East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 31, 1903, Image 4

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Folding Vapor Bath Cabinet.
For the Scientific Application of H:at and Steam
In Curing and Preventing Disease. : : : : :
Endorsed by 3o,ooo PHYSICIANS and OVER 600,000 Happy Useri
PRICE, $5.00
and how to brlnpr them Into their own
"Let us make Arbor Day a Tod let
tor day In our school year ,but let us
not fix upon thlB as the limit of our
responsibility, for we should not con
flno our efforts simply to endeavor
ing to nwaken ah enthusiasm for the
best things of llfo during one day In
thn vear. but rather let It Increase
from day to day until the results will
be manifest In the life and charaotor j
of those who may come under our
supervision. In what better way con
we do this than by getting our child-,
ren nterested n tne crowm oi u
shrub or flower, or. perchance, slm
Ply In cleaning up the ynrd a hit, and
liv endeavoring to keen It In a neat
1 . . . ....
anu uiv conuiuuii.
"Let us hope that the future Arbor
Day will prove more and more nn
Incentive to the study of nature and
all that pertains to right living."
TUESDAY MARCH 111, 1303.
In all things preserve Integri
ty; and the consciousness of
thine own uprightness will alle
viate the toll of business, soften
the hardness of ill-success and
disappointments, and give thee
un humble confidence before
God, when the ingratitude of
man, or the Iniquity of the times
may rob thee of other reward.
No matter whether Admiral Schley
won the battle of Santiago or not, he
has completely "taken" Oregon.
Ex-Senator W. A. Harris, of Kan
sas, is slated as one of the demo
cratic members of the Pannnm canal
The rival cities of Union county
are talking back and forth over the
county sent question, when they
should be planting sugar beets.
The sale or the Dillon alfalfa farm
near Echo, for $50 per acre, will not
have a tendency to check the land
hunger exhibited in that district.
Oregon is to prosper at the Iosh of
the states bordering the Mississippi
River. Many a thrifty farmer from
that immediate region will locate in
this, state.
The literary art of Central Oregon
newspapers is distressingly nionoton
ous. The subject nover changes nor
grows old. The land notice seems to
retain Its perennial freshness.
The nation will be glad when the
nauseating Burdlck affair Is over
with. Such escapades should be
quarantined, as a case of mural
plague, ami Its loathsomeness hidden
from public view.
Umatilla county's share or the five
pur cent of proceeds from sales of
public lands In Oregon for this year
Is $720.51. The amount received by
the state, from the United States
treasurer is $2.1,000.
There will be no referendum vote
on the fair appropriation hill. The
Inclination shown by some of the val
ley counties to "get even" on Port
land has been swept away by a few
weeks or sober reflection .
The Chilean government is looking
for timber In Oregon. Wherever bat
tleships, merchantmen, railroad
tracks, or stately business structures
are built, Oregon fir Is In demand. It
hns introduced the state to every civ
ilized country on earth.
Over in Washington the railroads
haVe decided to Btop fighting the peo
pie through the legislature. It is a
costly task to try to force the West
erner to rub his nose on the grind
stone. It is a game at which more
than railroads can play, as the mem
burs of the merger are slowly finding
At the time or the appointment or
Anna Al. Lang to be receiver at The
Dalles land ofllce, there were but two
such offices in the United States oc
cupied by women, .Martha M. Hrown,
or Gunnison. Colo., and Mrs, Minnie
"Williams, or Lauder. Wyo. Mrs. Wil
liams has since been succeeded by a
man, leaving Miss Urown and Miss
Lang alone on the list or women re
ceivers. . The determination or the Oregon
state board or health, to study close
ly the bubonic plague, as found In
Sau Francisco, is highly commenda
ble. Oregon is exposed to this curse,
and intelligent, scientific measuies
should bo to condemn Portland's
Chinese district nnd remove that eye
soro from the city, it Is a standing
Invitation to the plugue.
Seattle Is Btudylng the street pav
ing question In a biislnussllke man
ner. Her city engineer has Just re
turned from u tour of Investigation
In Eastern cities, noted for their flue
jiavemonta. His report will enable
Seattle to select the heat and the ex
pense of the trip will bo saved to the
city. In the knowledge of successful
methods employed elsewhere.
Among the provisions or the Irish
lnnd act presented by the Balfour
government. Is one sweeping away all
arrears of rent, except for one year
preceding the passage of the act.
This provision will produce a stato of
unearthly calm In Ireland. Think of
Ireland without a single scrap be'
tween the bailiffs and the friends of
a tenant about to be evicted. Tho
monotony of such a quiet life will de
populate the Emerald Isle.
Reports have reached Tacoma that
20 per cent of Eastern Oregon cattl
will perish before grass grows suf
ficient to support them. The facts
are largely overdrawn, as the stock
men of the Eastern Oregon counties
unanimously declare. Conservative
estimates place the loss at five per
cent with grass now growing satis
factorlly and stock In fair spring con
dition. It is nn old saying that one
must go away from home to get the
The hanging of Armstrong will not
ruplace the lite he destroyed, yet so
cioty clings to thnt old decree and
finds some barbaric satisfaction In
believing that "an eye for an oye'
is Justice. The country would bo bet
ter off If Armstrong could be made
to pay his penalty by working for the
remainder of his life, free gratis, up
on the public highways of the state
This old Idea of killing a man be
cause he killed somebody else, is out
of date. There is a pennace in lahor
for life which heats it, from a penal
and an Industrial standpoint. '
The Filipinos are now being sup
plied with American made Bibles, In
the Filipino language. When It Is re
membered that there are some 800
dialects, or tribal tongues spoken in
tlie archipelago, the true magnitude
of the task of supplying these people
with religious literature, begins to be
understood. It is doubtful if the short
acquaintance the American mission
ary publishing companies have en
joyed with the "Jargon" or the Fili
pino, will enable them to make a
true translation. However. It will
answer all the purposes of commerce.
delegation of Indians from Mis-
houla. Mont., hnve departed for Wash
ington, where they will lay before the
president a complaint against the tax
ation of their cattle at $1 a head,
whore the number exceeds 100 head.
as announced by Indian Agent Smead
n a recent order.
The public school .system must he
evlsed in certain lines. The tend
ency to crowd too many studies in
tho lower grades is detrimental to the
schools and scholars. It Is absolute-
ridiculous to expect scholars it
the fourth to sixth grades, all of them
children ranging from ten to thirteen
years of age, to thoroughly master
ten and twelve studies, as the pres
ent laws provide, Teachers are
blamed for the poor results obtained
by pupils, when in fact a good teach
er cannot urtset the effect of this un
wise law. The state board or edu
cation should prune down the studies.
Parents, teachers and pupils would
welcome such a move.
The state superintendent or nubile
nstructlon in mailing tho Arbor Dai-
booklet to teachers, sayB:
This little manual is designed to
furnish suggestive material for tho ap
propriate observance of Arbor Day
and also to call your attention to the
advisability, and even tho necessity
or awakening an interest on the part
of parents and pupils In the Import
ance of beautifying tho surroundings
of our schools and homos .
As one goes from place to place
he Is impressed with tho fact that
ninny a school and many a homo could
ho made more Inviting by clearing
tho ynrd of rubbish and debris, by ie
pairing a fence, by plnntlng a shrub,
vino or flower. In most instances
these things can be done with little
outlay of time and money. Tho ques
tion is, why nre thoy not dono?
The answer must lie in tho charac-
or of the people themselves. Thoy
have forgotten, or perhaps nover linvo
realized, how much benefit can be
derived from pleasant homo surround
ings. Hero is tho tuucliers" opportu
nity. A great many of thoso peopio
nro only waiting for 1110 suggestion.
"Wo havo all felt tho uplifting In
fluence of a school or home where
there Is a characterizing air of reftno
motit and beauty. That such homos
and schools aro within tho reach of
all, even the humblest and poorest
should bo Indelibly Impressed upon
the minds and consciences of the
chlldien under our care. They should
be taui;ht how to love beautiful things j
"People in this section have no Idea
of the magnitude of the Irrigation
work the United States government
has entered on." said George H. Max
well last evenlne at tho Arlington,
Mr. Maxwell Is executive chairmnn of
the National Irrigation Association
and an expert In matters relating to
thnt subject.
"In Arizona." he continued, "the
government has n ldg force of survey
ors nt work In the Grand Canon of
the Colorado, preparatory to tho con
struction of reservoirs and digging
of main canals. The Colorado river
will be the Nile or America. From
that stream will be taken water
enough to Irrigate a region that will
support a bigger population than Cal
ifornia now lias. Luckily, too, the
Colorado Is fullest or water In the
summer time, when the crops need
"It will be a work of years to carry
the undertaking to completion, but it
will lie the greatest benefit ever con
ferred on the Western people. Once
they get the water on th-MO lands,
which are or great fertility, abundant
crops can be harvested for centuries
and failure of harvests is impossible.
Tlie section I speak of will produce
the finest tropical fruits and choicest
vegetables, and can put them on tho
market fully a month enrller than
they are now gathered In any part of
the United States." Washington
Under the present competition for
opportunities to labor which would
not exist hut lor the monopoly of lint-
urnl resources hoys enter into lines
or work, us The Star has said before,
for which they havo no natural taste
or adaptation, which accounts for the
large percentage of bunglers In all tic
Thus a horn machinist is made a
dry goods clerk, a natural merchant
Is drilled into a sorry blacksmith, nnd
the lad with nil the materials In his
composition for a first-class cowboy
and cattle raiser is made to sell rib
bons and Inces; the natural builder,
architect or civil engineer Is trulned
to he a watchmaker, a weaver or a
tailor; the home-loving, quiet boy.
who should have been a farmer, is
sent to sea, while his restless and ad
venturous scooimate. who should have
gone to sen, is tied down to a farm.
And similarly In every occupation.
the round mnn Is In the square hole."
-San Francisco Star.
There's rauuyu farmer's wife sits on the
porch in the growing shadows of a sum
mer evening, knowing to the full what it
is to feel tired out ; as if there was not
another ounce of effort left in her.
she knows how
sound her slum
ber will be and
how refreshed
the morning will
find her. That's
the tiredness of
woman. But
a another
thine for the
sick woman to
feel Ured oat.
Rest only seems
to increase her
suflerimr. Just
as in profound
silence a discord 1
jars the ear
more forcibly, bo
now that she
has stopped
moving about.
this tired woman feels more acutely the
aching back and throbbing nerves.
biclc women, hundreds ot thousands of
them, have been made well by the use of
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It
establishes regularity, dries weakening
drains, heals inflammation and ulcera
tion and cures female 'yeakness.
Words cannot tell what I mineral for thir
teen years with uterine trouble and dragtong
down pain thruagti my hips and back," write
ars. jonu uicKson.oi uremen. Assimuoia imt.,
N. W. Ter. I can't describe the mlery it wai
to be on mv feet lone at a time. I could not cat
nor sleep. Often I wished to die. Then I aw
ur, fierce s meuicines auveriuca ami tuouxiH I
would try them. Had not taken one bottle till
I was fecline well. After I had taken lite tottlo
of 'Favorite Prescription and one of 'Golden
Altaian uiscovery i was ukc a new woman
Could eat and bleep and do alt my own work "
The Common Sense Medical Adviser,
is bent won receipt of stamps to pay
expense of mailing only. Send si one
cent stamps for the book in pajer covers,
or 31 stamps for the volume bound in
cloUi. Address Dr. Fierce. Buffalo., N.Y
that gets your lungs sore and weak
and paves tho way for Pneumonia or
Consumption, or both. Acker's Eng
lish Remedy will stop tho cough In a
day and hoal your lungs. It will cure
Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis,
and all throat and lung troubles. Pos
itively guaranteed, and monoy refund
ed It you aro not Batlsflod. Write to
us for free sample. W. II. Hooker &
Co,, Buffalo. N. Y. F. W. Schmidt &
Co., druggists.
Miss Alice Bailey, of Atlanta, Ga.,
tells how she was permanently cured of
inflammation of the ovaries, and escaped
the surgeon's knife, by the use of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
TIih univnrAiil indicutiousof the UDDroach of woman's rrreat enemy, inflam
mation and disease of the ovaries., are a dull throbbing puiu, accompanied by
a sense of tenderness and heat low down in the side, with occasional
shouting pains. On examination It may be found that the region of pain will
show some swelling. Tills is the Urst stage of lutlammatlon of the ovaries.
Du.ui Mas. J'ixkham : I wish to express my ffmtltude for tho
restored health mid hupiniiusK India K. IMiiklmm's Vegetable Com
pound hits brought into my life.
"I hud suffered for three years with terrible pains at- tho tune of
menstruation, and did not know what the tremble, was until the doctor
pronounced it Inlliimiiititlon of the ovurlcs, and proposed an ojieratiou.
' 1 folt so weak and siek that 1 felt sure that I could not survive tho
ordeal, ui id so I told him that J would not undergo it. The following
wink 1 read an advertisement in the nanerof vour Veitetnble Compound.
in sueh an emergency, and so 1 decided' tt try it. Great was my joy to
tlnd that I actually unproved alter takinjy: two bottles, so 1 Kept taking
it for tun weeks, and at the end of that time I was cured. I had gained,
ok'htetm lKiiinds nnd was in excellent health, and am now.
You surely deserw great success,, and you have my very best
wuhes. Jliss Aliuk Ua.ii.ky, m) .North IStnilevaru, Atlanta, tia.
Another woman saved from a .surgical operation by Lydia E..
Piukhuiu's Ycguiiiltli; Compound. Itcad wliut she snj.s:
l,lH:.u: Al us,. Tixkiiasi : I cannot thank:
you enough for what your Vegetable Com
IKiund has dono'fur me. If it had not been for
your niedieine,,l think I would have died.
"1 will tell ym how 1 suffered. could
hardly walk, was unable to sleep or eat. Jleu-
struation was irregular. At lust 1 had to
stay in my bud,, and flowed so badly that
they sent for a doctor, who said I had in
flammation of the oviiries. and must go
through an oe ration, as no medicine could help
me, hut 1 count not do tiiat.
"1 received a little book of yours,
and after-reading it, I concluded to try
Lydia E. IMiiklium's Vegetable
Compound, and J am now a veil
woman. I shall liraiso vonr medicine
as long as i uve. and also recommend tne same to anyone sunenng as 1
was." Alas. AIinnik Ottoson, Otho, Iowa.
All sick women would be wise if tbey would take .Lydia
PlnHmr.t's Vegetable Compound and. tut well.
Wn UnnU Tr.
But we nn t,..
Celling, Bustle d
.uaugrauca. AlwI1-
" pension
oludlnir T..th ..
o .u nun (jku
Our .took of w ,
7' ""luing, Bu
nnd Tar T. .
Boxes is complete, m
" ueea or Lamb
" wrug In p).
umvr wun the
Gray's Harbor CoJ
OfP- W: c. r. rjeJ
Not of grief By bavlne voot I
in caiiiagcn luuniugai; overhu
time, you will discount ..
or accidents that mlnht ml
r - .1 . o 1
lUCHHure lor me pen jprfrnj
'oiiio xiiua. ure Known the mi
'round as the ntostaireful. nmmntl
arnwlaniuul Mn.lMM . , , , . .1
wagons, carriages, etc The W
ed Winona wacom. hickn nnd
gles, the best made, ue handled M
a Syracuse plow ia alwayi u
We Mil nd rutrnntee the Elorn cJ
One- of the finest resident
Pendleton 11 rooms all moJai
provements ; pretty lawn;
$6,500. $200 down, balance oil
Another residence 7 room, i
hath, Hcwerage, electric ligaU;
lawn, shade trees, within three 1
of Main street. $2,500.
Other hoiiRes und lots from I
Nice residence lots, $150, Wll
Muchi Other
Town Property,
On Its Merit
Has tlie large demand (or
Byers' Best Flour
Been built up. Only the choicest wheat that grows enters in
to Byers Best Flour. It's perfection in Flour. Made by the
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
3-lot tract, one of tho heat hulldlnt;
sites on the bottom $800.
8 lots, house and barn, well located
20-lot tract, Irrigated; somethlnt; to
invest In $15,000
3V4 acres, large house, stone cellnr.
fruit of all ldnds, rich soil, barn,
well irrigated $2250
4 ncros, house, barn, fruit, ono of the
Deal guruens in town $2(oo
C-acro chicken farm, Irrigated bottom
land, house, ham, chicken houses,
Incubators, fruit, alfalfa ....$2000
10 acres, mostly rich bottom, well Im
proved $2G00
1C acres, 8 acres of It rich bottom,
running water, house, chicken yards
ono of the host small places In Pen
dleton $850
$10 to $13 PER ACRE.
N. T. Conklin.
'Phone, Red 277.
Farmers Custom Mill
Fred Walters, Proprietor
Capacity 160 barrels a day
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour. Mill Feed. CIioiimhI Vtx t
always o hand.
Of Coarse You Do.
The place to get the best
meal served in the city is
Main street, 3 doors nortli
of W. & C. R. depot.
Bargains in
Real Estate
I havo a larger niid butter
list of Farms, Stock Ranches
and City Property to sell
than ever bofore. Also a big
lot of land in the coming
wheat eoction of Eastern
N. Berkeley
Easy Terms, Where Deilred.
G. D.BOYD, III Court!
The climax in perfectffll
reached in Monopole.
When you want the
come to us and get
Our line
for cash.
of groceries
We sell cM
Miller Grocery!
636 Main Street
Phone Main 5:1
A Merciful Man
Merciful to Beasl
Patent Humane Harness
greatest blessing ever bt'
on horses. 1 his new idea .
tt... 1 ,,.,r,tc rubblD?
hllstfrmi' of the skin and "S"
the burdens. Call and S
great improvements.
..luni.j nn ft we have
sell these harness in u
county and all infringe'""'"
be prosecuted.
2i$ Court Street.