East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 01, 1903, Image 6

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We mean business. Our glassware is now almost out
but we have an immense stock of Fancy China and
crockerj. They must go. We make prices to sell it.
Semi-porcelain Plates, per dozen, 81c.
Semi-porcelain Pie Plates, each 5c.
Semi-porcelain handled Cups dozen, 99c
Covered Vegetable Dishes, each, 48c
White Chambers, each 50c
Bowls and Pitchers, each 48c
Common Lamp Chimneys, each 6c
Horseshoe Tumblers, per dozen 30c
100piece Haviland Dinner set, $27.73
lOO-piece set, cobalt and low blue $12.00
White China pie plates, per dozen, 65c.
14-Ql. Granite Dishpan. each 50c
8Qt. Nickel Plated Tea Kettle, each $1
To make it an object to visit our
store we make the following
prices on our regular line.
Granulated Cane Sugar per sack, $5.70
Granulated Beet Sugar per sack, $5.45
Mocha & Java Coffee per pound, 30c
"Mothers' Pride" Coffee per pound, 20c
Four packages Arm and Hammer Soda,
Owl High Grade Baking Powder per
pound, 30c
Six Bars Owl Soap, 25c
Farmers will find it to their interest to buy their Har
vest Dishes now Kight Now.
A Good Be
Brief Description of Animals Now
Being Prepared for the Track With
List of the Old Celebrities Trained
! The superiority of the Eastern Ore
i Bon horse Is loo well established to
. require any further proof. There
' seems to be something in our climate
; anil feed that gives hardihood and
bottom to the horses bred here. Not
only do they develop wonderful hard
! Iness. but they develop speed as well.
The celebrated Chehalis is sufficient
proof of this assertion.
I- . , ' : dam by Blackberry and he
Tr.; , ' pleton. He Is a 4-year-old
high, weighing l-iz pounds.
If the blood is in pood condition at the beginning of the,
- , n,.i,,fl tn rrsist disease and are not ant to lv tn,u. .""
pimples, blackheads and blotches, or the itching and burning stin
doesnt clip 5 seconds off of that rec-'
ord this season. She Is of the Cau
tion stock. Kitty Clover, out or Kitty
Csftitlon. by Pricemont, is showing up
well. She' Is owned and worked by
.Mark Lynch, of Walla Walla.
A Fast Pacer.
One or the fastest pacers on the
track for the amount or work he has
had. is a 3-ycar-old owned by Louis
Audit, or Adams. He gives promise
or developing considerable speed. He
traces his ancestry hack to Hamll
tonion 10. (reorge McDonald has a
son or Westfleld. a 4-year-old green
trotter named Duke Itavell that Is
. t ...n.l-nfl T In .nn r-nnn n tnfll'P
any predictions concerning him as he get too little out-door exercise, and our
has not been worked much yet. He svsiems Dccome cioggca jmpuw
comes or good stock and should dc- ties and the blood a hot-bed of germs
velop speed. and humors of every kind, and -warm
Two or the handsomest animals at wcather is sure to bring a reaction,
the track are Uno and Ino. They on(j tne poisonous matter in the blood
are the property or C. A. Chapman. ..,.. ,ni. nt ; i.nils nnd
i it i rnn,lo. r i-hoh-n.. HU ;
von are prepared to resist disease and i
J . . . . , . j I Vi
that make one's life a veritable torment and misery.
Now is the time to begin the work of cleansing and bniU;
niooa aau aiicuLuicmut
places in your constitution. During the
cold winter months we arc compelled
to live indoors and breathe the impure
air of badlv ventilated rooms and of
fices. We over-work and over-eat, and
Llnnmni ir .
nunnioki Slrf-L.CTFn w...
-- " "III
. . . .. .. . I . ! II
Ti.'Z Jr,LVr bl"DSll glossy, with a beautifully arched
It is a regulation half mile track
ntirtttiM! -wr cctlt Mirf mtic nnn TfMI.
p Mi i4;cfirrtio- Tin trine nrtr tiimnlrvc. Mate
1M r.r,S
and is said to be one or the rastest
In Eastern Oregon. It Is owned by
G. E. Perlnger .
The weather conditions or the past
few days have put It In splendid condition.
The Stock In Training.
neck, he Is a very handsome animal.
Ino has Just been clipped and has a
sheen and luster to his coat like a
gray-blue changeable silk. In addi
tion to his satiny coat he has the
lines of his racing ancestry. Like
Uno. he is a grandson of the world-
beating Chehalis.
. rroodl
a course of S. S. S. in time; it will not
only purify your blood and destroy the
germs and poisons, but promote healthy
action of the Liver and Kidneys and
give you a good appetite at a time
whcn"yu need it most.
S. S. S. improves the digestion and
tones up the Stomach, and you are not
continually haunted by the fear of
indigestion every time you cat, or
troubled with dizziness, "nervousness
and sleeplessness. There is no reason
ialtW ....
curlflor In thn a,.A '
kiiu rr
"t ine inanermii t
i a wi a o ..... "t -Ci.
. . . .iuccn
Diooa. run nnwn j '
. - . . . rdi, h
uuuui. ouu uaa 10 tton r ..7
can 10 imDrovn at
I think B. 8. 8. thn fe..
bll railroad Btreet,
Celebrities of the Past.
Just as we drove up we saw a good . Some celebrated horses have re-
finish between Nancy Cole nnd OHie j celved their training on this track.
M. Xnnrv Cole Is a (-vpar-olri. n rrrwn . Amnn h immlvrt. ie nothTunrL- n
1 1 trotter, but one with excellent nros-1 hrnwn Ktalllnn fnalnd in iKOfi: Klrpd to dread the coming of warm weather if you have your system vn-ll t
i pecis. sue is a wesinem mare and i bv Pathmont. "rODVl. son or Altnmont. ana me Diooa in a normal, ceaiiny conaiuon. nisine nol hm ri
' nillo At Ic t-Af nlt- o r-.!! tl.An 1 . .. . , 1 . . t.. . t . . 1. . . ... t - . J . M . . . J
, ... IO fuu .uunci. uui ; sun oi ivnuuiiuiu ruiuuMih iiuih onniT on a jonjr train 01 spnnir anu tumma uiiuicnis, oreat acrm (l.
n rnnA "rinr nc n-ull , n . . . . . . . . . . .. , . -. ....
pwwu " i . - 1 1. i i 'in ii we ii r.iTini n nrr n.nnitnn ipnu'tioct i n rr i tii no i .1 f i ninnrnnhii t.i:. .
iiczL-iuji. jlcuc. LLLicraMi. x uibuii uak iuiu ivv. una m rrimf.t .
. - ...- . ....MUilir
.i t ri nrs ry rr r m t r r.ni-n t ii hi r rtnm n a -..-.infc- .. .
tic uuuuuivu iiiu uue mil acid
j . p Mu
maoencii una sironi iicin-o(i,..
of warm weather.
A ArirtrCA rt C C O
" w- -". uvvr WOti
a saie precaution ana a good ber
and enable you to pass m r
through the hot, sultry north
She Is a pacer, and has a 2-year-old Slack .Mack, whose record Is 2:15t
record of 2:19U. which she made at ' is a another animal that received his
I the state fair at North Yakima. She j training on this track. Mack Mack
, is one of the speediest of her class is n half brother nf Ronner X. n.
(brought out In Eastern Oregon. Last) 2:17. Nancy being their mother.
year in a race with older horses she Mt Hood 2:19. Alta Norte 2:1C4.
'stepped Off her half mile In 1:02. Her , Phil V ?-1) nvntn ?MS Tinner v Tt
3-year-old track record Is 2:liu. she John Edison 2:16, Starkpy 2:15ti.
is to prove of what metal she is made ' Francisco 2: IS. Oreeon Sunshine
at the next state lair when she -will who took the Northwest record for
ontest for the "Greater Salem" stake 3-year-olds. Saltesse. Santiam and
for $2(MiO in the 2:17 class. nianv other celebrated horses have
niie we were mere a. E. Heller, been developed on this track. It is
np nf tr,.n,r .t : HeIer-,on developed on this track. It is vigorating and pleasantof all tonics. Write forourbookon "Tie Blood
one of the trainers held the stopwatch ' astonishing how many speedy horses . Ttsniceases. rur o,.- c.r.
cn Nancy Cole and Ollie M. on a mile ' have come from Umatilla county.
uat oi me eignms tney made South of town is located the Fra
iii 39 seconds and the quarter ln 39. , zier track. The king of this track
This Is better fhnn n "-jn r-ott . t....u tt t . t-. , .
I . -- b.ii aim ( io Tjemtjiu. ncie mtuK r razier nas
.v. u j . "rBeu iact : developed such noted horses as Hass
tney nad lots of sieed In reserve nnH loin ir.i-, nn,i tt,i,-u . i.
when they came in did not seem very , ter or Chehalis. Here was trained i J
-1H ir i ... ' 1 HUi, JJfiiUllS, Willi i
Ullle M. Is owned bv Jim Tu-ln fn my t o.ntt. . t,i
and Nancy Cole by G. E. Pennger. ! breakinr 2-mile record nf 4 mi.
Eastern Oregon is certainly the
home or the horse, for where will you
find hardier or speedier horses than
in this particular section or the In
Innd Empire.
Anomer promising youngster being
trained there is Eddie B. who will
, so In the 2-year-old class at the com
ing state fair. He is sired by Bonner
X B. and is the property of Mr. Er-win.
' . Medium Caution, a 3-year-old of un-1 stock Farm for Sale.
1 1.1. i i . . havlnjr consitera- We have the Jas. Lindsay farm
j ' o ' ,!t .-iug uevei- near Aloa lor sale. It consists of 640
. Sr Sam Purdy. or Athena. Is Its ! acres. 140 acres In timothy: more
, owner. Another or the vnimpstori! i than nnn oao. in -iu i -1.1.1 m
Mint U 1 u. "T:1-" wuicu Y.IU
. ii.iu into uaie is a
little 2-year-old Westfield mare the
property or James Furnish.
fc Oveta Is one that is expected to
aicn we omers come ln over shoul-
t -. . .
uer ner tracK record is 215U, but
her trainer will be disappointed ir she
grow timothy. A portion will grow j
wheat and barley, balance nasture: 1
abundance or water. All fenced; '
good buildings. 1 J
.v in sen m one, two or three tracts.
tools 10 nne worKmen saws,
hammers, chisels, screr
drivers, augers and even-
thing necessary in that lie:
for high prade interior car
penter and cabinet work. It
II I I. .1 L
win ay iu luuh uuuuguu'-l
stock, even if you need ba:
a single tool at the moment.
Court Street
ttttMMt ..
111 1)11)1111 mmmiltflt llllllllTllTIlTITtllT iTIITTrTTrrffTIIfllf 11(11
I J Denwe, Be TJiobpIbI Yet Act Promptly.
g Upon yotir prompt and early action often depends the Price at which you may secure a good invest-
vestment. The second allotment of stock of the
tN ?nen2A2flred t0 estors on ground floor terms. SIX (6) CENTS PER SHARE.
g $30.00 WILL BUY 500 SHARES;
The- properties -f tlio inGIILlXD GOLD MIXES
('(XMPAXV, eonsirinir of tweke clninis, (240 acres),
and kii'.wi, iocallv a.- the KXAPP GROUP OF MIXES,
arr- .-iitiiatf.1 on the famous MOTHER LODE system of
the Similiter district, in Baker county, state of Oregon,
and on the trrent Elkhorn divide at the head waters of
Rock Creek flowing to the east and Cracker Creek flowing
te the west, through that renowned Crncker Creek district
of Eastern Oregon, where are situated upon the MOTHER"
LODE svstein the Xorth Pole, E. & E., Columbia, and
Goleomla mines, known the world over as the "Big 4" of
Eastern Oregon.
lS'Jft Glasgow drift west side creek, heavy sul
phides, ore from rich streak $330.00
From crosscut east side of creek on Eldorado, 10
leet wale, taken in ;-loot sections, north wall
Six feet in winter vein, large sample
Five feet south side, large sample
J lie -bannock burn tunnel, 7 feet on foot wall
large sample 5,25
Bannock Burn tunnel, 10 feet, C inches width
lurjre sample 7,70
Buck ? feet from face and 2 feet next to hang:ng
wall, large sample 15.90
Same IkkIv 14 feet hack from face, 4 feet of ore . . 22.32
$60.00 WILL BUY X,000 SHARES;
From Glasgow drift west of creek, from ore on
(lump in boxes 396.33
From same point in Glasgow drift, 11 inches wide, 491.6S
20 feet back from face, 9 inches wide, same drift 430.00
East side of creek, in crosscut next to shaft on
Eldorado, 15 feet wide 4.70
Float in and around open cuts half way up the
mountain from cast end of Bannock Bum
tunnel, general sample 27.00
At open cuts near west line, values obtained
ranged from $28.00 to $29.00
Small streak in open cut near west end line of
Bannock Bum , 3C0.00
Sample from surface near creek east side, s'fee't
wide 043
JULY 1900. '
Bannock Burn tunnel face, C feet in width, tunnel
having been driven ahead a few feet 4.10
General sample, C feet of ore 8 feet back from
face of Bannock Burn tunnel 10.82
General sample of 4 feet of ore, 30 feet back from
face of Bannock Bum tunnol 5,70
General sample, 8 feet of ore in open cut 250 feet
west, further up the mountain from Bannock
-Hum tunnel
General sample next to foot of wall, same place,
jenerai sample :i lect in width, hanging wall 250
feet west of Bannock Bum tunnol 2.25
Bannock Bum claim near west end lino 2i feet
orc J.... 9.C4
If you seriously consider an investment in the Stock
of the HIGIILAXD GOLD MIXES CO., and wish to
jimke a personal examination of the MINE, nnd person
ally leant the facts, you may do so without cost to your
solf. "U'e will pay your expenses from your home to the
Bannock Burn elaiin. general sample, from large
boulders of ore half way up the mountain, 10,01
Sample from 1 1 iuehf.- in face of Glasgow .... 27 10
Sample of lor of float 1000 feet west of Bannock
Bum tunnel 4.39
Sample of sulphide ores from Glasgow drift, west
of creek 219 00
General sample, open cut 700 feet west of Ban
nock Burn tunnel 13.22
Memoranda of sampling and results for the fall of
1901 misplaced or lost, but results were good.
Sampling this fall from the Eldorado tunnel in
the face, general sample ran from ..$3.70 to$15.7C
per ton.
Sample of JS-ineh gouge or selvidge 4.58
The vein is traceable the entire length of the claims,
thirty-five hundred (3500) feet, and the ore shoots are
known to be of immense, length, and the values in tie
same evenly distributed throughout.
The width of the vein varies from ten (10) to forty
(40) feet, and has a northeasterly and southwesterly
strike of course; the permanency of which has been dem
onstrated by the development of the other mines on the
now famous MOTHER LODE of the Sumpter District
The vein on this property has lieen explored thor
oughly on the surface by means of shafts, tunnels and
open cuts, and is known to carry commercial values the
entire length of the claims.
naaress an communications, and make your cnecks, drats and money
orders payable to
fTVT? i t i ., .
i ll i an you una the facts as reprcsent-
, .... l in reium is a lair and reasonable invest
ment, but if you find that the facta have been misrepre
sented, wo will not ask you for an investment, nml fnr.
ever hold you harmless from all necessary expenses on
account oi your visit and examination. I Department No. il
mm it i ( a ( i i ((((((((( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,,,,,,, , iuouwii nEenu - .VMnntM. trezu