East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 27, 1903, Image 6

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PIUDA.Y, MARCH 27, 1903.
A Rough Estimate of the Agricultural
Land In Idaho and Oregon Lying
Within the Lewis Basin Is Not Less
Than 1000 Square Miles.
In n lirollmlnnry report on artesian
basins in Southwestern Idaho ami
Southeastern Oregon, water supply
and irrigation paper No. 78 now in
press, United States geological sur
vey. Prof. I. C. Russell discusses a
subject of great interest as nffecting
largo areas of private and public
lands in the West.
The region embraced includes in a
a general way, the SnaKo river plains,
Idaho, and largo portions of Mnlhcur
and Harney counties, Oregon. With
in this region four nrteslnn basins are
noted: the Lewis or Snake river bas
in, lying in both Idaho and Oregon;
the Otis artesian basin, in Otis val
ley, about six miles north of Drow
sey; tho Harney artesian basin, in the
broad valley in which Ho Malheur
nnd Harney lakes; nnd the Wlilte
horso artesian basin, situated about
30 miles east of the higher portion of
Stein mountain all three in Oregon.
Lewis Basin.
The portion of the Ixswls artesian
basin in which flowing water may be
obtained is situated along Snnko
river between Olen's Kerry nnd Wei-1
ser, where the rocks on each side dip i
toward the canyon of tho river. Tho I
margin of the basin in Idaho is not
yet actually mapped out, but within
it are included tho Snake river plains
in Elmore, Ada and Canyon counties,
and the country in Owyhee county
which is drained by the northward
flowing streams. In Oregon its boun
dary is still less definitely known.
but it Includes the greater part of tho
nortnern third of Malheur county.
wunin tnese limits, the artes an head
or the elevation below which flowing
wens may bo expected, is about 2500
ieet above the sea.
Persons wishing to put down arte
sian wells can find the 2500-foot con-
tour for this region by consulting the
louowing topographic sheets, publish
ed by the United Stntes geological
survey (which may bo purchased of
the director of tho survey for five
cents each), namely, tho Mountain
Home, Dlsuka. Boise, Silver City,
Nampa and Weiser sheets. There
are no good maps of the region in
Oregon embraced within the Lewis
artesian basin. A rough estimate of
the agricultural land in Idaho and
Oregon lying within the Lewis arte
sian basin and below its known arte
sian head shows it to bo not less than
300 square miles.
Otis Valley.
Otis valley is a structural basin in
which about 1900 acres am now under
irrigation, nnd in which about 10 or
15 square miles of good land arc be
low tho probable artesian head sug
gested by tho elovation at which warm
springs como to tho surrnce.
Harney Basin.
Tho Harney artesian basin em
brnces roughly tho region drained by
streams flowing Into Malheur and Har
ney lakes, and Includes perhapB two-
thlrdB of Harney county, the length
of the basin north and south being
about 135 miles, nnd its breadth east
and west approximately 50 miles, a
rough estimate based on tho general
map of Oregon indicates that tho area
within which nrteslnn wnter mny bo
expected in this basin is about 1000
snuaro miles, but this Includes Mai
heur and Harney lnkes and tho
swamps bordering them.
White Horse Basin.
Tho Whiteliorso nrteslan basin,
containing perhaps 30 square miles
of good land, lies east of Stein moun
tain. The apparent shape of tho
rocks beneath the valley and tho pres
ence of warm springs seems to war
rant a careful test of the artesian
conditions of the valley with a rea
sonable expectation of obtaining flow
ing water.
Prof. Russcl Insist that all wells
drilled should bo cased with iron cas
ing and that tho records of all wells
drilled in these nrteslan basins should
be carefully preserved, and suggests
that, in every state in which artesian
basins occur, laws should bo enacted
prescribing thnt ovory drill-hole in
nn artesian basin should bo properly
cased, that every artesian well when
not in uso should bo securely closed,
that ovory abandoned drill-hole in an
artesian basin should be completely
filled with impervious material, and
that the observance of these laws
should bo rigorously enforced.
A Good Example to Emulate.
Tho ladies of the Capital City Im
provement League have started out
like they mean business. They have
secured a horse and cart and hired a
man with a shovel and hoe to clean
up the alloys. If necessary, they will
lay in a stock of brooms. It is war on
dirt, dust nnd filth. Tilings havo got
to bo kept clean around tho town,
nnd this may as well be understood.
Hurrah for them! May thoy succeed
In making Salem a clean and present
able city, and consequently a healthy
The best known niitl most popular blood purifier
nnd tonic on the market to-day is h. fc. a.
There is hardly a innn, woman or child in America who
has not heard of "S. S. S, for tho blood." It is a stnndaid remedy,
a specific for nil blood troubles nnd unequalled as n general tonic nnd
nppctizcr. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable, the herbs nnd roots
of which it is composed arc selected for their alterative and tonic prop
erties, making it the ideal remedy lor
nil blood and skin diseases, ns it not
only purifies, enriches and invigor
ates the blood, but nl the same time
tone? up the tired nerves nnd gives
strength and vigor to the entire
I know of tho nuccssful use of
8. S. S. in ninny cases. It is the best
blood remedy on tlio market.
S. S. S. in unquestionably a pood
blood purillor, and the best tonic I
ever uaed.
l?or Chronic Sores nnd t'Iccrs,
Catarrh, Rheumatism, Rlood Poison,
Malaria, Ameiuia, Scrofula, Rczemn,
Psoriasis, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Acne
and such other diseases as are due to n
polluted or impoverished condition of the blood, nothing acts so promptly
and effectually ns S. S. S. It counteracts and eradicates the genus
nud poisons J cleanses the system of nil unhealthy accumulations and
soon restores the patient to health. Write us and our physicians will
give your case prompt attention without chnrge.
Arc you neglecting their Musloal Education?
Are you letting them pass along from time
to time thinking they can take it up later?
Don't do it? There never was a better time
than now. It is possible frr all to have a
makes it so without straining your finances.
A small payment dowri and the piano is de
livered. You pay the balance to suit you.
Come in and ask about our easy payment plan
315 East Court Street.
Wants a Big Job.
Miss Isaholio Pope, of Handy, Or.,
yesterday made application to Gov'
ernor Chamberlain for the appoint
ment ns stato game warden to suc
ceed j. P. W. Quimby. This Is the
first application from a lady tho gov-
ernor has yet received, for an office
of tills kind. She gives somo pretty
goon reiorences and bases her appli
cation upon tho fact that three other
states in the Union have female game
wardens and sees no reason why Ore
gon should discriminate against them.
ssaiem statesman.
A damaged footballer has just been
fitted at a London hospital with a
celluloid nose.
An antiseptic absorbent guaranteed to Cure
Dandruff, Eczema and all Scalp Diseases in
Dandruffene renders the scalp pliant
elastic. It is a marvelous hair restorer.
Ask your druggist for Dandruffene. It is sold
by first-class druggists. Sold in Baker City
by n. Levinger.
348 Washington Street
Phone Main 3oo. Portland, Or.
pnnmm nnnmnnn mmmmmnrm imnmrnmrnmn? mmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mrmmmmmnwi
I Deliberate, Be Thoughtful Yet Act Promptly.
g Upon your prompt and early action often depends the Price at which you may secure a good invest-1
s vestment, rne second allotment 01 stock or the
g Is Now being offered to investors on ground floor terms. SIX (6) CENTS PER SHARE.
.uu will jbuy ouu oriAKca; $60.00 WILL BUY J ,000 SHARES; $300 WILL BUY 5,000 SHARES.
The properties of the HIGHLAND GOLD MINES
COMPANY, consisting of twelve claims, (240 acres),
nnd known locally as tlio KNAPP GROUP OF MINES,
are situated on the famous MOTHER LODE system of
the Snmptor district, in Baker county, stato of Oregon,
and on tho great Klkhom divide at tlio head waters of
Pock Creek flowing to the east and Cracker Creek flowing
to tho west, through that renowned Cracker Crook district
of Enstorn Oregon, where are situated upon the MOTIIKU
LODE svstom the North Polo, E. & 1C, Columbia, and
Golconda mines, known the world over as the "Big 4" of
Eastorn. Oregon.
189!) Glasgow drift west side creek, heavy sul
phides, oro from rich streak $3,10.00
From. crosscut east side of creek on Eldorado, 1G
feet wide, taken in 5-foot sections, north wall r..7s
Six foot in center vein, largo sample 2.5!
Five foot south side, largo sample 5.2S
Tho Bannock Burn tunnel, 7 feet on foot wall,
largo samplo . g.o.-,
Bannock Hum tunnel, 10 feet, (I inches width
largo samplo 7,70
Back 8 feet from face and 2 feet next to hang'ng
wall, large sample 15.00
Saino body 14 feet back from face, 4 feet of ore . . 22.02
If you seriously consider an investment in tlio Stock
of the HIGHLAND GOLD MINES CO., and wish to
mako a porsonul examination of tbo MINE, and person
ally learn tho facts, you may do so without cost to your
solf. Wo will pay your expenses from your homo to tlio
oro on
From Glasgow drift west of creek,
dump in boxes 398.33
From sanio point in Glasgow drift, 11 inches wide, 401.88
20 feet hack from face, 9 inches wide, samo drift 430.00
East side of creek, in crosscut next to shaft on
Eldorado, 15 feet wide 4.70
Float in and around open cuts balf way up tho
mountain from east end. of Bannock Burn
tunnel, genoral samplo 27.00
At open cuts near west lino, values obtained
ranged from $28.00 to $20.00
Small streak in open cut near west end lino of
'Bannock Burn
Samplo -from surface near creek east side, 8 feet
JULY 1000.
liannock Burn tunnol face, 0 feet in width, tunnol
having been driven ahead a few feet 4.10
Genoral samplo, 0 feet of oro 8 feot back from
face of Bannock Burn tunnol 10.82
Genoral samplo of 4 feet of oro, 30 feet back from
face of Bannock Bum tunnol . . .. 5.70
Genoral samplo, 8 feet of oro in open cut 250 feet
west, furthor up tbo mountain from Bannock
Burn tunnol ,t 5,53
Genoral samplo next to foot of wall; 'samo placo, 2.50
Genoral samplo 2 feot in width, banging wall 250
feot west of Bannock Burn tunnol 2.25
Bannock Bum claim near west end lino 2i feet
Bannock Burn claim, general sample, from largo
boulders of oro balf way up tbo mountain, 10.01
Samplo from 14 inches in face of Glasgow 27.10
Samplo of lot of float 1000 feet west of Bannock
Burn tunnel 4.39
Samplo of sulphido ores from Glasgow drift, west
of creek 219.00
General samplo, open cut 700 feot west of Ban
nock Burn tunnol 13.22
Memoranda of sampling and results for tho fall of
1901 misplaced or lost, but results wore good.
Sampling this fall from tho Eldorado tunnel in
tbo face, genoral samplo ran from . .$3.70 to$15.7C
por ton.
Sample of 18-inch gougo or solvidgo , . . L5S
Tbo voin is traceable tho entire length of tbo claims,
thirty-five hundred (3500) feot, nnd tlio ore shoots are
known to bo of immonso length, nnd tho vnlues in the
samo evenly distributed throughout.
Tho width of the voin varies from, ton (10) to forty
(40) foot, nnd has n northeasterly and southwesterly
striko of course; tho pormanoncy of which lias been dem
onstrated by tbo development of tho other mines on tho
now famous MOTHER LODE of tho Sumptor District.
Tho voin on this property has beon explored thor
oughly on tho surface by moans of shafts, tunnels ami
open cuts, and is known to carry commoroial values the
unuro longtn ot tlio claims.
MINE and return; and if you find tho facts as represent
ed, all wo ask in return is a fair and reasonable invest
ment, but if yon find thnt the facts havo been misrepre
sented, wo will not ask you for an investmont, and- for
ovor hold you harmless from all necessary oxponses on
account of your visit and examination.
nuuress ail communications, and make your cnecks, drafts and money
orders payable to
NFII I cadfaicpiu r, rfl
. . Department No. i 7
financial Agents Sumptef, Oeoi
.....'... I M III U