East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 01, 1903, Image 4

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Folding Vapor Bath Cabinet.
For the Scientific Application of Hint and Steam
In Curing and Preventing Disease. : : : : :
Endorsed by 3o.ooo PHYSICIANS and OVER 600,000 Happy Users
PRICE, $5.00
The city Is a congregation of
bouses; if then, it be our wish to
make the city beautiful. In a
large sense, is It not the short
est route, the nearest cut across
country to perfection, to ask
each man In the rank of homes,
each man anil woman in the
busy throng of municipal life,
to first put their own house in
order. The beautiful city Is
founded on the beautiful home.
Russell Sturgls.
raurthouse park, and the next task
appoint a "tree planting" day nnd
sk the pity to turn out and plant
1 them.
j Another task Is to procure a public
' fountain for Pendleton. Weston, the
; little frolicking stepsister to Pendle
ton, owns a public fountain tnat
might he justly envied by Portland. !
Just a little backbone and grit secnr-1
1 , ed it for the city. Just a little or the (
same commodities will put one in
Pendleton. 1
There is need of just such activity
as this club possesses. A season
which promises well for the city and
the county is now opening. Early
1 preparations must be made to im
prove evory occasion and
, portunity.
1: engaged In propagating t'.:o idea,
p is now believed that the llan Is
sufficiently advancel to justify start
ing the organization
This Is significant. It suggests a
rt-npni rnr oT the olnsxeS. Ill social
. science it is held ns a truism that In
n conflict of class Interest the party
i that is the most coni;)lotely orpin-
'. . . . . ...t.. 1 nl.nr
r.eu Is ins one uuii iuc. w 1
1 1.1 ions have been organizing and cm-1
, soliciting for some years, this de
fensive movement being rorcea on
wage earners by the logic of ev -nts.
We hear much talk about cHpHM and
labor being bound together by mutu
ality of interests, and as a general
proposition this may be true. But In
the stress nnd tug of dolly experiorte
this harmony Is very apt to De- ome
Capital has the advantage of liber.
It controls the law making power, it
influences courts and In a prolonged
strike It retrenches no costly Indulg
ence, while the worklngman's fanviy
is reduced to semistnrvatlou. Pos
sessed of this dominance capital is
apt to crow unjust and arbitrary,
the Individual laborer has .j recourse,
he must submit or be turned an the
These facts have been brongnt
home so constantly that labor unions
have been formed for defence: and
sine the more recent aggregation of
capital in manufacturing enterprises
these associations have been extend
ed and conaolida'iHi j .ocot the pres
sure. And it is to meet this defensive
In one general organ'srtioi..
Strikes and lockouts are found to
be costlv nnd harmful to the public
welfare." so as a preventive, arbitra
tion Is proposed. The Issues In
volved In the great anthracite coal
Theodore Roosevelt leaves Wash
ington city today on what might be
called a triumphal tour. Voluntarily,
along the route he Is to travel, a
nation which loves its sturdy Institu
tions and holds in highest esteem,
those entrusted with their care, will
offer its tribute of respect.
There are men who call this hero
worship nnd who discountenance any
semblance of enthusiasm on such oc
casions, but this spirit is alien to
that temperment which has made the
American, within the space of two
hundred years, the greatest nation on
Let it be called "hero worship "in
derision by the dyspeptic croakers.
Let those who feel no deep pulsations
or patriotism throbbing In their leth
argic veins, withhold their enthusi
asm. The people, strong In loves
and strong in hatreds, will still shout
and huzzah. as a president goes by
and especially such a president as
Roosevelt. j
Twenty years ago Teddy Roosevelt
was a cow man 011 the South Dakota
plains. He faced the blizzards, dodg
ed gopher holes, rounded up maver-
When H. W. Corbett came to Port
land in 1851, .Morrison street was a
deer trail through a splendid forest.
There was not a "clearing" within
the present limits of the city, large
enough to accommodate the Oregon
ian building.
Barring a few dozen straggling
houses nestled among the firs on the
bank of the Willamette, Multnomah
county was a wilderness.
From Omaha to the city of Port
land at that time, there was but one
respectable settlement in that IWW
leagues of desert that was The
One by one the pioneers drifted in
to the borders of the state. Some of
them by ox team, some by way of the
Isthmus, some from the California
gold fields, all hardy meu, of the old
Titanic type that has builded empires
and manned free institutions, from
time immemorial,
j Slowly the great overland trails
were 0)ened. The pressing hurries
of frontiersmen and homeseekers
' poured into Oregon, and spread out
within her mountain valleys and allu-
strike were submitted to a board of
arbitration, but the award does not
seem to have been satisfactory to the
Public opinion has become a factor
; in these disagreements, and the will
every op- of the American people Is that even-
handed justice lie unne. out power
plutocratlr or political is not always
content with simple justice, in all
countries it is apt to fall back on
privilege and prerogative.
Thus the spectacle is presented to
us of both sides recruiting and pre
paring for a coming convention, and
' when the issue shall be Joined we
mav look for a war of the Titans.
Half a century ago Horace Greeley
persistently condemned the wage ss
tern as "modified slavery." It Is false
in economy, because it creates an
tagonism and the best serv--' i
never obtained from the unwilling
worker It is unjust, as is illustrated
on everv hand Thousands of work
men adult and juvenile are key; at
work by an individual or a corpora
tion: a" portion of their ea'i.ing is
retained by the employer, with the
result that the latter grows menacing
ly rich, while the producers of value
are robbed off with a bare sustenance.
The Mew Baby
From the moment a child is born the question
of nourishment becomes of great importance. A
right start avoids a lot of trouble later on; it's so
easy to begin right, too.
Many women cannot or will not chiefly will
not-nurse their children. The best thing to do
under the circumstances is to help the bottle babies
all we can they're at a big disadvantage at best
We know positively that nothing will do them
more good than Scott's Emulsion a few drops in
the bottle. It seems to furnish just the right
quantity and the right kind of nourishment needed
for babies and growing children.
The women who are willing but unable to
properly nurse their children will find Scott's Emul
sion a great help a two-fold help in fact. It has a
direct and immediate effect, not only feeding and
sustaining the mother, but insuring also a flow of
rich, nourishing milk for the baby.
Thus Scott's Emulsion strengthens the mother
and goes naturally through the milk and strengthens
the child.
We'll bend you a sample free upon request.
SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St.,. New York.
flirt u .
J aaui
We Drni'r Vhi,
But we ao Keep
Stock Of nice dnr
uc,"u8i nusnc and tv
ii hi I pranM ii
-"""eiision Lnmhu
eluding Lath and o,!
tflir BTruit- r.
Ul D0OTI to
j . ... --i hj
mm iar rner una .
one in need of Luna
'not l trnintf k .
ft j.u n
vueir uruer with the
Gray's Harbor Com.
Onp. W: & C. R. Dtp
f Mil II I
Young MitwauKee Society Woman.
icks with his neiehhnr nn,i le,,t nn viaI "ver basins, like floods filling an
the ground. He came West to build lnIan'1 see-
ui) a nhysical constitution, weakened ' Already the foundations of state
by study and city life.
That he succeeded well, his subse
quent career or hard work, fully con
firms. But Roosevelt found more than
health In the West. He found mental
breadth there. He found grit and
backbone In unlimited quantities, and
he had the mother wit to use it ju
diciously. He took his Western experience
and rounded off its rough edges by
a contact witn his native graces of
intellect and brought forth an ideal
American character.
By the mystic processes of free
government in which individuality
plays the major part, the man who
faced the blizzards of the plains, a
tough-handed ranchman, now visits
his olden haunts, president of the
greatest nation on earth.
What bosom does not swell with
conscious pride at that spectacle?
What citizen who loves the institu
tions of his country and prizes the
rugged traits which win. can withhold
the glad hand and the cheering shout
as this man, to whom has come such
honor, goes by?
It Is the one foremost triumph of
freedom, that permits the citizen to
win such honors.
Ilralns and vigorous purpose, men
tal breadth and character are the
common property or all In the free
government. The highways are all
open. There are no heirs to the throne
except those who are in line through !
merit, competence and natlvq endow
ments. '
were laid. That little group or pio
neers who first marked out the boun
daries of a metropolis, were on the
Among that number was Henry W
Corbett. who Is laid to rest toila-. In
the empire he helped to found !ia!i a
century ago.
The memory of political and per
sonal differences is brushed aside and
Oregon knows only that he Is- a pio
neer one whose personality is indel
ibly marked upon the business and
social institutions of the state.
This Is nn evolutionary period an '
our political, social and indusrrm! in
stitutions are being tried as by fin.
When a wrong becomes unerri'i'iiblp
ft fs punged as wns shown In the
British parliament last week !n deal
ing with the Irish laud ones' ;n Air!
so I believe our wage svstem Is wrong
and evidences are gathering that Its
harmful consequences are Intensify
ing until ft wDI be fn the end pro
nounced unendurable. Then Its evil
presence wfll be exercised and these
opposite camps of manufacturers" as
sociations nnd labor unions can join
hands, because the presem antagon
ism nf Interests win be replaced 1)5'
the Christian principles of ro-opra-tfon
I,et brotherly love cor'inne
Salem. Or
I3T thousand cmtj
women have written
to tell how Wine of
Cardui liestows the
blessing of health on ever
woman who takes it. ri- li
and poor alike. Sirs.
Helena Wan. Xo. 12? Sew
enth Street, Milwaukee,
Wis., is one of the young
women whom Wine of Car
dui ha rescued from a life
of sufferine. Sluf writes:
"Win of Ciriii ii artiinly Vorn
out' women's best Ir'teoi and I am pleased
to give my experience -with it. A few
months ago I caught a severe cold, hav
ing been out in inoemect weather, "which
settled all over rrvf particularly in the
abdomen. 1 was is almost constant pain.
I consulted a physician and took; his
medirlnr for a rosath and without my
relief. I t.'-.en rrrfdf-i I would try your
medicine and it was a hxky day for sac
when I did so. L noticed a change ia a
few days and felt.anmcaged to continue
taking 'Wine of Cardui, and my pattm.-f
was rewarded, f cson two weeks my pains
had left me and lie It like anew woman."
1' Jltln4X Utall.
The woman who has suf-
ered from female weakness
hhouM do anything within
reason to secure health.
Wine of Cardui is the medi
cine that ajijioals to reasona
ble women women who
hold oienitions and cutting
in horror women wlioknow
that Nature is the best phy
sician 'Wine of Cardui
gives women back their
health bv civimr Nature a
chance to build up the wasted and dis
eased tissue. Wine of Cardui regulates
the menstrual flow and Nature, when
relieved of the drains or of the poisons
in the system, makes the functional
organs strung and healthy acain.
Any woman who is silently suffering
untold pains because she is too sensitive
to undergo a physician's examination
and treatment can find no excuse for
not securing relief when Wine of Car
dui is offered to her. There is no pub
licity to deter her. She can take Wine
of Cardui in the privacy of her home,
with as much assurance of a final cure
ai though a dozen doctors recommended
it. Many physicians do recommend
Wine of Cardui to theirpatieuts.
Why not get a $1.00 bottle of Wine
of Cardui from your druggist today?
A million suffering women
have found relief in
Wine of Cardui.
Vnt i:Df It.. U..f
i " w "'iuk our
fill nnrritttxtHi Hiirrni?Mr ..... -l
time, you win utK-ount snr w
or arc I dent tnat might mai
'round as the most careful, prompt
v.a'V. 'vtiHuui VI ail sine
ed Winona wagons, haets mi
gies, tlie best made, Me handled I;
A Dvrucuse mow is aiwavj
We aell and gnaraniet ike (torn
As a grim reminder of the Ingrati
tude of M)lltlcs and the bitterness of
lactional warfare, several republi
can paiers of the state have run the
account of the death of H. W- Cor
lett. beside the glowing account of
the McGavern-Corbett prize fight,
giving four times as much apiK-c. to
the fight ns to the obituary'.
A press dispatch from Chicago a few
days since, reminds us .hat in Now
Orleans in a week r two. the Na
tional AshO' m-iiia -.f Manufacturers
will meet in imuiu.i1 cunvenuon. ut
which gatberinj a plan will be piv
liCKOd for the welding of ;1! the
l.cavier manwactuverh Jn ih- United
iitatcs Into one compact t, lion This
movement was proposed at the annual
meeting held in Indianapolis last
year and 3ince that time we arc UH.
the chief promoters have been active-
11 von lien't ,Tecular, hHby movvnt of tb4
froweis etsry tlv .ou'r III or will b. hep Tool
at of ktcLloir thm bowtl
tit and clean U 10 tl
The Pendleton Progressive Club
has IllentV of u-nrL- In tr.r ( 1....... MtitEMttaurplllwbou.1 rt,K"""r ! amootfc
.w.t tst.eaxl,! mail irltrl
n uuuy tor the season.
A glance at its list of members Is
sufficient to convince the city that it
Is not afraid of work. Work is what
It Is looking for: work that will help
Pendleton; work that Improves the
city, offer more Inducements for home
makers to come here, and work that
will put the finishing touches
an already glorious record.
one of the flrat tasks of the pm-' "r ":l'?a!.lvsi,; or irii. w.tj. and
, . .. ' fr box. Wrlw tor Ic laupW, anil buukl
KiKnoiru uiuD Hlioillfl tn nravfll ,.. bcaltn. Aaant
"f (ticluo anior fiianir,
on the county court to furnish
enough ornamental trees to jilant the
Flaaiant, Palatable, l'olnl. Tat Rood. Do Good
1111 u nail
tMkltl OK
KUI the Germ that b Destroying
the tlair Root
For SjIc by Drujj'ub. Price $1.00.
Going to
Kepair your homes or places
ol business by having them paint
ed or papered.
to us
Large and. nicely sekcted
stock of wall paper and paints.
E. J. Murphy,
111 Court Street.
Agency for the Sherwin-Williams
The Grand Trunk Gold Mine
Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining District.
Is located upon the GREAT MOTHER
LODE system of veins and has for neigh
bors on, that vein such well known
mines as the NORTH POLE valued at
$10,000,000. The COLUMKl A valued at
$5,000,000. GOLCONDA valued at $3,
ooo.ooo. THE MONMOTH G. jVL CO'S
BELLE BAKER mine valued at $5oo,
ooo. THE BALD MOUNTAIN valued at
$5oo,ooo. THE IBEX valued at $400,
000, and many others.
The Grand Trunk Gold Mining and Hilling Go.
Omrs Us Property Consisting of 160 Acres ol RIchQold Bearing Veins
It has no indebtedness of any character.
Jt has a conservative mining and business management.
It is offering 50,000 shares of stock at 15s per share.
It will become a dividend payer in a short time.
It will pay you to write' us for full particulars and to make
careful investigation of its merits.
It has the indorsement ol mining men, business men and
bankers of Eastern Oregon,
Write us today and let us post you.
3 H. S. McCallum & Company. t
Miners, Brokersand Financial Agents,
2 Or R. S. BRYS0N, Local Agent, Pendleton, Oregon. E
j Our Weekly Mining Letters on Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining t
District i?ree on Application. f
Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once
Delay will lead to serious breaks.
First-class work guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Plumber.
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel
a mm
i'enaieion 11 moiiii au mocen
provenients ; pretty lawn.
duv sown, Daisurc 09
Another residence 7 rooms,
nam, sewerage, electric iisnu;
lawn, shade trees, within three
of Main street. $2,500.
utner nouses ana 101s iron in
Nice- residence lots. iso,
Much Other Town Property,
Easy Terms, Where Desired.
0. D. BOVD. Ill Court
reached in Monopole.
Wlian imil want the
come to us and get
Our line of groceries
complete, -
lor cash.
Miller Grocery
636 Main Street
Phone Main 5::
A Merciful Man is
1 1V1V11U1 W
Patent Humane Harness M
nn linrcHC Tins new IU r'
Mia linrccc nrPVCHlS JUW-p
1.1 : - nc tiia cum ;iiiu o
the burdens. Call and f
great improvemenis.
we have tk
-!..:.. .:!.. . manil aClW
sell these harness i" -7
county and all iDiringen
be prosecuted.
. -.. ninl)
r t
218 Court atreci.