East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 08, 1903, Image 5

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9" Vfh-
Brand New Line
The best fitting, the most convenient and the most satis-
1 . tl.u mirlipl. It fits the Waist nnH V.!r,
lv It lias wide, circular flounce, designed especially for
latest styles of dress skirts. It is seven gore, tailor made,
cued top skirt, made up in the latest and most popular de
ens F,ir fasteners on each side, making it adjustable to
nv size waist from 20 to 30 inches. Is made from the best
frills anil by the most experienced operators. See window
Slay Price from $2.00 to $3.00.
Corner Main and Alta Streets.
City Briefs
to rent
Ivilliam Crouse Fined $5 for Fighting
F-Clark Paid $15 for Same Offense.
In nnllee court tills morning Wll-
.am Crouse was lined f G lor fighting.
k-n uartlcular damage wbb none, out
lr .Crouse paid for Ills unwarranted
James Clarke assauiteu ai vonaui
tne iiueen unup iiuuau unw uj-
seveia! times unsuccessfully to
Ingage Jlr. Volratli In nn altercation.
rrhe uusliot of the nlfray wns tnnt tno
lattter broke Clarke's nose and other
wise illstuilied the autonomy ot- his
tidal contour. The lino which
tlarke paid SIB will huve a
Incy to enrhe his aggressiveness In
lie Hi tu io.
Herman Hessell, of Weston, paid
110 lint In Justice Kit. Gerald's
loiirt this mornnig for assaulting Sur-
Itjor Mmhrell In an altercation over
lome business transaction.
Father Van der Velden in Wyoming
In a private letter to Joseph Base-
mr, iiev. a. van (ler velden, who I
i in cnargo of the Catholic mission
. among tho Arapahoe Indians In Wy
tuning, mentions tne government
proposition to open tho Arapahoe
aims in tnat state to settlement, re-
i immirse mo inuians and also movi
them to other lands. Whereas the
Indians are greatly excited and are
Invoking hlg medicine to help them
decide whether to accept the offer.
Father vnn der Velden Is In excellent
health and well pleased with his new
Mission Improved.
Needed extensive improvements
nave been completed at the Presby
lerian mission on the reservation,
The grounds surrounding both res!
ounce ano cnurcn nave been sur
rounded with a woven wire fence, thr
tend- grounds have been sown to blue grass
aitaita and wlilte clover, the under
ground piping for Irrigating the
grounds hns been laid, nnd many
snado trees have been planted.
Sold Liquor to Indians.
Bob Adams, of Adams, was this
bralng brought In by Deputy United
tlales Marshal A. A. Roberts, charg-
d with selling liquor to Indians. Po
reman .lack detained In the resorvn-
Iion jail two drunken Indians until
hey consented to tell where they got
heir liquor, and the arrest of Adams
followed. He will he arraigned ii
L'ommlssloner Hallev's court this
Will Buy Land.
A. Prosses and family have been In
the city some days looking It and the
neighborhood over. They arrived
some days ago from Portland, Mlchl
gan. and have fully made up their
minds to locate In Umatilla county,
Their tickets afforded them transpor
tation to the coast, however, and this
morning they left for a short trip to
All property owners are hereby no
iSW to joualr and keen In order nil
peter boxes opening on sidewalks.
Property owners will be held respon
se for all damage from ami nrtnr
pie of this notice.
V II FEE, Street Commissioner.
Fechter Has RnlH n,.
W I). Feebler Imu colli i.i
" ... wub mo vjun
m.ery and refreshment hiisln..SK
, lrt'ut' ,0 T- Gnddls, of
Pescott. Iowa, u-lm i ...... i..
m ...
Notice to Water Consumers.
All water rents must bo paid at the
water works ofllce on or before the
10th of each and every month or the
water will be shut off and a penalty
will be collected before the water is
turned on again. Tins means every
one who is delinquent on that date.
.1. T. liltOWN.
Superintendent Water Woiks.
A new novelty that is
greatly admired by all
lovers of the popular
game. Hat pins.ster
ng silver, in caddy
,a8- Artistic and
Keep your eyes on our
window for all the
new novelties.
To Finish Shearing.
Charles Cunningham will begin in
n tew days the Bhearlng of the re
mainder of his sheep COOO in num
ber. Mr. Cunningham is not in the
leaBt disappointed in the weight and
quality of the fleece this spring, both
ol which, as he predicted six weeks
ago, are extra compared with previous
A Correction.
Rev, Orchard Hayes, who Is to
preach at Plalnvlow schoolhouse dur
ing the coming year, Is a member of
the Church of Christ, instead of the
Christian church, as stated In yes
terday's Issue,
From North Carolina.
W. P. Perrlll arrived this morning
from Ashevllle, N. C. It Is his Inten
tion to file on government land and
remain In the Northwest, preferably
In Umatllln county.
No Dessert
More Attractive
Why use gelatine and
spend Hours soiinmg,
sweetening, flavoring
ana coloring when
produces better results in two minutosf
Everything in the package. Simply add hot
waterundsettocool. It's perfection. Asur
prisoto the housewife. No trouble, less ex
pense. Try it to-day. In Four Fruit Fla
vors! Lemon, Orange, Strawberry, Rasp
berry. At grocers. lOo.
rnia Olive Oil
We have Juat received a
i. .......i.. rr. 1 1 .,..,!
lrt from the ,.m , , Olive Oil. We get this
?k K' You can ,nr rs I'.1 Southern California. ThU Oil U absolutely
v pecenm.fi, Ji t.1.1'8 to.Vour own -satisfaction if you will notice
fettott? J'Vr01" rttate.sjustas the olives do. It Is
m 0er&duitp'e,(A t0 auy considerable extent, beoaiuo cottonseed oil
'uterants are practically tasteless.
or laril !. " "Ve for every kind of frying or whoever you use butter
o& UwuCtPtei.n,??oubt' consider Olive Oil too expensive for or
ui oiuu,, '8 not, aa a quart of oil la equal to about two pounds
8Jwfce i,lffti,,i
- .u ouuw you our oil.
Try Orati's clam chowder.
Choice moats at Houser's.
Oyster cocktails at Qratz's.
Best thoo work at Teutsch's.
House to rent, $8. E. T. Wade.
Smokers' supplies at Neuman's.
Piano for rent; enquire this office.
Drop into Clark & Co.'s for a social
Spring samples, large line, at Joer
gor s.
Clark & Co.'s new cigar store for
good smokes.
ice iurnisiied rooms
309 Court street.
Have your shoes
Hays' cigar store, headouartors for
smokers' supplies.
Smoke "The Pendleton Favorite,"
made by J, Devlin.
All kinds of Imported and domestic
lunches at Oratz's.
Clark & Co.'s new cigar store now
open. Ell building.
Good housekeeping rooms for rent.
107 West Alta stieet.
Have you had your shoes renalred
at leutscnv Try him.
A new seven-room house for sale
at cost. N. T .Conklln.
Fresh stock of candles and fruits
at Miller's, 209 Court street,
A house for sale on installments
?15 per month. N. T. Conklln
Imported Hmburger and Swiss
encese sandwiches at Gratz's,
"EI Sldclo," the best cigar made, at
Rees cigar store. Court street.
A paying business for sale, small
cnpltal required. N. T. Conklln.
Lot for sale; great bargain; Haley's
addition, inquire at 403 Alta street.
An acceptable Easter gift, a Water
man s "Ideal ' fountain pen. Nolf s.
Children's Easter hats at Mrs.
Campbell's. See our special window.
Our new spring patterns for suits
are for Inspection. Selbert & Schulz.
Nice furnished rooms to rent at
309 W. Court street. 'Phono and bath
Wanted To buy a cottage on the
easy payment plan. Address Box 427,
Blacksmith shop In Pendleton for
sale. See Earnhart, Association
Mrs. Campbell has received her
third invoice of beautiful dress and
Etreet hats
Don't forget to buy your tickets for
the Philharmonic concert at Frazler s
hook store.
The railroad bridges in the vicinity
of Weston will all undergo repairs lu
a short time.
Wanted Two or three dozen chick
ens; Plymouth Rocks preferred. Ad
dress Box 124.
The public shows its appreciation
of the low prices being made at
Eben's sacrifice sale.
A lot of satisfied customers testify
to the success of the first day's sac
rillce sale at Ebcn s.
For Sale Pair of thoroughbre
buff Plymouth Rock chickens, inquire
of Mrs. W. S. Byers
For Sale Residence with one, two
or three lots, located at 517 Jane
street. Call at house,
Lost A pair of ladies' gold-iimmed
glasses. Under please return to Oil
vers Grocery and receive reward.
Houser always furnishes good
meat. Send In your order. Market
Alta street, opposite Savings Bank
Baer & Daley have Inaugurated
their Easter clothing sale. They also
have on display a fine line of new
Mrs. L. II. Holcomb has the Stun
Held house, 313 Main street, furnish
d throughout for private hoard and
Wanted A good cook at the Uma
tllla Indian school, to took for nine
persons, wages per niontn. A
ply ot once .
Best investment on Pacific Coast
today Is In Yakima valley. Sea the
Nessly-Scott Investment Company
ad" elsewhere.
For Rent Suite of rooms In East
Oregonion building. Steam heated.
Hot and cold water and bath room on
same floor. Inquire at this omce.
A license to sell liquor In Helix lias
been granted Thomas Swearingen l
the citv council of that place. There
will hereafter be two saloons In He
lix. W. M. Reynolds and family have
moved overland to Goldendale, where
thev have nurchased a residence
property and intend to make their
A, Kunkle reports tho sale of vehi
cles nnd Implements as double dur
ing the past two months what they
were during the corresponding penou
last year.
Kid cloves, did you have tioublo
with the last you bought? Then buy
your next nt the Peoples Warehouse.
They have, without doubt, the best
makes of tho Peerless and Majestic,
ever offered for sale in Pendleton.
P. P. Collier has moved to 307 1.II
lleth street. Mrs. Collier's health Is
much impioved of late. In August
Mr. and Mrs. Collier will go to Cali
fornia on a visit. Mr. Collier will at
tend the national G, A. R. encamp
ment at San Francisco.
What is the use of a woman's
working herself to death sewing,
The Peoples Warehouse
at J i VA
- :ffl, X
f i and $1.25 kind for
T. P. V. Special, psr pair,
Peerless, per pair,
Majestic, per pair,
In all tho Now Shndos and
Black. Sizes 5H to 8.
Just received another lot by
express. Can fit a large wo
man or a small one in cither
the Silk, Wool or Wash Kind
Have two ejetra help in tho
fitting room so can get you
ready for Sunday.
Outfitters for Women
and Laces
An immense assortment
of Ribbons just received
by express. All the popu
lar kinds in all colors and
Laces in every conceiv
able design and material,
lc per yard' to $1.00 per
Handkerchiefs new and
Royal Worcester C irsots
in white, black, blue, pink
and drab, 50c to $3 each.
In Collars
Another lot of beautiful
new Collars, with stocks
and without. Tho turn
over kind, the ribbon ef
fect, tho laco kind, in fact
all the newest and hand
somest creations of this
spring. Not one old one,
and a lot of
Table Linens
Have today unpacked
and placed on our sholvoB
50 pieces of these celebrat
ed makes, whoso Pendleton
agents wo are.
Table Linen
(5c to $2,50 per yd.
65c to $6.00 per do.
We invito
your mspeo-
cst things are. Come and seo for
jourself for we are Just us glad to
see you whether you come to buy or
to look.
S. C. Bltner, from 10 miles out on
lite reservation, reports the stock
generally in fine condition, but In
some cases the herds weie turned
out on the range too soon this
spring and considerable suffering re
sulted, which the late very favorable
weather has done much to noutrull.e.
Playing With Matches.
A combination of chlldien nnd
matches Is supposed to have beer.
the cause of the fire which was dis
covered this morning In the barn of
Mr. I.aug, who lives on Rallioad
street, between Johnson and Thomp
son. It was extinguished with a few
buckets of water, without an alarm
being turned in.
(5) ----
sell the TWO most Popular
Wheels in the World
$25 and $35-world-famed
-Fitted with the
G. & J. Tires.
Notice to Dog Owners.
Pendleton, Or., April 2.
Notice Is hereby given that dog li
censes are now due and must bo paid
or proceedings will be taken to col
lect the same.
City Marshal.
One that you will
thoroughly enjoy, is
always served by us
All the good things
in season at the
The "Crescent."
$18, $20, $22 50 and $25,
The Best
WE ARE pleased to advise that
we have received a full new Morgan & Wright Double
stock of those celebrated Tube Tlres
$2.50 Shoes The Nolf sw
Bicycle Sundries.
TtslepUouo Mala 4
7"om Main St., Toward the CortHose
This is the shoe wc had last .fall
and sold out every pair before
when she can get better looking dress we could cet more of them. We
Skirts, wai8ts 111 ennui suit ui wbbii
material, petticoats, tailor-made suits,
muslin underwear and all at such as
tonishingly low prices, as make one
wonder that women should try to
maku them nt all?
Among tho new arrivals at the Peo
ples Warehouse today are a lot of
walking -skirts to fit any woman,
long or short, stout or slim and at
prices that will fit her pocket as wol,
qiid talking about shirt waists, If you
,hae not been !n within the past few
tfays, you have no Idea what the l ew-
New Babies in Town
Just arrived, the new style Daby Upright Piano
315 East Court Street.
have arranged to keep them cons
tantly on hand, so you had better
try a pair.
DESCRIPTION Vici kid, Good-
year welt, patent tip, smooth ,
insole, flexible and new spring
last, la:e, ,
Boston Store:
Call and see them,
They are reasonable in price
makes it possible
for everybody o
I Where Whole Families Are Shod