1, ' i .1 The BUCKEYE Folding Vapor Bath Cabinet. THE ONLY PERFECT CABINET MADE For the Sclentlllc Application of Hjat nnd Steam In Curing and Preventing Disease. : : : : : Endorsed by 3o,ooo PHYSICIANS and OVBR 600,000 Happy User PRICE, $5.00 BROCK & McCOMAS CO. DRUGGISTS WEDNESDAY, APRIL S, 1U03. Truth Is always consistent with Itself, and needs nothing to help It out: It Is always near at hand and sits upon our lips, and Is ready to drop out before we are aware; whereas a He Is troublesome, and sets a man's In vention 011 the rack, and one trick needs a great many more of the same to make It good. Dr. Samuel Johnson. TOM JOHNSON, REFORMER. The people of Cloveland, Ohio, have again Indorsed the principles of Tom Johnson, this time by 7,114 ma jority, In the home of the only Mark Hauna. Johnson has proven himself to be the friend of the common people. Ho has made an honest study of their needs In the city of his home and has fearlessly made their needs hU political creed. Opposed to him are the plutocrats who look upon the common herd as so many horses, to be worked, while the vigor of manhood lasts, and then to be sent to the alms-house. If no other charitable door Is open for them. At the head of this rank of political cormptlonlsts, opposed to the people of Cleveland, stands Marl: Hanna. The municipal fight In Cloveland Is waged about the street car faro and franchise question. Tom Johnson stand3 for 3 cent fares, the opposi tion for 5 cent fares, the same rate that has been charged since, street railways were first built In Cleve land. Tom Johnson represents progress; the Hanna forces represent the mossback capitalism that lights every Innovation, no matter how worthy, which threatens to reduce personal dividends, in the Interest of all the people. The election of Johnson Is a scath ing rebuke to the fossilized forces arrayed against him. In a leading re publican state, and In the best city In that state, it is refreshing to find the common people tearing away from the worn-out, thread-bare policy which has built up one man and one lortune at the oxpense of a thousnnd. It would be a happy choice and one that the great mass of the plain peo ple would welcome, should Tom John son be named as the standard-bearer for democracy. The record he has made In Ohio entitles him to consid eration. In the stronghold of tho en emy he has won laurels of which any leader may well feel proud. THE TRUST'S ROBBERY. Without advancing the wages of its employes one cent or adding aught to the quality of Its product, the salt trust has raised the price of salt from $2.50 In February, as quoted to Doug las Belts, president of the Stato Woolgrowers' Association, to $10 per ton on April 1. This Is tho brand of prosperity that helps one man and hurts a hundred. Tho woolgrowers have labored In cessantly to build up their Hocks. They have invested money In lino breeds. Improved their farms with all the conveniences and equipment necessary to tho comfort and caro of their stock. They havo added wealth to the county and state In in creasing values. They havo offered the markets a better product and aro Just now In condition to reap a Just reward from their labor and oxpense, wheu tho octopus of greed grasps their profits and pockets tho roward they have earned. Thoy must have salt. Tho trust controls tho output. Thoy must pay the prico fixed by the trust or go without. And In paying the trust's exorbitant prices, thoy aro unjustly forced to give up hard-earned wealth that should go Into further improve ments in herds and homes. Will thoy still ding to the trust principle or is the lesson sufficient? Will they still support the cause that nourishes the trust, or will thoy Join forces with tho reformers who stand for tho rights of the people? It Is said the neatest rottto by which to 1 each a man's vote lies through his pocket. If this "hold up" of tho stockman bv tho vllllanous salt trust Is not enough to mnke them think deeply nnd seriously, nothing can do It. They aro robbed of profits which should be used In educating their families, beautifying their homes and Improving their llocks. Tho trust gives them no Increased value for this Increased price. Tho same salt that sold for $2.50 per ton In February Is now quoted at $10. The trust knows that the season of the year Is on in which tho stockman ....... ltnvi nnlt n .1 tl.i fgtrrHl l.lt.i t(. i uiiiaL 11(11; D.iii nun iiivjj ( ... I pay them a 300 per cent increaso in price to got It. . Congress has done nothing to cur tail tho power of the trusts. Tho gieat boasts made by the republican leaders were empty. The people nre being mercilessly exploited by In creased prices for llfe't, necessities, and will be until the common people themselves .overthrow machine poli tics and make a few wholesome laws. It was really a victory for the West when Harrlman won In the great con test for ownership of tho Union Pa cific stock, against Kcene. Harrl man, like Jim Hill, is an empire builder. Ho develops tho countries into which his roads extend. He In vites dividends by making business In the settlement of the country. He Is a big man, of tho Western type, a path-maker, a liome-bullder, and a lover of development. Wherover the Harriman system and the Harrlman Influence Is felt, rural Improvement Is going on, immigration is changing tho character of the country for the bet ter and railroads are made as far as poslble, agencies of progress. Keene Is a stock gambler, pure and simple. To him, railroads aro sources of In come and not development. He takes no further delight In owning stock, than to collect profits. Progress Is not part of his creed. The Uaker City Democrat, which has been telling of the terrible op pression of lite mlnlngcorporations by virtue of tho corporation tax law, for the past month, suddenly comes to Its senses. Here is what It says on re turn lo consciousness: "The Eastern Oregon gold field is now the victim of Eastern fake companies which are pi eying on the unsuspecting and sell ing stock In mythical claims, making the good reputation of this district tho lover by which thoy can gull the public. How long this swindle can go on without the doors of the peni tentiary swinging open to receive theso nothing less than robbers re mains to bo seen. Certainly the gov ernment authorities aro lax In their duty or else thero Is a nigger in tho woodpile somewhere." STOP YO' CAPERIN' 'ROUND1 Ain't no' sense a actln' so Fickllsh all tho while Fust yo' blow an' then yo' snow', Then yo' crack a smile. Jump from spring to winter In One quick back'nrd bound, Then yo' Jump right back agin I Stop yo' caperln' 'round! Came In gentle as the lamb I.lttlo Mary had IJreath was lull o" honey balm, Heavenly, by gad! ; Then yo' got Into a fret An' we quickly round Yo' was Jest a durned coquette! Stop yo' caperln' 'round! Git as gentle as a dove, Do the best yo' can, Just to make a monkey of Our poo' weather man. Let him talk of azure sky That ho thinks he's found, Then.yo' let a blizzard fly. Stop yo' caperln' 'round! Ain't no sense a actln' so, Makln' slcb n crack, Fur it's time fur grass to grow An' yo' set It back. Paint with blue tho heaven-arch, Paint with green tho ground Jest behave yo'self. Miss March! Stop yo' caperln' 'round! James Hat ton Adams In Denver Post. A LESSON IN FREE TRADE. Tho treasury department at Wash ington Is publishing figures which show that our imports from Porto Hlco have risen from less than $2. 000.000 in 1S07, to $!),(i34.17li In 1902, nnd that our exports to the Island have, during tho same period. Increas ed from a little over $2,000,000 to about $12,000,000, Which leads, the St, Louis Mirror remarks; 'As Porto Hlco has, for some time, been enjoying free trade with the United States, the figures published deserve to be icgarded us Irrefragable ptoof of the utter fallaciousness of protectionist theories. There cannot be a shadow of doubt but that the establishment of free trade with Cuba, the Philippines and overy other country in the world would bo fol lowed by still moie beneficial results than It was in the case of Porto Hlco." VALUE OF A REPUTATION. The bullfrog sat by tho river's brim And sang the whole day long; The critics sometimes censured him. And they weren't far from wrong. Hut he sang away, as tho daylight lied And didn't care what tho critics said. He gurgled and croaked till tho toads so fat. And the pollywogs so slim. Remarked: "To warble a song like that Must be very hard on him. Hut no doubt it Is difficult to do," And the bullfrog simply pegged awny The very best ho knew; They learned to bear It. and day by day His reputation r;irv. Till at last, inrough the pond, it Is understood. That whatover the bullfrog sings, it's good. Washington Star. ABOUT THAT COAT You wear a coat. Why? To keep the cold out ? No ; to keep the warmth in. What of the body that has no warmth the thin, poor body that lacks the healthy flesh and fat it needs? For such we say that Scott's Emulsion provides the right kind of a coat. Why? lie cause Scott's Emulsion builds firm, solid flesh and sup plies just enough fat to fill nature's requirements no more. That means bodily warmth. We'll tend you a umple free upon request. SCOTT BOWNK, 09 I'earl Slreei, New Vork. "let the GOLD DUST twins do your work-" G2 W9JL This would be a cleaner, brighter world if every housekeeper used GOLD DUST It Multiplies your pleasures; Divides your efforts; Subtracts from your cares; Adds to your life. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. Chlcwo. Haw York, Boston. St. Louis. Makers of OVAL FAIRY SOAP. Indigestion is caused by trying to compel the stomach to keep too rapid a pace. It is the bane of the present age and is wrecking lives bv the wholesale a little assistance is needed by the diges tive organs of half the world. That distressed feeling can be removed speedily by using Beecham's Pills and can posi tively be cured by tnlrino' n rnnrso. of this excellent I medicine. Your stomach will be kept sweet anu clean anu your gen eral health will be perfect if you will use BEECHAM'S PILLS Sold Everywhere. " In boxes, I Oe. and 26c. TTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT I. Ik JJUUll , List! Go where they all go, to T Robinson's Amusement Parlors Howling. Shooting, Pool and Billiards. Corner Main and Webb Sts. MISS IDA M. SNYDER, Treasurer of tho Brooklyn East E.nd Art Club. ENSTItOAIj irregu larities are gener ally the beginning nf !i wniimti'ii trou- Witl. lm vitalitv ni a. low ebb, tlie bloou vrcaK enoil, the digestion disor dered, she goes about pale faced, hollow-eyed and hag gard, u piteous contrast to tho blooming health of l.A. f....ia. coif lint m'pr 111.1 - i health again by taking Wine o Cardui. As a regulator of the menstruali periods Wine o Cardui has never been' known to fail. It lias seldom failed toTestore perfect health, even in tho most persis tent and aggravated case of weakness. Jlin Ida M. Suvder, of No. 535 Ber gen Street, Brooklyn, X. Y., ha used Wine o Cardui and she says it helped her into a new life. Health to Miss Snyder is worth a great deal. She is an attractive young woman with intel lectual attainments and she occupies the portion of Treasurer of the Brook lyn I'ast End Art Club. This position marks her as a person of intellect, cul ture and refinement and it speaks highly of the respect and trust her fellow women have in her. She writes: "If women would pay more attention - 1 to their health we wou" have more happy wivev mothers and daughters, ana If they would use more Intel ligence in the matter of medi cines, observing results, they, would find that the doctors' prescriptions do not perform the many cures they are given credit iit. "In consulting with my druggist he advised McEtree'i W7:JT. rs4..l on4 ThrA- ii T lilt, W mm - ford's Blade-Draught, and so X took it and have every reason to thank him for a new life opened up to me with restored health, and It only took three months to cure me." Yon may secure the same relief as Miss Snyder, if you take Wine of Cardui as she took it. Thedford's . Black Draught is the companion medicine of Wine of Cardui and it is a liver and bowel regulator which assists grtatly in i effecting a cure. If you take these medicines according to direction, the relief and cure is simple. Some cases are cured quickly and others take longer because the disease has run longer. Remember how Miss Snyder took Wine of Cardui and has health The tame medicines are offered you to-day. 3 WINEofCARDVI A million suffering women have found relief in Wine of Cardui. A7. SID EL O" M "EL SIDELO" Is Manufactured bv SAM'L I. DAVIS, Y CA ASK FOR "BANKER" SIZE 2 for 25c ALLEN b LEWIS , Distributors PORTLAND, ORE. Water tank! We make a Specialty of Building RaMJ WATER TANKS, Wc make them right and thev always give satisfaction. Out work is never slighted or botched Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Ronr.KT Foustcr, pf0p Fine Yellow Newtown Aunlei Ulliy VV UBIUB a UOX, Fresh Ranch Eggs, 15 cents a dozen, We have the Famous and i. ways sausiaciory M0N0POLE COFFEE A trial will convince you of Iti merits. D. KEMLER 4 Koorn- Alta Street, Opposite Saving! Bui riimiiiij. nunui nnu liiiiuiuuMi REPAIRING work guaranteed. Babbit Metal i I 1 1 f . !l It of Harvesting Machinery. Manufacturer of Diriv n fvv UiDT?CTH IVlViDJ "V LU i u HfUllilidlli 709 East Alta Street. Baltezore & Howe's Uld stun Going to Improve UKIJ.UI VUlll II Willi--J v r- X J . ed or paptired. Come to us i 1.. c PC juarge anu nitciy stock of wall paper and pam' E. J. Mtitpny m finnrt Street. Awmoy for the Snerww llama Faint. Price $1.00 per bar at th E. 0. Office Farmers Custom M Fred Walters, ProprM n ii. erv l,nMlau itftV i.i.r. w.i Mi for wlieii , F 11)11 1 " I k MIL Klour, Mill Feed, Cliopw always on uuuu. M GET HUNGRY? Of Course You Do. The place to get the best meal served in the city is AT THE ROYAL RESTAURANT Main street,- doors north of W. & C. R. depot. bo .a "o o JSP PQ O 5 Easter Bargains .. ... .. a. .... . . . . . . . ....lPli (0 Z mis is iuu ween 10 ouiui lor easier an.i we Have ma.le uaeirort to get everyuiius n, fumislilyou.a complete outfit for Eajter wear. V MILLINERY We will receive thU week a shipment of new tr.umied hats for ladies ami mittses. See them before buying vournuw spring hut Flow ers of nil kiudt, tco, wo have on hand, and Bilks and ulilflonu for trimming. SILKS AND SILK WAISTS Beautiful Wash Bilks, more than 20 dlfler- ent patterns for summer waists. Our si'60.1 price f rtuts week, 4 yard waUt patterns omy fl.8f. Japanese Silk fcr trimming r pese., HUnohe wide, u uallj' sold elMwMJJ for 35o yard, our price this week, ioo yu. J Bilk WalstB, ne stylte, all olors, Hue yam $8i!!i. Fine 811k Waists, all new sty , colors, 8.75 and $5.00. Bee our window tiup. of. Silks and Bilk Waists. ri Hi SATURDAY SPECIALS We will have many specials on sale Saturday, too numerous to mention in space. Call at the store and see them. tins THE FAIR