1 '.. '' ,7a JINGEDI1H DAILYEVEH1NGEDITBI I Eastern Oregon Weather .T-nnl.t.t Mi.1 WnilnnflitDV ndftlv ciouny. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OKEGON, TUESDAY, MAIICII 31, 1903. NO. 4705. 16. til. Hoil lolcetJ overJ COAL MINERS Men to Tie Mines of the Up the Central HA dttftl 3l1 r el Hit 'can I best Jowl oli llTCHELL ASKED TO SETTLE DIFFICULTY. lof Bituminous Operators and Mlneworkers to Settle Wage I - r.ii u t'j III1II for 1903. I rit-iM , Quit Tonight. Haute, Inch. March 31. ino hftween the bituminous op- land the miners to settle the Le scnle so far lias proven afternoon both sides united In John Mitchell to assist In the but of the difficulty. He will tomorrow. operators refuse to grant any ktons to the miners, who do- hooters. Their present agrce L.p tnnlrht. Nearly 12.000 fault work tomorrow pending eement. WANT PROTECTION. Lew of the Lorlmer-Durbnow Irttslonal Contest Promised In jl Courts. Igo, March 31. Tho attorneys election commissioners mis bo telegraphed to Washington that protection of the general Bent be given them to pre- krimer's forces from getting Ion of the ballots In the Lor I lirow congressional contest by I An answer Is said to have rthred promising a review of ! In tho federal courts by a too will be sent to give both In impartial hearing. NEGRO QUALIFIES. Appointed Collector at Charles fakes His Office and Forces i Attempt at Injunction. leston, March 31. Dr. Crum pro lately appoiutcd collector port here, took his ofllce today, pens were preparing to secure pncllon restraining him from charge on tho grounds that Ills iment was made by Roosevelt f me consent of tho senate, pa therefore unconstitutional. Jim forestalled thorn by quali- fiMER LAUNCHED TODAY. Isbury Park" Will Ply Between y City and Famous Methodist r liielnhla. Pa Mnmi. n mi.o f Asbiuy Park, built b'y the mua or now Jersey to ply n New York nil,- nn n,,. m f rsey Methodist resort, was '"uay at Cramps' in the o( the city ofllclnlh anil n of other prominent visitors isbury park. Th i,Hat,.ni... Ijy was performed by Miss I . iiMii ia if.ir nuilUD ln 88 ,Mab01 U,,rt a'l "iss ln Hawkins, all of Anbury lLUTI0N IN MACEDONIA. f'lB Trouble n the Balkan Via ThmmU. . a,n lD Be uac of fcnnrt. ,"D,"'"i ' niacouo E!'!1 "urease or the An attr:r.e"f oMiA"!" mill- IesnltR i, 'V lne revolution- f u"iag tnem. 0 MEET COMPETITION. 'ron and ri..i , . i rA, - "lanuraciurera 1 conferenr. .. . Method, n"'aer Amer- fVlW. ?TA conference Nt Brit. 1601 manufacturers er "' w"8 held today to American means of meeting I r trade ... . rtIuurica in In tffn'.n'SJ" "e chair. lU8e greater JZ manufacturers for-savlnR 2aliB more use pcans. -"ih:uh man the t mn...":. u n a chnm..ino.i.. 1 Is scarcely nnl t CmOVOrn flsht Mrn.. f any hottlnir nr in I Joten and oven. the ""ant.. rs of v;:3 March 31.ti, P 'e pfrtt have boon and i. 8 ."flven thn ! FURNACE EXPLODED. Molten Steel Deluged Workingmen in Steel Works Three Fatally In. Jured. Pittsburg, March 31. A blast fur nace In tho Edgar Thompson steel works at Braddock, exploded from some unknown cause at 4:30 this morning. Fourteen men wcro seri ously injured and three fatally hurt. The men were casting, when without a premonitory sign tho big furnace let go. throwing a deluge of molten metal. A special train brought tho victims to a hospital hero. STRIKE AT BROMBERG. Blacklegs Met the Strikers Scores on Both Sides Injured in a riot Berlin, March 31. The building trades 3trike at Bromborg, resulted in fierco riots today. A trainload of blacklegs nrrived under police pro tection and were met by the strikers. Scores on both sides were more or less Injured. Tho Infantry was called out and numerous arrests made. PLEADED HIS OWN CASE. Rev. Hungate, of Paintsvllle, Ohiov Found Guilty of Delicate Opera tion. Paintsvlllo, O., March 31. Rev. Hungate, who tho jury found was guilty of criminal operation upon his 18-year-old housekeeper, this morn ing was sentenced to Ave years' im prisonment. He eloquently pleaded his own case and asked that, the ver dict be set aside. He protested his Innocence. EPIDEMIC OF DIPHTHERIA. Detachment of Marines Sent to League Island to Quarantine Re ceiving Ships. Norfolk, March 31. A detachment of 40 marines arrived here today from the League Island navy-yard to rein force the quarantine on the receiving ships Franklin, Richmond and the torpedo boat Decatur, where diph theria has broken out among 1,500 recruits. Report False. Chicago. March 31. The report sent out last night that troops had been called for in the Lorlmer-Dur-bero election contest, is utterly with out foundation. Decision Tomorrow. St. Louis, March 31. All the par ties in the Wabash Injunction suit to day were notified that the court will hand down a decision tomorrow. NEW CUBAN TREATY WILL BE RATIFIED MINISTER QUESADA AND SECRETARY HAY SIGN Copy Ratified by Cuban Congress Not Arrived They Agree In Writing to Recognize That as an Exchange of Ratification. , Washington, March 3L Minister Quesada for Cuba and Secretary Hay for tho United States, this morning constructively exchanged ratifications of tho Cuban reciprocity treaty. Tho copy ratified by tho Cuban congress has not arrived but both signed the copy ratified by tho United States and agreed in writing to recognize that as an exchange of ratification. They will sign the Cuban copy when it arrives. KILLED BY PUMA. Children Playing in Creek in Texas. Torn to Pieces by Enraged Beast. Houston, Texas, March 31. Word reached here this morning that two children playing in Mud Creek, wero iatoly attacked and killed by a moun tain lion. They were literally torn to pieces, as was the dog which fought for them. The owner of the ranch, where the children's father -was em ployed, trailed tho beast and Wiled it. Increase for Alabama Miners. nirmlnirhntn Aln.. fnfh 31. As a result of the unprecedented earnings during the pnst year the Galloway Coal Company, operating extensive rrtnl mlnao In 4ha narhnn Hill rllfltrtnt. has granted a general wage Increase to Its employes, ertontive toaay. rne miners' wage scale Is Increased from 50 cents per ton to 55 cents, the ad vance benefiting more than 1000 men. Big Increase in Telephone Stock, Now York .March 31. Stockholders or tho American Telephone and Tele graph Company voted at a special meeting today to Increase the capital stock of the company from j&(i,uuu,- 000 to $200,000,000. This increaso of $100,000,000 is to be used as necessi ty demands, and Is not all to be Issued at once. King Edward Going to Lisbon, London, March 31. King Edward lla .nilnii .in .lit, rfii.nl vnpht Vlptnrln and Albert for Lisbon to repay tho recent visit to isngianci ot rung win- s. Though the plans navo not un lit. nnnni.nin.l 1. U linrlnrfltnod that the king will remain In Portugal four n. fl.m ,in,.u I TV. lu nprnmniinlnd on the trip by his Intimnto frlond. the Marquis of sovorai, mo ruruiBiiuar minister to London, THE VENEZUELAN TROUBLE NOT YET AT N N Foreign Powers Delay Their Signatures to the Protocols to Allow Seligman to Make a Loan". Washington .March 31. A million dollars and possibly the whole future of Venezuela depends on a race which is being run today between Laguayra and Carracas by Pullda, tho Venezue lan minister to Washington, and a representative of the Seligman Bros., the New York bankers. Six weeks ago Minister Bowon sub mitted to The Hague the question as to whether they by reason of their blockade of Venezuelan ports should be entitled to preferential treatment. Notwithstanding the promises of prompt action, the signatures have been unaccountably delayed. Early in March tho Seligmans made a proposition to loan Venezuela $50, 000,000 to pay tho claims of the al lied powers, bearing 10 per cent In terest. Bowen absolutely refused this proposition. Suspecting that tho signatures to RAILROAD WRECK A PASSENGER TRAIN COLLIDES WITH ENGINE. Engineer and Fireman Killed Ex press Messenger Fatally Hurt Number of Passengers Injured. Waterbury, Conn., March 31. In a collision between a light engine and a passenger on the New York, New Haven & Hartford this morning the engineer and fireman wore killed and the express messenger was fatally hurt. Both trains were going at a high speed. A number of passengers were slightly Injured by being hurl ed from their seats. EASILY LED. New Shamrock Sailed Against the Old Challenger Today on Clyde. Glasgow, March 31. Shamrock III sailed against the old challenger Shamrock I on the Clyde today. A light west wind was blowing and the new Shnmrock easily led. It created a decidedly good impression. As the breeze freshened sho went through the water with scarcely a ripple. Sho Ik exceptionally quick In her stays. STEAMER WRECKED. Brighton Ashore Off Atlantic City Crew Saved With Dffilculty. Atlantic City, March 31. Tho Brit ish steamer Brighton, loaded with iruit and carrying a small number of passengers, went ashore off here in a storm last night. All aboard wero rescued by tho life savers with diffi culty, the' breeches buoy being used, the vessel, which is partially new, will bo a total wreck. PILOT ROCK ROBBERY. Thieves Entered by Front Door Se cure About $150 In Cash Postof flee Inspector Now Investigating Matter. In addition to what could be learn ed yesterday about tho Pilot Rock postofflcp robbery it Is reported that tho robbers entered the building through the front door. It is probable that they first at tempted to enter the safe through the combination after knocking oft thu knob. Falling in this they blow tho safe, using two charges of dynamite for the purpose. They secured between $140 and $150 In rash and stamps and valuable papers to an unknown extent. Miss Smith, the deputy postmaster, arriv ed In town last night and reported the affair ofllclally to Postmaster Livermore, who at once notified tho nostomce Inspector. Clark, of Walla Walla, who has tho Investigation In hand now. Miss Smith could not say just the extent of the loss, because sho and tho postmistress, Mrs. Lura Richards, labored under tho misap prehension that the safe and Its more or less scattered contents should not bo overhauled before tho arrival of the Inspector. While they satisfied themselves that the money and stamps wore taken, they did not know at tho tlmo Miss Smith left Pilot Rock, Just what had been taken besides, nor the value of whatever else had been taken. Of tho $140 or $150 cash taken, about $40 belonged to one of tho Pilot Rock fraternal organizations. the protocol wero being withhold luv cause tho powers wanted Venezuela to accept the loan, Bowen sent puiuia direct to Castro to explain tho many objectionable features of the loan. Ho sailed March 21. Tho same boat car rlcd a Seligman representative, who will get Castro to accept tho loan. notwithstanding Bowen s protest. The boat arrived at La Guayra to day and Minister Bowen believes that whichever gains first audience with Castro will ho successful. Ho Is anx ious that The Haguo render an opin ion relative to tho collection of claims by force to gain a preferential treat ment. Another serious anxiety Is that It the loan is accepted and the claims paid it will leave considerable money in tho Venczuelnn treasury which is always a menace in a South Ameri can republic. LARGE AREA FLODED ANOTHER BAD BREAK FEARED AT LELAND. Mississippi Fell an Inch Last Night at New Orleans Louisiana Convict Plantation Submerged. New Orleans, March 31. Tho river fell an Inch In tho laBt 24 hours. Tho crevasses are In the samo condition as yesterday. Many weak points nro reported. State Plantation Damaged. New Orleans. March 31. The levee protecting ono of tho state convict farms gave way this afternoon. No lives are known to have been lost. Efforts are being made to protect tho convict camps. Tho plantation will be completely covered, causing big damage. Leland Threatened. Leland, Ark., March 31. This city Is threatened with a flood. Nothing but a rapid fnll of tho river will pre vent a break below hero .which would Inundate hundreds of miles In Ar kansas an dNorth Uiuislana. THE CAYUSE FIRE. IN POLICE COURT. Five Hoboes Given From Five to Ten Days Each in City Jail. Five hoboes went through the vag abond mill this morning, Tboy wero Eilwnrd Hayes, Joe E. Davis. James Redmond and S. Moore. All were booked as plain vags and were given from five to 10 days each iu tho city Jail. . Loss of Two Cars by the O. R. & N., a Small Dwelling and Three Ware hUL'ses. Further particulars about the Cay use fire are as follows: There was approximately 18,000 bushels of wheat and barley burned lu three warehouses, divided as follows: Kerr, GIiYord & Co., 4,000 or 5,000 bushels; Interior Warehouse Company, be tween 2,000 and 3.000 bushels; the balance being in tho Pacific Coast Company's warehouse. The buildings and contents wero a total loss. Tlio fife, tho origin of which cannot even be guessed, began In tho upper part of the Interior Company's warehouse. All the warehouse companies car ried Insurance, but the local agents do not know In just what amounts. Several telegraph holes wero burned, belonging to tho Western Union Company, and one rail in the switch track was considerably warped by the heat. The O. R. & N. also lost n car with its contents, which belonged to the painters' outfit, and also an empty box car, which was awaiting loading. A small dwelling belonging to J. W. Flack, tho Cayuse merchant, and Martin Madison, and in which tho two. men slept, was burned, tho Iobs probably being $250 to Messrs. Flack and Madison . Trees 150 yards from the flru were consumed. J .W. Flack's store build ing caught fire repeatedly, and only strenuous and patient work saved It. All that saved the Flack store and also tho section house, but more par ticularly the latter, wbb the direction of the wind. MAKING PROGRES8. Executive Committee of the Lewis and Clark Fair Have Engineers and Gardeners at Work. C. B. Wade has returned from at tending an unofficial and Informal meeting of the fair commission at Portland. Tho general board cannot legully organize until the 28th of May, and on that account the meet ing of the board was necessarily In formal and advisory. Mr. Wado reports that the execu tive committee Is making progress, having engineers and landscapo gard eners at work, and that the archi tects will begin work on the build ing plans In a short time. Team of Clydes. George Horsmau, of Qurdano, yes terday Bold to a Sound buyer lu this place u team of 7-yearold Clyde grades (or $300 cash. This Is said to be one of the finest teams ever bred Jn this country, GRAIN MARKET8. Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis sion Company, 120 Court Street B. E. Kennedy, Local Manager. Chlcngo. March 31. The constant downward tendency of July wheat Is ono of the marked features ot tho week's market. Money Is tighter at 7 per cent today. Sales of May corn wcro vorv brisk. Wheat Opened. May 73 July 9V4 Oats May ISW July 43 Minneapolis, March 31. Wheat Opened. May 73 M. July T3K, Closed. 9Vi 43- 43!i Closed. 72 72 ?i Mrs. Joe II. Parkes is qulto III, and has been so nearly a week. Chicago Wheat. Chicago, March 31. Whe.it- cents per bushel. 7372 KILLED AT DRILL. Caisson of Light Field Gun Overturns and Explodes at Fort Meyer. H.W.CORBETT DEAD Oregon's Foremost Citizen Dies at His Home of Heart Failure, CAME TO OREGON WITH THE ARGONAUTS OF 1851. Has Led an Active Business Life Cov ering the Period of Half a Century As United States Senator Suc ceeded George H. Williams. Portland, March 31. Former United Slates Senator H. W. Corbett died nt 0:15 this morning, of heart fntltirc. Ilmirv Wlnslow Corlictt waa born Washington, March 31. Ono sold-j In Wgsthro, Mass,, February 18, 1827. ier was killed and four others were seriously wounded ln an explosion of an ammunition caisson ot light artil lery, nt Fort Meyer while at practice drill this morning. Tho details wore not given out either by thu wnr de partment or tho hospital, but it Is known that the victims served tho gun and caisson that met with tho accident. Caisson Overturned. it was announced this nftcrnuou that the killing and wounding of thu artillerymen nt Fort Meyer wan duo to the overturning of ti caisson In stead of an explosion. ROOSEVELT WILL EXPLAIN. President Enraged Because the Charge Is Made That Simon Was Turned Down Because He Was a Jew. Portland, Mnrch 31. A Wellington special to the Journnl says Roosevelt Is enraged at tho chnrgo mndo that ex-Senator Simon was turned down because ho was a Jew. When the president comes west ho will person ally explain the entire, matter to the leaders note. Challenges Novelist. Paris, March 31. Tho brother of Emma Thoret, the woman who yes terdny tried to hill Provost, tho until or, today challenged tho novelist to n duel. VERDICT IN THE OURDICK INQUEST PENNELL, IF ALIVE, WOULD BE CHARGED WITH MURDER Judge Murphy This Morning Exhaus tively Reviews Evidence Couldn't Render a Verdict Establishing Iden tlty of Murderer. Buffalo, March 31. Judgo Murphy this morning rendered n verdict In the Ilurdlck case and exhaustively reviews the evidence. II" closed by saying that wero Pennell nllvo ovl denco had been brought out at thu Inquest that would Justify the Issu unco of a warrant for his arrest on the charge of murder. Ho said tho law presumes a man Innocent until he Is proven' guilty, thereforo ho could not render n verdict establish lug the Identity of Hurdlrk's mur derer. Mrs. Hull's Testimony. Judge Murphy nlso lays stress on Mrs. Hull's testimony und says; "Her actions the morning of the murdor, and her testimony ure to my mind Inconsistent with a perfect want of knowlodgo as to what actually occur red. So llttlo apparent feeling for the dead man nlid such an evident desire to cover up tho crime, and no disposition whatever to aid the auth orlties In apprehending the murderer may bo explainable but certainly have not been explained. ' Censured Mrs. Burdlck, In closing. Murphy said: "It Is our duty to censure Mrs, Burjlick, but oh great as her wrong, has been, great ... , . i... , in ner iiiiuimiiiiuiii. BROUGHT FROM BARNHART. Charles Frazier Fractured His Left Elbow and Was Badly Bruised by His Fall. Charles Frazier was brought from Barnhart last night on the passenger train. Examination by Drs, Colo und Mc Faull disclosed tho principal Injuries to be a bad fracture of the left elbow and more or less severe concussion ot the brain. There was no fracturu of the skull. Aside from the Injuries mentioned, he wns badly bruised and shocked from the fall of over 12 feet from tho scaffolding to the floor of tho new warehouse, He is nt his homo now, perfectly conscious and in a general was doing well, "You sav vour playing created a irieat deal of talk?" said the friend. "Yes," answered tlio pianist, "but. un fortunately, it was mostly during my performance." WasblBirfonfMar,. . J Ho removed with his parents to Washington county, New York, nnd received nu ncndemle education; en tered n storo as n clerk In 1840 at Cambridge, Mass., and In 1843 remov ed to New York city, whero ho con tinued iu the mercantile business. In 1850 ho shipped n largo quantity of merchandise, by way of Capo Horn to Portland ,Or., nnd lu thu following spring enmo to Oregon himself, by way of tho Isthmus of Panama. From the dato of his nrrlvnl In Portland ho began nn active business career which has been closely Iden tified with every step In tho history of the slate of Oregon. In 1805 ho Becured n government mall contract between Portland nnd Secrnmento and put a stago lino on the route. In 1860 ho Joined with Henry Falling lu purchasing thn First National Bank of Portland, which In stitution has been under his manage ment continuously since thnt tlmo. In 1807 Mr. Corbett was elected to the United Stntes senate, to succeed C.eorgo II. WllllaniH, tho prcBont may or of Portland, In politics ho was a whig until tho republican party wbb formed, nnd slnco Its organization has been ono of the foremost leaders of thnt pnrty In the stnto. In business Mr. Corbett has always been extremely llbernl, fostering ami cncouriiglng uvory Industry nnd un dertaking that tended to advance tho stnto. As United Stntos senntor ho wns nn ardent advocate of tho con struction of tho Northorn Pnclflc rail way, at that tlmo In a formntlvn stage. When the Lewis nnd Chirk Centen nlnl Exposition corporation wan or ganized Mr. Corhutt was unanlmoiiBly elected president, which position ho held at tho time of his death. Ho has taken an nctlvo part In ad vancing the exposition and has dis played remiiikablo vigor for a man 7fi years of ago. Ills health lias been very good and tho sudden nttnek of heart failure ciiine unheralded. PRE8IDENT SWIFT. Head of the Great packing Trust, Had Internal Hemorrhages and Died Yesterday. Chicago, March 31. O'ustuvuB Fruuklln Swift, president of thu Swift Packing Company, died at his homo, 188 Ellis avenue, of lutornal hnmnr ihages, resulting from u surgical oi crntlou performed several days iigo. Mr, Swift wns 03 years old. The hemorrhage which caused Mr. Swift'H death resulted from an oper ation for an Infection or the gall blad der, performed March 22, Ills death wbh entirely unuxpectd ooth by Mr. Swift's family and physlcl.iiui. His Life Career, Ouslnvus Franklin Swiff li.igan his business enreor ns a butcher. He leaves a fortune oatlmuted at f r m $7,000,000 to $10,000,000, Hind's in tho (.mil so or 45 years. He was born nt Sandwich, Mass., In 1830. He open ed it small hutcner shop In his uatlvo town. He removed to Boston when ho wus Icsrf than 30 years or ago, He remained In Boston until 1875. when ho enmo to Chicago. Iu thin city he engaged In the same biiBlncsa which ho had left In Massachusetts, and developed thu department or ship ping live cattle to Eastern markets. In 1877 ho evolved plans for the first refrigerating car, and dressed meats Instead of live animals were shipped to Eastern clllos. He was the pio neer In this kind or business and It was not long before others saw tho advantages of his method and Im itated him. Mr. Swift was not only tho oldest packer at thu time or tils death, but lie was tho originator of tho methods that has made many largo fortunes. From tho small plant started In 1877, has dovclopcd a great corporation with branches at Kansas City, St, Joseph, St. Louis, Omaha, St. Paul, and Fort Worth, Texas, and with dis tributing offices In ovory Important city and town In tho United States and with representatives lu lending' cities or tho United States, Asia and Arrlcn. Its employes number 23.60T- Upon Its capital stock or $25.000.(iil. - ino saies or jsua oxceuueu fyu,wv . mm. staru .T)i: WaBjildffWw. itnnr ntTts'Mi lultkMLx.,.