9 G. ashless Cat ds and Societies ESSlONS AND TRADES, AurnMBc iwi.uy AKHANGED. jHYSICIANS. .am 1T niTlfe Telephone loVlitW j ,0r retracts f I . --...nr. rvr"lt . ns'GO. WW' n.rt. Te epbone 53" M. a. HOMGOl'ATinC I""'- A I I il l ( IU aia-aw , Wirt, nOOU 1" ASSOCIA- PHYSICIAN Savings Hank build BOARD AND LODGING. EMPinn LODGING tlOTJSE, CORNEIl OF E. Court and Johnson streeta. Good lar(t. clean rooms with comfortable beds. Ratca 25c and 50c a night. Taos. 8mart. Trop. HOTRti AtTAt COItNEU ALT A ANT) Mill streets. Hoard by the day or work Good tabic t. Itates 4 and fi per week. Pendleton feed yard In connection. W. W. Kdmlsten, Trop. THE STRA110N ROOMIXQ HOUSE, CIS Main street. Mrs. II. K. Cooper, Prop Kverythlnc strictly Ant-class. Kates 23c, SOc and fl per day. M ear. nose Ul . Car 1 i rnone, mw WHEN YOO GO TO PILOT ROCK STOP AT tboClty Hotel. Goal meals and r.rtt clasa rooms, spec's! attention given lo commercial travelers Mrs. C. II. ItleUl, rilot Itoft, Ore THi:WniTE LODGING HOUSe7301 South Main street. Mrs. Mary Williams Prop. Housekeeping rooms and lodging rooms. Good comfortable rooms and clean, well-kept beds. Lodging 23 cents. NICE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT ON rrpvi; i KEVKs. os"'uViiViS Eat Alt street, second door from Wheelct's FURNISHED AND HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS at No. 777 Thorapcon street Office one block west of post- hrwlLL. hTysicias and sur f; ,lSnce phone BtoeHa. chronic Main and res r- ... tit 1 1. ri si, .1. tf-V' and diseases of L Todd building, corner Ma n h.. Office -phone, main, -1. k red. . rTTl I EN NOOSE. OSTEOPATH, tfsiS TboopsVn street. Telephone, Ofice kirbv raYsir-iAN asdsijb. KOOm 4, " ew.... OCULISTS. DR. Y. W. GAR retson, graduate optician. The only complete opt'eal parlor In the city. MIc rlnnra south of I. Mla street. Pendleton, Ore., No fee mi for examination ana cuuniiumuu. DENTISTS. rriLGIlAN. DENTIST. OFFICC IN l bdlillng. 'I'hone, red, 71. wivv. nCNTlST. OFFICE IN AS- Ciitun block, over Schmidt's new drug none, red -ii BUNKS AND BROKERS. IT WT10NAL DANK OF ATHENA. ;n capital, jju.uuu; surplus ana b. K0(H) Intenst on time deposits. ti foreign and domestic exchange. kttota promptly attended to. Henry Ins. president , T J. Kirk, vlceyjrcsl- 11 8 Leurow, cunier; i- m ivvuip. ilitr I riEMEP.S' DANK OF WESTON, , Oregon. Does a general banking Lxcbanse Dougut ana sola. -Oi i icooDtlv attended to. H. Jomwon. at Georce W. Proebstel : vlcc-presl- I J I: Klljore, cashier : directors, u. fr.xu, M M Johns. I J. i'rlce, u. tw. J. y uilzore. P.obert Jameson, Profbste! FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE, NO. 52. A. F. AND A. M., meets first and third Mondays of each month Visiting brethren welcome. T. J. Tweedy, W. M. ; Joe II. I'arkes, Sec DAMON LODGE, NO. 4. MEETS EVERT Monday evening In Secret Society hall. LaDow block, at Pendleton Ore. IV. W. Fletcher. 1C H. S. ; W. J. Keyra, C. C. PENDLETON CIRCLE NO 027, WOMEN of Woodcraft, meets every Friday even ing at Hendrlx ball. All visiting neighbors are cordially Invited to attend. Minnie Stlllman, Guardian Neighbor; Eva Flet cher, Clerk. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. THE DEPOT STABLES, COTTONWOOD street, between Alta and Webb streets, II. Stewart Prop. Best care taken of horses. Good stables and plenty of feed. THE CITY LIVERY HOARD AND SALE Stable. M. J. Carney, proprietor, for fine turnouts. Stable US Alta street. rEED AND SALES STADLE. LINDSBY & Doty props.; Old Semple Stable. 72.1 Cottonwood street : careful attention given to horses left with us. COMMERCIAL STAllLES, G. M. FROOME Prop. Livery, feed and boarding. All kinds of turnouts. Competent drivers. Op posite Hotel Pendleton. 'Phone, main 101. OREGON TEED YARD. W tTuOYNTON. prop. Special care given to horses left with me. Lower Webb street. 'Phone, red 204. THE TELEPHONE LIVERY, FEED AND SALE Stable. Court street, oppoilte Conrt House: boarding horses a rpeclslty; good turnouts; rigs delivered ; I'hone Main Ssl, PENDLETON SAVINGS DANK, licn. urrcon. organized March 1, Capital. J30.000 : surplus. $100.000 : fct ! oed on all time denoslts. lux Mu;jt and sold on all principal Mciai attention given to col n. i Furnish. nreldcnt : J. It. a vice-president ; i. j. Morris, caanier uaiosty, assistant cashier. NATIONAL DANK OF PENDLE- cspital. Siti.wo: surplus. 105.000: iti a feceril banking business. Ex- ana telegraphic transfers sold on ko, tin Francisco, New York and i roll's in the Northwest. Drafts I "n China. Jartan and Etirone. Makps lltss na reasonable terms. Levi An prl(lnr w F Matlock, vlce-pres- II ede ashler II. F Johnson. at cashier pCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. lAnOV. CONTRACTOR AND Bl'ILDER. fuiai ui won uiurea on. job work. won gusrsnteea. fbone Red Ml. ; UOWARD. Alit'UITECT AND SD- vuwuickc auu c.ia' Rm 17 Judd building. i COLE. CONTRAOTnilS AVfl J'b work a specialty. Prompt '"op on Iilutf street near Main. MAY CONTRACTOR ANTi Hnir.n. u'laiates furnished tn hii irinrf )arr (cinnr unll.u cnnA .u. AM ortert. ar East Oregonlau olee. ' ITUOt'TllAV AIlPlllTPrvp ?rv urr ateadeat Room 15. A,Ti.,in i cumeioa, uregou. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. Sour Milk is Old-fashioned . Rich, Sweet Cream is the Order of the Day When meals are ready, nothing is more disagreeable or more dis appointing than to find that the cream is sour. Tho richost, purest and most delicious cream is without question Economy Brand Evaporated Cream We are the originators of Evaporated Cream and our experience has enabled us to produce an article of such quality that ninety per cent of Evaporated Cream used is produced by us. Sea that your Evaporated Cream bears this cap label. Tis the cap of merit the sign of honest goods. It means much to you if you want the best. HELVETIA MILK CONDENSING COMPANY, Highland, Illinois. LET US FILL; LEWIS MORRISON TONIGHT. Pre- YOUR BILL FOR LUMBER We can supply you with Building Material of all descriptions and save you money. Goethe's Immortal Story to be sented at the Frazer. l.owis .Morrison's "Faust" company lins been on tour 20 seasons of 35 weeks each, lunUlnc a total number of performances given In excess of 5000, but Goetho's immortnl story still I possesses a strong fascination, anil i this year Morrison's "Faust" company I comes better equipped tlinn ever be fore. During the past slimmer elaborate DOORS WINDOWS GEOItGE O'DAKlEL, NEW AND SECOND band goods bought and sold. Court St., upera nouse diock. can and see mm. V. STIIOBLE. DEALER I SECOND band goods. If tnere Is aoj-tmng you need In new and second-band furniture. stores, granite ware and crockery, call aud get ills prices. ro. court street. NEW AND SECONDHAND GOODS bought and sold; pawn brokers; money advanced on all kinds of articles. Waters & Sherry, props., 732 Cottonwood street. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. MAI'I.C DUOS.. COIT.T STREET. GEN eral Eltilrlans. dealers In electrical supplies. Houses, stores, wired for electric ltElits. bells or telephones. Electrical fix- tutes of all kinds. Get our prices. Repair work a specialty. BLACKSMITH I NG. CO TEL. AND & SON. GENERAL I1LACK sinlthlns and repairing; horseshoeing a specialty: work Dromntlr attended to: call and see us: shoo 314 West Webb street. just three blocks below Mam street. TONSORIAL PARLORS. HILLY KRASSIG, liARUEIl SHOP AND bath rooms. Main street, three doors north of Hotel St George. I'lrst-class service. NEW TONSORIAL l'AKLORS, COURT ST. Three doors west of Golden Rule hotel. J II. race. prop, first-class workmen; everything clean : all modern Improvements. I'ATTON'S SANITARY' BAIIBER SIIOI', Despaln block: Court street; best work manship ; all the modern Improvements ; all tools sterilized: bath rooms In con nection. Iin"rL3 "'WEIilNa AND CE i. Cement walVs a nwlaiit n.. F lorauhed fr v.i, . j I "ft E'ler and Zeuner'i cigar ilo street 1'. o. box 101. VETERINARY SURGEON. "ott6e Unltenltv nt w,,ni..i. F'StrJ 'Pokaue 10 yers. tjfflc at sJM&':" "ore. hon. Red HI , -ioomeslieaied unlm.i. W, v i nn r7Tl . : ' L?J'rtto Veterlnars CeUw.- rffl:iv":?!?nt: one... AND CARRIAGES. FEE TIKE iinirTVm .. . Pt Itilr f.r.u ' VE11I liMlnT0,CrLL'rert' Stable or tela- "i and the hack will call for Fct Co. """ T AND?H0E REPAIRING. tar.... ai?rWAV.?'.TE OLD RELIABLE I- , . . , . . "vi-i-iasa mm .Im. . . .. ca. 'r oi uiuainger, i S SSSPIENIB THE OLD- UIC inn rpl1nn - OBIce with Uartman rUAILEv7r-7r Elooer-gp, ViV: 8- LAND COU 'V!jJtlL'4 of land .oiluV. "u'ldlac, room la ot' ffiJriIO COUBT hT. J'HOTOGRAplJisTr ota.t IlanV11?8- n,.r to,."h!Z EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. STAR ElirLOrMENT OFFICE. CSS slain St.; If you need help or seek em ployment call on us. 'I'hone. main 1011. WANTED. WANTED WORK AT WASHINO, IRONING or house cleaning. Inquire at 7ul Alu St. AdALTJtODD Building paper, lime, ; cement, brick and sand. Wood gutters for barns i and dwellings a specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., Opp. Court House ! The Columbia Lodging House Newly Furnished. Bar in connection. Bet. Alta & Webb Sts. In Center of Block. F. X. Sciempp Proprietor CiftANTIC fiCVii JCa new scenery lias been nalnteil anil new vocal ami choral music added The electrical effects are provided by the most prominent electrical llrm In New York and owlnu to the rank development In tills particular Indus try some startling effects have been devised for the garden, Hrocken aotheo8ls and tho various scenes o the play. Lewis Morrison's "Faust" appears at the Frazer tonight. TOO MANY BLOSSOMS. GOOD SOUND WOOD Never corrodes, never sweats nor expands J in fact never give an trouble of any kind and it used for ill classes of work. A very superior covering for barns, factories, depots, canneries, tanneries, abed and mining property. ttmi lot booklet. 6 The Paraffine Paint Co. Un Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Los Anjelci and Denver, Colorado. CHICHESTER'S PILLS X. At la wllk SU:U .xl CW hw, r.. ll. b Mara !". rMta. JiU- (.. I'll 1 LA, can get jirice? Fruit Man Says Buds Should be Thin ned Out. Apricot and peach trees aro In bloom In tho Walla Wulla valley, and If the present weather continues cher ry trees will boon be covered with blossoms, says the Walla Walla Union. Thd later peach trees bloom first and afterwards the hlosbonis on the earlier peach trees appear. i The prospects for a good crop of I all Kinds of fruit are better than 1 they have been for some years, In fact, unless a frost comes or tho buds n thlnnrwl utit It lu nmlinliln tlmt Is always received when you f tUo crop will be very largo, tho slzo oi tno rrult small anil tun quality poor. Hpeaking (lf this a prominent produce man said yesterday: "The best thing that could happen to tho fruit trees at this season Is a Host that would kill about, hair the buds, but olio frost Is enough ami wo do not wish for any moie. "With half the buds killed tho rest of the fruit would he largo and of very fine quality." Cherry tiees will not bo in bloom lor some time yet, hut the prospects for a good crop are better than over before. place your order with us. Fir. Tamarack and ..Pine.. Why buy poor coal when you the best for the same Laatz Bros. Telephone Main 5 J TO SELL MAINE WRECK. De GOING TO BUILD OR MAKE IMPROVEMENTS? If so, let us figure on your lumber bill. We furnish Sash, Doors and Blinds. Planing of all description done to order. Good material always furnished. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard , ROBERT FORSTER, Proprietor I Cuban Harbors to be Cleared of atroyed Battleships, Washington. March 31. Tho Cuban , cabinet at a icceiit meeting decided to call for. bids by advertisement, both in Havana and ubioad, for the i muval from Havana harbor of Din wieck of the battleship Maine and tho emoval of the wrecks of tho several Spanish war vessels lying on the southern coast of the Island, Illds will also bo invited for removing the wreck of the Merrlmae from tho en trance of Santiago harbor and the Spanish cruiser Alfon.o XIII, which Is grounded on tho north coast, near Havana, II Is the expectation of the Cubans that a neat sum will bo realized by this transaction, as bidders will not be paid for the work, but will be re quired to pay for the privilege, on condition that the recovered ships and material shall pass to them, There are a number of bidders awaiting tho opportunity to submit proposals, among them C, V. W lieely, notork ously associated with tho Havana po8tolBce. It Is reported that the Spanish novf ernment seeks to recover some of the phlps now lying on tho southern coast of the island, but all bids must bo mndo by Individuals or Arms. Offers from tho Spanish government will not bo entertained. "THE MESSIAH." Swedish College at Llndsborg, Kas., Prepares for Annual Musical Fes tival. Undsbnrg, Kas.. April 1. Tho otio cherished dny for tho Swedish colony of Il.eoo families living In and about this place Is Unster, and tho chief glory thereof Is "Tho Messiah." This great musical festival out on tho prairies, which will continue through tho whole of next week, will bring together thousands ot people from nil parts of Kansas and from Nebraska, Minnesota and other states where Swedish colonies exist. Tho Llndsborg colony was founded lu ISO!), and with It lletbnny college. In 1ST!) Dr. Olnf Olson visited Loudon and beard "The Messiah," and lie at once planned to have It produced nt home. Now tho week preceding Has ler each venr marks the greatest mus ical festival In all the West. Klve hundred men and women are In the chorus, Tho chapel choir numbers 20 voices,, mnlo chorus '0, the Indies' chorus 50, the orchestra has fio instruments and tho band 110. The leiiownod military band of Kort Kiley is expected to take part In ono C the concerts this year. Tho men of tho chorus appear In black, the maids In plul; and while, tho costumes making vivid contrasts. HOTELS. GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Corntr Court anil Johnwn Streets, 1'mdlelon, Oregon. M. F. Kolly, Proprlotor. SUING FOR ELLIS ISLAND. A Case In Trenton, N. J., Which Dates Back to Royalist Days. Trenton, N. J April t. Hack of n suit which came up for preliminary hearing today In this city Is a story dntlng back to royalist dnys. The ac tion Is brought by the "descendants of the original proprietors of tho lands In tho province of ICast Jersey" nnd Is to lcgnln possession of Kills Island. Uobblns lteef nnd Oyster is lnnd, all contained In Now York bay In the early colonial days tho dividing lino between the ownership of public lands by Hnst and West Jersey was drawn sharply across tho state from Delaware Water Cap to Little Kgg Harbor. Tills organization has been kept up to the present day. In the present suit tho complainants avur that the Immigration commissioner has no right to Ellis Island, that It does not belong to Now York State, but to Now Jersey, and that Kills Island Is their property. HEATED BY STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTIIICITY Amnrtcim l'lun, nit- I. '.'". to.yj.OO IKM-llllV. Km-opcim l'lun. floe. "Se. 9I.OO. MpeclHl iiiU'K ly week or mouth. Free 'bus meets all traluM Commercial trade solicited Fine sample room Special Attention (liven Country Trade HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS, Small Homes IN AND NEAR PENDLETON. . . . 3-lot tract, ono of tho best building sites on tho bottom S00. 8 lots, bouse nnd barn, well located $2000 20-lot tract, Irrigated; something to Invest In flG.000 3'4, acres, largo Iioubo, stono collar, fruit of all kinds, rich soli, barn, well irrigated 12250 1 acres, house, barn, fruit, ono of tho best gardens in town $2C0O 0-ncro chicken farm, Irrigated bottom land, house, barn, chicken houses, Incubators, fruit, alfalfa ..,.$2000 10 acres, mostly rich bottom, woll lnr- proved $2C00 15 acres, 8 acres of It rich bottom, running wator, bouso, chicken yards ono of the best small places In Pen dltton 1850 SOME BARGAINS IN FARMS AT $10 to $13 PER ACRE. N. T. Confclln. Phone, Red 277. Tons AND Tons Just received another car load of Poultry and stock supplies at the, Colesworthy CHOP MILL 127 and 120 Kant Alfa Street GEO. DAnVEAU. Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heated European Plan. Block and a half from depot Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE" 50o, 75o, $1.0f THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON Ainerlcsu Plau, Jj per day and upwtr. Headquarter! for tourUta aud commercial tra. elera. Special ratca made to CatiilHea and alalia gentlemen, The management will ba plaaaad at all limea to how roomt and give price. A modern Turkiah uath eatablUhmeiit la the taoUl II, C. BOWKKH, Manager AAAAAAAaUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Some Land BARGAINS! .8o acres grain and stock ranch in Klickitat Connty, Wash., 150 acres in wheat. Whole thing fenced two and three wires. Two good houses nnd two sets farm buildings, living water and wells. Sinical nicuntain free range for stock, $8 per acre. We have the finest stock ranch In the west lor sale. Con trols all the water and range for twenty miles: twenty miles of fencing; Ho acres Irrigated C anu in oiiana. fair nuuuings, orchard and vineyard, $25,000 takes it for two weeks. Section Horse Heaven Land $7.00 per acre. Irrigated Trails at all Prices, t Noasly-Scott Investment Co, Prossor, Wash. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTTTTTT THE COE COMMISSION CO. IT'S JUST A C0UQH ilinr onto vnur limi'u sore nnd weak and paves tho way for Pneumonia or Consumption, or both. Acker's Eno Hah Remedv will uton the rough In a day and heal your lungs, It will euro Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles, Pos itively guaranteed, and money refund ed If you aro not satisfied. Write to us for free samplo. W. II, Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. V. V. W. Schmidt & Co., druggists. Holds no customer re sponsible for more than the margin ho places on a trade. A margin of one cent it bushel , is required on grain, and $3 a share on stocks, An eighth cent a bushel commission is charged on grain and of one per cent on stocks, B. E. KENNEDY Manager Pendleton Office 120 COURT STREET Dally East Oregonlan by only 15 cents a week. carrier, siniBiiu n am j nil' aVi I " sVTi 1 r m7 h sf . 1 1 fc as 1 eir.-U ol ult buM,dljlitlooc"". lack. atJll Oaalr.a, 4amlnl kandacha. Unn tna o pnarrr , 1 lt$i n r 1