East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 08, 1903, Image 6

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    What the Press Says of the
Philharmonic Quartet
Large numbers of people were turned away, unable
to secure seats to hear the Philharmonic Ladies'
Quartet last night, on their second appearance here
Should the company ever visit Provo again they can
easily fill the Tabernacle to the doors. The Provo
Daily Enquirer.
is hereby agreed that should the Philharmonic Lady
Quartet not be considered by the audience the strong
est attraction of this nature ever heard in Oregon, the
Quartet will forfeit the entire amount of the written
contract to the Ladies' Aid Society. (Signed)
E. I. SMITH, Mgr. Philharmonic Quartet.
At Christian Chtstch
Admission - 50 Cents
See the Fisherman
in Our Show Window, f
And remember that I have a full line of High
Grade Tackle. I bought all of my Tackle direct
from the factory and have the kind that will suit
every fisherman. 1 have in stock fly hooks from
25c to fi.50 per doz., leaders from 5c to 75c, fish
baskets, straps, bait boxes, leader boxes, reels,
from 20c to S5.50, jointed poles from Si to $10,
all kinds of artificial bait, spinner hooks, "Chubb's
pole varnish," mist colored gut and other fisher
man's supplies, too numerous to mention.
74 J Main Street
O. R. & N. May Build to Wallowa
Valley to Get First Choice Great
Activity Expected This Season
TI10 now company formed at Walla
walla for tho construction of a rail
road from that city to Dixie, and on
caBtwnrd indefinitely Into tho Dluo
mountains, Wallowa valley and other
nouns In that rich country lying uc'
twecn I.owlston and Elgin, has every
appearance of being In earnest.
Tho company la headed by Joseph
McCabo, vice-president and general
manager of tho W. & C. 11. and ha3
tho backing of tho First National
bank of Walla Walla, of which Sena
tor Ankeny Is tho head. Allen H.
Reynolds, vice-president of Mr. An-
kony'a bank, Is also vice-president
of tho new company, which Is In evi
dence that tho Interests represented
by tho First Nntlonal bnnk are proba
bly behind tho new road.
Mr. Ankeny Is known to be a friend
of tho James J. Hill interests and
tho Btrong hand man of that great or
ganizer behind It, is a sufficient guar
antee of Its successful termination.
One of tho greatest reasons for be
lieving thnt tho road will be built, Is
tho fact thnt all Inter-mountaln lines
are contending for the rich trndo of
Wallowa county, and tho proposed
route of the now road lies through
tho matchless timber belts of tho
nine mountains, and on toward the
Qramlo Ilondc river and the Lost
1'rnlrlo and Paradise country.
From the time the first mile of this
road Is completed out of Walla Walla,
It will yield a profit and when It
reaches the timber bolt at the foot
of the mountain, tho best resource of
tho Inland Empire will be opened up.
speculation Is now rue as to what
effect the activity of this company
will have on tho O. It. & N. The O.
R, & N. has had men In tho Wallowa
ennyon for years searching for a prac
ticable route to that fertile valley.
Elgin, the present terminuB of tho
ranch lino now handles the great
wool and grain output of the richest
territory In Oregon.
Those in close touch with tho situ
ation see In store for Eastern Oregon
and Washington one of tho fastest
railroad construction rolls In tho his
tory of tho Inland Empire, as tho
two contestants struggle for that rich
prize of tho mountain region.
this morning with nn address of wel
come by Mayor Taylor, to which ro
sponBes on behalf of the association
was made by President J, G. Ander
son, of Rock Hill, S. C.
After tho committees had been ap
pointed an early adjournment was
taken to permit the visitors to par
take of entertainment provided by the
local members of the trade In the
shape of a carriage drive to points
of Interest In and nbout tho city. A
session will be held tomorrow morn
ing for tho discussion of various trade
matters of Importance and the gath
ering will come to an end In the even
ing with a bnnnuct.
Reports of Large Railway Systems
Show Great Advances.
New York, April 7. Tho reports
of earnings for February, just nindo
public by sovernl of the largest rail
road systems show satisfactory traffic
conditions. In each case there was
a substnntlnl Increaso In gross earn
ings, reflecting tho great volume or
freight carried. Not earnings in
most cases Bhow n larger percentage
of Increaso than gross. Indicating thnt
the roads were operating under more
favorable conditions for economical 1 ,. t, ' temporarily, but
mnnncciucut. 77 ' .. . , t,
One of the chief reasons lor this
Improvement, according to road ofil-
clals, Is relief from tho congestion
which hns prevailed for so many
months. Traillc ofilcials of several
of the Western roads report that
while freight Is still offered In greater
volume than tho roadB can handle
with tho dispatch desired by shippers,
It Is not being crowded on them In
such overwhelming quantity as has
been the caes until recently.
A A. 11 Ll a Yam n.fiv-hl Ti
Snrintr and Summer than at any other
im hiMAn icrnnrirpii wirn 1 1 no n - aii. ii
j- . 1a in Ih
condition lor Kiicumausm to Uevelon. ntid "
Rheumatism, because it attacks diffpTw,?
iuw , .. . .CO UULlOh in :
n .......... i . , . . ".watnb.
nnicuiar, juiiumuiuiuiy, mercurial and sciatic miu-'
the same oiu acm dioou mat causes nil 6:
Jn..t..t rITnr ,1,i1n ntbprs ,have onlv occnsmnnl sn11e t ti. wt
but cituer Kind is wearing uijuu ".v. wiisiiiuuuu, unu ln t,m
the blood settle upon the valves of the ua
Aftei- being terribly ctC , I
- .titcumBi ,m . .
unvinor T r i on i.
.UUWUM-,., ,
S. S. S., I concluded to trr .
iw w nay iaat 1 was ttihZ
cured, and am ublo to work .. .3
heart and ends suddenly and fatally
It won't do to let Rheumatism
run on. It is a dangerous disease, and
you can never tell where it is going to
Strike. Home remedies, plasters, lini
ments and such things as produce
counter-irritation, are soothing and
T nl,i,ali,11 - .
all BUfferors of this terrlbh, dUi
and will eay that If th6y m
tlnuo tho treatment, as p
tlon., they will find a wmZ
Exposition Opens at Athens.
Athens, April 7. The International
Exposition of Industry. Commerce
Art and Hygiene, for which prepara
tions have been In progress for sev'
oral years, was formally opened today
by tho Grown princess. It is regretted
that there Is not a bettor representn
tlon of farming machinery, electrical
appliances and other American pro
ducts, for which there is a fine open
lug ln the Greek market.
Builders of Fine Carriages Discuss
Their Growing Industry.
Richmond, Va April 7. Tho
Southern Vehicle Association, which
was organized last year at Atlanta,
is celebrating the completion of Its
first year with a convention in this
city, attended by more than 100 of
tho leading carriage and vehicle mak
ers of tho South.
Tho gathering was formally opened
Toy Dog Show In London.
London. April 7. Tho Toy Dog
Show, which opened today at Tatter
sail's, is quite exceptional, It being
tho first affair of Its kind ever held
In England. Society Is taking n live
ly Interest In the show. Lady Lewis
is president and among tho pat
ronesses nro Lady Dufferin, the Prin
cess Furstenberg, Lady Garvagh,
Lady Castlereagh, the Princess Hatz
fleld, I-ady Huntington. Mrs. Hradloy
Martin, Mrs. Ronalds and Mrs.
Frederick Glrardot. of Gravesend
Reach, N. Y will sail tor Franco soon
to establish his claim against tho
French government for 4250,000, which
sum, It Is nssorted, was loaned by his
sranutatner. General Jean Francois
Glrardot, in 1793, to be returned to
him or his heirs with Interest, after
tho revolution. The documents bear
tho seal and stamp of the government.
the polluted, acid blood cannot be
readied uy external appncanuuo.
Rheumatism must be treated
through the blood, and no remedy
brings such prompt and lasting relief
as S. S. S. It attacks the disease in
the blood, neutralizes the acids, and
removes all irritating poisons and effete matter from the system
S. S. S. strengthens and enriches the thin acid blood, and, as it cb,
lates through the body, the corroding, gnawing poisons and acid deposits'
are dislodged and washed out of the muscles and joints, and the suSob
and misery of Rheumatism.
S. fa. fa. is a purely vegetable remedr
does not contain any Potash or mineni
of any kind, and can be taken win,
otuby yy mi uuu juuuj.
Rheumatic sufferers who
about their case will receive valuable nid and helpful advice fmm
il ;J . t 1.1-1. n,n.nn io nmrln lUo ...:i f
book on Rheumatism, which is the result of years of practical experienceii
treating this disease. It contains much interesting information about ij
1 1 c Tt
The Little Darlings
Now that gentle Spring is with us, Mothers, vou can
take your children out in the op(n air and let them enjoy the
We want to have the pleasure of showing you the swell
est line of
In Pendleton.
Next door to Postoffice.
The new store can never be
known nnless It advertises
expect people to know wu
you have to sell If you doo'l
jmmmm mwm mmmmmrnm mmmmmmmm mmwmmm mnnnmnnnmmm wnrnmrnm
w Deliberate, Be Thoughtful Yet Act Promptly.
Upon your prompt and early action often depends the Price at which you may secure a good invest- 3
yslxujuii.. xuc sucuuu tiiiuuiieii i oi siock 01 me
Is Now being offered to investors on ground floor terms. SIX (6) CENTS PER SHARE.
$30.00 WILL BUY 500 SHARES;
$60.00 WILL BUY i ,000 SHARES;
$300 WILL BUY 5,000 SHARES. 3
The properties of tho HIGHLAND GOLD MINES
COMPANY, consisting of twelve clnims, (240 acres),
and known locnlly ns tho KNAPP GEOUP OF MINES,
nro situated on tho famous MOTHER LODE system of
tho Sumpter district, in Bnkor county, stntc of Oregon,
nnd on the great Elkhorn divide nt the head waters of
Rock Creek llowing to the cast and Cracker Creek flowing
to the west, through that renowned Cracker Creek district
of Eastern Oregon, where aro situated upon tho MOTHER
LODE system tho North Pole, E. & E., Columbia, nnd
Golconda mines, known tho world over ns the "Big 4" of
Enstorn Oregon.
1809 Glasgow drift west sido creek, heavy sul
phides, oro from rich strenk $330.00
From crosscut east sido of creek on Eldorndo, 16
feet wide, tiikon in 5-foot sections, north wnll C.7S
Six feet in center vein, largo snmplo 2.50
Five feet south sido, largo snmplo 5.28
Tho Bannock Burn tunnol, 7 feet on foot wnll,
large sample . . .' 8,25
Bnnnock Burn tunnol, 10 feet, G inches width
lnrge snmplo 7.70
Back 8 feet from face and 2 foot next to hnng'ng
wnll, lnrge snmplo lfi.OO
Snmo body 14 l'eot back from fnco, 4 feet of ore . . 22.32
From Glasgow drift west of creek, from ore on
dump in boxes 308.33
From same point in Glnsgow drift, 11 inches wide, 491.88
20 feet bnek from face, 9 inches wide, snmo drift 430.00
Enst sido of creek, in crosscut next to shaft on
Eldorndo, 15 feet wido 4.70
Float in nnd nround open cuts half wny up the
mountain from east end of Bnnnock Burn
tunnol, general snmplo 27.00
At open cuts near west line, vnlues obtained
rnnged from $28.00 to $20.00
Small strenk in open cut near west owl lino of
Bnnnock Burn 300.00
Snmplo from surface near creek enst side, 8 feet
wido o 43
JULY 1000.
Bannock Burn tunnol fnco, 0 feet in width, tunnol
having been drivon nhoad a fow foot 4.10
Gcnornl sample, 0 feot of oro 8 feet back from
fnce of Bannock Burn tunnol 10.82
Gcnornl snmplo of 4 feot of oro, 30 feet bnek from
fnco of Bnnnock Burn tunnol 5,70
General snmplo, 8 feot of oro in opon cut 250 feet
west, further up tho mountain from Bnnnock
Burn tunnol 5,53
Genornl snmplo noxt to foot of wall, snmo placo, 2.50
Gcnornl snmplo 2 feot in width, hnnging wnll 250
foot west of Bnnnock Burn tunnol 2.25
Bnnnock Burn claim nenr west end lino 2 feet
io 0.04
If you soriously consider nn investment in tho Stock
of tho HIGHLAND GOLD MINES CO., nnd wish to
mako a porsonal examination of tho MINE, nnd person
ally lenrn tho facts, you may do so without cost to your
self. Wo will pay your expenses from vour homo to the
Bnnnock Burn clnim, genornl snmplc, from lnrge
boulders of ore hnlf wny up tbo mountain, 10.01
Sample from 14 inches in face of Glnsgow 27.10
Snmplo of lot of lloat 1000 feet west of Bnnnock
.Hurn tunnol 4.3U -J
onmpio 01 smplimo ores from Glnsgow drift, west
of creek 219.00
Gcnornl snmplo, open cut 700 feet west of Bnn
nock Burn tunnol 13.22
Memoranda of sampling nnd results for tho fall of
1901 misplaced or lost, but results wcro good.
Sampling this fall from tho Eldorndo tunnol in
tho face, genornl snmplo rnn from . .$3.70 to$15.7C
por ton.
Snmplo of 18-inch gougo or solvidge 4.58
Tho voin is trncoablo tho entire length of tho claims,
thirty-five hundred (3500) feot, nnd tho oro shoots nro
known to bo of immense length, nnd tho vnlues in tho
snmo ovonly distributed throughout.
Tho width of tho vein vnries from ten (10) to forty
(40) feot, nnd has n northoastorly awl southwesterly
strike of course; tho pormnnonov of which hns boon dem
onstrated by tho dovolopmont of tho other mines on tho
now famous MOTHER LODE of tbo Sumptor District.
Tho voin on this property hns boon explored thor
oughly on tho surfneo by means of shafts, tunnels and
open cuts, nnd is known to carry commorcinl vnlues the
u.iti.u luugui uo. iuu cinims.
Address all communications, and make your cnecks, drats and money
wmmmm uruurs payaDie to
hiiMililililliiilllittillliiilitilttillillllllitillilllttl IHtiiiiiiiiiuuiiUiiminiuKfuffut ; ?9?$??ii
W,MM"" ,",""MIH' Minim uimmmmuMM4MMMMMMM Uttti UUiiiiUttiiUU iiUUUiiaiiiiiiiiii
MINE nnd return ; awl if you find tho facts as represent
ee uu wo asK in return is a tnir nnd reasonablo invest
ment, but if you find that tho facta havo been misrepre
sented, wo will not nsk you for an investment, and for
ever hold you harmless from all necessary oxponscs on
uuluiiiu iu your tisii anu examination.