DAILYEVENINGEDmOW $ Eastern Oregon Weather Tonight and Sunday occasional I train; cooler Sunday; high wlndB. 2 15C A tt PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OI&GfN, SATURDAY, MAltCII 28, 1900. NO. 4703. ID RISH ext of Proposed Land . .1 I... Atinrl- , introduced try , Made Public. ECRETABY DID NOT :XPLAIN MANY FEATURES. L commissioners' Board Pro- tor will Have Most Extraor- Good or Evil IPU Arrears of Rent Due. U.rrh 2S.-TI10 text of the land 'purchase bill, which was Iced In the house nt common Irish secretary,' Mr. Wyndham, today last Imb been given 1, iwnnics ! 6 " ' In- paper anil bristles with Millies. The full wording re many Important features which not mentioned in an. J . , lipcech when me uui wns mi"- fintars of rent due at the time Lpirchase of land are recovem- lireirs lor a yeur umy, u i"--I; cabled. Tho land commls- I! tower, are given puwui m l'cases to remit part or nil of rLmmUslnnerR am not permit- I pnrcime estates which are not fc jpicmiurai or iniHiorai. fcer is exempt under this clause. lues of untenanted estates pur Fiw ihf enmmlsslonorB thev are mi to Inspect the necessary ot Improvement, which trcmon- I enlarge tne scope 01 uic com '1 expenditure. 1 coimlsslon is empowered 10 tub-tenants to lie tne tenants ftoldlnr hv them, which will benefit hundreds. h;, shooting and mineral l.whfoh Ara .nmnnp tho mnfll Irenlal, will bo vested In the leiloners when an estate Is pur- I Mil pan ho itlQnnanri nf ao (hn Issloners decide. The commls- 11 are also empowered to ne p hnnnilflrv nnrt nMinr rilartiitnn (a the proprietors of holding LL. LI1I me uiii. I commission has the flrst claim IrhnBO Knntrnn natntna onrl .on them to tenants or use portions wu lur me repatriation ot evict- pms. Tne latter point is re- 11 as oeing one or tne most vital h of the bill. FLATHEADS IN REVOLT. Will Send Commission to Washington to Protest Against Cattle Tax. Missoula, Mont., March 28. Trou ble Is brewing on tho Flathead Indian reservation over an order made by Indlnn Agent Smcad that all Indians owning cattle In excess of 100 head must pay a tax of $1 per head, the sum to bo distributed among those Indians owning no livestock. The well-to-do Flatheads are in open revolt against tho order and have named n commission of red men to go to Washington and Interview President Roosevelt. The delegation should havo started several days ago, but a message from Chief Carlos, who was at Washington and who appears hos tile to tho plans of tho delegation, has delayed their departure. FOUL PLAY IS SUSPECTED. Ike salmon off market. Imerle In Alaskan Waters Are pnlted to Force Uo Prices. Ue, Wash., March 28. The In- ri Aiasua canneries havo do to take all tlwlr. nf ,i I' oil the market till prices go f M Pacific Packing & Navlga tompany will ,i0 tho snnie. and r mem mey control all red C ID first lmmlo n...l., ... e done, cannerleB of Ilristol bay I n nuai Wnvo nnd the clos- UWIl nf 1ft ,,!nn ot..., . 'Mja, It Is estimated this sea- wk will be 1.000.000 ensos STRIKE IN RUSSIA. 't Slatoujk Results in Death of 2&-50 Are Wounded. IkliiM . T ,T "18' I'orsons wed and 5 Owero wounded. ornH Athletes In the West. ' inTathrfnHItc1:-' March 28.-In. ente, &tlc clrcles ln thta sec- Iby ho n "uw, ln ttie t0"r boing VMM?. the 0 fff, IS! with the crack lnlve ,rt..u? of Michigan, r of pt."4800 and tho I irith th'?K0 ThIs series lies l !in , rse Weatom unl- I raeli tra,u V? lnnvatlon ln I'aa meaiirj u -V. ""'vorsity I - """n colleges. Emptov cm. Idon m. u " ln Tra"vaal. CUnSSlS? t0 Cnlna to n emn?'?iso lahor with thfl vi, Kburg t tho mlnes Sir w...s,..T7a'vaa . gallon lU"onera J Itl California the ! .ln1IHng 1 ' ,lpena sovoral '''hs the chii th. me'hodB of JWe In that state. !r?ck 1 ThleJrJPh0 trla ? e storm Ktpw on --u were disjoint- ilC n? "omoter and SBd,!. Wldenor- i"9 ""8 .n7orn.rp.loaa "i neart Handsome Indian's Death to be In vestigated. Butto, Mont., March 28. A special from Kipp, Teton county, Mont., says: Assistant United States District At torney G. H. Bailey has arrived here from Helena to Investigate the death of Joseph Fast buffalo Horse, the In dian found dead here. Three Indians nro under arrest on suspicion of hav ing committed the murder. Tho dead Indian was one of tho handsomest on tho reservation and was the envy of tho hand. From Indications, the body had been dragged by a larlnt around the redRkln's neck. THAWED POWDER IN FORGE. Blacksmith Shop Wrecked at Mine Near Cheweiah. Chowclah. Wash., March 28. An accident occured at the Copper King mine, five miles from town Thursday morning. No one was hurt. Superintendent Strobeck had just cone in the tunnel to commence work and left A. Nelson and another miner on tho outside to thaw powder on the forgo In the blacksmith shop. After fixing the powder to thaw the two men started into the tunnel. Tiiey nau cono but about 20 feet .when the pow dor exploded, completely demolishing tho blacksmith shop. COTTON MILLS ARE "-CLOSED IffimiTm 50,000 TEXTILE WORKERS OUT OF EMPLOYMENT Result of Trouble In Lowell, Mass. Mill Owners Say It Is Not a Lock out, 1 ,i I -tnaa Alnrnh "R The own ors of tho mills hero have decided not to open on Monday. They say it ta tin IntuntlcH no n Innknllt fnr the textile workers, but merely to avoid uouuie. 1 uoy win ruinum uiuocu u .lnflnltnlv If la nrnlinhln that Blml lar action will be taken In tho entire affected district eventually throwing iiu.uuu peopio out. 01 empioyiiiuiu. KEENE TO SPRING A SENSATION Alleged Plot to Turn Over Central Pacific to Union Pacific . New York, March 28. The Keene interests will spring a sensation at tho trinl of the Injunction suit against tho Union I'aciflc in Kentucky next week. They will claim to have evi denco of a plot to separate the Ceil' trnl Pacific from tho Southern Pact lie. turnlnir It over to the Union Pa clflc. This boing done It is alleged Harriman is willing to throw over tho Southern Pacific. Tho Cqnirai Paeifle would have been detached be fore if mortgages hadn't prevented. It is believed the Southern racinc au nual meeting will possibly be post poned. CANAL REFERENDUM BILL WON. Passed the New York Assembly by a Safe Majority. Albany, N. Y. March 28. Tho $101, 000,000 "canal referendum bill passed the-asBembly Thursdny by a 'vote of 87 to 85, after a discussion of nine hours, in which partly lines were prac tically abandoned. AH but three of the negative votes wero cast by re publicans, the democrats voting al most solidly for the bill. MAKES FULL CONFESSION. Plea'ant Armstrong Breaks .Down Completely at His Trial at Brker City . Baker City, March 2 Pleasant Armstrong was placed on tho witness Biaud yesterday afternoon in his own defense, and to tho surprise of all made a complete confession. To Mark Historic Spot. Wilmington, Del., March 28. The Delaware Society of Colonial Dames has arranged to hold an interesting ceremony tomorrow in commemora tion of the first landing of the Swedes in Delaware. From tho original rock on which tho landing was made a memorial tablot has been made and this will bo placed with appropriate ceremonies In tho yard of tho MoCul lough Iron Company, where tho origi nal rock was situated. Fire at Indianapolis. Indianapolis, March 28. Flro in the Hohringeon Iron Works this morning damaged that plant to the extent of 50,000, LEVEES BREAK- FLOOD COUNTRY Mississippi Waters Flowing Through Great breaches and the Whole Delta Will Be stiblnerged. TEN PEOPLE DROWNED AT GREENVILLE, AND A LARGE PART OF THE CITY, IS INUNDATED. Jackson, Miss., March 28. Dis patches from Greenville state that the crevasse ln the levees south of that place has widened Into a gap of three miles. Immense volumes of water are flooding tho country. Greenville, Miss., March 28. With a tremendous crash the levee four miles south of Greenville gave way at 11 o'clock yesterday and great quantities of water aro now pouring through a 300-foot crevasse rapidly Hooding the most fertile land in the great Yazoo delta. Major Sears, In charge of the government engineers' office here, says it Is the worst break ever experienced on the Mississippi side, and he states that the whole delta, from Greenville to Vicksburg, will be flooded. This is the first break reported on the Mississippi Bide durnlg the present high water. Another Break Reported. Greenville, Miss., March 28. Only six blocks of this city are above water. Hundreds of negroes have been rescued from the root's of their cabins. News was received this morn ing of a threatened break In the levee 30 miles north. Tho mayor issued a call forvoluntecra and 500 respond- eu., onouui a orcas ucum i point thlsjplaco will receive a deluge. The town, la in darkness because tho electric-light plant and gas houses arc submerged. Women and Children Drowned. New Orleans, March 28. Tho river fell two-tenths of a foot in the last day. This morning reports from Greenville. Miss., say that a woman nud five children were swtpi away In a house and drowned. Situation Awful. One hundred more convicts have been sent, from Huntington to assist at Greenville. Advices say that un less morcjVboats wero sent many will be drowned. The situation is describ ed as awful. Later Ten Drowned. New Orleans. March 28. Further advices; rfxim Grcenvillo say that the larger portion of the city Is Inundat ed. ThefcreVasso Is still enlarging. Four moro were drowned, making a total ot 10. The property loss is im mense. ltis;.fearcd the death list will be lncreaqcdl' GREAT EXAGGERATIONS. Missionary Just Returned From Ori ent Says China Was Never In Bet. ter Condition for Work. San Francisco, March 28. Hev. Dr. It. T Ryan, of tho Southern Baptist church, who far tho last 17 years hns been a missionary In China, has leached this city en route to his homo in North Carolina. Ho reports that tho rumors of prospective trouble rrnm mi liiniirrortlnii In Southern China havo been greatly exaggerated. Ho does not uoiicvo nny scrums trouble Is to bo apprehended. Tho withdrawal of the garrison from Shanghai recently caused an Idle ru mor to start to tho effect thnt trouble was about to arise. China hns, In fnct, according to Dr. Itynn, never before been in such good condition for tho invasion of peaceful missionaries nnd other foreigners. Some Incon venience. Is always to bo feared In out-of-the-way plnces from smnll bnnds of Insurrectionists, but In the main tho country Is not disturbed. DARING ROBBERS MAIL POUCHES STOLEN. Were Found In Cornfield Near Spring field, III. Had Been Rifled No Clue to Thief. Snrlnirfinlrl 111 MnrpVl 2R. TWO mail pouches that had been stoletf ln transrer were .luunu tcis aucrninm 'In ft coTrnfleld two miles south of this city. It had been rifled of its con tents. Checks, drafts and money or ders aggregating 1100,000 were un touched. The postofflco authorities announced the theft this afternoon. There is no clue as to who robbed the sacks. WATERS PROMOTED. Placed In Charge of Division of Sal aries In Postoffice Department. Washington, March 28. Charles Waters, of Denver, was placed in charge of the division of salaries and allowances In the poatofnee depart ment on his arrival from tho West this morning. Beaver, who resigned, under pressure, immediately retired. Athletics at Princeton. Princeton, N. J., Match 28. The Princeton University baseball nine lined up today for tho tlrst game of tho season, the opposing team being that of New York University which was substituted for Kutgers college. The hard practice of tho last few weeks has put the team In good shapo and the .outlook is considered bright for a successful season. Princeton will cross bats with Cornell. Pennsyl vania. Harvard and Yale this season, besides nearly a score or games with Institutions ot lesser note- Will Retire Himself. Paris, March 28. The army ! con siderably Interested In the fact that tomorrow General Andre, the war min ister, reaches the age l''11'1"! 05 ears, and consequently he w II havo to sign tho decree removing his name from the active army list and Placing himself in the reserve. This will not, of course, prevent General Andro re maining war minister, but U 1b potot Pd out that since the foundation-of the Third Republic this Is the first time that a war minister has had to remove his own name from the active army list. Trying to Arbitrate. Seattle, March 28. Thero was no change in the strike situation up to noon. A meeting is now being held or officials of the company, the may rr, committees of tho strikers and the Chamber of Commerce. Graney as Referee. San Francisco. March 28. Eddie Grnney hnx been selected as referee in thu JlcGovern-Corbett fight. Henry Corbett was chosen, but declined to .perve. Four Drowned at Bass Lake, Owen Sound, Ontario, March 28. Four men were drowned at Bass lake, nine miles from here Thursday, They were fishing in a leaky flat-bottomed boat, when It sank. SENT TO ASYLUM. Man Found In the Sand Hollow Coun try of Morrow County Examined at Heppner and Pronounced In sane. Word was sent Sunday to Sheriff Shutt that a crazy man was frighten ing the people In the Sand Hollow country. Sheriff Shutt 'went out and found tho unfortunnto man near Wil liam Barnctjt place, 18 miles from Heppner. ,Hels about 45 years of nge and gave.cbJsiname as Noel Roberts. Sheriff Sbuttuy a clever subterfuge, brought theitnan to this city without any trouble.&jSob,erts talked In a wan deringi maiiMrjwid, said that ho had Walked from5Th,Dlles, but was un blella'.fll!lI'ny.'worki He had been In'thc rSand' HollovH-eountry for sev eral days. He acted strangely. At intervals he would let out most un earthly yells which could be heard for a long distance. He would also make sudden starts and run with great fleetness until exhausted. He was examined by Dr. Klstner before Judge Bartholomew and pronounced Insane. Sheriff Shut accompanied by Ed Hale, took him to the asylum at Salem, Tuesday. Heppner Gazette. IN POLICE COURT. Fish and Pendell Each Fined $10 Frank Ernest Given Five Days In Jail Riley Released . Henry Fish and William Pendell were yesterday afternoon lined $10 each for disturbing the peace of two highly respectable women. The or renso wns an aggravated 0110 of Insult and Intrusion. Judge Fitz Gerald se verely lectuied the offenders. Frank Ernest was this afternoon sentenced to ftvo days In the city juil for passing liquor through the bars of tho jail to prisoners on the Inside. James B. Hlley, arrested on a charge of begging, insistently re monstrated that he was not tho man wanted Unit ho iiad not begged at all. and that tho iul'oniiiuiL was mis taken in Ills' man. The witness against Riley was equally positive that Riley was the man. Hlley claim ed that ho had a job engaged or. a Hitter Creek ranch and that he want eii to get to work as soon as pos sible. Tho Judge suspended sentence to enable him to get out ol town and al work as soon as ho could. Ho has not been seen since. BALL GAME TOMORROW. To Head the Glassblowers. Pittsburg, Pa., March 28. All indi cations point to the election of Paul St. Prtpr nf this rltv. tn succeed Si mon Burns, as president of tho Nation-1 al Union of Glnsslilowers. A reioron duin vbto wns taken several weeks ngo. but no decisive result wns reach ed. St. Peter, however, lacked but a small number of votes of winning out nnd It Is believed thnt tho second voto which Is being counted at headquar ters today, will snow ills election. American Art Exhibit Opens. Now York. Mnrrli 2S. Tho twenty- fiflli nnuiinl evlilliltioii of Urn Society of American Artists wns opened ln the Kino Arts Galleries and win con- tlnuo until May I. Both ns regards Ihn rmmlii'i' nnd hlcli class of the works displayed tho exhibition is pro nounced by critics ns runy up to tne stnndard of tho former bIiowb hold under the nusplces of tho Baino society. Wheat In Chicago. Chicago. March 28. Wheat 7251 Vi cents per bushel. First Real Game of the Season to Be Played. A llvi'lir iromn nf hull Is nrOmlBCll ot the followers of the natlonul game in Pendleton tomorrow, ino i-cupies Warehouse nine will attempt to dc font n nine from the Boston Store. The following is tho line-up of tho teams: Peoples Warehouse Pitcher, Charles Bond; catcher, Fred Hart man; flrst base, Ed Strahon; second base, James Peters'; third base, Fred Earl; left field, David Hill; right field: William Shlverick; center field, wiuard uona; snort stop, r rea iee. HoKfnn Store Pitcher. Charles Bon- ney; catcher, E. Waffle; first base, C. E. Roosevelt; second base, Robert Scott; third base, A. F. Zoellner; short Btop, Robert Kruger; left field, Frank Macey; right field, Charles liean; center nold, Mariin rinerau, Referee, I.ce Toutech. Clemens In Prlnevllle. H. A. Clemens and wife, of Port land, arrived In our city Tuesday, and expert to make prinevuie tneir iu ture home. Mr. Clemens is an export printer and come to take charge of the Review's mechanical department. The Journal extends a cordial wel come to Mr. and Mrs. Clemens and feel sure that they will like our city. Prlnovlllo Journal. Afr nnrl Mm fUpmniitt formfirlv llv ed in Pendleton. Mr, Clemens was connected with this paper and Mro, Clemens worked on me Morning pa per. INTI-TOUST LEAGUE IS IKWODGE MOOCH! Bind NightWatchman at Gar rottsville, Ohio, and Rob Postoffice and Store, ONE WAS KILLED, ONE WOUND ED AND ONE ESCAPED. After Robberies They Stole a Rip; and Drove to Ravenna There Boarded Fast Freight Were Re celved at Bedford by Officers and a Fight Ensued. Cleveland, O.. March 2S. Three rob bers entered Garretavlllo last night, met tho night wntehmnn, Btruck him down, gaged nnd bound him and took i,ii,i in tiin ttostoiilcti wheru tlioy compelled hint to watch them blow tho snre. They rotiiicd mo tin nun uion went up stnlrs and held up nnd rob 1,0.1 n fiimllv. Tlinv then crossed tho street and robbed a cash register In a store, after which tuoy waiKcu.n short distance Into the country, stolo n vlir mill ilrnvn to Rnvonnn whoro they bonrdod a fast freight. Tho nlarni reached iinvonna ami deputies on todays' passenger troln closely followed the robbers and wlrod ,1 t. tlml fnril . HIllrerH and citi zens were waiting when the robbers jumped from the tram and a running fight occurred. Ouo robber wns kill ed and another wns wounded and taken after his ammunition was ex hausted. A third escaped en route. At the Fraier. 1 nvi.ru nf the ion I. the true and tho Intellectual on tho stngo will havo a treat In wltnesslnc tho porformanco of Lewis .Morrison's "Fauat." Its beautiful scenery, wealth of mechanl cnl effects, elaborate, electrical and pyrotochnlcal display, as well as tho rnmnntnnt rnmlinliv hill fair to make its presentation on next Wednesday night In this city, on event mat win Un .nmnmlinrflil rta find nf till mORt. 'Important Iilr tho annals 'ouTtUocaUs- stage. DECLARED HE HAS BEEN INJUDICIAL IN RULING8. Charges Filed With the President To day by Counsel Stebblns Against New Justice in District of Colum bia. Washington. March 28. Chnrges wero filed with tho presldont today by Counsel Stebblns for tho Anti trust League against Judge Clnrbough, who was yesterday appointed uy tne pros' Ident to bo chief Justice of tho mi' nieine court In tho District of Colum bin vice BliiKhnm .retired. Stebblns nlloenx that Clabauuh hns several times Issued ex parte orders from tho bench to tho detriment of litigants, nnd has otlierw'so boor, unjinliclal 111 his rullngB. Secured Judgment. Ashwood, March 28. 1). M. Iladloy, 1 ihn flnlumhla Southern vail- uriiv rnr S2U.00U ilniiinucs. has secured Judgment for $5,382 In the circuit limit now In session ni aioro. win- ley boarded an engine nt wuseo una VVlllMl tint ciiL'Ino wns derailed near lllggs, ho received tho InJurluB out of wiiir.h 1 he milt arises. Rndley was represented by W. II. Wilson ,of Tho Dalles. COUNCIL MEETING. Street Commissioner Ordered to Pro ceed With Work on flyers' Lane. A called meeting of tho city coun ell was held last night, which order ed tho city street commissioner to proceed with the work necessary to put the Byers' Inne, (the caBt end of Court street) Into condition. It was decided that In vluw or tho abandonment or the project to rock ballast the lane that tho work to make the road permanently passahlo bo attempted with an ordinary gran Inir machine and by day's labor. This method Is regarded for tho most nart as being an experimental substitute for the original plans for Imnrovinir tho road. The regular monthly salary list aa follows, was allowed: Marshal, (100; Scheer, night police, 7G; Fee, night police and street commissioner, io; recorder, i&u; city attorney, szo; Janitor, Mi nre chier, io; rent, 110 50. DECLAMATORY C0NTE8T. Mabel Reynolds Given First Place- Clara Boylen Second Each Con testant Received a Priie. Mnltnl PAVtinliln wnn thn first reck cnlng of excellence in tho declamatory contest at the hlgn scnooi assemuiy hall last night and Clara Boylen the uprnnd. The Judges were Geo., Hartman, Jr. R. S, Bryson and Hoy Rltner, Fol lowing the announcement of tho Judges' verdict each or tne contest nnta warn nrpRpntpil with n new and choice book as a recognition of their faithful aud excellent worK, n'hn cinmlnril nf nxcGllenco follow ed by tho judges was based upon memory, interpretation, iwiuiaww nt oanliipa nrnnnnrlatlnn. articulft w "v " " ' . ' I Hon, enunciation and, eaeral etect, ' TO 8ELECT REPRESENTATIVE. High School Will Hold Declamatory Contest Friday Evening, April 10, to Select One to Go to Walla Walla. Friday evening, April 10, will tako plnco tho high Bchool declamatory contest which will decldo who will represent tho Pendleton hcIiooIb In tho declumatory contest ut Wnllu Walla about May 1. This Wulhi Walla contest Ib not tho Inter-scholaBtlc uffulr ot which so much has been said, but will be par ticipated lu by all tho high schoolH nnd collcgos within n radius ot 100 miles or so from Wnllu Wulla, which caio to lie represented. It Is an annu al affair at which thoro nro usually snven or eight ItiHtltutlons represent ed. Tho program for tho contest "f April 1(1 at tho high school assembly bull Is ns follows; "Benedict Arnold's Death Bed." Fred Ilurtman, "Hegulus to the Cnrthngenlnus," So Wllllnms. "Toiissnnl 1,'Overturo," Elmer Un it or. "Cntallne's Defiance," Charles King. "Siinrlaciis to tho GladlatoiB," Olen Scott. "Eminence and I.lttleuesB of Great Men," Ed Jay. Anthony's Oration," Clatenco Allen. "Zagoy ill's Charge." Milton Shaw. "An Adventure," Edgar Smith. "An Engineer's Story," Noll Jay. "Emancipation," Myrtlo Dlzney. "Tho Polish Uoy," EHlo Smith. ATHENA GUN CLUB. Will Hold Its First Tournamsnt To morrow Several to Attend From Here. The first tournament of the Athena Oi.n Club will bo held tomorrow. Thero will bo In attendance tho 25 members of tho club at Athena, nnd delegations from Pondleton, WeBton and mllton, and, perhaps from other iclnts. Thero will be 10 events, with clay birds, and all the condl,!on reg ular, Thero will attend frrun Pendle ton T. W Ayors. Otto Uoottcher, V. W. Wulto, II. J. SUllman, J. E. Krauso Thomas C. Warner and Charles Fer guson; also Jack Bushnell, the ex pert trap totter. Tho ahooting wilt bo for tho championship. Tho Pen dleton boys aro anticipating a thor oughly enjoyable occasion. Mr. Krauso goes especially In the Interest of the county aud state game associations, FELL FROM PORCH. Rex. Uren, Formerly Pastor of tho Methodist Church, Broke His Shoulder. Rev John Uren, pastor of tho M. E. church at Dayton, ono ovenlng about it week ago fell from a porch and uroKO ins Blinuiuur, Tne ucuiuom wm. necessarily put him off duty for soe. weens, and is particularly nnto. bocauso Mrs, Uren la )ld and neeas ner, a,nt nt the PendlMar Mu Mr. W W 1. p.-" . (, o-vl' JilT-A