East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 01, 1903, Image 2

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    t I'l i h i iu i m m il i' 4 1 vn m i 1 1 i h i
For Men, Boys and Children
I are now ready for inspection.
Bae & Daley
$ One-Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers
.,H..;.,..;..i.,ii;i.,.,m..i.i..l..i..l..t..n..l. .H'-KH-!:'-:-
The threatened carmen's strike in
San Francisco has been averted and
both parties have agreed to arbitrate.
The cooks' and waiters' strike It
Denver Is becoming serious. Seventy
four restaurants a-e now closed nnJ
the grocers', butchers' and bakers'
clerks talk of a sympathetic strike.
Ten thousand machinists laid down
their tools April 1. at Greenwich,
Conn., the builders and contractors
having refused to arbitrate their diff
erences. President Firth, of the Seattle Elec
tric Company, has declined to arbi
trate with the streetcar strikers in
that city, and the strike seems fur
ther from settlement than ever be
fore. Saturday a pitched fight took place
at Black Rock, Ariz., between a com
pany of Arizona rangers and a lumen
of cattle thieves. The rangers were
repulsed and fell back for reinforcements.
A terrible explosion occurred Tues
day in the coal mine near Sandoval
111. Six men have been taken out
badly burned and 15 are still impris
oned in the mine, which is said to be
on fire.
The Colorado strikers have declin
ed to amend their demands as a re
sult of a 12-hour conference held
Monday night by President Mayer
and other officials of the Western
Federation of Miners.
Baker City Elks will build a large
hall this season.
Ilear Admiral Schley left Portland
Tuesday evening for Seattle.
Smith, the negro murderer, of Port
land, has been denied a new hearing.
William B. Moreing, of The Dalles,
committed suicide Tuesday by taking
Silas Williams, of Lower Burnt
River, Baker county, dropped dead
Tuesday, while plowing.
Astoria fishermen are agitating a
10 per cent raise in the price of sal
mon for the season of 1903.
Some of the old members of the
Carmen's Union of Tacoma are de
serting the ranks and returning to
The petitions for a referendum vote
on the Portage railway and corpora
tion tax law are not being generally
The Seattle grand Jury has return
ed 18 indictments against city offic
ials, including the mayor and chief
of police.
Governor Chamberlain delivered an
address before the board of correc
tions and charities at Portland Tues
day afternoon.
Frank Kane and Elden Trogan,
aged 12 and 14, were arrested In
Portland Tuesday for shoplifting in
Llpman & Wolf's store.
Wild geese aro reported to be plen
tiful on the Lower Columbia. Hunt
ere say they are remarkably fat for
this seasou of the year.
' Says Lands In Irrigation Reservations
1 Are Only Temporarily Withdrawn-
Government Is Simply Prospecting
for Sites and May Abandon All
The secretary of ,tho Interior has
issued a circular letter warning set
tlers from undue haste In locating
upon government lands upon which
preliminary Irrigation surveys may be
In progress.
The Idea prevails to a largo extent,
that the beginning of preliminary
work upon Irrigation schemes In the
West, is evidence that the govern
ment will complete the reclamation
of that tract of Irnul or reservation
included in the withdrawal. Such is
not the case.
The government is simply pros
pecting and for a number of reasons
may abandon any sites upon which
surveys hnve been made.
There must he something more
than preliminary work, more than
prospecting, to Insure settlers that
the lands located near a proposed
scheme of Irrigation will bo reclaim
ed. Recognizing the need of protection
for settlers from unscrupulous locat
ors and Irrigation "boomers," the in
terior department has issued the plain
circular for the benefit of Innocent
The circular Is addressed to the
leglsters of land offices and Is as fol
lows: "You are hereby directed In addi
tion to the Instructions contained In
office circular of September 0, 1902.
to call the especial attention of all
persons that nave mane, or are in
tending to make, homestead entries
on Innds that have been, or may here
after be. temporarily withdrawn for
lrigation purposes ,to the following
"Withdrawal of these lands is prin
cipally for the purpose of making sur
veys and irrigation investigations. In
order to determine the feasibility of
the plans of irrigation and reclama
tion proposed. Only a portion of the
lends will be irrigated, even if the
project Is feasible. It wil Ibe Impos
sible to decide in advance of careful
examination what lands may he
watered. If any. The mere fact sur
veys are In progress Is no indication
whatever that the works will be built.
and this fact cannot determine how
much water there mnv be available.
or what lands can be enured or
whether the cost will be too great to
justify the undertaking, until the sur
wvi ninl the Irrigation Investigation
have been completed.
' "Attention is also callo.! to the fact
,T.TP nr nlTln , ; that all entries made upon th lauds
CITY OF ToEhno ')s referred to are subia-t to tho f.-lluw-
LUCAS COUNTY.' ) j lug proviso of the act of August :!,
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he ls,lS!0 (20 Stat. 291):
the senior partner of the firm of F. J. 'That in all nater.ts for lands
hereafter taken up under any of tt.o
Golden Rule,
Mrs. Porpanel. Echo.
Mrs. Ripper. Echo.
M. J .Stanton. Palla.
V. Larson. Spokane.
F. C. Daniels.
W. J. Carter. Minneapolis.
H. D. Lintner, The Dalles.
A. S. Hatfield. Spokane.
S. A. Frans, Spokane.
D. A. Cunny and wife, city.
M. R. Scott, Hay.
Boh Harvey, Hay.
F. A. Van, The Dalles.
R. HartBhurg. Walla Walla.
C. Cummins, Freewater.
Charles Gillam. Seattle.
H. A. Baker. Portland.
W. F. Meckle and wife, Portland.
Mrs. Bungell, Nampha.
.1. Hurley. Elgin.
Mrs. M. J. May .Elgin.
F. R. Walters.
W. H. Jacobs.
W. Conelly, Michigan.
Peters. Idaho.
A. H. Hugly. Idaho.
Mrs. C. Benson, Idaho.
F. Mills, Livingston.
G. Sempleman, Clarkston.
G. Teman. Jamestown.
Maloney, lone.
H. L. Shuten. Elgin.
W. H. Cotwell, Weiser.
W. B. Jenkins, city.
Dollie Morgay, Vancouver.
Mrs. A. B. Strahens and
A. Nylander. Portland.
Cheney & Co.. doln? business In the city of
Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and
that gaid Or in will pay the sum of One
Hnndred Dollars for each and erery cane
of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the
use of nail's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In
my presence this Cth day of December, A.
D., 1886.
(Seal.) A. W. GLEASOX
Vm. l.,hlli.
Hall's Catarrh Cnre h taken Internally authority of the United Stales.'
tnd acts directly on the blood and mncons i "Under this provision of the law
surfaces 01 me Bjsiem. ocuu tur tcuii'
monlals free.
F. J. CIIENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all drufrglsts, 73c.
nail's Family Tills ore the best
land laws of the United States or on
entries or claims validated by this
act west or the 100th meridian, it
shall be expressed that there is re
served from the Innds in sai.l patent
dlscrlbed a right of way thereon lor
ditches or canals construc'eil l the
Tired all the time.
Weary and worn out night and day.
Back aches: side aches.
All on account of the kidneys.
Must help them at their work.
A Pendleton woman shows you how.
Mrs. Fred Noble, who lives at 219
Cosblo street, says: "I was troubled
for three or four years with my back
and kidneys, and was oppressed with
a tired feeling the whole time. My
back commenced to acho whenever I
did the least amount of work around
the house that compelled me to lift
anything or stoop over. The kidneys
wore irregular and annoyed mo espe
cially If I caught cold. I felt sleepy
or drowsy all the time. I used many
different medicines, some or which
helped my, nnd some of which did
not. I saw Doan'a Kidney Pills bo
highly recommended that I went to
the Brock & McCornas Co. drug store
and got a box. They helped ine from
the first und did mo moro good than
anything of the kind I had ever used.
I am reeling better since the treat
ment than I had In a long, long time
hefore, thanks to Doan's Kidney
For sale by all dealers. Price CO
cents por box. Foster-Mllburn Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y,, sole agents for the
Tnlted States.
Remember the jianio DOAN'S
and take no other.
D, M. Radley Gets Judgment Against
the Columbia Southern.
The first damage case or any Im
portance to Columbia Southern rail
road has had to meet was tried in
the circuit court at Moro yesterday
and the day before, and resulted in a
verdict against the company for $5,
382. An action was brought against
the company by D. M. Radley for J20,-
000 damages alleged to have been due
for injuries sustained by the plaint
iff, who some time ago boarded an
engine going from Wasco to Biggs,
which turned over near Biggs, and
Injured Radley. The railroad com
pany held that as passengers were
forbidden to ride on engines it was
not responsible, but the Jury evident
ly took a different view. W. H. Wil
son or this city conducted the case
for Radleyj Chronicle.
should a homestead entry embrace
land that is needed in whole or in
part for a dam site, a reservoir, or a
; canal, the land would be taken for
i such purpose, and the entryman
would have no claim against the
United States foi the taking or such
right of way,
"You will post a copv of this circu
lar In a conspicuous place in your of
fice and give the subject-matter here
of such general publicity as may be
possible. Very respectfully.
"Approved October 23, 1902."
We, the undersigned, will be In
Pendleton within a few weeks, for
the purpose of purchasing three hund
red (300) more or less head of horses,
for the United States cavalry, there
fore, would instruct owners In this
vicinity, to get their horses In proper
shape to conform to the following re
quirements: Geldings Roans, light and dark
sorrel, and other hardy colors. They
must be sound, gentle under the sad
dle, with free and prompt action at
the walk, trot and gallop; without de
fect or blemish; of kind disposition,
to weigh not less than 950 pounds,
nor more than 1150 pounds, from 15
bands 1 Inch to 1G hands high; from
four (4) to eight (8) years of age;
suitable for the United StateB cav
alry. Wo will notify you later, the date
we want the horses brought In for
Yours truly,
For further particulars, write to
Herman MoUger, Portland Ore.
We sell the greatest of blood puri
fiers, Acker's Blood Elixir, under a
positive guarantee. It will cure all
chronic nnd other blood poisons. If
you have eruptions or sores on your
body, or are palo, weak or run down.
It is Just what you need, "We refund
money If you are not satisfied. 50
cents nnd f 1.00 F. W. Schmidt & Co.,
Tho Oregon Dally Journal can be
found on sale at Frazler's book store.
For Sale.
11-room house nnd lot, 2 blocks
from Main street, suitable for a home
boarding house. Would rent for $30.
Price $3500. N. T. Conklln.
Enjoy Life
Out door exercise means
impro- cd health and a
sunny disposition
All Kinds of Sporting
and Pleasure Goods
No matter what game or
pastime your fancy runs
to, you can get the
goods to promote it at
Book and Stationery Store
of suffering from Indigestion If you
eat what you want, or of starving
yourself to avoid such distress?
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets taken after
eating will digest your food perfectly
and free you from all the dlsagrocable
symptoms of Indigestion and Dyspep
sia. Eat what you like at any time,
and take an Acker Tablet afterward.
Positively guaranteed. Your money
will always be refunded If you
aro not satisfied. Write to us for a
free sample. W, H. Hooker & Co.,
Buffalo. N. Y.
Strange Case of a Young Woman In
a Utah Hospital.
Salt t-ake, March 31. Physicians
or this cltv, more particularly those
nttached to the staff or the Holy
Cross hospital, are at a loss to account
for tho condition of Miss Bessie
Knecht, 22 years or nge. who for the
past 28 days has been asleep. During
that time the young lady has not
spoken n word, nor had, to all nppear
ances, a waking moment.
After the first week of her long
slumber, she was taken from the home
r,r i,nr tinmnts in this cltv and re
moved to the hospital, where, despite
numerous efforts on the part of the
physicians to arouse her. her condi
tion remains unchanged. She lies
with closed eyes, breathing naturally
day after clay and night arter night.
At long Intervals she raises her eye
lids a little but never opens them.
When tapped on tho rorehend she Is
seemingly annoyed, but gives no other
evidence or consciousness.
She Is fed at Intervals with linuhl
food, which she swallows nutomutlc
nlly. when It Is poured down her
throat, but In spite of this nourish
ment she is gradually wasting away,
and the physicians believe that should
her present condition continue, she
will pass from sleep to death through
the exhaustion of the vital forces
"Lmt the BOLD DUST twins lio your wori)
Will be Held Under Auspices of Riv
erside Club at Boston Today and
Boston. Mass., April 1. For the
first time In the history of the Ama
teur Athletic Union or the United
States, the boxing championships of
the national association are to be held
in this vicinity under the auspices
or the Riverside Boat Club. Cam
brldgeport, this evening nnd tomorrow
evening. The entry list indicates
thnt the tournament will be excep
tionally good this year in quality ns
well as quantity.
The following events will be con
tested: Bantnmwelght, 105 pounds
nnd under: featherweight, 115 pounds
and under; special weight. 123 pounds
and under; lightweight. 135 pounds
and under; welterweight, 1-15 pounds
and under: middleweight, 15S pounds
nnd under, heavyweight, over 15S
Hart's River Reunion.
Toronto. Out., March 1. Anange
ments have been made by the veter
ans of the second C. M R. to cele
brate the anniversary of the battle or
Hart's Rivtr by a reunion nnd dinner
here tonight. It Is proposed to of
feet on this occasion a permanent or
ganization to perpetuate the memo
ries of the regiment and Its services
dnrfng the recent war In South Africa.
Wouldn't it be a comfort to
get entirely rid of your corns?
You can. Can do it easily and
quickly, with scarcely any trou
ble, no hurt at all and for slight
Oregon Corn Cure
is a guaranteed remedy. It can't
fall once In fiv? hundred times.
If it does fall you are asked to
come back for your money. No
matter what you've tried, you
don't know what a real corn
cure is like until you try this
Price 25c.
F. W. Schmidt, Ph. G.
Postoffice Blk. Phone Main 851
My line of Shirt Waists,
in style and fit are unsurpas
sable. Dress Skirts, Walk
ing Skirts, Silk or Wool that
have an individuality and al
ways appear chic. Under
skirts and Muslin Under
wear in big variety.
I make Shirt Waists,
Tailor-Made Suits and Skirts
to order in my own factory.
Ed Eben
645 Main street.
Farmers Custom Mill
Fred Walters, Proprietor
Capacity 160 barrels a day
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc
always hauil.
Don't use soap for your cleaning.
is more convenient, cheaper and better than Soap
at any price. It softens hard water, lessens labor
and injures nothing.
Chicaeo. Hew York, Boston. St. Louis.- Makers o! OVAL FAIRY SOAP
As McCormlck was the original Inventor or the reaper and heJ
er, so was "Best" the original In'entor or the first successful Coi
blued Harvester.
inirfhiisinir n side-Hill coinumea .Harvester mo coming season.
,f.iiiii.rv nml wlilnh nur farmer friends have rlchtfully named
-KING OP THE FIELD." After watching Its work In the field t
liast sixteen years, and for the season of 1903 it will be still better.
as we have made a number 01 vaiuauie improvements.
The MACHINE Is the stronest and most durable made
IMPROVED DRIVE WHEELS 5 feet 4 Inches high, 22 incite
RUNAWAYS are a rare thing with us. There Is a brake a
main drive wheel, wuiou is controlled wy tne uriver.
HEADER Is driven Independently from the grain wheel ol at
arator, and Is arranged with a clutch for throwing In and out of gear
when turning corners.
THE SEPARATOR We wish to call your attention particular!!
tr Hio Qonnrntlnt- ntinlitlp3 llf nur Ynnphlnp. plnlm that no Other
o -i ' ' fc
combined harvester on the market can in any way compare win n
forspeed and thoroughness of work, in all kinds and conditions cl
grain, and will require less team to operate It.
AUTOMATIC GOVERNOR Our patent wind goverror on tsi
fans governs the blast so that at any speed at which the harvester
may he traveling, the wind Is automatically regulated and prevent!
cloglng the shoe ana carrying the grain over In hte straw.
V rnfcft iilofiRtir In Invltini vnn tn rnll nn Temnle &. WilCOJt
i-ciiuicbwii, turn luuiit' u icrsuuui iiiciueuuuji ul euuu uuu new r - -
our machines berore placing your orders. Every machine warrant
ed to do all we claim for It and to be first-class nl evry respect
Local Agents
The Racycle rides further and
faster with one-fourth less work
than any other bicycle made. It
is easier to ride a Kacycle up hill
than many other wheels on level
ground. See the
Wither 3 Cotfrt
imee, stfeet
III!! 111!
Go where they all go, to
Robinson's Amusemtf1
Bargains in
Real Estate
I have a larger and bolter
list of Farms, Stock Ranches
and City Property to sell
than ever before. Also a big
lot of land ill tho (amimr
wheat section of Eastern
N. Berkeley
Bowling, Shooting, Po"1
I and Billiards.
Z Corner Main and Webb
Of Coorse Yoo D-
The place to get the best
meal served in the cit)
Main street.i doors north
of W- & & tJt
The East uregom... -
oon'a reprewntatlve PPtr'
- l - .MflrlaU m
It by their liberal Ptr".f'Jiii
advertising medium of w'