East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 30, 1903, Image 4

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Folding Vapor Bath Cabinet
For the Scientific Application of Heat and Steam
In Curing anil Preventing Disease. : : : : :
Endorsed by 3o,ooo PHYSICIANS and OVER 600,000 Happy Users
PRICE, $5.00
.MONDAY. MARCH 30, 1303.
The most agreeable of all I
companions Is a simple, frank ,
man, without any hlsh preton- 1
slons to nil oppressive great- 1
ness; 0110 who loves life , and I
understands the use of It;
obliging alike at all hours;
above all, of a golden temper
steadfast as an anchor. For
such an one we glndly exchange
the greatest genius, the most
brilliant wit, the profoundest I
thinker. l.esslug. I
M. H. Do Young, editor of the San
Francisco Chronicle In giving his
opinion on the management of fairs,
to the Oregonlan, makes some obser
vations which Oregon cannot afford
to follow.
It Is true Mr. De Young successful-
two of the number had lived In the
Hawaiian Islands, one of the two
having been foreman on a sugar plan
tation. Two of the number had spent
considerable time In Alaska, one hav-
lug gone there In '07 by way of the
Valdes Glacier route. .Moat of the
olhois had traveled extensively In
most of the Western states. It Is this
learning by actual seeing and person
al observation .that makes the West
erner a man of broad intelligence,
good Judgment and ready resource.
It Is this that gives him the faculty
of falling on his feet.
As an Illustration of the vailed el
ements of which we are formed here
In the West, take the composition of
our last legislature. This will prove
fairly typical of the stnte at large.
Of the ninety members, two were
born In New York, four In Iowa, nine
In Illinois, two in .Minnesota, one in
what was then the territory of Ore
gon, but is now the state of Wash
ington, one in .Massachusetts, foil'-
in Pennsylvania, three in Wisconsin,
four In Ohio, one In New Hampshire,
one in Virginia, one in Now Jersey.
two. It Is, of course, easier to give
a trial to some drug thnn It is in enter
upon n self-denying coursO of oxer
else and bathing, fresh air, iiMtleuco,
and nbstlnence from enndy. The ad
vertised drug may bo harmless, In
which case It Is llkoly to do no good.
I.' It has aomo quickly potent effect,
it possesses proportlcs that should
leave It to the control of a trained
physician who knows something of
his patient before he writes a pre
scription. Young people, fortunately, are like
ly to bo good sleepers. When for any
reason thoy are not they are also
likely to be more intolerant of th
tedium of wakeful hours than are
their more disciplined elders, Here
again It Is easy to experiment with
scmo one of the mnuv "quieting
medicines, so highly spoken ol, so
"harmless." A cool sponging off, flv
minutes' brisk exercise, and n slowly
sipped cup of hot milk would be much
bettor, and would prevail eventually
11 not the very first night. Many
victim of the morphine habit owes th
first Impulse to the self-presehlbed
quieting doses of some well-disguised
lar-dlstunt cousin of that valuable,
but much abused and dangerous
It Is a well known fart that alcohol
is the basis of many of tho so-culled
tonics, and Is to be found in rnnsld
erable quantities In some of them
Whatever opinion one may hold of
alcohol as a medicine, nothing can
bo said in favor of allowing It tc
masquerade In unknown quantities
anil doubtful quality in all sorts of
medicines put up for self-doctoring
No more Insidious plan for the form
lug of 'i bad habit could be dovlsed.
If one needs alcohol one s doctor will
know It. and how much and what
kind: and the safo way Is to go to
him for a prescription. We have all
heard of the man who was unwilling
to wash In tho River Jordan because
he oxpected that a miracle would ho
performed. The Jordan Is for nil of
us tho formation of clean, healthy
common-sense habits. Then wo shall
not need miracles. Youth's Compan
Is thero any justice, any reason, in
assessing fine timber claims, worth
$20, 530 or ?40 an acre, at $1, $2, S3
or $5 an aero? The owners of theso
tnn.ln nlt., n.MIIr,
ly managed the .Midwinter Exposition tlire-' In Missouri, one In Kentucky, merely by letting their 'lands lie. while
at San Francisco. His logic seems to two in West Virginia, one In Califor- timber becomes scarcer and higher.
nln, four In Indlann, two In Maine,
one In Kansas, one In Canada, five
in Germany, one In Ireland, one In
Now Hrunswlck and three In England
and twenty-eight were native sons of
this stnto. No wonder wo have a
good general knowledge of our whole
country when we are constantly rub
hlng elbows with former residents of
every stnte In tho Union. How could
we acquire local prejudices coming as
we do from the back of the beyond
and the four corners of everywhere?
Tho Fair Commission will receive Truly we are a cosmopolitan race.
some of its best Inspiration and some No hardier, braver or more Intelligent
of Its best help from the mothers of me" 1V'' shouldered a musket than
Oregon. This inspiration nnd this , tllL troops the West sent across the
help will enter into the lasting glory aeas ,0 1,10 Philippines,
of the Lewis and Clark centennial I
ith Its last Issue, Nowspaperdom
began Its fourteenth year, with bright
prospects for a future greater If pos
slblo than Its past success.
busy editor, this invaluable publlca
tlon has been an Index finger, a guld
have ended satisfactorily on that oc
casion, yet the management of tho
Lewis and Clark Fair cannot afford
to adopt .Mr. He Young's views on the
subject of woman's aid In exposition
Oregon believes In the potency of
woman's work. There has never been
n disposition in this state, and there
must bo none on this supreme occa
sion, to ignore or set aside the vital
agency of woman's strength in any
great undertaking.
exposition, and will bo a rebuttal or
the logic of .Mr. De Young, as applied
to this state.
When asked about a woman's de
partment and woman's work at the
fair, .Mr. DeYoung smilingly said that
Is there any presentable reason why
they should not pay taxes according
ot the real value of these lands, the
same as a man who goes into tho
open, or clears up a place, and makes
a home, pays on his property? If so.
what is this reason? This Is a ques
tion that the taxpayers of overy tim
bered county would do well to ask
of their assessors,
What are the timber lands of Ore-
eon worth today? Far more, every
body knows, than our total state as
sessment. What portion of our taxes
do the owners of this magnificent
property, rapidly Increasing in value
without the owners turning a hand'
or lifting a finger, pay? A very small,
nn Insignificant nroportlon.
Tho lesson Is plain nnd simple. Tux
these lands according to value. Then
In 1005 wo shall probably have a Har-
is or a Davoy law for taxing corpor
ations; and in a few years Oregon
can show up with taxable property
amounting to sz5u.uou.0w) or $300,000
To the nn'l n tn rate decreased In pro-
Declinine vears the time when one is on the other
side of the hill, call for constant care in the matter oi
nutrition. Life then depends so much on the body's power
to repair loss and waste. This power grows less and less. The
ability to shake off local disorders and to draw heavily on the
body's reserve force are privileges that youth alone can claim,
With age comes slow movement, slower operation a
the whole body's forces. Trifles become burdens and we
live in the past. Ordinary food no longer nourishes. Poor
teeth, perhaps, and improper mastication give the stomach
work that it is not supposed to do the digestion is taxed
and even injured when it should be troubled least.
Many elderly persons get strength and nourishment
from Scott's Emulsion It slips into the blood so quickly
that the stomach is not aware of its presence. Not only does
Scott's Emulsion furnish nourishment itself, but it helps to
digest other food. It aids in the proper distribution of food
benefits simplifies the stomach's- work.
Moreover, the lime and soda contained in Scott's
Emulsion in the form of hypophosphites nourish the bones
and reduce the acid in the blood which feeds rheumatism.
We'll send you a sample free upon request.
SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St., New York.
V-4 V 1 tW yv W-V B-t w-v i ww -v -w T rm 1
hKAZ,fcK UFckA nuust
Farewell tour of the Great
Complete Product on of
3 5
t L
, PRICES: $i,oo, 75c, 50c.
perplexing occasion. Bright, progTes
slve, clean, full of up-to-date advice,
always blazing a path that It Is profit
able for practical men to follow, it
stands at the head of tho list of pa
pers published for
newspaper makers.
so far as ho had over been able to see lns star n verv letter half on overy
there was no such thing as woman's
work as distinct from man's work.
Work, he said, Is work, and It makes
little difference who does It. A wom
an's department at an exposition, he
declared. Is Inevitably a source of
bother and lll-ieellng and n veritable
sink-hole of money .
Women are not accustomed to fi
nancial administration on a large
scale; they always make a mess of
expenses; they Invariably fall Into
contention among themselves, aud
they get appropriations on a basis of
sympathy or gallantry far out of pro
portion to the Importance or the ne
cessities of the work In their hands.
We had no woman's committee at
San Francisco, nnd as 1 have observ
ed, other expositions, I have never
ceased to congratulate myself that
we had the good fortune to avoid that
particular pitfall. It Is true, hu add
Holding the Portland murderer In
his last statement said: "Women
have all of the world's possibilities
in their hands and tho majority of
them deliberately turn these possi
bilities to evil." They turn some few
possibilities Into evil when dragged
down to that level by men of degen
erate leuuencies to whom thoy nro
unfortunately bound.
The work along this line has begun
In Clackamas, in .Marlon. In Uma
tilla, perhaps in Multnomah; let It
continue and bo enlarged and become
general. Assessment nnd taxation has
been a mere huggermugger system
hero for -10 years; let us work out of
It. There Is no more sensn or reason
the salvation of ln having a heavy tax levy of 38 or 40
inius man or having to pay 75 cents
for a 2-bit article. Portland Tele
of suffering from Indigestion If you
ent what you want, or of starving
yourself to avoid such distress?
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets taken after
eating will digest your food perfectly
and free you from all the disagreeable
symptoms of Indigestion and Dyspep
sia. Gat what you like at any time,
nnd take an Acker Tablet afterward.
Positively guaranteed. Your money
will always bo refunded if you
are not satisfied. Write to us for a
freo sample. W. II, Hooker & Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
It Is hoped that tho school board
has now adopted a plan for tho relief
nf tiw, ,iitri. ,u . in i ... n" s''"d no applied in every ci
of tho district that will bo acceptable ty In Oregon.-Condon Globe
tt nil iini-lln,,D ..r .1... i... I 1
i'w.wuwo ui inu cilj, unless 1
Assessor Strain, of Umatilla conn--
ty. Is "doing things" in the matter of
property assessments. He proposes
to assess all real estate anil personal
property at one-third Its actual valun
and railroad property looks tho same
to mm as tho garden patch or tho
humblest citizen. Tho effect of this
now departure will be to rnlso the as
sessment of the railroad property
tromM.C20 ,er mile to JH.tiOO por
mile. This is business and tho samo
rule should bo applied In every eoun-
ed, that tho women of an exposition I "0'k n"i"e" " t,ho now b,lllJlnss'
city may prodigiously help by social; "j0 t!l5ca0,s ,lecl" '"em.
organization and thoough tho mani
fold offices of hospitality."
"They can prodigiously help by so
cial organization and tho manifold
omces or hospitality," but Mr, De
thoy cannot bo completed by tho be
ginning of tho next school year.
imported in inkn thn nlnno nf ii...
loung minus thoy "invariably fall ! strikers and the cars are running un
Into contention among themselves" der difficulties. Seattle will follow
and aro "not accustomed to financial . San Francisco, sooner or later and
nuministrntion." settle her street car situation by con-
vy.ugun nt-eii nave no (ear lor tho ( slderlng municipal ownership.
mitn-aa oi any worn in connection
Talk about Oregon, esneclallv fOiist-
oi n Oregon, being developed. Such
is certainly not the case when beef
lin tn lin aliltum,! Infrn at,.-..
Tho street car strike at Seattle goes supply tho Portland market. Onlv n
merrily on. PInkerton thugs havo been fow days ago a train of 33 cars of
cattle, part from Iduho and part from
Montana, passed through Tile Dalles
going to Troutdale to be butchered
for tho Portland markets. So lone
as this continues thero Is need for
more alfalfa farms to raise fodder for
feeding cattle Times Mountaineer
with the Ix3wls nnd Clark-, which may
be entrusted to her women
Persons conversant with the facts
havo frequently commented on tho
tact that tho nverago Westerner was
Duwoy has said enough good things
tor tho United States to make It a
pleasure for tho government to apolo
gize Just one once, for his thought
less remark about the Oorman navy.
It Is a regrettable fact that i oth-
"IauBTcro J Ilia torture oftlae damned
with protruding pile? brought on by constipa
tion with which I was afflicted tor twenty
years. I ran acro your CASUARKTS In tlia
town of Newoll, la., uutl naver found tnylhlnr
o equal l them. ToiUy ameuttrely free Irom
pllea and leol like a new man."
u. it. hub, kii juuou St., moux city, la
not only more self-reliant, and hnd "'B s ,aslor to form than bail pliysl
tlT bVl'iT .V 'nU,a- w uTthey-
tlve, but that ho is keener, more havo been formed. For Mils reused
alert and 'has a broader general o watchful care or young people dnr-
knowledge than tho uverage Eastern- ,B tlle ""'formliiK porlol of Mfo
er. Tho explanation probably lies In a,?dnM 1,10 rt"ty "f 1""'QntH "ml
tho fact that tho Westerner has
knocked about more than tho Eastern- Among these bad hb.u may bo
or. Tho writer happened to fall into placed those little tricks of self-mciii.
conversation with u nrnim nr ,rQUta cation that aro bo fatally oasv tn fall n.OTJ1.l:.i,. WW!',- '?' J?"""'-.Po
nt n imtoi ir. nna t .n . '"to. There comes, for example, 'he ... nunc nnuaniKT nu
In EnHrrn nn ., "h attucu oi ncne, an eruption of Choi """.t u... u.l..,, cu..t..n.iu...t...
the conversation it dooped T mat CSS" a ScW a"X NO-TO-BAC t&VtimSXIWg
tragi iunh mttmoto
."lot tract, one of the best building
sites on the bottom $800.
8 lots, house and bain, well located
20-lot tract. Irrigated:; something to
Invest in ?1G,000
S'J acres, large house, stone cellar,
fruit of all kinds, rich soil, barn,
well Irrigated $2250
4 acres, house, barn, fruit, one of the
best gardens In town $2000
Caere chicken farm. Irrigated bottom
land, house, barn, chicken houses.
Incubators, fruit, alfalfa ....$2000
10 acres, mostly rich bottom, well Im
proved $2600
1C acres, 8 acres of It rich bottom,
running water, house, chicken yards
one of the bent small places In Pen
dleton $850
$10 to $13 PER ACRE.
N. T. Conklin.
'Phone, Red 277.
Just received another
car load of Poultry and
stock supplies at the
127 and 129 East Alt Street
A Merciful Man is
Merciful to Beasts.
Patent Humane Harness are the
greatest blessing ever bestowed
on horses. This new idea protects
the horses, prevents rubbing and
blistering of the skin and lightens
the burdens. Call and see the
great improvements.
Bargains in
Real Estate
I have a larger and hotter
list of Farms, Stock Ranches
and Oity Property to sell
than ever hofore. Also a big
lot of land in the coming
wheat section of Eastern
N. Berkeley
are patented and we have the ex
clusive right to manufacture and
sell these harness in Umatilla
county and all infringements will
be prosecuted.
218 Court Street.
Farmers Custom Mill
Fred Walters, Proprietor
Capacity 160 barrels a day
Klour exchanged for wheat
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc
always m hand. '
Babbit Metal, beat In th wni-M i
bin. Price, $1 per bar, at the East
Oregonlan Office.
Gray's Harbor
We Don't Keep EverythU
Btook of nice dry PiociJ ;
Celling, Hustle and Flnlih'
In all grades. Also all kind! '
of Dimension Lumbtr, i
eluding Lath and Suing!"
Our stock of Doom, Wh?
dows, Moulding, Bulldn.
and Tar Paper aud Appl,
Boxes Ib complete, aud any
one In need of Lumber
Jnot be wrong u pIac
their order with the : . .
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. Wi & C. R. Depot
fton of Krtet Ily linviiie vour rtmkl
nn curriufjes morougniy overhauled k
time, villi will illupimil ,, ... i , . I
nr iifMtiflontn flint, mlrtl, - J?A
pleasure for the great spring festlvj
Neairle Bros, are knuu-n th,. ,w,.. I
'round as the most earenj, prompt andl
OKtmrlptiwrl rrnintrpra nt nil 1,1... -1
, -B w. Aluu9
wngoriH, carriages, etc. The celebrat-l
plow, tlm liPHt. mucin. nrnlinniUfi.1 1. I
i nyrnuune jiiow is aiwaji natlslK.1
We lull And fruarantee the Starsi RiliMmI
One of the finest residences
Peuilleton 11 rooms all modem i
iirovements; pretty lawn: compld
b,500. $2,500 down, balance on t
Anottior residence 7 rooms, '
batli, sewerage, electric HkIUs; prtHjl
lawn, shado trees, within three bloetil
of Main strcut, $2,500.
Otlior houses and lots from J6WHI
Nice residonco lots. $150, '50cll
Much Other Town Property, fit
Easy Terms, Where. Desired..
E. D. BOYD, III Court Slrtdl
Monopole, Rock Candy,
Red Star and White Rose
in half gallons, gallons,
jackets and pails.
Standard Gtocr
Court Street
Low Sellers of Groceries
By the Fire Insurance Coj
panies we represent,
companies stand first m
Hartford Fire Insurance Lo-tiig
Alliance Assurance Co. . . i
.ondoii & Lancashire fire
r , . ,vT1
North British & Mercantile
UO li'ott w
800 MAIN
. i- WA,1i4lnr lHII' . .
i. ,Mit Mini i-rd la I"'"' '
ii tin.