East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 01, 1903, Image 3

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always Set
GOOD GOODS t Alexander's.
At prices to make the heart rejoice. Our
window full of Men's Choice Dress, Walkin
rn,v- Slices. Fifty styles to select
g and
tOICE $2.50 PAIR
Alexander Dep't Store
We also keep the Sorosis, the Correct Ladies' Shoe in the J
iee the Fisherman
in Our Show Window, X
And remember that I have a full line of High
Grade Tackle. I bought all of my Tackle direct
from the factory and have the kind that will suit
every fisherman. 1 have in stock Hy hooks from
25c to Si. 50 per doz., leaders from 5c to 75c, fish
baskets, straps, bait boxes, leader boxes, reels,
from 20c to $5.50, jointed poles from $1 to $10,
all kinds of artificial bait, spinner hooks, "Chubb's
pole varnish," mist colored gut and other fisher
man's supplies, too numerous to mention.
Plowing Has Begun Extensively
Deputy Road Supervisor to Com
mence Work on Roads Many Re
turning to Their Farms for Summer
Work Telephone Line Under Con
structlon to Fletcher's Mill.
Brlggson, March 30-Mrs. Emma
Hoss .who has beer quite 111 of grip,
is .ry much improved.
V. C. Avery 1ms purchased ICO
acres of land on Umatilla Itlvcr near
Gibbon, from Alfied Thompson,
which Is excellent for grazing pur
poses. Spring Is heio, the grass is, srowirg,
(lowers are in bloom and plowing has
begun quite extensively.
J. K. Davidson has bought 40 ncres
of timber land on Heed & Hawlcy
Mountain from Russell & white
John l,adigan, who has been hero
on an extended visit to hi cousin.
Oeorgo Crulgon, has returned to
H. V. Swart, O. It. & N. operator
at Knmcla, who Is well known here,
will soon move to Bingham station.
Mr. Murrin, of Weston, deputy road
supervisor, was in this locality last
week. Investigating the situation of
the road, which are very muddy yet.
However, should clear weather pre
vail, road work may soon bo com
menced. Bill Wilkison. of Athena, has nur
chased and will operate a horse power
wood sawing machine in the moun
tain districts this seiso:, which i
likely to prove quite an industry.
Thomas Harkans, who has been eb
sent all winter .will return homo in
the near future.
Isaac Hagen .an exteiid'vo stock-
I man of this section, wlie has whiter-
I ed his cattle near Pendleton, will
! bring them up for summer pasture by
w a . . ...... ... .... . ...
Our big stock of new Spring Wrappers has ar
rived, and we have the finest assortment in the
town. We list only a few of them.
74 Main Street
: of them. A foil supply always kept in stock
the first of the mouth. Mr. Hagen
win also move his tamlly up near
Bingham Springs, where thev have n
neat little cottage in which they will
spend the heated term.
Miss Bessie Palmer, who has been
away attending school during the win
ter, will return home the llrst of
John Thompson and family, of
Bingham, who have been living in
Athena this winter for the benefit of
1 schooling their children, are prepar
ing to return home soon.
Miss Elsio Boss, who has eeu ab-
. I sent tor the past three months, re
turned home last Wednesday.
Gus Sprague, formerly of this plure
hut now of the Hudson Bay country,
is busily engaged hauling milk for
3 I the Milton creamery.
Write the East Ore-1 J. R Sheets, a former confectioner
crnnian for a. f eat- ' of Athena, has moved his stok of
owrr - coods to Freewater.
A telephone line is under constrro-
Good quality calico wrappers, well
made, full width, GO;.
Splendid quality percale wrappers, ruf
fles or braid trimmed at top and wide
llouncc, full proportions, only $1,00.
Pine quality percale wrappers, beauti
fully trimmed, $1.35.
Good quality house dresses, corset lined,
wide Houncc, made better than if you
made them yourself, $1.25 and $1.20.
Good quality percale house dresses,
beautifully trimmed in braid, corset lined,
with wide flounce, $1.40 and $1 35.
Very best petcalc house dresses, widu
llouncc, corset lined, extra well made, and
very full skirt, $1.75 and $1.05.
Beautiful figured black sateen house
dresses, corset lined, $2.40.
Misses' muslin underwear, complete as
sortment, drawers from 15c pr to 50c pt
Skirts from 35c to 85c each.
Children's dresses, ages 2 yrs. to 14 yrs.
all grades from 25c baby dresses, to
Misses' .ostumes worth $2.75.
Misses' hose, lace or plain, 25c, 20c,
5c, 12j4c and 10c pr.
Misses' kid gloves, sizes 5 to 54, sev
eral colors, 05c,
Specials for Saturday, April 4
Men's black striped double front shirts,
50c values, 40c.
Men's light colored shirts, good 50c
values, special, 40c.
Boys' black suits, coat and pants,
special, $1.00.
Boys' waists, All 25c waists for one
day, 20c.
Boys' sox, all sizes, 4: pr.
Misses' hose, all sizes, our regular 13c
hose, special, 10c pr.
Men's corduroy suits, warranted, spec
ial for one day, $7.00.
Outing flannel, 10c kind, Sc; 9c kind,
7c; 7c kind, 5c.
Hon from Weston for a distance of
nlno miles np on tho Westoi Moun
tain towards Fletcher's mill, which
It is said will bo extended to the
mill, a dlstanco of nlno miles further
cast In the future.
Byron Murch, tho Dalles fruit treo
agent, who did quite a business in
this locality two years aco, will make
the rounds again in a few weeks.
James Navin, who purchased trees
To be opened up and developed by A nierican capital and enterprise.
estern Coal and Iron Company
50 J Bernice Building, Tacoma, Wash
With Nfil
Itolumbia, in all. 2560 acres, or four full sections, with
I containing over 100,000,000 tons of the highest grade of liitum
it makes the finest and best coke in the world, and for steam a
lartre tract of
Valley, British
the land, and
the Northwest.
coal land in tho Nicola
, or four full sections, with five large seams of coal known to underlay
lmmous (Joal that has been lound in
1 utwl rl-moci .w niirrmcns tlifirf is nn bfillflr rtnal nrn-
auced m the country. The coal is situated in Southern British Columbia, about 100 miles east of Vancouver,
British Columbia and from New Whatcom and liellingham Bay points. The Canadian Pacific Kailroad and tho
Weat Northern Pail.,! ... K4.1, I nvtciwl Mir,!,-linoa Jnfn Mm Nirvil'l rnnl firtll ftllfl will
there this year. Thia beautiful Nicola Valley will then be turned into a beehive of gigantic industries. The
Western Coal ho ?rui hlnnlr if its tronsurv stock at tho low rate of
o vuujjuiij u.ij Jiun v..umb j
15 Cents Per Share
The flrnw'o
"Qvanced from 10c to $36 in two years. And it is safe to say that tho Nicola Coal offers today just as good chanco
jo the investor as did the Crow's Nest in 1896. We are quite certain that tho stock is sure to advance to par ($1
, Per share) this year. If you want to be in it on tho ground floor and make 700 per cent on your investment in a
8tLH10n,ths' decide quick as this 15c stock will not last very long The stock will be advanced next month. The
oianaard Oil flnmnor,.. u,.v.4. ocnn Q l;:.,;.',., nl lorwl nnlv 9A miles from our Comnanv's nron-
6rtv A ' jMjr nao uuuglil iuuu junior., nir aujujinug vyi. a 4 4
I V aim m the very same coal basin and paid
$2,500,000 CASH FOR THE LAND
ThiR ia
form P ce their coal on the market here as soon as shipping facilities have been furnished. For further in
u fi" , .tn 1 cordially invite you to call at my office, where samples of the coal, reports, maps, diagrams, prospect
can 1 from Prominent bankers, lawyers and other business men, who have investigated this coal proposition
Room 16, Judd Building,
of Mr. .Murch bel'oie. contemplates
ordering 20(1 or 'MM this uprhiK, tlie
majority hohiK apiiles.
Mrs, Kntlo IlenderHon will start tho
tlrst of May on an extended visit to
her children In Idaho. She will visit
the Sound cities before returnliiK
Miss Kmmarettn Shumwny, of Wes
ton, who has been visiting hero the
past few days, returned homo Satur
day. William Duuscth and family, of
Krr.lt Creek, II, G., nro hero on a
visit to tho aged parents of Mrs.
Duusoth, Orandpa and Urandma Hen
derson. Willie Nashnns, who Is attending
tho Weston Normal school, spent
from Wednesdny until Sunday with
his parents, .Mr. und Mrs. Peter Nas-kans.
Encounter With Counnr. I
Hurl Hoss, son of Clarence Hoss, of
this plnce, hnd nulto nn interesting
experience with a wild nnlmnl which
he encountered on his way to tho
postolllco a short tlmo ago. Tho hoy
was accompanied by two dogs, und
tho animal, which by tho doscilptlou
given must have been u cougur, mado
a desperate stroke ut 0110 of the dogs,
knocking It over tho other dog and
showed light until It noticed lilm
when it took to (light. The much
t lightened Jim! stood Kpcllloui'd .00
lightened lo move, or utt t a sound
but at last the beast leaped lo 0110
sldo Into tho brush and tho boy
rushed down tho hlllsldo at no slow
ruto of speed. ICvldeutly tho dogs
wero II10 means of saving tho boy's
life. This same described beast Is
said to have been seen on several 00
caslous during the winter in tlilB vl
Monopolc, Rock Candy,
Red Star and White Rose
in half gallons, gallons,
jackets and pails.
Flouring Mill Belonging to J. H
Koontz, May Be Purchased b
Heppner People.
Helm, March 31. K, Kuchs, logeth
er with Thomas Bchrlber, of Ileppnur,
drove over last night for tho purpose
of Inspecting the Henrietta Alllls,
with tho view to purchasing same.
II, K, Holbrook, the real estnto man
of uinutllla, camo In on this morn
lug's train.
Attorney J. If. 1iwrey und Mr
Smith, of I'undleton, slopped hero to
day on their way In from Hoppnur.
Itumor hus It that Joel I mislead
negotiated the sale of about 30 lots
In tho south pari of town, but that
Mrs. Halstead decided that It was
bust to hold for higher values und
refused to sign the deed.
Charles II. Miller, who lias been
laid up for repairs for soino tlmo
with a badly sprained ankle, Is ublo
to bo out again.
If you desire good complexion um
Mokl Tea, a puro herb drink. It acts
on the liver and makes the skin
smooth and clear. Cures sick head
aches, 25 ct. and SO cts. Money re
funded If It does not satisfy you,
Write to W. H. Hooker ft Co., Buffalo,
N, Y., for free sample. W. H Schmidt
ft Co., drueglsu .
Caledonian Society,
Tho Walla Walla Calodonlan So
ciety has In contemplation tho hold
Ini; of Caledonian games near this
city sumo tlmo In May, Tho matter
will bo decided upon at tho next soml
monthly meeting of tho society, it la
Intended to Invite tho Athena Calo
donlan Society and to secure as on
tertalnment features Miss Korbes, of
Portland, tho most celebrated Scotch'
dalcer In tho 1'aclnc Northwest, and
Plner Moon, of Portland, who was
heard In this pity at the Hobert Hums
birthday colouration. waiia
Union. 1
Standard Grocery
Court Street
Low Sellers of Groceries
By the Fire Insurance Com
panies we represent. Our
companies stand first in the
Hartford KIre Iiwurnnco C.fl't06
Alliance Assurance Co L0,030,00ll
London & Lancashire Fire
Insurance Co 2,644,083
North llrltlsh A Mercantile
Co , 10,005,074
Itoyal Insurance Co 22,807,163
Fine Yellow Newtown Aiplei,
only 00 cents a box,
Fresh Ranch Errs, 15 cents a
We have the Famous and al
ways satisfactory
A trial
will oonvlnce yon of its
The Big Store in
Alta Street, 0j mIU Jtv