II 4 fHi Best for medicinal uses Your physician will tell you that you should always havo some rood whiskey In the house. For accidents, falntlne spells, exhaustion, and other emergency uses, It rcllerea and revives. But you must hare rood whisker, pure whiskey, for poor whiskey, adulterated whiskey, may do decided harm. HAYNER WHISKEY Is Just What you need (or It roes direct from our own distillery to you, with all Its original strength, richness and Savor, carrying a UNITED STATES REGISTERED DISTILLER'S GUARANTEE ot PUR ITY and AGE and saving the dealers' enormous profits. We have over a Quarter ot a million satisfied customers, exclusively family trade, who know It Is best for medicinal purposes and prefer It for other uses. That's why YOU should try It Your money back if you arc not satisfied. Direct from our distillery to YOU Savit Oitlirs' Profits I Privints Adultiratlon ! HAYNER WHISKEY PURE SEVEN-YEAR-OLD RYE 4 FULL Syl-OO EXPRESS QUARTS H PREPAID We will send you FOUR FULL QUART BOTTLES of IIAYNER'SSEVEN. YEAR-OLD RYE for 11.00, and wo will pay tho express charges. Try It and If youdon't find It all right and as good as you ever used or can buy from anybody elso at any price, send It baok at our expense and your W.00 will bo returned to you by next mall. Just think that offer over. How could It bo fairer? If you are not perfectly satisfied you are not out a cent. Better let us end you a trial order. If you don't want four quarts yourself, get a friend to Join you. Shipment made In a plain sealed caso with no marks to show what's inside. If you can use SO QnartH or can get some of your friends to Join you, we will send you SIO OuarlH for 10.OO by lVreljfht Prepaid, thus saving you H.OO. Wo havo been In business over S3 years and have a paid-up capital ot 1500,000.00 so you run no risk. Write our nearest office and do It NOW. THE HAYNER DISTILLING COMPANY ST. PAUL, MINN. DAYTON, OHIO ST. LOUIS, MO. 45 DI3THXIBT, TROT, O. ESTABLISUXD 1866. FRAZER OPERA HOUSE I WEDNESDAY APRILl Farewell tour of the Great t LEWIS MORRISON'S X Complete Production of MUST STUDY MORE THE MASTER OF GRANGE 8PEAKS TO FARMERS, 6 L FAUST 5 5 ALL NEW THIS SEASON NEW PROLOGUE BROCKEN SCENE ELECTRICAL EFFECTS CHORAL MUSIC CARLOAD SCENERY I PRICES: $1.00, 75c, 50c. .... ....... ..... .......t...t. j. Mail Contracts, A new contract for carrying the mall from. Canyon City to Mitchell, Wheeler county, will begin next Wed nesday, when W. H. 'Damon and Sid ney Green, both of Mount Vernon, will start work. The original con tractor was 'It. N. Morrow of Sedalia, Mo., who took a contract at nearly 15000 for carrying the route. He sub let it to a Grant county resident, and a month or so ago abandoned the contract. Mr, Green has since been carrying tho route, under another ar rangement. Morrow's abandonment of the con tract caused considerable trouble in Grant county. He abandoned also the route from Canyon City southwest Into the Izeo country, and the route Gray's Harbor Commercial Co. Wc Don't Keep Everything Hut we do Keep 11 good big stock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, Rustic and Finish , in all grades. Also all kinds of Dimension Lumber, in cluding Lath and Shingles. Our stock of Doors, Win dows, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper and Apple ; Boxes Is complete, and any one in need of Lumber will I not be wrong in placing their order with the : : : Gray's Harbor Com. Co. 0. W: C. R. Depot from Long Creek to Ukiah. where connection is made with the stage for Pendleton. J. W. Caldwell of Long Creek, is carrying the Lone Creek Ukiah route and will probably fulfill the contract abandoned by Morrow. No Offense Intended. At tho exhibition of tho Internation al Livestock Association in Chicago last fan a portly old gentleman re' marked to one of the men In charge of the cattle department, "You don't call this the 'fat stock show' any more, it seems. "No," replied tho other. "It's nual Ity that counts with us now. and not quantity. You can put fat on any kind of an animal, and after Its all done ho's nothing but a big fat I I I beg pardon, sir. I I hadn't no ticedI didn't mean" The poitly old gentleman had be gun to. turn red. and the attempted apology only made the matter worse. After an Ineffectual effort to express himself he waddled on, in speechless indignation. A Safe Time to Cross. "Well, well," said the old lady liv ing inland, when she heard that her favorite grandson was going to Eur ope, "It's been a dry summer, and the sea won't bo so deep as common." Our principal exports to Korea are electrical appliances and idols. LET US FILL YOUR BILL FOR LUMBER We can supply you with Building Material of all descriptions and save you money, DOORS WINDOWS Building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand. Wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard Alia, St., Opp. Court House! iznimiiniWHUhm Did vou' aver notiea lha difference J 1 between country milk and city milk? I 11 you nare. you wui una inera u just as muen amerenee between Economy Brand Evaporated Cream and all the other brand, When you uuy traporatea (-ream, look lor ine aoove cap tacei. trial label Is our guarantee and every can Is ol uniform richness and absolutely pure, you wui see no unsightly clots In Economy Brand. It flows smoothly from the can and Is pleasing to the eye. ask your aeaier tor the right kind. HELVETIA MILK CONDENSING CO. Highland, 111. Declared That the Farmers Should Work Less and Do More Thinking Should Be a Business Man, Master Jones spoke for two hours, covering Grange work In detail and re viewing the history of farming In this country. He said when ho was elect ed master of the National Orange ho begnn gathering statistics and datn of Interest to agricultural classes and got reports from Secretary of Agri culture Wilson. These statistics, he said, showed In 18G0 the total wealth of the United States was $8,500,000, 000, of which $5,300,000,000 represent ed the wealth of the farmers. This was G2 per cent ot the wealth of the nation In 1900. Fifty years later the total wealth of the nation had increas ed to $94,000,000,000 and farmers own ed 70 per cent of this. The reports showed that 09 per cent of the exports from the United States came from farmers, which furnished 60 per cent of the total freight of the American railroads. Praised Agricultural Collenes. The speaker spoke In the highest terms of agricultural colleges, which he termed co-workers with the Grange In Its work of education along agrlrul tural lines. He urged education among farmers, and said they should solvo the great mysteries around plantgrow ers. He declared the Grange to be part of the great educational system of the United States and that the or der recognized as first in importance tho church and Its religious teachings and second, the great public school system of which he declared the ngrl cultural college one of the most lm portant branches. He reviewed at length the great combinations of capltnl and their growth ami power, and declared the farmers must organize. "Tho Patrons of Husbandry wage no war against any legitimate organizations," de- clared the speaker, "but recognizes that manufacturing and selling goods over the counter are as honorable oc cupatlons as ours so long as they are conducted legitimately." Study More, Work Less. He urged the farmers to study con ditions affecting them, and said: "Don't go about the country whining about someone getting onto your lit tie neck and crushing the life out of you, hut rise up in your might and assert your rights and maintain them. Do not imagine you can right these wrongs by working an hour earlier and an hour later each day. Cut off an hour or two from each day's work and devote it to the study of condl tions affecting your business. Const!' tuto yourself a business man. capable of handling your business upon busi ness principles. FREE MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOAl HIS "SPECIALTY." Super in a Play Put in a Few Extra Touches to His Act. The elder Wallack once played in a romantic drama in which, after tak tng an impassioned farewell of the heroine, he leaped on a horse which stood In the wings and dashed across the stage. Harper's Magazine tells a story of a performance In which something happened that was not on the program. Wallack objected to this nightly gallop, and it was arranged that one of the supers who resembled tho ac tor should make the ride. The man was accordingly dressed like Wal lack and sent to the theater in the afternoon to rehearse. He did tho work well, and the stage manager Ac-parted. But the super was not satisfied. Why, see here," he complained to a young member of the company, "that tiling is too easy; A man with a wooden leg could do It with his eyes shut, I used to be in a circus. Could I not do a few tricks?" "Certainly," said the actor, who saw a chance for a Joke. "That would be all right. Go ahead." "You think tho old party wouldn't object? "Object! Why. he ought to be tickled to death! Do It." That evening when the critical part came, Wallack saw his double already in 1 no scenes "Love, good night, good night!" cried the hero, preparing to drop over the balcony. "Stay!" cried the heroine, clinging round his neck. "Vou ride nerhans to iieaiui" "Nay, sweet, say not so: I ride to honor! With thoughts of thee In my heart no harm can come! Good night, good night." He tore himself from her embrace and dropped out of sight of the audi ence. "Go!" he hissed to tho man. As the horse leaped forward on the stage the fellow gave a mighty vault anu niighted standing on Its bare back. Ho threw ono foot un Graceful ly and danced easily on tho other. and Just before it was too late leaped into me air, turned a somersault, landed on tho horse's back, and bounded lightly to the stage. it is said that tho audience applaud ed tumultously, but Wallack's re marks aro not recorded. Explosive Sunsets. Mr. Ilascomh hnrl seen wnnrlnrn enough for his first day away from nanuury, out just as ho had settled his tired head against tho back of a lounging chair, ho heard a distant boom, "What's that?" ho demanded, start ing up. "Oh, that's tho sunset gun. Undo Ezra," said his nephew's wlfo in a soothing tone. "It goes off Just as tho stin rises and sets," Mr. nascomb's mild face took on a look that approached hostility, 'Tvo seen your talking machines and electric bell-pulls and under ground rails and overhead trusties and kerrldges kiting hero and thoro with no boss nor other signs o" draw orlng power," ho said, resentfully, "and I've set mysoir to bollove all you'vo told me. Tint I'vo seen tho sun Sacredly i Confidential This is a very important consideration in a woman's correspondence with Mrs. rinkham. It is i frrcat satisfaction to fcol that ono woman can write to another telling her tho moBt privato and confidential I details about her illness, and know that her letter will bo seen bya woman only, a woman full of Bynipathjl lor nor bick sisters, anu wnn a Knowicugo 01 woman's his greater wan mat possesseu uy any omerpenoo. Mrs. Pinkhnm never violates tlio confidence thus entrusted to licr,and although sliopuMhhw thousands of testimonials from women who hivvo been benefited by her advice and medicine, new in all her experience has she published such a letter without tho full consent, nnd often tj special request of the writer. Tho reason Mrs. rinkhamis bo amply qualified to give advico in cases of female ills is for the rem that over ono hundred thousand cases come before her each year, eomo personally, others byroaiM mis nas neon going on lor twenty years, aay alter uay, ana uay alter uay. iwonty years 01 constant succeal uunit 01 tne Knowledge tints gameo. buroiy, women aro wise in seoKing auvico irom a woman ol ti experience, especially when it is absolutely free. As nu illustration of tho crood comlnrr from such advico wo herewith nubllsh two fattens portrait of Miss lluttio DcGrout, the rending of which should give every sick woman conlidencel jiirs. A'liiKuain s unnity to ncip tnem. xnis is only ono 01 tnousantis or tno sumo Kind 01 ietta which Mrs. Pinkhant lias on file. "Deau Mns. Pctkuam: I have read with interest your advice to others to mud that I thought I would wrlto to you, for I have been (suffering for a long time I hire mi bearing-down pains, and such shooting pains go through me. I have headache, baclo&l and feel tired. Menstruation is very painful, sometimes have to stop work and lie don I My stomacn Dloats ternary, ana 1 am troumeu witn wliltcs. Hoping to bear ircmjai soon, I remain, 1 July 84th, 1900. Miss IUttik DkGroat, Succasuma, N. J." 1 " Dkar Mns. Pimntilf : I can hardly find words to thank you for your advice ui wonderful Vegetable Compound. I was in a terrible state, every part of my body scbti was very nervous, had hysterical spells. I think I would have become insane had it Ml been for Lvdla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. Your letter told me just what to k and your medicine cured me, and I cannot express mv thanks." March 8th, 1001. Miss Uattie DkGkoat, Succasuma, N. J." I No other medicine In tho world has received such widcspreadM I UnaunllflCfl lnilnniimnnl. Vn nflmr tti1IItia lina sitrli n, rCCOrunl cures of fcmnle troubles or such hosts of grateful friends. Do not he pcrsuadeJI T II II F II 11 V nrhnr mmllnlnn lu I,.,. .1 . . .1 , i ,i .i.nf hfflf .Y"r case, tie is seeking a lurprcr profit. Follow tho record of tins mcmciugi ana remember that the thousands of cures of women wIiohr leHer nro nnnstrmr.lv nrinted in will paper were not brought about by "souiotliinx else," but by Lydla E. rinkham's Vegetable Componnd. lfV'V all my dnys In Banbury, and I know there ain't strength enough In it when it's setting or when It's rising to tetch olfn gun, without there's works going on. In this place that ain't Scrip tural nor fitting.'' Not Attending to Business. Tho shrewdness of one ot tho found ers of a famous estate In Maine gavo rise to many amusing stories, one of which has recently been retold. One day tho man, who was a largo lumber operator, was superintending a crew which was breaking up a log Jam In tho river. Suddenly tho spruce on which ho was standing slipped. The lumberman dropped out of sight In tho water, and tho logs closed over him. The nearest Frenchman saw the ac cident. Hopping brlakly over tho slippery logs, ho helped tho "boss" to land. Nothing was said about tho acci dent. After an hour or so tho Frenchman began ot get anxious bo cause tho reward which lie consider ed due him was not forthcoming. He approached the lumberman, and pull ing ciumsuy at nis cap. stammered; I see you fall in, m'sleur. an' I run queek to pull you out 'foro you drowned." "Prob'ly." snapped the lumberman. 'prob'ly, If you'd been 'tondlnrr to business as you'd oughter, you wouldn't havo seen me fall in." IE MISS MAY MARKELL, A Society Bello of London, Canada. Vast Returns. Of thn nrnrltirlniia anm nf ti ttoo 014.000 receiver! liv rnllwnv nnmnn. nies of tho United States in tho year Just reported upon by tho Interstate rnmmnrofl pnmmlnatnn tfiirtTiQ nnn or three-eights, went for wages, J420,- uuu.uuu ior otner expenses or opera tion. x.iOD.onn.non fnr intri .i ' I . , . . ....... uuu taxos, and 165,638,000 for permanent impruvurnunis anu miscellaneous ex penses leavlnir 131 flan nnn fnr ,ui (lends about two and six-tenths per cum on tno siock and $!M,7(H,000 tor surplus or resorvo. nornr linn becomo chief Justlco of the snpromo COUrt Of Wvomlnr' linilnr ilin ln, which provides for tho rotation of tho sovoral Justices of the court In tho uiKiiesi. pince. Jiuigo Corn Is tho first man of his nnllMra uihn l.nn no i - - ..Ma w,ui uc cnpled tiio position. ISS MAY MAHKELL of London, Ontario, Canada, is a beauti ful girl who knows what suffering is and Wine of Cardtii has brought her back to health, Sho is one of the social favorites of her home and her recovery to health has permitted her to enjoy the company of her many friends'inatead of lvinn on abed of sickness and suffering. For the health she now enjoys she gives credit to Wine of Cordui. She .writes:, "I have found Woe o( Gtrdul an excel lent remedy for female trouble. I suffered for three yean with terrible bearing-down pains at the menstrual period. 1 could hardly stand on my feet and was never real well. Wine of Cardul wax the only medicine that I could depend on to do me any good, as I tried several with no suc cess. Wine of Cardul cured me and I have now enjoyed perfect health for two years, and give you all the credit for I know you deserve it." Pora young girl Wine of Cardul is tbebeat remedy to guide her through VDBunhood by starting the menstrual flow in n healthy and I ural manner. Jlcnstnut started right is very eaJJJ 1 rVirnuch ! years of mature womaiuja! Then tho "CiiangB j-1 need not be feared, Winn Pnrrllli is WW best relief from yorath old age. A million wo. IJUVU DCVUIm , from their suffenngj bJBfl im? this treatment. It relieTeJi"! strual troubles in an incredibif m time. In a simplo case of ftW menses Wino of Carduinevfc""v; relieve disordered menses is w the cause of other femalo troubles. . i :.: :n tail vnn that to ra the cause of a disease renders twj .Al.lnm fails tO Vm the cure. Jf you would .haTeWJ W relief which Miss Markell secffl4 ... m V-.. f.irr1 wine or ijaruui. ii- zJTumHH out an examination and witw&fl the privacy of your home wdjfj men are feeling the vigor health by taking Wine of Card? WINE of CARD VI A million suffennff-JT have found relief Wino of WW". On Its Merit Has the large demand for Byes' Best FM d . . . . . . -.iters 1 occn mini up. unly the choicest wheat that grow w..- , to Byers Best Flour. It's perfection in Flour. Made ") PENDLETON ROLLER HttM W. S. Byers, Proprietor.