East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 28, 1903, Image 7

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    onder Sale No. 4
4 a 7 m
.fjQ Fancy kiddohs, m proper swie tor
Prfce ,5c nd 20c- bonder
. p,ich Flannelette, regular prfce 20c yd.
Wofltef Sale pnce
0 pieces Fancy Walstmgs, worth 25c yd. Wonder
Sale Price 2t-2c yd.
" . (j;30 to' 9 O'clock.
See Printed Programs
Corner Main and Alta Streets.
ATUHDAY, MARCH 28, 1903.
.it i mir tnwnsMnR In Wn.Ho-
t.. ha ntinnnn rn hhllik
..n iMnrtPrn wooumun luuuu
. a v T"i t.nll Dflnrilalnn
nra li hnsiprn uruKUii i-iuouj-
. IMUU, Ul.
01 P. CuIlVUlHMlH Ul VI1U uumu
nrii l h i j i 1 ii i ix ii ii mill mi c
. i A. T
jr ZD. June .i rreuuyiunun gen-
assentfiy, us Angeies, uni.
. a. .A I T f n 4n IT T T
. Pendleton.
tz nasmrn uregon u. A. n. eu
am. union
B 7 a anrf limn v: iivnn
. tanner.
p i t'roaiivmi'mn Anni urtii'
Shanlko .
R II VI Sm'OII l nun Ai itnntinl
Juno IB, 1C Wool sales, Baker
Juno 18, 19 Wool sales, Elgin.
June 23, 24, 2D State Federation of
Women's Clubs, Astoria.
July C-10 Forty-second annual
meeting National Educational Asso
ciation, Boston, Mass.
August 17 National 0. A. R. en
campment, San Francisco.
Soptembor 8-11 National Irrigation
congress, Ogden, Utah.
' He Likes Pendleton.
J. 0. Mack, the well known travel
ing man for a wholesalo liquor house,
was In the city yesterday en route
westward. His home Is at The Dalles.
Mr. Mack avers that times are easier
and that there Is leBS complaint In
Pendleton from the business men,
than at noise, Butte, Baker City.
Sumpter or La Grande, or in any of
the Intervening towns In Western
Montana, Idaho and Eastern Oregon.
HttlWlllin. II. II ft .III
article Within rvnrU rf m
rm mm
. I II' M 1 A aT T
something possessors
.w..ib iaic in
.,u tv UlllUllilSr
i&j n ww mm mm, -
thereRular nrir. w,..
me n nn.;nn.
n Kami
lloculnr Cut
Price Prlue
$14.00 $9,33
IK ftn 1A AA
er pitcher 16.00 10.66
, 12.00 8.00
?NPPy 6.50
w set 22.nn
To Shear Sheep.
J. A. Lleuallen and John and Goo.
Ridenour, nil of Weston, are In the
city today on their way to Shanlko,
where they will shear sheep. There
Is a public corral at Shanlko, where
111,000 head of sheep are being shear
ed this spring. Seven cents per ewe
and eight cents per wether Is being
paid over there for shearing.
Try Oratz'a clam chowder.
Oyster cocktails at Gratz's.
Choice meats at Homer's.
Fresh fish dally at Castle's.
Sea food fresh at Castle's.
Best rhoo work at Teutsch's.
Smokers' supplies at Neuman's.
Hohbach's baking is always good.
Ladles' half soles 40c. Teutsch.
Piano for rent; enquire this office
Drop Into Clark & Co.'s for a social
Spring samples, large line, at Joer-gor's.
Rooms to
rent, 407 West Alta
shoes repaired at
Making Improvements.
An EaBtern man named Frazier,
who lately bought two residences on
West Webb street of Paul Sperry, has
begun to put considerable Improve-
inents on the properties which adjoin.
He will build an addition 10x10 feet
and one and n half stories In height
to each. When completed he will re
side In one and lease the other.
Ran Pack Train In 'CO's.
Hon. John Halley and wife, who
have been visiting their sons, T. G.
and John Halley Jr., returned to their
home at Boise. Mr. Halley, Sr., was
one In congress from Idaho, and Is
one of the old-timers of that state.
Ho ran a pack train across Boise ba
sin during the 'GO's.
Wheat on Reservation.
V. H. Parr, the Interpreter, states
that a good deal of the wheat on the
reservation looks quite poorly on ac
count of the poor start It received In
the fall, and on account of the cold
nights that have prevailed of late.
Cement Sidewalk.
Bids for construction of 2C0 feet of
cement sidewalk 10 feet wide, will be
received up to April 1, and Informa
tlon about same given by Frank B.
"Is she a good manager?"
"Doesn't her husband look it?"
Detroit Free Press.
I you use Graln-0 In place of
coffee you will enjoy it just as
much for it tastes the same; yet, It
ia like a food to the system, Us
tributlng the full substance of the
pure grain with every drop.
.U grocer, everywhere; Uc. and 26c. lierptcluge
vi ma unve i in frhTuDDrvofu;
.....voe uiiycvjii. i.e. J
mu mn " v mmeui uaurnrniA.
i. . m 1 1 r 1 1 i'i. ...I.. .
iiMAii.r .. .a iai vimr nu'n .anri.,
rw. . i . v i'hijiit nrii. i - .. . --'
r-..uie inn.,..,. "ir i la.rM liiar. n
received a
r California
e tret this
ThUOIl U abnolutely
faction If you will notice
'rieifiih....; .-""-"i u iaM hi a r ia m ivm fin. it ih
bMn .j. .y"uierreit Mil. h.. :. j - . . " . . ,
n nil . ' 1 tl L( 1 Ir. . . 7" " ' ' "w " ""J
"u are Practically tasteless.
ra. - ior everv kliwi r -..t i
w . jui5 ur wuwevcr jruu use utuwi
Cl?.?. tut It L".?oubt' comlder Olive Oil too expensive for or
bk. ., . ' M B 1uart equal to about two pounds
bl.. uii is equal
Phased to show , ..
" jruu uur UII.
m Wain St., Toward the Court Hose
Have your
Clark & Co.'s new cigar store for
good smokes.
Crescent and Rambler bicycles, 20
to $35. Nolf's.
Hays' cigar store, headquarters for
smokers' supplies.
Smoke "The Pendleton Favorite,"
made by J. Devlin.
Clark & Co.'s new cigar store now
open. Ell building.
Have you had your shoes repaired
at Teutscnv Try lilm.
Call for Hohbach's bread and get
the bust. It's always good.
Imported llmburger and Swiss
cheese sandwiches at Gratz's.
Fresh stock of candles and fruits
at Miller's, 209 Court street.
"El Sldelo," the best cigar made, at
Ileos' cigar store. Court street.
Go to Collier & Co. for best of dry
red fir, black pine and cottonwood.
William h. Noble has filed a netl-
tlon for divorce from Jane R. Noble.
Lot for sale; great bargain; Raley's
addition. Inquire at 403 Alta street.
Our new spring patterns for suits
nre lor inspection. Selbert & Schulz,
The Oregon Dally Journal can be
found on sale at Frazler's book store.
Blacksmith shop In Pendleton for
sale. See Earnhart, Association
block-. '
Wanted Two or three dozen chick
ens; Plymouth Rocks preferred. Ad
dress Box 124.
If you want a business location on
Main street, come and see me. I have
four. E. T. Wnde.
or Kent furnished room, one
block from middle Main street. In
quire at this office.
For Sale Residence with one, two
or three lots, located at 517 Jane
street. Call at house.
Mrs. Campbell has received her sec
ond Invoice of trimmed hats. Many
chic new patterns are shown.
Jack McPhall, who lives seven
miles east of Pendleton, has lately
finished a largo machine shed.
Beautiful 6-room cottage, two lots,
shade and fruit trees, nicely located.
Reduced to f 1,600. E. T. Wade.
Nice furnished rooms are offered
for rent on East Alta street. See
classified columns for particulars.
Houser always furnishes good
meat. Send In your order. Market
Alta street, opposite Savings Bank.
For Sale Brick building with
basement. 50x90, on Main street. Good
property at a bargain, Easy terms, j
E. T. Wade.
Clay Moss, a farmer six miles east
Of Milton, is occupying his residence,
built recently, and has also complet
ed a new barn.
Best investment on Pacific Coast
today Is In Yakima valley. See the
Nessly-Scott Investment Company
"ad" elsewhere,
Four hundred and eighty acres good
level land, good house, all fenced,
plenty of water. 200 acres In barley,
?3,500. E. T. Wade
For RentSuite of rooms In East
Oregonlon building. Steam heated
Hot and cold water and bath room on
same floor. Inquire at this office.
The Knights of Pythias district
convention at Walla Walla will con
vene on the 10th instead of the 19th
of April.
Ben Osborn, a farmer living three
and a half miles east of Milton, on
the river, has lately finished a barn.
During the spring and summer lie will
build a residence.
F. W. Walte has received his new
hammerless Remington shotgun,
which cost him 9150. With this gun
he yesterday broke 49 clay pigeons
out of a possible 50, at the regulation
distance, at the range south of town.
Coming From Missouri.
I. I.. Earnhart, of Deepwater. Mo.,
a brother of W. T. Earnhart, will ar
rive here In a few weeks, with the In
tention probably of locating. It Is
possible that Mrs. M. A, Earnhart,
the mother of the Earnhart brothers,
will come West with him.
It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse
Tfae following Specials ate good
for the rest of this month
Until March 31st.
Another line of mens $(.00
Wool underwear 50c
What's left of the $7.50 and
$9.50 mens suits $3.75 and $4.75
(0 dozen mens heavy sweaters
60 and 75c. all at , - 35c
5 dozen bov. heavy sweaters
50c, until March 3t 25c
A few of the ladies 50 and 75c
fancy hose for 25c
Just received the most gorgeously
beautiful assortment of ladies neckwear
from 25c to $2.50 each that it has
ever been our pleasure to show.
HO yards silk, grenadine summer
fancies worth 75c, 35c
A few of the JOc outings to go at
per yard 5c
Ladies Ultra shoes, few left, regular
$3.50 for $2.50
j The Peoples Warehouse
George Baker Dying.
Dr. M. V. Turley, of Weston, states
that George W. Baker, a well-known
former resident of Pendleton, is dy
ing of tuberculosis in St. Alphonsus
hospital, at Boise, He has been in
the hospital six weeks, and in uoiso
fiom Pendleton, about .a year and a
Woodmen Attention,
Pendleton Camn No. 41. W. O. W.,
will have an entertaining program for
Its members tomorrow night. All
members cordially invited.
For Sale.
11-room house and lot, 2 blocks
from Main street, suitable for a home
boarding house. Would rent for 30.
Price 13500. N. T. Conklln.
Agitation is on foot In Germany
against Chinese labor In Samoa,
where the first shipload of Chinese
coolies has arrived.
Thirty-five villages In Klelce, Rus
sian Poland, are under water through
the overflowing of the Vistula, due to
Ice blocks, ,
State Superintendent Ackerman
Thinks There Should Be But One
Normal School in Oregon.
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Achennan says he would prefer but
one state normal school, and that the
state pay students' transportation to
and from this school, to the four nor
mal schools which the state main
tains. He Is right; one first-class school,
one of as high grade as any In the
country, would be preferable to four
Inferior schools, and It would be
cheaper to pay the students' fares,
as the superintendent suggests, than
to maintain the three extra schools.
But there is no prospect that such a
change will be made. It has been
easy for the state to acquire normal
schools under the log-rolling process
of legislation, but to get rid of any of
them will be difficult. If pot impossi
Whether tho proposed consolidation
Of country schools, or of such country
schools as are within a few miles of u
town school with tho latter, Is a good
policy, and how far It can be suc
cessfully carried out, uro questions
upon which those Interested will not
agree. But it would seem safe to rely
to a great extent on the Judgment of
Superintendent Ackerman and other
experienced teachers. Portland Telegram.
Base Ball Goods.
April Century,
The April Century promises to bo a
Washington issue. Charles Moore,
clerk of tho senate committee on tho
District of Columbia, has written the
leading article of the month, "The
Restoration of the White House,'
lavishly illustrated by Jules Guerln,
Alfred Brennau, Otto H. Bacher and
Cecilia Beaux. Francis E. Leupp will
tell about "Some More Humors of
Congress"; and tho Hon. W. R. Mer
riam, director of the census, has writ
ten with authority on "Tho Kvolutlon
of American Census Taking." I.ucy
Norvell Clark's "Valjean" will bo a
story of a noble St. Bernard and dip
lomatic life in the nation's capital.
WE ARE pleased to advise that
we have received a full new
stock of those celebrated
$2.50 Shoes
! ! ! NOTICE THE ITEMS ! ! !
5 do best quality League BaU
made from seooud growth ash .
The best bat on the market for
90o, Other bat from lOo up.
I) ilozua Strong lunilu 1 1 ova UiiIIh nt
Special Go Kac-li.
The Delicacies
of the season are alwayf.
found at our restaurant.
At present we have
Finest Oysters Frog
Legs Clams f Crabs
f and f Lobsters
and other salt and fresh
water foods
The French
DICYCI.E SUKnitlKS: Tire Tape So; Tub
cement 3c; Bike Belli 20c o 74r Gooii Rod
Tlree KM) net; 'Three la One oil" the 'tie ilxe
ltc. Xtc. Ktc.
ICYCLES-Cratoent and
Rambler $20 te $35
The Nolf Store
Telephone Main 4
It costs mo mora to ralM a Hm variety
of vegetables than the poorer kind.
The question of the seed you select determines tiie kind of
proi'uce your garden yields.
If you use Lily, Bogardus & Co's you can be confident of
getting the finest varieties on the market. They are sure pro
ducers being especially adapted to this climate.
wan or writs ror one. muck valuable laformatlosj
la coatalnsd la these catalogues. i : i
Thompson Hardware Co.,
62 Main Street
Z Going to Fish. See us for Anglers supplies,
This is the shoe we had last fall
and sold out every pair before
we could get more of them. We
have arranged to keep them cons
tantly on hand, so you had better
try a pair,
DESCRIPTION Vici kid, Good-
year welt, patent tip, smooth
insole, flexible and new spring' J
iusi, ia;e.
Boston Store
'.mini 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiin mi
i nnArnr. Annni iiAimnl
: BAKER & WELCH. Mgrs, MARK M00RH0USE, Local Mgr.
A Romance of
An idyll of the Tennessee hills by E. C. Callahan.
One of the most thrilling American plays ever written.
A romance of the South, with a perfect picture of life
in that interesting portion of this big United Spates,
See the Great Cotton Press Scene. All Special Sceiwy' f
ana stage apnoinimenis carried oy wmpaay,
Ulllllk'Ut VI f If UKn Kiln 'XKI t .1.1