltage nearly ' Clove works, has arrived, new, -Mrs. Jones, of Athena, and Mrs. $3050, four lots and Bp'.endld rest-' Lee, of Northport ,nre here the guests dence, a very cheap property. of Shelley Jones and family. $2000. four acres, edge of, , w. O. howls, of Rltzvllle, Is In the barn, 200 fruit trees. city en route to Crook county. He is $2250, 113 acres. 3)niiles from town, j cousin of Dr. C. J. Whltaker. ShJMLh, h Charles McGuIre of Spokane, is in wheat, up nicely. 4-room house, good I the dty ,ool.,ng for ,oca'torg fQ'r Wn. 350, a graded lot, stone wall, north . lowa nountv government lands, aide, east front, sightly location. Martin Melners has been appointed $10,000, half a section of choice farm- road supervisor of the .district In lug land, crop Included. which the town of Helix Is located. These are entirely new offers, but I Mrs. C. F. Gilpin arrived this mom have many more arid would like an Inr? from T.n flrnnilp tn visit with hnr opportunity to talk them over with friend, .Mrs. A. P. Nash of the north you. E. T. WADE E. 0. BUILDING Monopole Canned Goods The climax in perfection is reached in Monopole. When you want the Best, come to us and get Monopole Our line complete, for cash. of groceries is We sell cheap Miller Grocery Co. 636 Main Street Phone Main 511 Gray's Harbor Commercial Co. I side. Mrs. P. H. Fee is in extremely poor health, and will enter St. Anthony's hospital for an operation next Satur day. Mrs. Starr arrived this morning from Baker City to visit with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Owens of Bear Creek. Mrs. Susan Welch will go to Port land and visit her son, James, as soon as his condition allows him to be out of quarantine. G. Grimes. J. T. Grimes and Mrs, B. Grimes, all left last night to return to Chelsea, Indian territory, expect lug to remain there. William Babb, of Echo, is trying to sell out with the intention of going to live In Alberta, which province ho visited last winter. H. G. Cook has arrived from Ashe vllle, N. C, with the intention of lo cating In this neighborhood. He will locate upon government land If he can find It. George DeHaven and wife, formerly of this place, and of Milton, hut now of Wnlla Walla, are In the city en route to Yoakum to visit their son, Eugene. Miss Elmira Fry. of Moscow. Idaho. I Is expected to arrive here Friday for a visit with her friend, Mrs. A. Kun kle. Miss Fry Is county treasurer at Moscow. J. C. Scott, tho harness maker, has returned to Pendleton from Denver, after an absence of four years. Ho was formerly employed In Joe Ells' shop two yearB. George Waddlngton haB sold his farm, nine miles southeast of Atne' na, to C. W. Courtney. The place consists of 150 acres and tho consid eration was $800. C. E. Arnoy. of Pocatello, private Rnprntnrv nf Rpnntnr nnhnln nncnt last night in tho city, tho guest of ine fiuiei si. ueorge. ima mumms he went north, en route to Northern Idaho. John McCourt. of the firm of Bal- loray & McCourt, Is In Weston today defending Prof. Hawes, in the famous assault and battery case. T. G. Hal ley Is also at Weston engaged In pros ecuting the same case. Mrs. Alllo Williams is expected to arrive soon from Phoenix, Ariz., on a visit with her sister, Mrs. W. E. nose. Mr. Williams will Join her here in a short time, and it Is possible they will mako this their homo. J. H. Sinclair, who has been in tho city from Moscow, Idaho, for some days left this morning on a trip to California nccompanled by his friend C. H. Llngenfelter. It 1b a pleasure trip for both gentlemen, they Intend ing to locate here. W. N. Hackney, of Wilson. N. C, Is in correspondence with friends in this city, among whom is Bov. Brooks. .Mr. Hackney, who la a young man with considerable means, contem plates coming Into tho Northwest and engaging In some kind of manufactur ing business. Sowing More Alfalfa . J. A. Mendenhall, of Echo, returned home this morning. He is arranging to put In 100 acres of alfalfa soon perhaps this season. It will be under ditch from the rights of tho Pioneer Co. In which he has been Interested from Its Inception over two years ago. Mr. Mendenhall Is a breeder of Here ford cattle mostly, but Is a partisan of the Shorthorn, although he says the choice between them is not em phatic. However, ho bdlloves the Shorthorn to he the closest and most economical feeder, and that It will develop the most beef under tho same conditions of age, feeding, range and water. He believes, further, In the thoroughbred animal. We Don't Keep Everything But we ao Keep u good big stock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, Bustle and Finish, In all grades. Also all kinds of Dimension Lumber, in cluding Lath and Shingles. Our stock of Doors, "Win dows, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper and Apple Boxes la complete, and any one in need of Lumber will not be wrong In placing their order with the : : : Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. Wi & C. R. Depot F. & S. Bitters The great System Tonic. The remedy that is so popular because of its real nir-rit. Now is the time to take F. & S. Bit ters and tone upyour sys tem. One bottle is equal to a month's recreation. Manufactured by TALLMAN & C2: THE DRUGGISTS Sheep In Good Condition. A. C. Henderson and wlfo and Mrs A. I.. Rogers, of Pilot Hock, are In the city. Mr. Henderson reports tho lambing season as progressing very favorably in that neighborhood, eS' pecially In his own and the flocks of his son. Henderson & Son feed lib orally and spared no pains to keep their ewes in good condition during the forage months, though the cost was heavy and tho labor great. Thoy are feeling amply repaid, however, by the unusual size and good condition pf the lambs that have come this Bpring. Mr. Henderson considers the outlook for the sheep Industry in the hills as excellent this spring. Salt Very High. J. H. Gwlnn arrived this morning from Portland. Mr. Gwlnn reports that the statu quo as to the salt ques tlon remains undisturbed by any pro gress in the direction of either terms on salt In tralnloads or by any pros pect of lower tariffs. The result Is that, judging from present appearan ces, the sheepmen will have to pay regular retail prices for their salt this year, which will he from $1 to $1.50 more per ton than it wbb thought salt could be obtained for. Jack Huston Returns. Jack Huston, who has been fore man of tho mechanical department of the Democrat of Baker City for sov oral months, 1b In tho city and will accept a similar position on the East Oregonlan. Mr. Huston held a nosl tlon In the mechanical department of the East Oregonlan for a short time last year and has a host of friends here who will welcome him back to the city . 4MI1III ti I'M I'M 1 1 H fltfHHIl Ml I I'M MM II II I BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWNS. Nicely mowed Lawns are easily maintained. Take a look at our Easy Running Lawn Mowers. They are made on the correct principal. It's a pleasure to operate them. Let us supply you with GARDEN HOSE. Best goods at lowest prices. :::::::::: Thompson Hardware Co., 62 1 Matn Street EVERYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE Headquarters for Fishing Supplies. MMMMMMMM HHIH On Its Merit Has the large demand for Byers' Best Flour Been built up. Only the choicest wheat that grows enters in to Byers Best FJour. It's perfection in Flour. Made by the PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS r'' 'i''. ixr c n n i-j Athena Schools Closed. Tho Athena public schools wero closed Monday last on account of tho measles; tne order was for their closing for a week only, as the con tagion Is very mild. It is probable that the order would not have been issued but for tho fact that Profes sors Watts and Beck, who teach in the schools there are both down with tho complaint. It Is reported that there Is also In Athena several mild cases of scarlet fever. Stock in Wallowa. It Is stated and on the authority of residents of that county, that the loss of stock in Wallowa county from the protracted cold weather which ex hausted the forago and tho lateness of tho pasturago has been much greater than Is generally supposed except by thoso who are on tho grounds and have some degree of personal knowl edge of the subject. Attorney to Locate Here. C. H. Llngenfelter, an attorney, Is horo from Moscow, Idaho, and intends to locato horo for tho practice of his profession. Ho lately camo West from Northwestern Missouri. Lator on ho will buy lots and build thereon a residence. Ho Is a guest of tho Hotel St. George. Goes to Lewltton. C. A. Chapman has definitely con cluded to locato In Lowlston. Idaho, or at least In that vicinity. Ho will move his family up there In a short tlmo and engago at Lowlston In the stock business this summer. Will Move to Pendleton. Frank Iteck, tho Echo farmer, In tends to soil his farm and movo to Pondleton. Ho will buy lots horo and build a residence for himself and othor resldenco properties for renting. Notice Street poll tax or tho city of Pon dloton Is now dollnquont. Prompt payment must bo made or collection will be enforcod according to law. J. A. JBLAKLBY. TO IMPROVE CITY MAYOR HAILEY INVITES CITIZENS TO PLANT TREES. Arbor Day to Be Made a Holiday That Means Something to the City Civic Improvement a Theme Wor thy of Study. Mnvnr Hallov Issues the nddress printed below urging the cooperation of the citizens In general In the work of tree planting on Friday next, with the general purpose in view ot iieair tlfylng tho city. The various schemes that have been proposed from tlmo to time for civic Improvement seem for tho most part to languish, and Friday next, if possible, will ho Instituted a revival of Intorest In such matters. Pondleton, Or., April 7, 1903. To the Citizens of Pendleton: Friday noxt, April 10, 1003, Is Ar bor Day, established by the laws of this state for the nurnoso of encour aging tho children of our schools In tho planting, protection, and preser vation of trees and shrubs and In beautifying our school grounds, and It seems proper that we, as progres sive and loyal citizens having a Just prldo In our city and tho enhance ment of Its beauty and the promotion of the happiness of its inhabitants, should not only assist the children In their efforts on Arbor Day by ex tending thorn our hearty good will. hut that wo should do something our solves to encourage thorn by example and at tho same tlmo beautify and adorn our city, and I therofore re quest that on Friday afternoon, noxt, portion of the afternoon, at least, bo devoted by our citizens to tho planting of trees and shrubs and otherwise beautifying the streets and prlvato grounds of the city. Trusting that hereafter, nB each Ar bor Ray returns, the good work thus begun may continue until Pendleton will be known far and wide for Its physical beauty as well bb for Its financial progress, I am, respectfully, T. G. HAILEY, Major. In Issuing this Invitation to the cit izens of Pendleton to Join In the ele vating work of beautifying tho city, Mayor Hailoy said this morning: "The city has made the most won derful progress In tills line within tho past few years, of any city in tho state. "Only a short time ago the first re mnrk of visitors was upon tho almost absolute barrenness of a large por tion of the city. "Gradually the work of beautifying begnn. Hero and there homo owners ornnmented as thoy built. Streets wero Improved by tho addition of a few trees, which swelled In numbers each year until the city now con tains some of the most lovely homes, with surrounding lawns, shrubbery and ornamental trees, In the state. But there Is room for improvement yet. We do not appreciate the true significance of Pondleton until we visit the rich districts that surround It. Tho development of tho country tributary to tho city and the work of keeping up civic and municipal ap pearances In tho city, will furnish employment to all for tho noxt quar ter of a century." It Is tho deslro to havo every own er of a home add something perma nent to his property on "Arbor Day. It is a small task for each man to set out a few trees or a limited amount of shrubbery, but tho united work of tho citizens, throughout tho town, would make a wonderful showing and would be a permanent addition to the city. The public schools will celebrate tho day appropriately and the holi day should como to bo more general ly observed, not only by schools, but by citizens. Loss by Pilot Rock Robbery. The loss from the robbery of tho Pilot Rock postofllce was $147 cash and $83 In stamps. Tho blowing open of the safe took place about 2 o'clock In tho morning and was heard by one resident of that part of tho town. He paid no particular attention to It, as ho was not fully awako and supposed tho noise originated In a saloon row. MM 1 1 1 im I fH"H4 Shoes -FOR- Easter We have just received some I of the handsomest Shoes for Ladies AND Children f That we have ever shown. It's to your interest to your interest to see them before you buy your next pair. For Children 50c to $ .40 For Ladles $2.00 to $4.00 PEOPLES WAREHOUSE ST. JOESTORS Sale for One COMMENCING THURSDAY i 2nd AND CONTINitiwH' THURSDAY NIQHT.aM We will put on sale our 1 BRATED FART AW t00J and ourBONTREE UNDERM Nn linn n f thlvr I- .t . in ine citv 1 compare with these ROods ' will make prices during this that all good shoppers will -J ciaie. i-onie ana look thtm , and learn prices. We have a beautiful line of J wen Known z,ion Laces. Asll acc mum. Lyons Mercantile Co. The Leaders in Pendleton Ij Great Special -- From A to Z We 'mow our business, jf you want satisfactory! tan uu us. we make is cialtv of fine sanitaru ing, and yield to uontl skill in that line, made a reputation a tain it. Estimates fumisJ and jobbing promptlyeittj ed. Prices verv reasnmJ too. You'll find us reliii our woik first class audi charges right. f W. ). lAKfiJl GL AJ., Court St Gentlemen! Customers Frieni Lend meYi Ears! The best clothing is nonetcoj fo you citizens ot iiasternurt We uree vou to buv the kind suit that HOLDS ITS SHA) and HAS A STYLE that ji BEST GIRL will appreciattj approve. We nave suns nva that are Slim, Regular 01 Stout. $10 From Good to Best Our unrivaled success in this line has given us a ,arctjf Mnnhtinrr uc tn liiiu in nunntWtoc citfTif.ient tO discounts, and for this reason we make a lower p 1 clothing. TneBOSTONSTI CARPETS CARPETS CUT We have Carpet nants, some of them 1 c wstmfi. Ill ...:n L nut ntcreaii, Wilt liJUOO --- u that! M Reduced A. RADJ MAIN AND WBB at Undertaking Inflow to ' iiii 4 The Best . v ;c the vi our wu - it .. .... hest sew, as ment is tne yt who patronwn - , we can do 'c ,dj'i worn, as Tf lVOa i .... AtAr,t SO I' ' I J It .,n, pver n" J lllUU Jf km - go to the DOMESTIC I -Court and Th .Cl