East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 08, 1903, Image 3

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    .4$ J
Easter Opening
And Grand
Anniversary Sale i
Alexander Dep't Store
Commencing Monday, April 6
Prater pera HaDnns
Mark Moorhouse, Local Manager
Ollie Mack presents those funny fellows, GALLAGHER AND
BARRETT, In that Evergreen Success
Big Cast and Chorus of Very Pretty Girls.
legal blanks
pf them. A full supply always kept in stock.
Some Cattle In Very Bad Condition
Everett Glllls Quite Sick With
Scarlet Fever George Payne Has
Left for Crook County.
Briggson, April 6. George Payne
left this morning for Shnnlko, Crook
county, to look over tho country In
view of locating a homestead. Ho
goes by team ami will be absent about
two weeks,
Abe Abraliamson's smiling counte
nance greets us once more after be
ing absent most of the winter.
Everett Glllls, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Glllls, is qulto sick with scarlet fever,
nt their home In Athena.
H. C. Haslclns. frnm U'nmllnni).
Idaho, Is In this locality ns a Sunday
school organizer. He will visit all
or the neglected districts In the coun
try for the purpose of establishing
Sunday schools.
Thomas Nnrkaus, who has been ab
sent all winter, has returned home for
a few days' visit with his parents and
friends, after which he will leave for
Oakesdale. Wash., to be gone for
some time looking after his interests
teh re.
Mr. Glllls will move his famllv up
to his mountain ranch for the sum
mer ns soon as the weather pornilts.
Gus Stumbaugh will move his fam
ily home this week after spending
the winter In the valley near Despaln
Mr. Itogle, who has been living on
I.ou Vanwlnkle's place, near Weston,
has moved into the Hastlng's house
for the summer.
James Cnrgill returned from Col
lege Place. Wash., today, where he
has been visiting friends for the past
few days.
Frank Taylor and family were vis
iting at the home of Henry Fanning,
near Cold Springs, a few days last
Willis Wickwln, who has been re
siding on Pine Creek, near Weston,
will move his family up on Reed and
Hawley Mountain soon to stay for
the summer. He will engage in cut
ting cord wood for Mr. Payne.
Sabbath school was organized yes
terday nt the Plain View schnolhouse.
There were but few present as the
day was cold and damp, though A good
attendance is looked for during the
Spring has again taken on the ap
pearance of winter. It Is qulto cold
this morning and snow is falling,
which makes It very bad under foot.
G. M. Glllls and R. J. Boddy. of
Athena, were in this vicinity Friday,
looking after their Interests here, Mr.
Glllls has lately purchased SO acres
of timber land from O. A. Hendley,
making in all 480 acres of splendid
timber in a body. He is thinking
some of putting up a sawmill thereon,
in the near future.
H. W. ixarn, also of Athena, was
here last week, looking over tho conn-
iry with tne intention or puying a
home, should he become suited.
George Bruce was hero Sunday,
greeting friends and acquaintances.
Miss Ida Harkus returned home
Sunday after being nbsent all win
ter. Harry Willis moved his family up
from Athena last week onto the Brit
ton place, for a short tlmo only, ns
they will move soon onto Mr. Willis'
homestead on Ryan Creek.
Injured In Horse Race.
Phillip McCabe, who, together with
Walter Far and another young man,
while running horse races Sunday,
was thrown from his horse and badly
Injured. A doctor was Immediately
summoned, but the young man re
mained unconscious until midnight,
when he revived, and Is reported to
be out of danger unless something
unforseen should develop. At tho
present writing he Is resting quite
Cattle In Poor Condition.
Clarence Ross, of this place, pas
tured his cattlo near Hudson Day this
winter, and reports them as being In
poor condition. Some of them are so
very thin he fears they will die. He
moved them to the mountains last
week and grass Is very short yet nnd
they have a poor chance to recuper
ate, and there Is no hay to bo had
at any price In this section.
Mrs. Bott Recovering Mrs. Rehm to
Build a New House Daughter of
William Piper Very Sick With Scar
let Fever.
Helix, April 7. Rev. Copplo con
ducted the fnnernl services of the
young child of Eugene McCulley, of
Cold Springs, nt tho Christian church
last Sunday.
Mrs. J. K. Bott is slowly recovering
atter an Illness of several weeks.
Mrs. Charles Stanton, who hns been
sick for somo time is thought to be
some better.
Mrs, Ben Iceland Is on tho sick list
Myrtle Halm and little daughter, or
Pilot Rock, are visiting relatives in
the city.
Mrs. Calendar, of Portland, is be
ing entertained at the Betts home.
Guy Smith camo out from Peiidle-
ton Sunday morning and will return
Alex .McKay, of Pendleton, was out
Saturday on business.
T, Sweringen, of Pendleton, was a
business visitor Saturday.
Charles Keen and Burr Johnson
drove over from Athena Saturday.
Mrs. Montgomery, or Helix, is at
Warren tho guest of her son, Johnnie
Dan Howard went to Pendleton
Charles Olspach went to Pendleton
Mrs. L. E, Rehm is soon to begin
To be opened up and developed by American capital and enterprise.
Western Coal and Iron Company
501 Bernice Building, Tacoma, Wash.
With Nftlunn Ponnotf no fnolAmii limta cnnnroil a Inrao imoi. nf rnnl Inn rl in tho Nicola Vallev. Britifeh
Columbia, in all, 2560 acres, or four full sections, with five large seams of coal known to underlay the land, and
containing over 100,000,000 tons of the highest grade of Bituminous Coal that has been found in the Northwest.
H makes tho finest and best coke in iho world, and for steam and domestic purposes there is no better coal pro
ceed in the ennntrv Tha noi ;0 oitunwi in SnntViorn Mririali rVilmiihin.. about 1G0 miles east of Vancouver.
I British Columbia and from New Whatcom and Bellingham Bay points. The Canadian Pacific Railroad and the
weat Northern Railroad are now both ready to construct unci extend their lines into the Nicola coal field and will
there this year. This beautiful Nicola Valley will then be turned into a beehive of gigantic industries. Tho
iesiorn Ual and Iron Company are now offering the first block of its treasury stock at tho low rate of
15 Cents Per Share
The Crow's Nest coal shares sold in 1896 for 10c per share. Today the stock is worth $125 per share; it ad
nced from 10c to $36 in two years. .And it is safe to say that tho Nicola Coal offers today just as good chance
Winve&tor ns AlA 4U r t iqqr xr nulla i-ta5ii tlmt. tbfi stock is sure to advance to war (81
i -I. ., . v wio UIUK D J.1 UOU ill iWU, tfOttlt umvvi v.-. 4 Nr
lew m ii Jmr' n you want to be in it on tne ground noor ana iiiukb w ijbi uu jum iiivwuiivim ,
ltanl0nife,dccidu quk as this 15c stock will not last verv long The stock will be advanced next monih. The
r "uuara (jii f1ntTir.,, i 1.1 onnn ti.. nj;n:,'n nnoi land nnlv 2 miles from our Conmanv 8 nroD-
rtV and ' 41 t""J J1D UUUUUl AVJ UUIOP, Wir ilUJUHI.1115 -a - 1 I
in the very same coal basin and paid
$2,500,000 CASH FOR THE LAND
ndJt!!8 ly 8loriU8 news to those holding Western Coal and Iron Company's stock. The Tacoma company in
rraaK r theircoal on the market here as soon as shipping facilities have been furnished. For further in-
i . . Ordlallv invito rni in ra of mr rffir0 wllftrfi Rilin nles of the coal, roports, maps, diagrams, prospect-
iI el"8 from Prominent bankers, lawyers and other business men, who have investigated this coal proposition ffl
U08een. Respectfully, fl
Room 16, Judd Building,
The Grand Trunk Gold Mine I
Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining District.
Is located upon the ukdA i iVIOTnEK Z'
LOUt system of veins and has for neigh
bors on that vein such well known
mines as the NORTH POLE valued at
$10,000,000. The COLUMBIA valued at
$5,ooo,ooo. GOLCOND valued at $3,
ooo.ooo. THE 1YIONMOTH Q. M. CO'S
BELLE BAKER mine valued at $5oo,
ooo. THE BALD MOUNTAIN valued at
$5oo,ooo. THE IBEX valued at $400,
000, and many others.
The Grand Trunk Gold Mining and Milling Go.
Owns Its Property Cons'stltij of 160 Acres ol Rich Clold BenrlngVelns
It lias no indebtedness of any character.
It lias a conservative mininR and business management.
It is offering 50,000 shares of stock at 15c per share.
It will become a dividend payer in a short time.
It will pay you to write us for full particulars and to make
careful investigation of its merits.
It has the indorsement of mining men, business men and
bankers of Eastern Oregon.
Write us today and let us post you.
H. S. McCallum & Company,
Minors, Brokersand Financial Agonts,
Or R. S. BRYS0N, Looal Agont, Pendleton, Oregon.
Our Weekly Mining Letters on Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining
District lree on Application.
lnyliiR tlio foumlntlon for n new two
story house.
It has heon lenrnoil that tho ymuiK
dauRlilcr ot Wllllnin l'lpor, who linn
been very Hick with scarlet fever, will
imilcrKO an operation nt the Wnllu
Walla honiltnl, with tho hopes of Im
proving her health.
Perry Myrlck, who Is clrlllliiK for n
well, two and n half miles nouth
west of Helix on his fnrm, hns ilrllletl
to tho depth ot 150 feet nnd no water
ns yet.
County Commissioner Wulkur, of
tho firm ot Sonos & Wnlker, went to
Pendleton Monday on business.
Rollicking Irish Comedy to Be at the
F rarer,
"The coming presentation of "Flu
uigan's Hall" nt tho Frazer Friday,
February 10, will ho hailed by all lov
ers of true Irish comedy with delight.
This over sprightly and delightful
play will this season bo presented by
n company of exceptional merit, nnta
bio among tho number being (Sulla-
ger und Darrett, Irish comedians, who
will ussuy tho lending roles. Tho
Ilnncroft sisters, singing nnd dancing
comediennes nnd "Tho Tossing Aus
tins," a famous family of Jugglers,
who havo proven a veritable sensa
tion In the Kust thu past season, Fan
nle Trumbull, tho dainty soubrette,
add to this n splendid singing ehoriiH
of beautiful girls, and each role filled
by nu artist and one can lendlly an
ticipate an evening of unmixed delight.
County Records at Walla Walla Will
e Overhauled.
Wallu Wulla, April 8. The export
ing of tho county books, which tho
board of county commissioners has
hud under consideration for somo
time, was yesterday evening brought
to n head by tho board entering Into
11 contract with Oeorgo I Clark and
(icorgu W. Htichnuun, ot Portland, to
expert thu books from thu first Mon-
J day tu January, 1897, to April C, 1903,
i-uvmiiig u pcuuu in six yenrn.
Messrs. Clark and Hiichannn Imme
diately oxecuted a surety bond In
the sum of $2,000 and will receive be
tween them $lf per day of eight
hours, and railroad faro from Port
land one way. It Is expected that It
will bo two months beforu n report
will he ready to file.
Greatest Known Fun Makers at the
Frazer Tonight.
Headed by tho greatest living expo
nent of tho negro character and dia
lect Al (1. Field this company of
fun makers also Includes tho ever ef
fervescent Tommy Donnelly, who, hh
a fixture of tho Al O. Field forces,
has created a tidal wavo of luughter
from ocean to ocean by his witticisms
and his Inimitable way of expressing
them. Then there Is Harry faiuink,
that somewhat different comedian, of
whom It has been truly said: "To see
him Is to experience u pleasing sen
sation of uncontrolublo merriment."
Others of this happy band, whoso mis
sion In life Is to mako others laugh,
ure Doe Qulgloy, Sam Ooldmaii, Wil
liam Murruy, Tommy Hydo, Tommy
O'Dell, Hilly Cawloy and Frank Fog
erty. At tho Fruzer tonight.
Auction Sale of Damaged Wheat.
Notice In hereby given that on
Thursday, April 9, 1903, at tho hour
of 2 p. m., I will sell at public auc
tion to thu highest and best bidder,
for cash In hand, about 3,000 sucks
of wheat damaged by thu fire which
occurred at Cayuso Station March 30,
Sample of said wheat can bo seen
at thu office of Moorhouso & Hamil
ton, Pendleton, Oregon,
Said salo will take place at Cayuso
Station on said 9th day of April at 2
o'clock v. 111. CAI.VBIIT AIWA 1)1;,
nlivnys follow the use of New
bro's Hcrplcldc, tho new scien
tific cure for dandruff and fall
ing hair. It possesses certain
properties that kill tho germ
or microbe that causes nil
tlio trouble by sappiiur the oil
out of thu hair bulb. With tliU
parasite destroyed, dandruff
nnd the falling hair cannot exist.
A thick, soit growth of hair
springs fortli where formerly
tli In. brittle hair, or perhaps
total baldness held sway. ,
One liotttr will convince
you of lla merits.
For Salt at all First-Clui Drug Stores
Missouri State Shoot.
St. Joseph, Mo., April 7, Many of
tho host known wing and target shots
of tho country are taking part In the
annual tournament of the Missouri
Stato Fish and Game Protective As
sociation, which began today at Ijike
Contrary, A five days' program has
been arranged, three days of target
shooting and two days' of live bird
shooting. Tho excellence of tho pro
gram and tho largo number of en
tries comblno to give promise of one
of tho most uotablo shooting lourna
ments ever pulled off in tho Middle
Acker's Blood Elixir positively cures
unronic JJiooa poisoning ana an
Scrofulous affections. At all times a
matchless system tonie and prlfler,
Money refunded if you are, dissatis
fied. 60e and 11.00 F. W.. Scheldt
Co.. drufsrisia. ' j . '
Eastern Cloak
Suit House
Has sold its entire stock to
The Peoples Warehouse,
which tomorrow, Wednesday
mcrning, at 9 o'clock, will
offer our entire lino of new
and seasonable stock of
Suits, Skirts, Waists, Petti
coats and Undermuslins at
such a SACRIFICE as will
clear them out in a few days.
The First Callers
Qet Best Bargains
Eastern Cloak
& Suit House
cure dyspepsia and all dli
log from inajfesiwa,-
Dhysfclans ever
, ,f f "'Mill'
. -AW'.