DAllY EVENING ED1TBW Eastern Oregon Weather j Tour reiMence Tonight and Thursday fair; jf cooler tonigiii 13C " JT TENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OTtEGOU", WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1003. XO. 4712. IK ROME 01 La Strike Ordered and yianv Wealthy Kesidents re Leaving the City, t FOOD QUESTION MAY BECOME SERIOUS.. ... nff the likers Attempt fclty't Water Supply Soldiers ;ompelled to Fire Upon moiers ing Is Out of City, tome April 8.-NotwlthstandinB T?!: ,,Ai -nncral strike was B Ittti III'1' " . lered for today, many shops are fcned and doing im'. 1 " r" ,. ,unro d n nil forenoon. Efew trains are being worked by niclpal guards tills afternoon. The , ...0tinn miv heenmo serious. ere was a general exodus of for- kn tourists today, tho wouuuy n Ents are leaving the city. fren additional linttaiions ot nruu K were ordered to report for duty trnllhln tonight. The strlko took on a moro serioiiB Ipect as the day advanced, mo bikers attompiea to cut on me uu b and water supply and Slop worn Vtha olnptt-ln tlfrllt nlfint. Soldiers in one portion of the city ere compelled to nro nnu several filers aro reported wounueu. inu n uhn In at lils shootlnc box. has ten advised not to return to the city fctil the dl8turi)ances are over. General Strike Ordered. I Amsterdam, April 8. It was docld- this afternoon to call a general rike of all trades unions In Hol las. Marines Mobilized, Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 8. foe government has called upon the irlnes of the country to mobilize llthin 24 hours. The three warships It Don Heldcr have been ordered to In readiness. There aro now 10,- ) Idle men in Amsterdam alone, and i flour is being dellvorcd. The con- Ittlon of the poorer classes promises i be serious. Emnlnvite Mau Jnln Qtrlbjtre I A motion in the Chambers to nd- DUrn fnr thf nnnialHnratlnn nnrl file. lusslon of the government anti-strike Ew was rejected by an overwhelming aioritV. Thp mnnlnlnnl nmnlnvpa Ire now considering whether or not IllBn ..t.nll 1-1.. ! . .... .1 cj uau join mo sinners. Strittprc I nftlnn RrAiin Rotterdam. Anrii k Tiw. intn,.nn. I tonal trains today aro running on oe regular schedule. There is a light Inrro.isc In II... mi In lint" nf Innnl rains. The strikers are losing uuuu. SETTLERS GET THE LANDS. pregon 4. California Railroad Loses Its Casr Washlnctnn 1 u. iiu UlillUll IJiaieS RIMirpmn nmift in ,intj-.i i. tfto i -wni, HUE) UUU1UUU IWU ? n y,ng th0 rIht of the Ore On & Pill fni.,,1,. T-JI rt I. .. . iiuiuuuii company , J nclt aen ln lle" of other land E.lJ,.n settIors "ad previously Z' !i,iforo tlle ,a"lB had been sur- l ' . ctirt held that the tltlo In ..Bett ers waa 'ho uottor one, tTn tu 1,10 "eclslon of the court trial nf ii ' Am'" The third mw in 1 ,?0?i?' for. allcea com- caliph iu. "" "i uoeuei, was Mesen.p mo"lnK. The defense 8ennttedl(a" amilftvlt aa to what the L7 tuJU- The Uonrno77 ""jwica. rne judge ad C; oourt and listened to the ob- anth!!6!!!18.0 afflllavlt Wfta admitted u me trial proceeds. Chio, Swift, IttTus Hiif vm The will of Gas K " fl'cd -for probate this Icretinn W?.b0 disbursed at tho dls- I' aWlded ,m ,flow: Th0 remainder Marah.iull Jn poal Mine. Intral co.r7...1?:' . A.nril 8 The er warehoii.. ana 8tore "eeP 8te this ; ZIm woro destroyed by 000. 18 mornl,iS. The loss is 25;. "-nici a, i.. . n Comoanwp w d.i Street. Mat'8er1 120 Court nit ISrtshfentf" f'-The continued IV1 Opened. Cled. July . 739i 7Ki3PU 7RRr l,,vorn- nv6 jir 42 43Vt lr Opo, "UBnoa. .Closed. 7394 iaa 74 ,ui MINERS JOIN THE FEDERATION. In Consequence Dunsmulr May Close Down at Cumberland. Victoria, D. C, April 8. The coal miners trouble on Vancouver Island is extending to Cumberland. When the 1,000 or more miners employed at the extonslon mines voted to join tho Western Federation of Miners, James Dunsmulr, owner, closed tho mines. On Sunday Mr. Baker, organizer of tho federation, who came to Lady smith In consequonco of that action, wont to tho union mines and organiz ed a branch ot tho federation there. About 100 men have joined. These mon will undoubtedly be discharged, ns Mr. Dunsmulr is determined not to recognize the federation. There are 500 mon employed there. If tho other men join the federation the mines will bo closed down, as those at Ladysmlth havo been. CYCLONE IN ALABAMA. Twelve Reported Killed and 25 Injur, ed at Haneville This Morning. Birmingham, Ala., April 8, A cy clono passed over tho country a mile north of Haneville, in Cullam county, at 2 o'clock this morning. Twelve are reported killed and 25 Injured. Six members of ono family are among the dead. Details aro meager as all wires are down. Many Houses Destroyed. Additional details of last night's cyclone show that 30 farm houses were destroyed. Thirteen dead havo been recovered. Tho path of the storm Is narrow and cut a swath through the forest. BREWERS' STRIKE. Three Men Badly Beaten Two Pink erton Thugs Jailed on Charge of Assault. Columbus, .0., April 8. Local brew ery workmen's strike was opened this morning. An attempt was made to koep a carload of non-unionists l'iom Pittsburg, going to work. Three itrlkors wore badly beaten and two Plnkerton guards were arrested and jailed on a charge oi assaull Foity police were detailed to ecort the wagons distributing tho beer. TO SHOOT BUFFALO. President Roosevelt Will Be Permit ted to Hunt on Antelope Island. Salt Lake. April 8. John H. White owner of the herd of buffalo on Ante' lone Island, near Salt Lake, has no tided the reception committee that his herd is at the disposal of President Roosevelt and his rifle on the occa' sion of his visit there next month. VIOLENT VOLCANIC ERUPTION TIOJO, COLOMBIA, DESTROYED AND MANY KILLED. Steamer Allegheny Brings News to New York of Eruption of Deltirrn Flrma, March 22. Now York, April 8. Tho Atlas line steamor Allegheny, which arrived io day from Kingston, brings the news or an eruption In the old volcano of Deltlrra Flrma in Colombia, March 22. Tiojo village was destroyed and trom 00 to 100 killed. Tho eruption was noticed 00 miles at sea. PUT IN CHINESE PHEASANTS. Game Birds Subscribed for by the Condon Sportsmen. Condon, Or., April 8. About 75 pairs of Chinese pheasants, said to bo tho best game bird known, are to bo placed In the country tributary to Condon, Fossil and wmeeior mis seu' son. Enthusiastic Gilliam and Whee ler sportsmen have subscribed $200 to purchase specimens, and these will bo stringently protected until the number is materially Increased. It Is thought the rough stock districts in both these counties will ue eminent' ly favorable for the pheasants' wel faro. KOOTENAI'S OIL LANDS. Two Hundred and Twelve Miles of Territory Staked Off. WfiHlilnetnn Anril 8. Discovery of a largo area of coal and petroleum land In 80utneast K.ooienai nus nmu reported to the state department by United States Consul Smith, at Vic toria. Two hundred and twelve miles of territory havo been staked off. most of the locators being Americans. All this torrltory Is on a government reservation. BURNED TO DEATH. Woman and Two Children Lose Lives In Tenement House Holocaust. Philadelphia, April 8. A woman and two children woro burned to doath In a Hebrew tenement house Are this forenoon. Two others were badly burned and several others slightly. Preliminary Spin. Weymouth, April 8. A preliminary spin ot Shamrocks III and I, took place this morning, followed by Lip ton In his steam yacht Erin. They Unfnra thn wlllll for SOVOU lUllCS. Shamrock I was In the lead for 40 seconds after tho wmu utnu. Shamrock III speedily caught up and outdistanced tho first. The first offic ial test of tho new challenger will be made Saturday. CARTER H. HARRISON AGAIN MAYOR Results From Different Parts of the United States Show Little Change in the Political Situation. Chicago, April S. Carter H. Harri son was elected mayor of Chicago yesterday for tho fourth time, his ma jority by unofficial count over Graeme Stewart, tho repubdlican candidate, being (1,949. The republicans elected John S. Smulskl for city attorney by 9,700 plurality, and Fred C. Bender for city clerk by 3,700. Tho democrats elect ed Ernest Hummel for city treasurer by 21,700. The new city council will consist of 35 republicans, 33 democrats and one independent democrat. Will Not Contest. Chicago, April S. The charges made by the republicans last nighi of. fraud in the election of Mayor Harrison ate ungrounded. It was de cided this alternoon not to contest his election. RESULT IN MONTANA. Socialists Carry Anaconda and Red Lodge Democrats Make Clean Sweep at Livingston. Butte, Mont., April 8. The mayor alty vote Is yet in doubt. Henry Mueller, candidate of the republican, democratic and citizen's party had 2197 votes, leading Pat Mulllns, candi date of tho anti-trust democrats (Heln ze wing of the democracy) by about 50 votes. Leamy, the socialist, is third and Duggan, labor, fourth. At Hed Lodge the socialists elected two out of three aldermen, the citi zen's party naming the third. The democrats of Livingston made SECOND TICKET AT WALLOWA. People's Candidates Will Oppose Cit izens' Choice. Wallowa, Or., April 8. To oppose the citizens' ticket the people's ticket, composed of a number of prominent Wallowa citizens, has been put up as follows: Mayor, L. Stokes; council men, J. H. Maxwell, Henry Gcrber, J. A. Lanman, George Hemmell; treasurer, C. W. Mumford; recorder, J. L. Maxwell. The election takes place next Tues day. There is a fair registration and a good representative vote is ex pected. Each ticket has municipal in Interests as its chief plank. REACH AGREEMENT. Albanian Leaders Confer With Turk ish Delegates Peace Secured for Present. Vienna, Austria, April 8. A dis patch from Mltrovitza this afternoon t-ays that the sultan's special Alba nian mission at a conference with the Albanian leaders, has arrived at an agreement by which they will secure peace there for the present. Tho re port published at Sofia of tho maB Baere or Christians at Okhrida is un confirmed and disbelieved. DRUGGISTS ASSIGN. One of the Best Known Flrma of Chicago Falls Receiver Is Ap pointed. Chicago, April 8. Lord, Owen k Company, one of the best known wholesale druggist firms In the Middle West, assigned In the district court this morning. Their liabilities aro $762,000; their assets 315,O00. A leceiver was appointed under bonds of $500,000. Land Withdrawn. Washington, April 8. The secreta ry of the interior has ordered the temporary withdrawal from settle ment of four townships, or about 100,000 acres of land In The Dalles lotiH ,ilutrloi nf Oregon, to await the determination of the feasibility of tho Umatilla Jllvcr survey tor irrigation purposes. SIX SHERIFFS HUNT OUTLAW M'KINNEY He Hilled the "Cowboy Poet" and Deputy Sheriff at Kingman, Arizona, Last Week, Los Angeles, April 8. Outlaw Mc Klnney ,who killed the "Cowboy nnH rfpmitv sheriff at Klneman. In Arizona, last week, passed Klein- fetter's placer Sunday. He was mounted ana nnu inree pack animals. He Is heavily armed. i-fn wna rrnpnlzfid v Denutv Bow era, who wired to Kingman. McKln- ney Is now at Manholl, Ariz. Sheriff Lovln. of Klneman. ai rived at The Needles last night. This morning Lovln raised 40 men and ol&rtflri In nursult of the outlaw. , The IS OF a clean sweep, with tho exception ot Mayor Garnier, the republican candi date, who was re-elected by only 22 majority. At Anaconda. Anaconda. Mont., April S. Social ists yesterday elected John FrinKo mayor, Pat McIIugh pollco Judge, Mlko Tobln treasurer, and three out of six aldermen. Deniocrnts got two and republicans ono nldermnn. The socialist majorities on the general ticket run from 200 to 400. VOTE IN MICHIGAN. Republicans Elect State Officials by a Large Majority. Detroit. Mich.. April S. Tho re publican club ticket is elected by ma jorities of from 35,000 to 40,000. It is as follows: For justice of the supremo court Judge Frank A. Hooker, of Charlotte. For regents of the stnto university Peter White, of Marquette, and 1 E. Knappen, of Grand Rapids, The vote throughout tho stnto wur light. At Battle Creek the socialist party made a strong campaign, but Mnyor Webb, republican, was elected by 700 majority, A'ith the total vote east in the city 1300 greater than at the last tpring election. The socialist party eleced two aldermen, giving them (our in tho present council. At Escanaba the socialist labor par ty's candidate was elected mayor. GREEKS RIOTOUS. Police and Deputies Called Out to Protect Lawrence Mills. Lowell, Mass., April 8. A largo force of police and deputy sheriffs was called out this morning to pro tect the Lawrence mills, where a mob of riotous Greeks were making a dem onstration. Labor leaders aro on tho scene attempting to prevent any breach of law. THREE ASPHYXIATED. Defective Gas Jet In Jersey City Home Results In Death of Mother and Two Boys. New York, April 8. A defective gas Jet in a house in Jersey City as phyxiated a mother and two boys. Tho father and daughter were In a critical condition when discovered this morning. IN YELLOWSTONE PARK. President Plunges Into Wilds for Two Weeks' Vacation, Livingston, Mont., April 8. Presi dent Roosevelt and John Burroughs plunged into the wilds of Yellow stone Park this morning for two weeks. The president arrived hero at 9 o'clock this morning, talked to the townspeople and then started for Cinnabar, where tiie remainder of the party will stop until his return. Sanger at Chattanooga. Chnttagooga, Tenn., April 8. As sistant Secretary of War W. Cury Sanger, accompanied by several prom inent officials of tho war department, has arrived ln Chattanooga for a visit of several days. Under tho guidance of General H. V. Doynton tho party "ill vlilt the various battlefields In 1 lils vicinity and will Inspect tho army pott and Chlckamagua Park. Philharmonic Lady Quartet. The Philharmonic Iady Quartet, of Chicago, will give a musical enter tainment at the Christian church In this city, tomorrow night, April 9. Tho quartet comes very highly recom mended. therlffs of Vizalla and Inyo counties are closing In tho other way. McKinney has a brother living at Randsburg. A late message says that McKin ney is at Randsburg and Sheriff Ralph of San Bernardino, Is closing In from San Bernardino. Six sheriffs from six counties and posses numbering 140 men aro after him. It Is anotner Tracy nunt. mo Kinney is game and, will M$bU K'fc can get oat of Kwitbwq fulo Ke- DROWNED IN SNAKE RIVER. Old Timer Loses His Life by the Overturning of a Boat. Welser, Idaho, April 8. David Law rence wes drowned yesterday morn ing In the Snake river about six miles below Welser at Westlnko Island. He vns In n boat with two other ineit when the boat capsized, Tho other two men woro rescued by men who went out In a skiff but Lawrence at tempted to swim nshoro. Ho sudden ly sank probably caused by cramps. Ho wns nn old tlmo resident of Wash ington county and has been in busi ness In Welser several times In the last few yenrs. Ho hnd been In tho Seven Devils country lntely. He leaves a wlfo and several child ren. The body has not yet been re covered. SUMPTER VALLEY EXTENSION. Surveys Have Been Made and Track Will be Built Soon. Baker City, April 8. Tho Similiter Valley railway has ordered 700 tons of 40-pound steel rnlls for an exten sion of tho lino beyond Whitney the present terminus, Tho extension to bo built this sea son Is 12 miles long and taps n rich timber and mineral belt In tho Green horn district. Genernl Mnnnnger Joseph Barton, Is now In Portland where he will en gage a large force of graders. Work on the extension will begin ns soon as the weather In tho mountains will penult. Preliminary surveys havo been made from Whitney to Canyon City and it Is tho ultimate Intention of the company to reach that city. Saloon Robbed, Ii Grande, April 8. Two lubbers were found In Gus Hebron's saloon at 2 n. in. Inst night, having entered by removing the glass from n bnck win dow. Beforo tho night watch could reach tho place, they both escaped. Only a few dollars ln the cash drawer wore taken. Electric Plant for Mine, Union, April 8. Tho Sanger Min ing Company, which operates the old Sanger mlno 40 miles east of this city, will install a $75,000 electric lighting and power plant this season. Tho mino employs 50 men and has produced over $1,000,000 ln gold. Birthday of a Pioneer. La Grande, April 8. "Grnndma" Palmer celebrated her 89th birthday today. Sho Is tho oldest person resid ing In Union county, since tho death of Gen. J. H. Stevens. ATTEMPT TO CLEAN OUT INMATE8 ON PACIFIC STREET. Took Twenty Policemen to Separate the Infantrymen From tho Macks Fifteen Badly Beaten. San Francisco, April 8. Forty In fantrymen from tho Presidio, loaded up with Pacific street whiskey, this morning and ran amuck with the wo men who frequent the district. The women called their men friends and It took 20 pollco to separate the com batants. No shots were 11 rod, hut tho 15 soldiers In custody look as though they had been through a Donneybrook fair. Tho balance got away. Medical Specialists Meet, Indianapolis, Ind., April 8. Tho American xzvillln kqj ffme vbz xgwk Otologlcal Association and tho West ern Opthanologleal and Oto-Lnryngn-logical Association are tho nnmes of two bodies that will ho In annual ses sion hero during tho romalnder of tho week. Reduced to plain forms tho as sociation aro composed of throat, nose, ear and eyo specialists, and tho membership Includes some of tho most eminent medical men In Ameri ca. Scientific papers and discussions make up the program and tho meet ings promise to bo ot much Interest to tho medical fraternity. Steamers Collide, Now York, April 8. Tho steamship Allegnehy, which arrived from King Eton today, while coming up tho bay, collided with another steamer oft Liberty Island, and sunk. No lives wero lost. BUYS ONE-HALF THE TRIBUNE. C. B. 8ampson, Advertising Manager for East Oregonlan, Buys Out B. E. Kennedy, 0, B. Sampson, for the past 11 months advertising manager for tho East Oregonlan, has bought a ono half Interest In the Morning Tribune, in this city, of I). B, Kennedy, who has been associated with Mr. Dodd, as business manager ot that paper. Mr. Sampson will take charge of tho business department of the Tri bune and Mr. Dodd will continue to occupy the position of editor. Mr. Kennedy will go to Hot Springs Arkansas, as soon as he can close up his business here. He has been suf fering with rheumatism for soveral vonra nml trnia In anfirh nf hpnlth. Mr. Sampson has a host of friends ln this city who will be giau to Know I that he has engaged in Business wu will become a permanent fixture ip tbA Hfl la An UlMa iflWliUMC rocrets to Iota ?n&&KJHflV!Ytlkrt out of an open window MW TURKISH SITUATION British Government May Send an Officer to Accompany tho Turkish Troops, TURKEY IS SUFFERING FROM INCOMPETENCY. Balfour Thinks That If Austria and Russia Are Unable to Cope With the Affair It Is Useless for Other Powers to. Interfere. London, April S. In the house ot commons this afternoon Balfour said that If Austria and Russia were un able to cope with the Turkish situa tion It would bo useless, he bollovod, for other powers to try to avert trou hlo. Secretary Crnnberne, replying to a question of John Redmond, said: "The British ambassador at Constan tinople hail Insisted on the porto's carrying out the reforms in the Bal kans with weariness monotony. Tur key Is surrorlng from Incompetency. Not only aro the Christians misgov erned but tho .lohnnimetllan8 ns well." lie said tho British govern ment wns now considering whether as a gunrunteo against excess n Brit ish otllcer should not accompany tho Turkish troups sent to repress tho uprisings. BACK TO DESPOTISM. King of Servla Suspends New Con stitution and Declares Popular Rule Impracticable. Belgrade, Servla, April 8. King Alexander yesterday executed a coup d'etnt. lle Issued two proclamations, thu first decreeing thu suspension of tho constitution, adopted April 19, 1901, repealing objectionable Inws passed thereunder, retiring sennturs and councilors of stnto, dissolving tho skiipslitlnn and re-enacting tin' Inws as tlioy existed previous to the con stitution of 1901. Tho second proclamation restores this constitution to Its former valid ity. Tho king says tho sonata and skup shtinn, created under the constitution granted by him in 1901, passed laws which proved Impracticable. Tillman's Trial Continued. Columbia, April 8. Tho trial of Tillman for tho murder of Gonzales, has been continued until the noxt term of court, Tho defense claimed nil absence of witnesses. WANTS 50,000 LAMB8. John Fleming, of Fort Benton, Mon tana, Here Looking for Young Mut ton Sheep. John Flouting, of Fort Benton, Montana, Is In tho city on his regu lar seml-nuiiual sheep and cattle pur chasing trip. Mr;. Fleming lias In thu yours gono by bought many thousands ot cattle and sheep In litis and adjoining conn ties, Ho lately shipped to Montana 2,710 stock steers for full feeding In that state the coming summer Many of these animals woro bought In this vicinity und others farther east in tills state. Ho Is now looking for young mut ton sheeii Blockers also which will ho shipped to Montana and full fed I'm- next fall's Eastern markets. He Is after lambs, and avers that there pro no liner mutton sheep bred any where In the United Slates than iu Umutllla comity. He will purchase 50,000 lambs und tho probability U that ho will purchase all of them In this county, which means about $125, 000 moro put into circulation here. Charles Cunningham regards the county as overstocked with sheep in tnnro than the number of lambs which will come this spring. Ono reason for this was tho luck of shipping fa cilities last fall when buyers stood ready to take a large number ot sheep out of the county but couM not And curs to ship them In. COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATION. Bill of $70 Paid for Telegraphing In Matter of Rooevelt't Visit, Tho Commercial Association last night allowed a hill ot $70 for tele graphing In relation to tho proposed visit of President Roosevelt to Pen dleton, This ought to sottlo tho con corn some have manifested about the committee having tho matter In chargo not having dono what It could to secure him for this point. A motion to Indorse tho movement to hurry the construction of the port ago road was unanimously Indorsed, and the action of the association will be added to thu other inlliionces tend ing In tho same direction. Tho committee to secure an exbib- It from Umatilla county for the Union ' Depot at Portland, reporter . progross m tne way -pi formation about Mie nnu. .,ut;3,t w fand fell four. Atlanta Constitution, .V.J Ci? I . . , ... '-'