East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 30, 1903, Image 3

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    -' if"
f7 yjTTi "rit '" 1
'''-y always get GOOD GOODS Alexander's, j
At prices to make the heart rejoice. Our entire
window full of Men's Choice Dress, Walking and
Work Sires. Fifty styles to select from.
Alexander Dep't Store
We also keep the Sorosis, the Correct Ladies' Shoe in the
Smart Shapes.
See the Fisherman
in Our Show Window,
And remember that I have a full line of High J
Grade Tackle. I bought all of my Tackle direct J
from the factory and have the kind that will suit
every fisherman. 1 have in stock fly hooks from J
25c to Si. 50 per doz., leaders from 5c to 75c, fish J
baskets, straps, bait boxes, leader boxes, reels,
from 20c to S5.50, jointed poles from $1 to $10,
all kinds of artificial bait, spinner hooks, "Chubb's J
pole varnish," mist colored gut and other fisher- E
man's supplies, too numerous to mention. J
74 Main Street J
The Grand Trunk Gold Mine I
Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining District.
Is located upon the GREAT MOTHER
LODE system of veins and has for neigh
bors on that vein such well known
mines as the NORTH POLE valued at
$10,000,000. The COLUMBIA valued at
$5,ooo,ooo. GOLCONDA valued at $3,
000,000. THE MONMOTH G. M. CO'S
BELLE BAKER mine valued at $5oo,
000. THE BALD MOUNTAIN valued at
$5oo,ooo, THE IBEX valued at $400,
000, and many others.
Th Grand Trunk Bald Mining and Milling Gn.
Owns Its Property Cons'stlng ot 160 Acres of Rich Gold Bearing, Veins
It lias no indebtedness of any character.
It has a conservative mining and business management.
It is offering 50,000 shares of stock At 15s per share.
It will become a dividend payer in a short time.
It will pay you to .write us for .full particulars and to make
cartful investigation of its merits. - - "'
It has the indorsement of mining men, business men and
bankers of Eastern Oregon.
Write us today and let us post you.
H. S. McCalltsm & Company, j
Miners, Brokersand Financial Agents, !
Or R. S. BRYSON, Local Agent, Pendleton, Oregon. j
ur Weekly Mining Letters on Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining E
uistnct irpe on Application. E
V TT -TT M M M f ill 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 HIT
ill t 1 , . . . . '"'"TTfTfTflfTTTTTTfTfTTfTITTIfTTTTfTl
""""'AAAAlUi1 Akkkkkkk
Is the rule. We supply fine
tools to tine workmen saws,
hammers, chisels, screw
drivers, augers and every
thing necessary in that line
for high grade interior car
penter and cabinet work. It
will pay to look through our
stock, even if you need but
a single tool at the moment.
W- J- CLARKE &, CO..
Court Street
A A A ArriHHfiHr ---
a -
ogtteofM. . goruan ior a iree ci-
01 mem' A fall swpply always kept to stock.
Highly Profitable Teachers Institute
Held Last Week One Case of
Typhoid Fever Many Visitors In
the Garden City.
Milton, Ore. Mar. 30. Mr. Polo
nepumont left this morning to work
on a ranch near Pendleton.
Mr. Geo. V. Maybee closed Ills
school on Mud Creek, near Bauky's
hall last week.
Prof. J. K. Cherry of Adams was
in Milton Saturday attending the In
stitute. S. M. Harrlng left Fllday for Alto,
Wash., to attend the sowing of his
spring grain.
Clyde Hudson, son of Mat, Is con
fined to his bed with tvnhold fever.
Miss Hertha Harris who has been
In Pendleton for sometime past, came
nome last Thursday.
Almond, apricot trees and goose
berry vinos are all out In bloom.
Quite a vain and hall storm, nc-
eompanled with thunder passed over
tnis section Saturday .
Joe Wilder will plant 30 acres of
potatoes on his mountain ranch this
Kd Greaves was In town Saturday
from Basket mountain and reports
grain in good shape In that section.
The Mud Creek district will build
another room to their present school
building and have two teachers next
Mr, and Mrs. I. N. Davis returned
home from Helix Thursday evening
where they had been visiting.
Itov. Childcrs has moved onto his
farm, that ho purchased of the W. I.
Wright estate last week.
Mrs. Ida Klrkland of Walla Walla
Is visiting with the family ot Judge
Klrkland this week.
J. D. Itose of Weston, was over Fri
day, bargaining for a part of the Har
ris estate, with X. A. Davis, the ad
ministrator. Mrs. Malono who rin the Candy
Kitchen hero last summer anJ wlnl'i,
left today for Cottage Grove. Lane
county, where she will mako her
E. h. Smalley, Joe West and lues
Phelp were In the Garden City Sat
urday. J. D. Walters of Indiana, Is visit
ing relatives In the city. Ho ramo
with the intention of locating some
where In Oregon or Washington.
Phil Hoon. of Hudson Hay. Is hav
ing his house at the south end of Main
street repaired aud painted and
papered preparatory of becoming a
Mlltonlte In a few weeks.
Milton was favored with the follow
ing visitors last week: C. M. Hader,
D. D. Earp. .1. H. Davis. Mrs. J. F.
McRea, of Walla Walla. W. P. Fens
ler and N. A. Diron of North Yakima,
J. A. Amos of Wallula, Mrs. Robert
Kilgore and W. H. McGee of Weston.
The "Old Maids' Convention" given
under the nuspices of the young ladies
of the Epworth League, Saturday
evening at the opera house, was
greeted by a large and enthusiastic
A general move for the Improve
ment of Milton, has been made by the
citizens and has become so strong
that the city council appointed a com
mittee to locate a slto for a pumping
plant and reservoir for the city water
works. This is n right move In the
right direction and the council high
ly complimented on this move.
The Methodist people are consider
ing the advisability or proposition of
remodeling the church at this place,
and have appointed a committee to
torm plans and ascertain the probable
Nearly all of the male persuasion of
the upper Hudson Hay country wero
In Freewator one day last week at
tending the joint Irrigation conven
The Infant child or It. K, Driscoll
died Thursday morning, near here at
(he age of four years "and was burled
lu ,thQ city cemetery ..Friday alter
110611. '
Mr. and Mrs. .lessee Michaels of
Weston, came over Thursday to at
tend the birthday anniversaries 01
Mr. aud Mrs. Hinniiilsoii which oc
curred last Wednesday and Friday.
Uummison was 8C Friday and Mis.
Hummlson 78 Wednesday. Flvo gen
erations wero present.
Profitable Institute.
The local institute which convened
here last Saturday was one of the
most profitable nnd interesting events
along the educational lino of the sea
son, from the tact that the teachers
all were on the common level and en
gaged In the same class of work so
they could exchaugo Ideas that would
be of some use to them. The theoretl
leal part that we hear at our annual
and state teachers' meetings are good
but not practical in the rural dis
tricts, hence not of as much import
ance as the local ones. Those pres
ent were; J. F, Nowlln, of Pendleton:
J. E. Cherry, of Adams; F. C .Salt, F.
K. Wells and wife. Geo. W. Maybee,
W. S. Mayberry, Mae IJttleton, Eliza
beth Hamer, Alice, Christian, Ada
Pierce, Pres. W. C. Howard, of Colum
bia college.
Will Improve His Farm.
J. W. Keene, who lives six miles
north of Adams, will build barbed
wire and hog fencing around ICO
acres of land and go Into the hog busi
ness on considerable scale. Mr. Keeno
Is a partisan of the Berkshire hog and
believes that a high grade of that
breed is the very best animal for
this country. Ho favors a high grade
rather than the thoroughbred, be
lieving that it matures younger on
the same amount of feed and In re
sponse to the same treatment other
wise than even a grade animal of any
other breed .
A citizen, who never had a good
word to say for his homo paper, and
who was always opposed to public
Improvements was dying. "How do
you feel?" asked the editor who was
on hand to write the obituary. "Ail
looks bright boforo me," gasped
tho dying man. "I thought so," re
turned the editor; "you'll see the
blaze In about 10 minutes."
A A A A Awftftft&&ftftW'&A&A&ft:&ftA AAfr wfl a a aa'a&aaaaaaaaaa A A A: A A. A a A: A aaaaaaa,a"aaaaaa?
Our big stock of new Spring Wrappers has ar-
I rived, and we have the finest assortment in the
town. We list only a few of them.
Good quality calico wrappers, well
made, full width, 00:.
Splendid quality percale wrappers, ruf
fles or braid trimmed at top and wide
tlounce, full proportions, only $1,00.
Fine quality percale wrappers, beauti
fully trimmed, $1,35.
Good quality house dresses, corset lined,
wide flounce, made better than if you
made them yourself, $1,25 aud $1.20,
Good quality percale house dresses,
beautifully trimmed in braid, corset lined,
with wide flounce, $1.40 and $1 35.
Very best pstcale house dresses, wide
flounce, corset lined, extra well made, and
very full skirt, $1.75 and $1.05.
Beautiful figured black sateen house
dresses, corset lined, $2.40.
Misses' muslin underwear, complete as
sortment, drawers fromlSc pr to 50c pr.
Skirts from 35c to 85c each.
Children's dresses, ages 2 yis. to 14 yrs.
all grades from 25c babv dresses, to
Misses' costumes worth $2.75.
Misses' hose, lace or plain, 25c, 20c,
5c, 12c and 10c pr.
Misses' kid gloves, sizes 5 to 5I4, ssv
eral colors, 05c.
Specials for Saturday, April 4
Men's black striped double front shirts,
50c values, 40c.
Men's light colored shirts, good 50c
values, special, 40c.
Uoys' black suits, coat and pants,
special, $1.00.
Boys' waists. All 25c waists for one
day, 20c.
Boys' sox, all sizes, 4c pr.
Misses' hose, all sizes, our regular 13c
hose, special, 10c pr.
Men's corduroy suits, warranted, spec
ial for one day, $7.00.
Outing llantvel, 10c kind, Sc; gc kind,
7c; 7c kind, 5c.
Spring Season Opens With Enthusi
astic Meeting of Jockey Club.
Memphis ,Tenn., March 30. They're
off! The day for the annual spring
meeting of the New Memphis Jockey
Club has at last arrived, nnd the rac
ing season is nt hand. Nothing but
Inclement weather can prevent this
being the most successful meeting
ever witnessed in tho South .
The classic Montgomery handicap
renewed for the twenty-fifth time
Is the event of tho opening dny. This
morning the candidates for tho rich
stake including the favorites Mc
Chesney and Aladdin wero exercised
over the track before a great crowd
of turf followers anxious to form their
final judgment on tho probable result
of the great raco to he decided In
the afternoon.
Tho handicap Is the fourth event
on tho card and will bo called nt near
1:30 o'clock. Tho race from every
point of view cannot lail to bo n
giand success. A half dozen look to
have a good ehanco and will receive
a liberal support.
Tho Montgomery handicap is tho
first big gun ot tho logltlinato racing
season, and Is virtually the signal to
tho racing world, notifying them that
tin. sprnlg racing lias begun. Tho
Montgomery handicaps of par.t years
invariably proved good Indox on
which to baso calculations on the best
handicap horses In tho West for their
engagements later on In the Wheeler
hnndleap, at Washington park, and for
borne of the West's richest nll-ngod
1'lils year tnu class of tho Held that
goes to the post is topped by Mc
Chesnoy. the unbeaten 4-year-old. Tho
r.oxt choice to MrCliesnuy In tho bet
ting event is Oeorgo C. Heiinntt's
Pendleton Citizens Gladly Testify.
It Is tho testimony, llko tho follow
ing that has plnced "the Old Quaker
Ilemcdy" so fnr above competitors.
When people right hero at homo
raise their volco In praise thoro Ib no
room left for doubt. Head the public
statement of n Pendleton citizen:
I Charles W. Peale, expressman, llv
. Ing nt 3(10 West Tustln St., corner of
1 Aura street, and well known to ovory
resident of Pendleton, says: "For
four years past I have been troubled
with kidney disorders, cause, I think,
bv henvv 1 1 ft 1 11 ir niniilroil In mv nrnii.
pntlon. Tho strain was such that I
was unable to stoop or rlso ngaln
1 without pain and effort. The kidney
secretions wero irregular, especially
I at night and caused 1110 much annoy
' nnce. When I first heard of Donn's
, Kidney Pills I decided to try them
' and got n box nt Ilrock & .McComas'
1 drug store. They have relieved 1110
1 to a very great extent, both as to
tho backache and tho urinary trouble,
and I have tho greatest conllilenco In
! them."
Prico DO cents per box. Fostor
1 Milhurn Co., nuffnlo, N. Y., m1o agents
I for tho United States. For sale by
' nil dealers.
Itemember tho nnine MOAN'S
and take 110 other.
Stock Farm for Sale.
Wo linvo tho Jns. Lindsay farm,
near Alba for salo. H consists of CIO
ncrcs. 110 acres In timothy; moro
than 200 ncros In wild liny, which will
grow timothy. A portion will grow
wheat nnd barley, balance pasturo;
nburidnneo of water. AH fenced;
good buildings.
Will soli In 0110, two or throo tracts.
Kasy terms.
Some Land
480 acres grain and stock
ranch in Klickitat Connty,
Wash., 150 acres in wheat.
Whole thing fenced two and
three wires. Two good
houses and two sets farm
buildings, living water and
wells. Sin teal maintain free
range for stock, $8 per acre.
We have the finest stock
ranch In the west for sale. Con
trols all the water and range
for twenty miles; twenty miles
of fencing; 80 acres Irrigated
and In alfalfa. Pair bulldlnis,
orchard and vineyard, $35,000
takes It for two weeks.
Section Horse Heaven Land
S7.00 per aero.
Irrigated Trails at all Prices.
Nossly-Scott Investmont Go,,
Prossor, Wash.
Cement Sidewalk,
Ulds for construction of 2B0 feet of
cement sidewalk 10 feet wide, will bo
received up to April 1, and Informa
tion nbout sanio given by Frank H.
A Rare Opportunity.
To gut 180 acres of tine land In tho
Orando Hondo valley, (lood Improve
ments; house, barns, etc.. and there
aio hot springs on thu property that
aro easily worth the prleo of tho whole
Address Ilox 208, City.
Hubby-Mnn In Knulund lend HI wlfo to an Insulin ,yluro!
Wlfey-Humpli' Uver here they Sfn cully drive m ilnrr
If so, let us figure on your
lumber bill,
Wu furnish Sash, Doors
nnd Blinds, Planing of all
description done to order.
Good material alwayb furnished.
Pendleton Planing Mill and
Lumber Yard
KOUEKT F0RSTER, Proprietor
Is always received when you
place your order with us.
Fir. Tamarack and
Why buy poor coal when you
can get the best for the same
Telephone Mate 51
ofllc, lurirf baf-
t.lnlnir cu M M