East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 31, 1903, Image 5

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    . 1; ri
Brand New Line
The best ntting, ic iiiub' "- " "' mubi saus
i torv sktrt on the market. It fits the waist and hips per
I I It has wide, circular flounce, designed especially for
1 latest styles of dress skirts. It is seven gore, tailor made,
fined top skirt, made up in the latest and most popular de-
ns Four fasteners on each side, making it adjustable to
v size waist from 20 to 30 inches. Is made from the best
..rial.; and by the most experienced operators. See window
T'Jpncc from $2.00 to $4-00.
Corner Main and Alta Streets.
tiirsiiAY. MARCH 31, 1903.
Apl.l iTvo townships In Wallo-
..... n lio nnnnprl tn settle-
April 1 Modern Woodmen county
i r rt T? knit Pnnrllptnn.
u. 1. v. v. ,
April 13 Eastern Oregon Presby-
TTxlnn rtf
April 10 K. of P. convention at
April 16, 17, 18 Inland Empire
April scnooi district nuuu uiee-
nn Ppnilll'tnn.
Annnnl mppHllf? Ore'-flTl
Jiar state supreme cuuri ui rtui-
lfn ,ir Unn Hn I '(Iflfil I'nil rrTnPD
Congregatlonallsts, Seattle.
it vm ami .iiitip iz in vvnni
, Pendleton.
udh 1 i:irninr nmirr.
np y :t ntui limn wnn
lino F. IT Wnn ciIac Tli. TIoIIod
lino a 10 iml Tima Of 7
Don't j
When you can get alarm f
clocks for 7Sc, the cheap
kind; a better one for
i-2.S. a still better one
fo,r '-5o, and one that 4
will never let you over- I
- r n 50.
pe prompt in getting up
" the morning and be
Prompt in getting one of
"iese bargains.
I IlI7liri?n
Juno 14, 24 Seventh Day Adventlst
conference, Pendleton.
June 15, 16 Wool sales, Baker
June 17 Oregon Pioneer Associa
tion, Portland.
June 18, 19 Wool sales, Elgin.
June 23, 24, 25 State Federation ot
Women's Clubs, Astoria.
July G-10 Forty-second annual
meeting National Educational Asso
ciation, Boston, Mass.
August 17 National G. A. II. en
campment, San Francisco.
September 8-11 National Irrigation
congress, Ogden, Utah.
Buying Oregon Sheep.
Harvey Douglas, the sheep buyer,
representing the Mallory Commission
Company, of Chicago, returned to
Burns this week from a trip to Hepp
ner and other railroad points, says
the Harney County Items. While in
the Heppner section, we understand,
he purchased a large hand of sheep,
and is negotiating through John
Blackweli, of Iong Creek, for another
large bnnd on the John Day. His
purchases In Oregon this year are
said to he nearly 30,000 head.
Snow Melting Rapidly.
C. M. Cate, of Gurdane, was In the
city yesterday. Mr. Cate reports the
snow melting rapidly In the moun
tains In the southwestern part of the
county, and the grass growing fast.
Thero has been some, but not heavy
losses or both sheep and cattle in the
neighborhood of Gurdane from short
age of feed and severe weather dur
ing the latter part of the winter.
Meeting of Progress Club.
The Progress Club will hold an
other meeting this evening for the
purpose of completing the organiza
tion. It Is expected that the club
will be fully prepared to begin active
work In the Interest of the city after
this meeting.
Negro Team. "
A black diamond is the next prom
ise for baseball in Pendleton. To
morrow the colored boys will organize
a team, or rather complete a partial
organization, of which George Stew
art Is manager, Charles Jackson
pitcher and Black Demon catcher.
Price of Beef Cattle.
Beef cattle are very scarce through
out Eastern Oregon, and in Umatilla
county prices are constantly on the
Increase. The sales reported for the
past few days range from 4Y to 4
cents per pound. All the Echo sales
made this week have been at 4
Estate Probated.
The estate of Amund Hagen was
probated today. The value of the es
tate foots up J4.000. Isaac Hagen
was appointed administrator.
unnin wwi 1 1-1-
The coffee habit is quickly over
come by those who let Graln-O
take its place. If properly made
it tastes like the best of coffee. Is' o
grain coffee compares with It in
flavor or healthfulness.
It frocr crerjrwlierr : l.li' twl tv , ,'
n llC w .. .
- "inia uuve un
cOt Iron. ,1. .
We have Just received n
fresh sunnlv of California
Olive Oil. We tret thin
ThU M1 Is uinoiutJy
invt r.
he " u" .'Prove tills to Villi r own uh rf.f.tnttrtn If villi will utMiA
Iltu-u.t.1. f . iiii vm linifn- r 4.. . t 4. 1. 1 1 .... . ,t Y d
an . vuiri r rn it. 1. a it.. . 11
other;i iltot, . to "" oonsldernblu extent, beeauie cot touted oil
""teniuts ure nmnrlonll.. i.,!. '
17.,. n
f lard. ve 011 for every kind of frvluir or wherever vou line butter
ury iisl' l!I,'.e! 1,0 doubt, comlder OIU'u nil ixtwimlv for or-
l)Uttr. 11 14 Ilt. s a quart of oil is equal to about two pounds
t M.V --v.-
Try GraU's clam chowder.
Oyster cocktails at GraU's.
Choice moats at Houier'i.
Fresh fish dally at Castle's.
Sea food fresh at Castle's.
Best ihoo work at Teutsch's.
Smokers' supplies at Neuman's.
Ladles' half soles 40c. Teutsch.
Piano for rent; enquire this office.
Hohbach's baking always satis
fying. Drop into Clark ft Co.'s for a social
Spring samples, large line, at Joer
ger's. Rooms to rent, 407 West Alta
Clark & Co.'s new cigar storo for
good Hmokes.
Hays' cigar store, headquarters for
smokers' supplies.
Buggy drawing at the Boston Storo
tomorrow evening.
Smoke "The Pendleton Favorite,"
made by J. Devlin.
Clark & Co.'s new cigar store now
open. Ell building.
$25 buys a strong Crescent bicycle,
ladles' or gent's. Noll's.
Everybody who has tried Hohbach's
baking is pleased with It.
Imported ltmburger ami Swiss
cheese sandwiches at Gratz's.
Fresh stock of candies and fruits
at Miller's, 209 Court street.
"El Sldelo," the best cigar made, at
Ilees' cigar store. Court street.
Go to Collier & Co. for best of dry
red fir, black pine and cottonwood.
Lot for sale; great bargain; Haley's
addition. Inquire at 403 Alta street,
John McCray, Ave miles west of
Helix, is building a new residence.
C. Chrlstensen, who lives two miles
west of Helix, Is building a residence.
Our new spring patterns for suits
are for Inspection. Selbert & Schulz.
Walter Gillette has bought at
Echo and will build a residence there
Blacksmith shop in Pendleton for
sale. See Earnhart, Association
The buggy will be given to home.
one at the Boston Store tomorrow
Mrs. Campbell has received her
third Invoice of beautiful dress and
street hats.
Wanted Two or three dozen chick
ens; Plymouth Bocks preferred. Ad
dress Box 124.
Irvin King, five miles west of Helix,
will soon build a new resldenre and
also a new barn.
If you want a business location on
Main street, come and see me. I have
four. E. T. Wade.
There were 145 additions to the
Christian church during the revival
meetings Just closed.
For Sale Residence with one, two
or three lots, located at 517 Jane
street. Call at bouse.
Jesse Fulford has bought two lots
at Echo of Joel Halstead and will
build a residence thereon.
Dr. Smith Is having his old resi
dence moved to thn corner of Lewis
and Stonewnll Jackson streets.
Beautiful G-room cottage, two lots.
shade and fruit trees, nicely located,
Reduced to J1.500. E. T. Wnde.
Some one will gel tlie beautiful
buggy at the Boston Store free to
morrow evening. Get tickets now,
Houser always furnishes gooff
meat. Send in your order. Market
Alta street, opposite Savings Bank.
Get tickets on the buggy al the
Uoston Store. It will bo given to
some one tomorrow evening. Why
not you?
For Sale Brick building with
basement, 50x90, on Main street. Good
property at a bargain. Easy terms.
E. T. Wade.
Best Investment on Pacific Coast
today is in Yakima valley. See the
Nessly-Scott Investment Company
"ad" elsewhere.
Four hundred and eighty acres good
level land, good house, all fenced,
plenty of water. 200 acres In barley,
$3,600. E. T. Wade
Jess Whittle has purchased a set
of Humane harness of J. A. Smith,
which makes a pretty appearance and
gives his horses greater comfort.
For UentSuite of rooms in East
Oregonlon building. Steam heated.
Hot and cold water and bath room on
same floor. Inquire nt this office.
County Commissioner Horace
Walker was In the city yesterday.
He reports all crops as In fine con
dition around Helix and spring plant
ing under full headway.
Special Convocation.
A special convocation of the Ma
sonic order In this city will be held
next Thursday night for the purpose
of conferring the master's mark de
gree, the first degree In the Koyal
Arch work, upon the following gen
tlemen: Ralph Stanfield, of Echo;
Jacob Reno, Charles Taylor and Geo,
Williams, of Weston.
Real Estate Transfers.
Cyrus Powell has sold to James
Doyle for $2,500, his farm of 480 acres
lying between Canyon station and the
Columbia River,
J. H. Hadley has purchased for
$3,000 A. T. Brewer's farm In section
20, town , range 35. The place lies
four miles northwest of Milton.
State Barber Examiners.
The stato board of barber Inspec
tor are at Athena and Weston to
day. They are expected to arrive In
Pendleton this afternoon for inspec
tion of the barber shops here. The
names of the inspectors are H, G.
Myers, secretary; Joseph Wels, pres
ident, and F. T. Rogers,
Upton Parks Is your wife's now
girl a fixture! Cyril Dowub Seems
to bo, I don't see her moving around
any. Town and Country.
It Pats to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse , f'
The Peoples Warehouse
April Showers
Six pieces Black Brocade, all wool gooJs,
50c, 25c.
Two pieces Black Brocade, all wool goods,
75c. 38c.
Twelve pieces 54-mch all wool heavy Tailor
Suiting, $1.50, 88c. This embraces plain and
noveltv suiting, suitable for tailor made suits
and walking skirts.
150 yards Novelty Silk Waistings, i 00, 50c.
Two pieces, 124 yards, guaranteed Black
Silk, $1 65, $1.15.
Two pieces, 126 yards, Black Silk Taffeta,
85c, 59c.
Ever Ready Dress Stays, regular tjc, qc.
Ten pieces double fold Kancy Dress Goods,
iiYzc, 8c.
Three pieces Scotch Flannel, good patterns,,
regular price 29c, April, 15c.
One piece Black Satine, with white polka
dot, regular price 50c, April, 25c.
Two pieces Covert Suiting, purple and ted,
regu'ar price 20c, April, 10c
Twenty pieces Zephyr Gingham, new this
season, regular 10c values, April, 6c.
Twenty five pieces White Good in stripes,
checks, lace stripes, white striped Madras, Irish
Dimities, figured and striped Swisses and nov
elty cords at unheard of low prices for nice
fresh, new goods, the t5c quality during April,
8c; i3c quality, during April, toe; 20c quality,
during April, 12c.
25c quality White Goods, during April, 14c.
33c quality White Goods, during April, 18c.
While thero is a considerable quantity of
these goods, remember that those who come
first will be best served, as they will get first
choice a word to the wise should he sufficient.
Three pieces 58 inch Table Linen, worth 35
cents, during April, 20c
Two pieces half bleached Table Linen, worth
50c during April, 32c.
Three pieces Turkey Ked Table Linen, worth
35c, during April, 22c.
Three pieces Turkey Ked Table Linen, worth
50c, during April, 33c.
Four pieces Silkaline,
10c, during April, 7c.
Four pieces Silkaline,
15c, during April, 10c.
Four pieces Silkaline,
iSc, during April, 12c.
Rcduscd prices on Sheetings 42 inch, 45,
inch, 50-inch, 54-inch, 7-4, 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4
all at reduced prices during the month of April.
Reduced prices on Crash Toweling during
Reduced prices on Towels during April.
pretty colors, worth
pretty colors, worth
pretty colors, worth
j Agents Butterick's Patterns
Prof. Foster of Heppner, and One of
Best Leaders on the Coast Will be
Here Thursday.
Prof. A. C. Foster, o Heppner, Ore
gon, and for 18 years leader of the
Illinois state band of 45 pieces. Is to
be the new leader ot the Walla Walla
Military band and will arrive In tills
city next Thursday night, says the
Walla Walla Statesman. The manage
ment of the organization feels elated
over securing the services of Prof.
Foster, who Is accounted one of the
best leaders on the coast.
The band has added a number of
new performers, James Maxwell, for
merly melophone player with the lfith
Infantry arrived In the city last even
ing from Atlanta, On., and will bo
Identified with the organization hero
after and with two alto players, a
bass player and two clarionet per
formers coming, the band will rank
with any In the stnte. Among now
instruments to be ordered is n full set
of melephones, n doubly bass mid n,
tarltono .
Alter nearly a year Ihe manage
ment has secured a drum major In
the person of Henry Perrln, who will
enter upon his new duties at once.
Mr. Perrln is a noted athlete mid
baton swinger.
C. C. Powell Cured,
The county clerk bus been notified
by the superintendent of the stnte In
sane asylum of the discharge from
that Institution of C. C. Powell as
cured. Mr. Powell was committed
January 1 last,
Pleased With Washington.
S. E. Walker went this moinlug to
Walla Walla. From there ho will go
to Washtuckna on a prospecting tour.
If pleased with the Washtuckna
country and If he can find property
that suits him It Is likely ho will lo
cate In that neighborhood.
A Correction.
In "club notes" yesterday ,the word
"aster" In the mention of the Mower
show, was spelled "astor."
WE ARE pleased to advis-e that
we have received a full new
stock of those celebrated
$2.50 Shoes
Base Ball Goods.
! ! ! NOTICE THE ITEMS ! ! !
5 doz best quality League BaU
made from second growth ash ,
The best bat on the market for
90c, Other bats ftom 10o up.
II ilouii Stroiiir miulu lloyM llullaiit,.
Bpoolal lia Kiuili. 1
One that you will
thoroughly enjoy, is
always served by us
All the good things
in season at the
niCVCI.K 8Urrt!E8:-Tlri' Tape Bo; Tub
cament fio; Hik Hcllt VOo to ".V i Good Hold '
Tlri W.ttsuti "Three in Oueoll" the ilze ,
!.'. Ktc, Kle. I
eiCrCLES-Cretoant and
Ramblar $20 to $35
The Nolf Store
Tulupliouo Muln 4
It costs no more to raise a flae variety
of vegetables than the poorer kind.
The question of th? seed you select determines the kind of
proi'ucu your garden yields.
If you use Lily, Bogardus & Go's you can be confident of
getting the finest varieties on the market. They are sure pro
ducers being especially adapted to this climate.
Call or Write for one. Much valuable Information
Is contained In these catalogues.
t :
This is the shoe we had last fall
and sold out every pair before
we could net more of them. We
lm vi nrra t-wfr-rl tn Uefn rhf.nl rnnR I
tantly on hand, so you had better':'
try a pair. f
DESCRIPTION Vici kid, Good-'t
year welt, patent tip, smooth
insole, flexible and new spring
last, la:e. !f
Thompson Hardware Co.,
621 Matn Street
Going to Fish. Sec us for Anglers supplies
a. -a m m aa. a.a t. a. a a a a
Farewell tour of the Great
Complete Production of
Boston Storeii
-trM3 a t urrrarr i. ?
PRICES) i'.p7Jc.-4jm.. -r"