East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 31, 1903, Image 8

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    TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1903.
New Spring Shoes For All
Shoes that fit the feet and are
Shoes that give the best wear
aud satisfaction.
Shoes at the right price.
Dindinger, Wilson & Co.
Phone Main 1181
Good Shoes Cheap
Perry Myrlck Drills 80 Feet Without
Striking Water or Rock.
Perry Myrlck, who lives a mile niul
a half south of Helix, has drilled over
80 feet for water without finding It.
and also without coming to rock.
County Commissioner Walker de
clares that every pound of the dirt
that has yet been taken out of this
80-foot well will raise wheat nfter be
ing exposed to the weather for two
seasons. There are many wells In
that neighborhood from which dirt
has been taken from a depth of 60 to
80 feet that only needed a few months
urnnDiim tn tlif. WlinthPP tn hl Pailfl-
ble of raising wheat. What Is more,
It has been continuous soli from the
top to the bottom. The soli seemed
to possess all the latent elements of
fertility, but to need the vivifying ef
fects of sun and rain to "start It going."
F. & S. Bitters
The great System Tonic.
The remedy that is so
popular because of its
real murk. Now is the
time to take F. & S. Bit
ters and tone up your sys
tem. One bottle is equal
to a month's recreation.
Manufactured by
$1000 buys 300x582 feet of sightly
building property, north side.
$SM), two excellent building lota,
atone wall und sidewalk, W. Court.
$1800 buys three lots on north side;
corner aud good C-rooni house.
$1200, corner lot, and co-.tage nearly
$3050, four lots and splendid resi
dence, a very cheap property.
I2G00. four acres, edge of town, house,
barn, 200 fruit trees.
2250, 113 acres, 3a miles from town,
27. E., 80 acies in cultivation, 60 in
wheat, up nicely, 4-room liouie, gowl
1350, a graded lot, stone wall, north
aide, east front, sightly location.
(10,000, half a section of choice funn
ing land, crop included.
These are entirely new offers, but I
have many more nnd would like nn
opportunity to talk them over with
A Few Brief Opinions of Citizens Up
on the Subject Nearly Every Sen
timent Expressed Enthusiastically
Favors a Celebration.
Will Pendleton celebrate on the
Fourth of July?
The question has been repeatedly
asked by visitors to the city during
the past few weeks. Neighboring
towns are nsklng the same question
nnd Pendleton citizens must answer.
No celebration was held last year,
and there seems to be a strong senti
ment In favor of making up for lost
Just a few opinions wore given to
day upon the subject and the matter
will be presented from time to time
as the business men consider the art
vlsablllty or celebrating.
What They, Think.
Leon Cohen Of course Pendleton
will celebrate, by all means. We must
begin now to make preparations and
celebrate every holiday that comes
along. It is to the interest of every
body. Push the matter along. Don't
rest from now until nfter the celebra
tion Is over. let us set an example
of activity that will not soon be for
gotten. George Darveau It Is a good idea,
provided it is done right, which
means not only that all the prelimi
naries are looked after properly, but
also that a finance committee has
the management of the fund that will
let us know where the money goes.
We ought to have a celebration. If
the thing Is conducted right the bus
iness men do not lose even when they
put up llbcially for it. Properly done
It Is a good advertisement tor uie
Joseph Baseler We had none lust
yar and I believe we surely ought to
have one this year. To have one
good celebration every other year is
surely not too many.
A. D. Stlllman By all means let us
celebrate, but In such a manner as
to revive, recall awl perpetuate the
traditions and spirit of the day, not
as a catch-penny affair An appropri
ate Fourth of July celebration means
a good deal.
R. Martin Don't favor it. If It is
like the others usually have been,' it
will be mote bother than it will coino
to. There is nothing in it.
John Halley. Jr. Certainly, by all
IiieanB, more especially because wc
did not have any last year.
D. Kemler Depends upon what we
do or try to do and how it Is con
ducted. It may or may not be profit
able in any sense.
Perry Houser Don't go much on
It. Thdre Is usually a lot of hubbub
and nothing to it. It Is seldom profit
able In any sense unless carried on
Just right.
A. Kunkel I favor a celebration
and doing It Just right. Pendleton Is
behind the times in this respect.
T. W. Ayres Would like to see a
good celebratioa, because It will be a
benefit to the town. The subscribers
have never lost a cent.
E. Eben Couldn't please me any
better. It Is a day that ought not to
be forgotten, and we should do our
share to perpetuate Its traditions and
M. J. Carney The day ought to be
celebrated this year It should not
be forgotten or neglected, and the
proper kind of a celebration cannot
but profit the whole town.
S. It. Thompson We ought to have
an appropriate celebration. But tho
preliminaries should be taken hold of
early enough and In such a way as to
give the country people assurance of
nn entertaining time: of something to
como to. It is a great error to sell
them by not doing tho thing right
when It Is taken hold or.
Ous LaFontnineThere is nothing
In It but hard work. By no means do
I favor It. Only a hnndrnl make any
money out of these celebrations and
tho rest find themselves behind after
a hard day's work and after contrib
uting to the expense.
7-room homo with bath room, wood ahed, cellar, good luwn with
shade treet, on Lincoln street, near Blull. A snap for $1300.
Tom Bwearenger place on Wtt Alta street Two lot, good resi
dence. Only I2S00.
Good C-room houst on West Alta. Corner lot. A bargain. $1000.
9 acres adjoining the city. Oood 6-rooiu house, good stable and other
buildings. Ouly41850.
820 acres, good bouse aud barn, good orchard, 30 acres in alfalfa, on
river, 12 miles from city. Just 4000.
160 acres 5 miles from town, tmiall house, plenty water. A good
proposition to take, $1G00.
BUSINESS CHANCES The Old Dutch Henry Feed Yard.
a good investment, 7UWU. .Depot livery aiauie, omy w. nyaeu 4
confectionery store on Court Htreet, at invoice price.
The Little Darlings
Now that gentle Spring is with us, Mothers, you can
take your children out in the optn air and let them enjoy the
We want to have the pleasure of showing you the swell
est line of
In Pendleton,
Next door to Postoffice.
Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once
Delay will lead to serious breaks.
First-class work guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Plumber.
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel
Schwartz & Oreulicli If tho con
clusion is to have a celebration wo
can be counted upon to do our share
of the contributing to make it a suc
cess. M. A. Rader If we can have a good
one, let us go ahead, but we should
Inaugurate It to make It a succcbs,
and with that purpose and Intelligent
effort from the start. We should not
get the people hero Just to have them
spend their money, but to entertain
them. Their object in coming is to
have a good time ,and our declared
purpose in getting them here Is to
give them a good lime. i.ei us uu la
thing right.
Lantz Bros. Sure we favor it. Let
us take hold of It early enough to
correct whatever errors may be made
in the beginning, so every detail will
be looked after Just right with
,1 minrifV nnd good
Judgment. It will be a mlstaKe not
to celebrate, and on a liberal scale,
too. It will be a greater misime nui
to do It right when wo get to It.
u i ctiiimnn Tu- nil means. It
can 'lie mnde a good thing for tho
town, nnd we ouglit to cio u.
Lee Teutsch Good Idea, and ought
n i,o nrniwriv mrrlpil nut. The new
netallers' Association, by the way,
thinks of celebrating or ousem iB
May day, but if that Is done, the
Fourth of July does not have to be
Demon & Co. Yes. let us celebrate
i i r.,,- .itii the nrellmlnarles.
so tbe"whole thing will be properly
worked out. Let us gel an eurij
s,nrt- , . i
C,nnt-I,,crill HmS. It SllOUM bO
done by all means. Why let the peo
ple drift off to otner towns uu mui
day, which they will surely do if
there Is nothing In Pendleton to at
tract them? They might just as well
be entertained here.
A. Coara has gone to Salt Lake.
Frank .Myers went to Sumpter last
E. P .Marshall went to The Dalles
J. H. Ross has gone to Weiser,
Idaho. . '
A. H. Wilde has gone to Weiser.
A. Doherty has gone to Shoshone,
Joe Williams returned to Echo this
A .Greene left yesterday for Salt
Lake City.
J, M. Stanton returned from Milton
last evening.
A. Weston left on last evenings
train for Mlnot. N. D.
George Hazen. an attorney from
Portlaud, is in the city.
Arthur Hammer has bought two
lots at Echo of Joel Halstead.
S. SI. Lee. lately from Spokane, is
the new salesman at Teutsch's.
B. E. .Courtwright will start today
for Condon on a hide-buying trip.
Peter Nelson, a prominent .stock
man of Juniper, is in the city today
on business.
G. W. Curl is somewhat recovered
from his attack of the grip, but is
very feeble.
L. Slaclay. of Portland. Is In the
city today calling on old frlneds and
transacting business.
E. H. Honeyman left yesterday for
Castleton, N. D where he may
spend the summer.
Sirs. E. Tausslck left this morning
for Walla Walla. She has been the
guest of Mrs. M. F .Kelley.
W. M. Blakely returned from Port
land last evening and went out to his
ranch at Eastland this morning,
C. A. Cameron is only just now able
to be about after a month 8 sickness
with a severe attack of the grip.
A. D. Leedy, of Canon City, of the
firm of Stlllman, Leedy & Pierce, at
torneys, wis In the city yesterday,
F. E. Judd and wlfo went to Port
land this morning, where Mr. Judd
will attend a meeting of tho ware
house men of the state.
Mrs. Mary L. Porter loft this morn
Irtg for The Dalles, where she will
visit her brother, James H. Glbsun,
tormerly of this place.
Sirs. C .F. Brown and Rev. Robert
Warner will attend the district Ep
worth League convention at La
Grande which convenes Friday.
Chns. Berkeley is hero visiting his
brother, N. Berkeley. Mr. Berkeley
Is now living at Riddle, Douglas coun
ty, where he has mining interests.
Fred Lleuallen. who has been at
tending school In Portland, was In
the city yesterday on his way to Ad
nms to visit with his parents, Mr, and
Sirs. J. T. Lleuallen.
William Dindinger is confined to
ills room with a severely sore throat.
He Is suffering from a contraction of
tho muscles of the throat. Tho trou
ble s not quinsy, however.
William Goodnight, of Yoakum
was in town yesterday. Sir. Good
night has been a great sufferer from
dyspepsia, but has lately been ex
perlcnclng considerable relief.
SI. F. Kelley and family have gone
to Sir. Kelly's ranch on the John Day
In Grant county, where Mrs. Kelley
will spend tho summer, probably. Mr.
Kelley will return to Pendleton In a
couple of weeks.
Sirs. Slyra Woods, accompanied by
her two children, arrived yesterday
from Slapleton, Minn. They will
make their home at the Crow ranch
on the reservation, with Mrs. Woods'
old friend, Sirs. Traver.
Allen Wilson and wife and Profes
sor Davis, the vocalist, left for Port
land this morning, where thev will
conduct revival services beginning
next bunuay at the First Christian
church in that city.
Miss Nellie SI. Stevens, who is
teaching in tho Stato Normal School
at Weston, arrived here last evening
to attend the funeral of her uncle,
General John II .Stevens, which will
take place tomorrow afternoon, La
Grande Chronicle.
Teachers of Umatilla County Urged to
Attend Promises to be the Best
Association Meeting Yet Held.
nr,,1ltr,n Alnroh 3(1 1903. To the
School Boards of Umatilla County.
Ore.; The Inland Empire Teachers'
Association will hold Its next annual
meeting at Walla Walla, Wash., com
mencing on the lfith of April and con
tinuing three days. This association
includes within its Jurisdiction the
states of Washington, Idaho and Ore
gon. The coming meeting Is to be ono
of the best the association has ever
hold, and tenchcrB who attond will
bo trented to some of tho best thought
the cducatlonnl world affords.
As the convention Is to bo held
right In our own doorway, the teach
ers of Umatilla county should bo given
an opportunity to attend In a body. I
therefore suggest that you give your
teachers the ICth, 17th and 18th days
of April for a holiday, and that you
allow their pay to continue during
this time ns an Inducement for them
to attend this great meeting. By so
doing, you will not only be perform
ing nn act of generosity, but you will
bo contributing to the future welfare
of your Rchools by thus placing It
within your teachers' opwors to gain
new knowledge and inspiration which
will bo nn invaluable acquisition to
them, when they return with renewed
vigor nnd enthuslnsm, to their school
room duties.
Trusting that you will consider the
nhove suggestions favorably, and that
we may be enabled to send a large
delegation of teachers to the meet
ing, I remain very cordially,
County School Superintendent, Uma
tilla County, Oregon.
Entertainment to be Given Saturday
Evening at Odd Fellows' Hall.
The Slodern Woodmen of this city
will give an entertainment nt Odd Fol
lows' hall next Saturday evening
April i.
An entertaining program has been
arranged Including a short address
by Judge Lowell nnd recitations by
Miss Agnes Dunbar.
A lunch will be served and games,
music and dancing will be enjoyed.
Kirkmnn's orchestra will furnish the
music. The Woodmen. In their Invi-
tntions, call the coming entertain
ment a "Jolly Time."
31. JUL 31UHC
iag oooos ano nuts, commencing
March 26th and ending March 3f,
With every suit sold for $10 or over e
will give the purchaser free one nice Hit
or good watch. His choice.
T7mfmhnr WC handle the Cf.lplirilo,) n
rvuppeniiumici iu.uiub, me American
leaders in their line. We have the best
line ol furnishing goods in the city. Now
is your opportunity to get good goods
Lyons MercantileTToT
Veterinary to See Walla Walla Once
More After 42 Years' Absance.
John Tempany, veterinarian for
the Ninth United States Cavalry, was
in town this morning en route to
Walla Walla, where he has orders to
report. Mr. Tempany has been con
tinuously In the United States regu
lar army since he enlisted in ih&s,
nnd was ordered to Fort Walla Walla,
where he remained until the breaking
out of the civil war. From tho sum
mer of 18C1 until today he has not
seen Walla Walla, which at that time
consisted of the fort and one lone
cabin belonging to an Indian trader
named Neal SlcCUnchy.
At the Big Boston Store
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Of Ladies Fine Tailor Made Stiits and
Skirts. This season we are in a posi
tion to show yon very good values in
addition to
Beauty jjl Fit
of I and
Styles 1 1 I Finish
Our Line of Shirt Waists Excels all
Others. We will give those three
days our patrons the most careful
rive New Engines.
It is current belief among the rail
road men at this point that there will
be five new engines put into service
on this division of the O. It. & N. the
coming summer and that they are
to be considerably larger than any
now In the service on this division.
Will Take Gljjht By Rounds.
The returns for the Corbett-Mc-
Govern light will be received by
rounds at Clark & Co., cigar store
Tuesday night, March 31st.
Take Laxative Ilromn Quinine Tanleti. All
arustgms rciunci mi manor 11 it mii to cure.
E. W. Grove's rignuture is on cacti box. Sic.
i More Shoes
and all at prices that are
exceptionally low.
Oar New
Welt Shoe!
For Ladies
Very fine soft kid, gen
uine Mat Kid top, hand
some milled edges, styl
ish toes and heels, at
A welt shoe that has all
the grace and airiness of
a dress shoe.
. . . LIKE THEM::
See the Fisherman
in Our Show Window,
And remember that 1 have a full line of High
Grade Tackle. 1 bought all of my Tackle di'ect
from the factory and have the kind that will suit
every fisherman 1 have in stock fly hooks from
25c to Si. 50 per doz., leaders lrom 5c to 75c, fish
baskets, straps, bait boxes, leader boxes, reels,
from 20c to $5.50, jointed poles from Si to $10,
all kinds of artificial bait, spinner hooks, "Chubb's
pole varnish," mist colored gut and other fisher
man's supplies, too numerous to mention.
74 1 Main Street
....... ....................
We have
nants, some of them W
t nough for rooms, that
will close out tit greatly
Reduced Prices
.T.-j.-.i.! i.,inr lii Conned
The Best Criteria
Of our work is the wo'
self, as our best advej
ment is the praise 01
whn natronize US- v . ..frt
we can do the best
we can do tne u". j,
work, as we couldn
we didn't, so if Y" ttrt
t:..n laundered r
yum - . 60m
than you ever n-