4 '11 j, 'Cf.'lV TVHWi "-r nrHT(OiE - 5n California ffherC materials are -i...A The lowest priced roofing made. Lasts longer than all .L Tt is weather and water-proof and fire resisting. ...1 kt booklet. I The Paraffine Paint Co. Sir Francuco, statue, Poriluid, Lot Angelu ind Denver, Colorado. i WAS SO SCARED hen they said they had not got 'inoaa wagon that his hat went I lot be knew that M eagle Bros te the Winona Hacks, Buggies Wigonsand that these goods Iwarramedhrst-class; ne knows first-class repait work is al ls done by Neagle Bros., at iooable prices It u it the big; brick shop, corner rra Cottonwood streets. NIAOLE HROTHBRB ai runnteo the Btorei GatoMne Ml E YOUR CHOICE te ot the finest residences in leton 11 rooms nil lementS: nrettv lawn? rnmnlnin P. $2,500 down, balance on time. joiner residence 7 rooms, with , sewerage, electric lights; pretty li shade trees within tin- I , "t " Lilt UJIIkHD aln street, $2,500. aw nouses and lots from S600 to Ce resldpnnn lnta icn &en ,v ri.v. aiiu Other Town Property, and Ranches. Terms, Where Desired, nnvn . . -I vuuri aireei KUPS Monopole, Rock Candy, Ked Star -nA mi..... r . :- ,-" hu nose " half gallons, gallons, Jaets and pails. Radishes Onions Celery THE Lit n i vjfoccrv Crt Street Sellers of r. - mm . Ml f'J'mV A A I CHENG TUNG TALKS Yftn ii I -" - AI w. AlUHim ' -""www J .... THE NEW CHINESE MINISTER AS TALKATIVE AS WU. Thinks Chinese Laborers Should Not Be Allowed to Come to This Coun try Without Restrictions. San Francisco, March 21. Among uiu jiuBuiiKfiH on me steamer Korea, which arrived here today from tho Orient, was Sir Cheng Tung, K. C. M. O., the now Chinese minister to the United States. Minister Tung is ac companied by his entire suite and the party Includes about 20 students. Most prominent among this last cate gory Is the eldest son of Viceroy Chang Chlh Tung. There Is also in the student party tho only son of Tu mi Fung, tno enlightened Manchu governor of Hupoh, and a third dis tinguished figure among the students Is the son of tho lato Hsla Tung Shan chief imperial tutor of the late Em pcror Tung Chili. Theso throe scions of nobility nnd two others In tho party came to the United Stales to study, at their own expense, while tho re maining members of tho student bodv enter tho colleges of this country mi nor tno auspices 01 tno Chinese gov ornmcnt. Some of tho students have long reacned tnoir majority and several among them have reached the period of ripe manhood. The party will remain In this city for somo time before proceeding to wasiungton and otner Eastern cities. Mlnlstor Cheng Is accompanied by his daughter and two sons. In his suite are r3 secretaries, diplomats and legation attaches, as well as nine servants. His private secretary is Yung Kwai, who acted In a like ca pacity on the staff of cx-Ministor W11 Ting Fang. Ho Is a graduate of Ynlo nnd has seen much service In the Chi nese diplomatic service. Thirteen or the diplomats of the party will bo stationed at Washing ton. Four will bo sent to Peru, whore Mr. Chun will be Installed ns consul. Lto Ngan To will go to Cuba, whero he will take charge of the consulate there, succeeding Cow Tse Chi, who will come to San Francisco as consul. K. T. Shah will becomo consul at Now York. Cheng to Imitate Wu. Minister Cheng In an Interview said: 'I can follow no bettor example than that of Minister Wu. Ho tried to educate tho American people out of their prejudice against my coun trymen as a race, or course, I real ize that the American will never per mit the unrestricted coming of Chi nese laborers; nobody desires that. I don't think It would bo wise if they did. But tho American government and American statesmen have shown a friendly spirit toward China In the troublcsomo times of the last threo years, and I hope much from that. I will maintain friendly relations and will try to do what 1 can along the lines marked out by Minister Wu to secure an amelioration of existing laws. I know what unrestricted Im migration would mean and I realize how much this is an issue with the American pcoplo and American poli ticians. I will do what I can, but do not expect to do too much. It is a question of hoping." The Boxer Troubles. Asked concerning tho renewal of the Boxer troubles, reported especial ly from Canton, Sir Cheng said: "The Canton trouble was not at all serious. I was there at the time of Its occurrence. Canton Is my home. There woro a few arrests and that ended It. Really, It was a disturbance and a very slight one, fomented by a mob, without leadership and without organization. There was nothing else to it. But it might have been serious If there had been loaders. "No, It was not tho work of the fol lowers of Kwang Yu Wei. It Is most unjust to him to say that. It was an- othor faction altogether thnt caused tho trouble. But there has been, and, I think, will he, no renewal of the Boxer troubles. China Is at peace with the world and will remain at peace. The newspapers aro printing stories of renewed outbreaks, but I think they are only taking advantage of the general public Ignorance con cerning China to amuso their readers;" Before They Were Hatched. A dally paper gives this Incident, roported by a profossor of science who had gone South with an expedi tion to obsorvo an eclipse. The day boforo tho phenomenon tho professor called to ,an old negro belonging to the house where he was staying: "Sam. If you watch your chickens tomorrow morning, you'll find they'll all go to roost at eloven o'clock." Sam was skeptical; but at the ap pointed hour the heavens were dark ened and the chickens retired to roost. The negro's amazement knew no bounds. He sought out the pro fessor and approached him In awe. "MaBsa." said he. "how long ago did you know dem chickens would go to roost!" "Oh, a long time ago." "A year .ago, massa!" "Yes." "Dat beats all! A year ago dem chickens wasn't hatched." Tho death of Mrs. Jessie Benton Fremont recalls the story of how her father, Senator Benton, of Missouri, violently opposed her union to Lieu tenet (aftorward general) John C. Fromont. After her marriage the senator wont to ,a newspaper office and handed in a notico announcing tho wedding of "Jessie Benton to John C. Fromont." The editor sug gested that tho groom's name was usually put first, whereupon Benton said explosively: "It will go In that way ,or not at all. Fremont inn noi marry my daughter; she married htm." SUNDAY AT Mlstroas So vou want ino to read this lovo lottor to you?" Maid If you plazo mum. And 1 ve brought vo somo cotton wool ye can THE CHURCHES M. F. r.hnrj-U C...4L n . .... ,..v,,, ouum ounnay services as follows: 10 a .m., Sunday SCiinol t Tfl fori ... l j-.... , ., nunc iiuunueiii; 11 a. m., preaching by pastor, sermon il lustrated by chalk drawings, with class service after sermon; 3 p. m., Junior Epworth League, conducted by Mrs. Mary W. Jones; Union Epworth League and Young People's societies, at 6:30 p. m led by Miss Mary Bust, at Baptist church; 7:30, union service at Baptist church. E, B. Jones, pas- In O Church of the RH.mn r.l..l.. service tomorrow at hours as follows: Early celebration of tho holy com munion at S a. m Sunday school at 10 a. m., morning prayer, baptism and sermon at 11 nVlnnl.- mwi.v confirmation class at 4 p. m. Evening mayor anu nanress at 7:30. Tho ser vices during the rest of tho week will be held daily as heretofore. Tho bishop of the diocese will bo present April G, Palm Sunday, (0 administer the anoslolln rite nr clnss will be presented in tho even- Methodist Enlsr.-.nal r.hnroh c.,. dnv school at 10 JV. m AT fln'nn superintendent. Preaching' at 11 a! m. Class meeting, 12:15 p. m Bev. G. W. Blgby, leader. Epworth League. C:30 n. m. Evancellstlr. rw. vice. 7:30 11. m. All nrn rnrrllnlK- Invlted to be present. Ilobcrt War ner .pastor. 0 First Bantlct r.hiir-h Qm, fin school at 10 a. m.. Spencer Simmons, Rlinni-lntnnriont At 11 nVlnni' tlm pastor will preach. Tho subject will ne, "ino inree-ioui salvation." in tho CVpnlnr- thn iinlnn nnsun mnnltnrr will hold the regular services, notices 101- which piease see elsewhere, k. W. King, pastor. Congregational Church Sunday services as follows: Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning worship and preaching, 11 o'clock. Subject, "Les sons From the Sea of Tiberius." This church will join in the afternoon and evening union services at the Baptist church. J. Edwards, pastor. West End Chapel Corner Webb and Maple streets. Sunday school at 2:30. Praise service on Tuesday evening. All Invited. First Presbyterian Church 10 a. m., Sunday school; 11 a. m.. sermon by the pastor; 3 p. m.. Junior En deavor; fi:30 p. m., union meeting of the young people In the Baptist church; 7:30 our people will join in the union gospel sevice In the Bap tist church. The pastor and officers of the Sunday school noted with Pleasuro the greatly Increased num ber of quite young children In tho Sunday school a week ago, and would 1 I -'" ft s'O'VV t j V-' Mniiiif sim'ii i 1 inhiiiT iii 1 111 11 r,Yi,iii mi ii htH '.lihmifcSib The Children Enjoy Life out of doors and out of the games which they play and the enjoyment which they receive and the efforts which they make, comes the greater part of that healthful development which is so essential to their happiness when grown. When a laxative is needed the remedy which Is given to them to cleanse and sweeten and strengthen the internal organs on which it acts, should be such as physicians would sanction, because its component parts are known to be wholesome and the remedy itself free from every objectionable quality. The one remedy which physicians and parents, well-informed, approve and recommend and which the little ones enjoy, because of its pleasant flavor, its gentlo action and its beneficial effects, is Syrup of Figs nnd for the same reason it is the only laxative which should be used by fathers and mothers. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy which acts gently, pleasantly and naturally without griping, irritating, or nauseating and which cleanses tho system effectually, without producing that constipated habit which results from the use of the old time cathartics and modern imitations, and against which the children should be so carefully guarded. If you would have them grow to manhood and womanhood, strong, healthy and happy, do not give them medicines, when medicines are not needed, and when nature needs assistance in the way of a laxative, give them only the simple, pleasant and gentle Syrup of Figs. Its quality is due not only to the excellence of the combination of the laxative principles of plants with pleasant aromatic syrups and juices, but also to our original method of manufacture and as you value the health of the little ones, do not accept any of the substitutes which unscrupulous dealers sometimes offer to increase their profits. Please to remember, the full name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. is printed on the front of every package. In order to get its beneficial effects it is always neces sary to buy the genuine only. For sale by all re liable druggists. ..vi vt (rem ';.'U. y,i. c-v. T-' Z&M? r:3:AF. 11.. 1. vnmw 1 - w-SfffHU V NT a;-. , ,. ' ... 9 v. "1 Am'V'v ...... o v- vt.N' 1 V.. .' . .-v, S 4. -A' i . -v Vr""vi "n kindly urge all the parents to see that the children are all In their places on each Sunday morning. Strangers In the city are especially invited to all the services. Robert J. Diven, pastor. The Union Gospel Meeting. At 4 o'clock tomorrow Itev. Levi Johnson will give in the Baptist church an address to men only, tho subject of which will bo, "Plain Points on Personal Purity." Admis sion will bo by ticket, which can bo had at the barber shops nnd hotels, also o ft lie pastors of the churches. Boys under 12 yenrs will not bo ad mitted. A male chorus will lead tho singing. At 0:30 the young pcoplo's societies of tho churches In tho union meeting will meet together and at 7:30 the regular union evangelistic servlco. Theso ovonlng meetings, which have been bo helpful, will bo continued ench evening during tho week at tho Baptist church, and it is hoped that everyono who desires tho Inatlng good for our city will attend nnd glvo all tho personal aid possi ble, n. W. King, chairman. NICOLA COAL BRITISH COLUMBIA COAL FIELD To be opened up and developed by American capital and enterprise. THE Western Coal and Iron Company 50 J Bernice Building, Tacoma, Wash. With Nelson Bennett as president, have secured a largo tract of coal land in tho Nicola Valloy, Uriti&h Columbia, in all, 26G0 acres, or four full sections, with five large seamB of coal known to underlay tho land, and containing over 100,000,000 tons of tho highest grade of Bituminous Coal that hae beon found in the Northwest. It makes tho finest and best coke in the world, and for steam and domestic purposes there is no better coal pro duced in the country. The coal is situated in Southern British Columbia, about 100 miles east of Vancouver, British Columbia and from New Whatcom and Bellingham Bay points. Tho Canadian Pacific Railroad and the Great Northern Railroad are now both ready to construct and extend thoir lines into tho Nicolu coal field and will be the re this year. This beautiful-Nicola Valley will then be turned into a beehive of gigantic industries. Tho Western Coal and Iron Company are now offering the first block of its treasury stock at tho low rate of 15 Cents Per Share The Crow's Nest coal shares sold in 1898 for 10c per share. Today the stock is worth $125 per share; it ad advanced from 10c to $36 in two years. And it is safe to say that tho Nicola Coal offers today just as good chanco to the inve&tor as did the Crow's Nest in 1896. We are quite certain that the stock is sure to advance to par ($1 per share) this year. Jf you want to be in it on tho ground floor and make 700 per cent on your invostmunt in a few months, decide quick as this 15c stock will not last very long The stock will be advanced noxt month. The Standard Oil Company has bought 2660 acres, the adjoining coal land, only 2 miles from our Company's prop erty and in the very same coal basin and paid $2,500,000 CASH FOR THE LAND This is glorious news to those holding Western Coal and Iron Company's stock. The Tacoma company in tends to place their coal on the market here as soon as shipping facilities havo been furnished. For further in formation I cordially invite you to call at my office, where samples of the coal, roports, maps, diagrams, prospect uses, letters from prominent bankers, lawyers and other business men, who have investigated this coal proposition can bo seen. Respectfully, JOHN HHILEY, JR., LOCAL AGENT, Room 16, Judd Building, PENDLETON, OREGON 1 stuff In yor ears while yo read It! Punch.