East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 27, 1903, Image 3

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    . -ir- eonns at AJexinrler'n T
vrflJl j
'ccs (o make the heart rejoice. Our entire
Lrinw full of Men's Choice Dress, Walking and
Work Sh:es. Fifty styles to select from.
anrrE S2.50 PAIR
Alexander Dep't Store
w qIbo keeD the Sorosis, the Correct Ladles Shoe In the
li A Ji JiiLJiitnf 1i I t t
rll'TTTT I I V It
see the Fisherman
in Our Show Window,
And remember that 1 have a full line of High
Grade Tackle. I bought all of my Tackle direct
from the factory and have the kind that will suit
every fisherman. I have in stock fly hooks from
25c to Si. 50 per doz., leaders from 5c to 75c, fish
baskets, straps, bait boxes, leader boxes, reels,
from 20c to S5.50, jointed poles from $1 to $10,
all kinds of artificial bait, spinner hooks, "Chubb's
pole varnish," mist colored gut and other fisher
man's supplies, too numerous to mention.
74 Main Street
he brand I runk Uold nine t
Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining District.
Is located upon the GREAT MOTHER
LODE system of veins and has for neigh
bors on that vein such well known
mines as the NORTH POLE valued at
$10,000,000. The COLUMBIA valued at
$5,ooo,ooo. GOLCOND A valued at $3,
000,000. THE MONMOTH G. M. CO'S
BELLE BAKER mine valued at $5oo,
000. THE BALD MOUNTAIN valued at
$5oo,ooo. THE IBEX valued at $400,
000, and many others.
Srand Trunk Gold Mining and Milling Go.
rnt Um n a ... - . . .
"ccny kuiis sung 01 100 Acres 01 Kicnuoia Bearing, veins
jt has no indebtedness of any character.
It has a conservative mining and business management.
!' lsering 50,000 shares of stock at 15c per share.
wi become a dividend payer in a short time.
H will pay you to write us for full particulars and to make
th u mvest'Bation of its merits.
Unas the indorsement of mining men, business men and
bankers of Eastern Oregon.
Write us today and let us post you.
H. S. McCallum & Company,
Miners, Brokersand Flnanolal Agents,
Or R. S. BRYSON, Looal Agent, Pendleton, Oregon.
"Weekly Mining Letters on Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining
kismet ree on Application.
Many People From Idaho Look Over
the Promised Land Farmers Be
ginning Their Spring Irrigation.
Echo, Or., March 20. Thomas
Schrlbcr, a prominent mill man of
Hcppner, together with his dauglv
ter, are here looklnK over the covin
try with the view to securing a loca
Miss Margaret McCallio. librarian
for the University of Idaho, together
with Hon, T. G. Mulker. and several
others from Moscow, spent two days
here looklntr over thn
expressed themselves as delighted
with the climate and the country In
Mr. Bartholomew, who recently pur
chased the Allen place, sold out yes
terdav to Moscow nnrtlro
T. M. Jones. rOnrncnnMncr nr. ncrfl.
cultural journal published at Salem,
Is hero In the Interest ot his paper.
110 aiso took advantage of tho situ
ntlon hero and tiled n homestead lo
The warm sunshine nf iim inot fi
clays has started the snow to melting
toward the head of Butter Greek and
tho farmers are beginning their spring
irrigation. Tlie amount ot snow In
the mountains Is snfllHnnt in cn.i.,1,-
water for all tho lands that are under
Mr. Koontz Explains.
James H. Koontz. when soon in ro
gard to tho article which appeared
under date of the 21st Inst., In which
it was alleged that he had threatened
to fence up one of tho principal
streets of Echo, said It I? not true
that ho threatennil tn rlnsn tlin street.
because of tho fact that Mr. Estep
had purchased tho lot of Mr. Oliver,
as alleged, but that ho was advised
that nn effort uns lioinir rnniln tn
build a different approach to the
bridge across tho Umatilla River,
which would necessarily depreclato
the value ot all property on Main
Tho stvnn, In minKtlnn whlnli Mr.
Koontz Is paid tn hr,vn thrnntenoil tn
close does not extend to tho O. R. &
M rich! of u'nv nn1 In nnuo tho nffnrf
were made to change the approach
to the bridge, which Is located on
Main street, he would be compelled
to oppose it as a matter of protec
Mr. Koontz's explanation puts an
entirely different light on tho matter.
He Is the principal property owner in
Vi 11 tmnti n rt il nnclnlnli i1nclrnc i r ana
Echo receive tho prosperity which it
ib entitled to receive.
Looking Over Land.
F. P. Miller, of Seattle, has been
here two or three days looking over
the situation. He represents a nunv
ber of persons in Seattle and is sent
here to examine the soil texture, fa
cllltics for irrigation, etc. He has
studied the soil nnd irrigation pro
jects of the Yakima country and says
that climatic conditions and soil tex
ture hero are certainly superior to
that country. He has decided to lo
cate here and is negotiating tho pur
chase of some farm land.
Vould require 2500 ordinary freight
nnd passenger cars,
A steamer of this size will carry
200,000 barrels of flour. Those, If
placed end to end, would cover a dis
tance of 120 miles.
The depth of tho hull la 55 feet
and tho tonnage is 21,000. Tho ex
treme load displacement is 38,000
I !n the construction of tho Hill
I steamers 28,000 tons ot steel, 4,500,000
rivets and 40 miles ot wlro wero
used. The vessels will go about 12
knots an hour.
A Good Housekeeper
wants her kitchen supplied
with everything that will
lighten labor and facilitate
work. So when she sees
such bargains as we are offer
ing in wash tubs, pails,
clothes wringers, measures of
all' kinds, and everything in
housefurnishing goods, she
will secure what she needs
at once.
JCLARKE & CO., Court Street
teas k k k 4,x,i k k A A A A
Rl AftlTTQ Write the East Ore-
fae of tw T ""wr gonlan for a tree eat-
Wheat Is Backward William Good
night Speaks of the Advantages of
Shorthorn Cattle Wheat Hay Sells
for $9 Per Ton.
What is commonly known as "tho
Proyor Yoakum place." near Yosktim
station, has been Fold by Judge Yoa
kum and his sister, Mrs. Thomas Ba
ker, to a man from Tho Dalles, who
will occupy it next fall, upon the ex
piration of the present tenant's lease.
Tho Dalles man paid $4,200 for 280
William Goodnight, of Yoakum, re
ports the ground In that neighborhood
as in fine condition for spring plow
ing, and putting in of spring crops
s progressing rapidly.
Wheat Is looking finely, but It Is
backward on account of the backward
spring. However, It Is healthy, and
shows not the slightest trace of win
ter kill or any other aliment.
Mr. Goodnight haB studied the cat
tle question considerably and satis
fied himself that the very best beef
animal for this country Is the thor
oughbred Shorthorn. The Shot thorn
Is not the best animal by any means,
for dairy purposes, hut Mr. Good
night believes this will always be far
more of a beef country than a dairy
country that tho dairy Interests will
always be secondary to tho beef In
terests. Hence his indorsement of the
Mr. Goodnight lately sold 13 tons
of loose wheat hay for $9 per ton, tho
purchaser hauling it away at tnat
nrlco. Mr .Goodnight believes loose
wheat hay will bring $10 to $11 per
ton Inside of a month, and alfalfa a
proportionate price.
Doctors Must be Optimists.
Tho longevity of tho medical man is
materially less than that of workers
of other professions. Only those
with a sound physique, other things
being equal, can win in n struggle
for success. Tho sick look with con
flcdenco to tho well. They demand
tho hearty dogmatism that comes
tho overllowing of nnlmal spirits.
They enjoy tho cheorful optimism
that conies from a good digestion.
They lean upon tho doctor In their
weakness, and yield willing obedience
to his kindly influence. Much of the
power possessed for good may be out
side of pills or potions, correct the
ories or sound deductions. Tho April
A Merciful Man is
Merciful to Beasts.
Patent Humane Harness arc the
greatest blessing ever bestowed
on horses. This new idea protects
tne Horses, prevents rubbinc and
blistering of the skin and lightens
the burdens. Call and see the
great improvements.
arc patented and wc have the ex
clusive right to manufacture and
sell these harness in Umatilla
county and all infringements will
be prosecuted.
218 Court Street.
when they said they had not got
a Winona wagon that his hat went
off, for he knew that Neagle Bros,
have the Winona Hacks, Buggies
and Wagons and that these goods
are warranted first class; he knows
that first-class repait work is al
ways done by Neagle Bros., at
reasonable prices.
See us at the big brick shop, corner
Water and Cottonwood streets.
We sell and su.rantee the Slorei Gaiollne
The Colombia
Lodging House
Newly Furnished,
Bar in connection,
Bet. Alta & Webb Sts.
In Center of Block.
F. X. Schempp
Propri e t o r
Those of the Great Northern, Now
Nearlng Completion, Have Five
Acres of Deck Room.
A St. Paul official of tho Great
Northern railroad has sent to a man
in a Portland railroad office some in
tensely interesting figures, which con
vey a comparative idea of what mons
ter carriers the new Great Northern
steamers, nearing completion at New
London, Conn,, for the trans-Pacific
trade are. These figures have been
verified by a well-posted man lu tho
steamship business, and they have
never before been published .
There is a deck room of over five
acres and this Is available for carry
ing freight.
Bach vessel Is 630 feet in length
and 73'6 feet extreme beam.
Nine hundred thousand bushels of
wheat can be carried on one of them.
TnUlm- Mm nvernirn 30-foot freleht
car as n basis, having a capacity of
60,000 pounds, it wouia nn a ireigm
train seven milcH long and 1030 cars
would bo required.
To transport a full mixed cargo
Gray's Harbor
Commercial Co.
Wc Don't Keep BTcrything
But we rto Keep good big
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Celling, Rustic and Finish,
in all grades. Also all kind
of Dimension Lumber, In
cluding Lath and Shingles.
Our stock of Doom, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper and Apple
Boxes is complete, and any
one in need of Lumber will
' not be wrong In placing
their order with tbe : : :
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opn. Wi A C, R. Depot
Out At
VUL cost,
Glassware, Crockery,
All must go. We cannot
enumerate the many articles in
fancy China, etc. We have not
scratched the old price, hut
have placed the new selling
price helow or alongside, so you
can readily see the difference.
Granulated Beet Sugar per sack, $5.45
Granulated Cane Sugar per sack, $5.70
Mocha & Java Coffee per pound, 30c
Our "400 Blend" Coffee per pound, 30c
"Mothers' Pride" Coffee per pound, 20c
rour packages Arm ananammer aoaa,
Owl High Grade Baking Powder per
pound, 30c
Six Bars Owl Soap, 25c
Semi-porcelain 7-inch Plates, per doz
en, 81c
Semi-porcelain Pie Plates, per dozen,
Semi-porcelain Cups and Saucers, per
dozen, 99c
Covered Vegetable Dishes, each, 48c
A few White Chambers, each 50c
Bowls and Pitchers, each 48c
14-Qt. Granite Dishpan, each 50c
8Qt. Nickel Plated Tea Kettle, each $1
Woven Wire Wash Boards, each 39c
Common Lamp Chimneys, each 6c
Horseshoe Tumblers, per dozen 30c
8 Boxes Toothpicks, 2500 in box, 25c
100-piece Haviland Dinner set, $27.73
(Note this Price.)
All our new stock of Pink
Haviland goes with the rest.
Four or Five Hundred Fancy
Cups and Saucers, 150 Mugs,
Lamps and Vases, all go, the
sooner we get rid of the stock
the better. Come now, don't put
off coming in and investigate.
Our closing out sale started
Monday, March 16, and we have
had a rush for the bargains.
Every article we announced was
found on sale just as advertised
and every person who called has
been a good advertisement, for
they have spread the news. We
say we have cut the price and a
visit to our store- is all that is
necessary to convince you.