East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 27, 1903, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
HE DV, .. T0Ur M,iaenc J
15c A WEEK, i
Tonight ami Snturdny, occa-
i slonnl rain.
, v, v W w
NO. 4702.
n- Oninrr Rllll flt Sfi
ltte by Scabs Who Have
i n l!
Been Made bpeciai ruuuu
Situation Is Unchanged Both
Let Maintain Position Taken Yes-
Lay-Each Declare That They
VIII Make No Concessions.
battle March 27. The street ear
liatlon Is unrnnngcu mis mm li
ft Both sides maintain ie iiui""n
l(a yesterday and declare that no
kcesslons win u B'""11- f '
Ire has been no serious noung.
km rare aro uemg nm hub mum
LL non-union men, who have been
I pointed special olllcors by Mayor
,me at the request of the company.
ntpldemlc Has Broken Out Among
Ithe Famine Stricken People, Kill
ing Many,
1 Berlin, .March 27. Advices re
ircd today say that tho condition in
aland Is growing worse. In Kaganl
d Olcaburpr nmong the 100,000
tnlng people, epidemics have
kften out Billing mnny. unless ma-
rial aid Is received by May. a crisis
III bo reached which will mean death
la majority of the population. The
herlcan relief expedition has reach-
N'aparanda, Sweden, opposite 01-
National Council of the Women's As
sociation in United States, Close
New Orleans, March 27. Tho Na
tional Council of Women today elect
ed Mrs. Mary Wood Swift, of San
Francisco, as president; Mrs. Kate
Wilier Barrett, of Washington, D. C,
vice-president, and Mrs, Frances
Burns, ot Detroit, secretary. Mrs.
Swift was also chosen delegate to at
tend the international council, which
meets at Dresden next January. Next
meeting of the executive board of the
natlonnl body will bo held In Indianapolis.
Some One Tried to Poison the Food
of the Members of Austrian Impe
rial Court. ;
Vienna, March 27. Tho Mlttaggs
Secitnng today reports a supposed at
tempt at wholesale poisoning of the
members of the imperial court. The
court chamberlain discovered green
spots on a sliver dish before it could
bo served. He ordered It removed
and a chemical analysis was made.
The profound secrecy and police ac
tivity Indicato that poison was found
In a large quantity.
Massachusetts State Board of Arbltra
tion Attempts to Settle Between
Mill Owners and Textile Workers,
Lowell, Mass., March 27. The state
board of arbitration Is making an at
tempt today to settlo the troubles be-
tween 40 mill owners and 20,000 tex
tile workers. The workers say they
will accept nothing less than a 10 per
cent lncrenso of wages,. Otherwise
they will strike April 1.
Gates Testified That Morgan Said He Would Form Southern
Securities Company if Litigation Was in His Favor.
Ich Interested Manifested in
Coming Go at Detroit.
Mrolt, March 27. Fight followers
Detroit and vicinity are on edge
uucipatton of the contest betwoen
Inj Yancer. the undefeated Chi
lo featherweight, and- Hugh Jlc-
idea, of Brooklyn, which is to be
pea tonight before the Metropoll
Atnietic Club. The articles of
teemem call for a 10-round go at
i pounds. The match is regarded as
oi me most Important ever nulled
In this city. Yangor has long been
ea upon as in line for chamnion
nonors, while McPadden's ring
pormances during the last vear has
Ived him to he a lighter of more
i ordinary cleverness.
there Is an undoubted foellni nf
Ifidence In tho McPaddon camp as
puuwn Dy mo declarations made to
I or McPaddon himself. "T fnol
Ivlnced I can beat Yanger," says
nine uroouiyn fighter. "I have de
ed men who have more than held
r own with Yanger, and I've seen
' usm sovera times nnd know hlH
le perfectly. Tim fnnf thnt ttm
Ki is Clean breaks, will favor me a
e. aS It Will tirOVOtlt lnflrl,H.,.r
I which Yanger has always been
Ited States Cannot Reopen Case
I oettied by Arbitration.
tt8.'0?' March 27.-The state
fftment has tni.
mo award assoKsivi n pn (not
ISh6111 ,ot San Salvador by
arbitration in the case of an
""can comorntlnn n
ht 531,000 Mrs. A"
ft7itnhenSalVa!loreans a f" oPPor
LL . pesent reasons why the
poent Bhoulri ni i. ' , ... 7
Irmprl , o , 1 '"'""""i una just
I showing i ease witn-
IW g e,r08s disrespect for the
Fetors and that it sees no reason
me monev hnij ... . ..
Arthur Meyers, Thirtieth Bat
r Man, Arralnn.j ... .
Plnnte c0lh "au"lnB
Walla.' u...
Fiur m6top; !?u a (.private
Uiiir Ir 6 "Lsht f February 21.
tr. Joe n,"rt.an(, Pded not
ult JSr" Creswoll, accused of
r until n,i "hToua weapon,
to pleS". Satflny morning in
Hle Qymna.ti- ' . . .
Iw York ""mpionshlps.
P la ;Lri?rcl 27,-That wm-
i AmnrUoj"1!. branches nf ,
the kwS 7n&8 evidenced
lv8lty.,a;0ur.fOr(1. and Now York'
V"m bar ";,, ? wl includo
Ktu'abUn1)M01 Hying
r orse. t, " ,.BW'ng ng and
Macabees Met His Forces Today In
Battle Eleven Americans Wound
ed and Three Macabees Killed.
Manila, March 27. The irreconcila
blc rebel leader, San Miguel and his
forces was defeated in battle today
uy a detachment of Macabees. Gen
oral Miguel was killed. Lieutenant
Itoes and 11 men were wounded and
three Macabees were killed.
Stedl Trust Pays $80,000,000, Mostly
Cash, for Independent Plant of
Pittsburg, March 27. Tho Press
this afternoon publishes as an abso
lute fact that the United States Steel
trust has purchased the Jones-Laugh'
lln plant at $80,000,000, the largest
part cash. The deal, Is Is said, was
consumated in New York last night
Presented Tea Service.
Washington, March 27. A silver
tea service was presented to Richards
the former solicitor-general, by the of
ficial department of justice today
Attorney-General Knox made tho pre
sentation speech.
General Davis, In Submitting the Rec
ords to the Department, Says
Glenn's Action Is to Be Reprobated
Washington, March 27. The rec'
ord of tho court-martial whoreln Ma
Jor Glenn was tried and acquitted for
unlawfully killing prisoners, was re
ceived at tho war department this
morning. General Davis in submit
ting tho record, reviews the findings
with even more severity than at first
reported. He says Glenn showed a
.reckless disregard for human life, and
his action is condemned and repro-
Desert Lands on the Columbia Are
Sought For.
Walla Walla, March 27. From the
number of homestead entries being
made at the land office tho relinquish
ment business appears to bo lively in
the Walla Walla district, as a large
number of the claims filed are second
entries. Numerous original entries
are being made, however. In Klicki
tat county and In the Horse Heaven
of Yakima. Desert land entries from
the Columbia River district still keen
up where there is any hopes of strik
ing artesian water.
Senor Salmoran Declares His Inten
tion of Beginning Work.
Madrid. March 27. A meeting of
50,000 republicans was held and elect
ed Professor Salmoran leader of the
party. Tha socrctary of the mooting
announced that 20,000 fnrm laborers
had Joined tho party. Tho meeting
was followed by a great republican
demonstration. Senor Salmoran, In a
speech, declared his intention to be
gin tho work of establishing a repub
lic In Spain immediately,
nvor snnn norsons In Carlisle, or
fully one-sixth of tho population, live
in ono and two-roomed tenements,
New York, March 27. The mctai
bers of the Interstate commerce com
mission came to Now York today to
continue tho hearing of tho case com
monly known as tho Southern Merger.
This is tho caso brought by the
Kentucky railroad commission against
tho Atlantic Coast Line, tho Southern
Railway, the Loulsvillo & Nashville,
the Cincinnati Southern, the Cincin
nati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific,
and the Chicago, Indianapolis and
Louisville railroad companies. Tho
complaint alleges that tho defendant
lines aggregate 25,000 miles and have
an operating incomo of more than
$130,000,000; and that .1. P. Morgan
& Co. have secured practically the
controlling maangement of nil of
Afraid of Gates.
More than ordinary Interest Is man
ifested In the present hearing on ac
count of the expressed purpose of
John W. Gates to "say some things."
At tho first hearing of tho case, J.
Pierpont Morgan, in answer to ques
tions put by counsel for the Kentucky
railroad commission, said that he con
sidered Mr. Gates a "dangerous man"
in railroad finances.
George W. Perkins and others of
the 'firm of J. P. Morgan & Co made
ues of a similar expression. Their
testimony went to show that the Mor
gan activity in tho settlement follow
ing the Louisville & Nashville coup
executed by Gates was based upon
the belief that it was necessary to
the preservation ot tho financial sta
bility of tho railroads of the country
that the control ot tho Loulsvillo &
N'ashvlllu bo not left In Mr. Gates'
The present hearing Is had chiefly
at the request of Mr. Ontes who de
sires an opportunity of replying to
Mr. Morgan's statements concerning
him and he further promises to glvo
all tho inside history ot tho now fam
ous merger deal.
Disappointed Listeners.
Gates disappointed his listeners by
r.ot fulfilling his promlsu to answer
Morgan and explain tile details of tho
merger. He apparently took keen do
light In telling how ho kept Morgan
running after him until ho secured
his own terms.
Southern Securities Company.
He testified that Morgan said they
might consider a Southern Securities
Company If tho Iltlgntion of the
Northern Securities caso was decld
ed favorably to the company. Har
rls, Gates 'partner, testified that ho
bought stock for as low as $105 and
made tho Morgan syndicate pay as
nigh as $150 for It.
Was Thrown From a Horse While
Riding In Forest Not Badly Hurt.
Berlin, March 27. Tho knlserln
was Injured while out riding today In
tho forest of Grunewnld. Sho was ac
companied by the kaiser and Prince
Adclbert. Tho horso shied nnd she
was thrown to tho ground, sustaining
an injury to her right arm nnd side.
Sho was carried to the hunting cas
tle, and medical nld sumnioncd. The
extent of her Injuries was not given
Her Injury, beyond some bruises, Is
slight. Tho' fracture ot tho forearm
Is not serious, according to an ollle
ial statement.
Latere Seriously Injured.
Paris, March 27. Reports received
licit this afternoon say thnt tho knls
orln's Injuries aro more serious thnn
at first given out, n broken arm being
tho least serious of tho injuries.
Minister Squicrs Wires That
tho Cuban Congress May
Change Treaty.
Causes Much Discussion at the State
Department Kaiser May Demand
Washington. March 27. Dewey's In
terview republished in tho Nownrk
News last night, In which he snld that
the recent Cnrrlbenn maneuvers
the American licet was an object les'
son to the kaiser, nnd thnt tho cilia
ieney ot the German navy was large
ly overestimated, has caused eonsli
ernblo discussion here today nt tho
state department. It won't be a sur
prlso If tho kaiser through his rep
resentntlvo here, rails olllclnl ntten
tion to the mutter nnd requests n
Telegram States That He Was Form
erly of Pendleton Stated Before
He Died That His Parents Lived in
San Francisco.
Ashland, Or., March 27. Henry
Bnrnhart, aged 19, while stealing a
ride on a north-bound freight train,
gell off a. flat car near Gibson siding,
this side of Redding, at an early hour
Wednesday morning, and suffered in
juries from which ho died shortly
afterward. The wheels passed over
his right leg, cutting it off below tho
knee. He was taken to Redding, but
died from loss of blood beforo surgl
cal attention could be given hlra.
He said that he was bound for Pen
dleton, Or., his former home, and
where he was born, and that his pa
rents lived In San Francisco.
Tho only confirmation of the above
that can he learned from residents of
Pendleton is that Major Barnhart, for
merly Indian agent here .but now a
resident of Portland, has a son Henry
who Is now about 29 years of age, or
10 years older than the age given in
tho above dispatch. The son of the
major Is the only Henry Uarnharl
who ever lived hero of whom any
thing can be learned. One or two
parties were found who aver that
among the Indians of the name of
Barnhart there Ib at least ono iienry,
but it is very certain that had the
Injured man been an Indian the fact
would have been mentioned In the dispatch.
Three Seriously Injured Many
Others Badly Bruised and Cut
Pullmans Overturned and Burned
St. Paul, March 27. A through pas
senger train on tho Burlington route
was wrecked nt Thompson, 111., this
morning. Three were seriously Injur
ed and ono may ale. Four others
badly bruised and cut, wcro removed
to the hospital at Rock Island. A
dozen others of the Injured were ablo
to resume their journeys. Two Pull
mans were burned after being com
pietely overturned. Tho passengers
were rescued from tho finmcs by cut
ting holes In tho bottom of tho cars
Many escaped with their night cloth
Ing only.
But Some of the Alaskan Boundary
Commission Do Not.
Ottawa, Ont., March 27. Sir Wil
frid Laurler, In reply to the leader
or the opposition in the nouse, again
stated that tho terms of the reference
of the Alaskan boundary case to tho
commission was satisfactory to the
Canadian government. There were
only two objections to the whole mat
ter. One was tne jrck oi nnamy to
the tribunal and the other was the
obiectlon which had been taken to
some of the American commissioners.
New Jersey's Governor Calls for the
Resignation of Bureau Chief.
Trenton. N. J.. March 27. Governor
Murphy has demanded the resigna
tion of John C. Ward, chief of the
bureau of factory Inspection. Mr.
Ward rot'used to comply with the gov
ernor's request, which Is said to havo
been made as tho result of violations
by tho employes In the state of the
law regarding child labor.
Disease Is Said to Be Prevalent in
Western Montana County.
Great Falls. Alont.. March 27. A re
port was lecelved here stating that
lnrgo numbers of cattle In the south
eastern portion of the county wero
dying from a disease, believed to be
The stockmen aro greatly worried
about the matter and aro having their
cattle vaccinated as rapidly as possible.
Plans Being Made for the Adoption of
Electricity as a Motive Power ir
That Country.
Stockholm. March 27. Plans aro bo
Ing made for tho adoption of electrlel
ty as a motlvo power on the crown
tallroads of Sweden. Tho interesting
fact about tho project Is that tho es
tlmatcs have been based upon the
adoption of the system of an American
electrical engineer h. Ward Leon
ard, of New York Cltyi whoso ideas
and plans havo been taken up by one
of the great Swiss manufacturers,
and aro now being Introduced In Kur-
ope. Another interesting feature Is
the proposition to utillzo not only the
water powers, but the peat beds of
Sweden, in order to secure tho neces
sary electrical energy. Tho greatost
distance from any ono power station
to the most remote point of Its dis
tricts is 100 miles. This makes pos
sible that In caso of emergency neigh
boring stations can help each other.
Independent Canneries Will Take Sal
mon Off Market.
Seattle, March 27. Tho Independ
ent Alaska canneries havo decided to
take all their slock of red salmon off
the market until prices go up. The
Pacific Packing Company will do the
same, and between them they control
all the rod salmon in first hands.
Owing to the damage done the can
neries of Bristol Bay by tho recent
tidal wave, and the closing down of
10 plants of Southeastern Alaska, It
Is estimated this season's pack will
he 1,000,000 cases short.
To Promote Good Reading.
Atlantic City, N, J., March 27. Tho
Philadelphia Library Club and the
New Jersey Library Association be
gan a two days' joint conference hero
today to consider the best methods of
promoting good reading, and tho rela
tion of the public library, public lec
tures, and university extension teach
ing In promoting It. Tho participants
Include librarians and educators from
Princeton, Philadelphia, Newark and
Magnate Dead,
New York, March 27. James U.
Snow, a multi-millionaire, and a
Standard Oil magnate, died while
playing cards wJth his wife and
friends last night, of heart failure.
Levee Broke in St. Charles Parish
Last Night Special Train Sent to
Now Orleans, March 27. One bund
led nnd fifty foot of tho levee In St
Charles parish broke last night. Spec
Inl trains wero sent enrly this morn
Ing with nwtcrlnl to tiy to repair and
close the break. Big damage was
done to tho plantations.
Wealthy Patient Escapes From
Rlvercrest Sanitarium and Commit
New York, March 27. Dr. Duncan
Macpharlane, a wealthy resident of
Philadelphia, escaped from tho River
crest Sanitarium this morning, Jump
ed into East River near Hclgate, and
was drowned.
Arrested for Forgery,
Milwaukee, March 27. Mat Au
brey. n former son-in-law of Chief Jus
tico Fuller, hns again been nrrested
lor forgery. This is tho fourth tun
in two years. Ho will bo examined
for his sanity.
Bulgarian Cabinet Resigns.
Sofia, March 27. The Bulgarian
cabinet has resigned, due to n illn
puto over inising tho war fund.
He Made No Statement and Was on
the Verge of Collapse When the
Trap Was Sprung.
Portlnnd. Or., March 27 -A.
Molding, tho trlpio murderer, wub
hanged this morning. Ills neck was
broken without a quiver. Ills heart
bent for hi minutes. He inndo no
statement and wns on tho verge of
collapso when tho signal was given
A Comparison Between the Privately
Owned Roads of America and the
Public Owned Roads of Europe,
Tho terrific fact that over 70,000
people had been killed and 400.000
wounded on American railroads in the
past ten years Invites a comparison
with foreign caualitles of this sort
says tho New York World,
In tho year 1901 tho railroads of tho
United States carried 607,278,121 pus
sengors and thoso of Great Brltaiii
1.173,000,000 nearly twlco an many,
Tho American roads killed 8,445 per
sons of all kinds passengers, cm
ployecs and outsiders and wounded
63,339. Tho British roads killed 1.-
277 persons and Injured 18,375. No
less than 4,959 of tho persons killed
In this country anil 5,420 of thoso In
jured were struck by trains. It Is tho
deadly grade crossings that mako our
records so appalling. Wo kill a good
many more passengers than they do
In England, but our passengers havo
an easy tlmo compared with the un
fortunate outsiders that have to croBB
tho tracks. There wero only 55 per
sons killed and 2C injured in British
grade-crossing accidents In 1901, and
the total number of outsider suffer
ers of all kinds, Including trespassers
and suicides, was only 481 killed ana
180 hurt, against 5,458 deaths and u,
914 injuries among similar classes
n the United States.
Of tho eight regiments that our
railroads kill in a slncle year, at least
one brigade soes to ita death without i
President Roosevelt Recently Through
the State Department, Promised
Cuba That He Would Call Extra
Session of Congress If They Would
Not Amend the Treaty.
Washington, Mnrch 27. It wns of
ficially admitted todny that President
Roosevelt recently, through the state
department, promised Cuba thnt If
tho Cuban congress should ratify tho
reciprocity treaty without amend
ment, he would call tho United States
congress in extra session prior to Its
regular meeting. In order to muko a
complete nnd effective ratification.
This morning Secrotnry Hay receiv
ed a radiogram from Minister Squires
stating thnt there wns a strong prob
ability that the Culmn congress would
seek to amend tho treaty. Hay re
plied that if such wero done It would
Invalidate the convention.
Tho state department believes that
there Is n strong foreign Inlluonco at
work at Havana ngnlnst. tho treaty
rntlficutliin. If Cuba nets favorably
Roosevelt will probably fix tho second
week of November as the time for
the special session.
Vote nt 4 P. M.
Havana, March 27. Tho vote up
on tho reciprocity treaty will bo taken
at 4 o'clock this afternoon. It Is al
most certain thnt congress will adopt
tho amendments thus defcntlng all
the offortB of President Pnlma, Min
ister Squires nnd commercial Inter
ests representing $100,000,000.
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago, March 27. Wheat
cents per bushel.
Proclamation Issued by Department
of Interior Permits Grazing on Re
serves. Sheep mny now grnzo upon tho for
est reserves of Grant, Crook and Uma
tilla counties.
Such Is thu text of a proclamation
recently Issued by tho department of
the Interior. To say this permission
Is pleasing to sheepmen Is placing It
but mildly.
Lnst season the government caused
notices to bo posted upon theso re
serves, warning sheopmen to koop
tholr flocks off. Every summer lnrgo
Hooks nro driven across to tho Blue
mountains mid there to graze on the
luxuriant grasses of thu rnngo.
If anything tho feud between cuttlo
and sheepmen will bo more bitter thlB
year than In preceding years. Tho
loss of ninny sheep through cold
weather Is attributed by stockmen to
nothing but carelessness und stingy
principles on tho part of sheepmen in
not providing sufficient hay. Upon tho
other linnd thu sheopmen sny If tho
eattlo hud not hogged every blndo of
grnss In thu country, sheep might
havo thrived on an equality.
In Grant county tho owners of
flocks huvo taxed themselves two
cents u head for tho purpose ot hiring
men to rido tho ranges nnd protect
tholr herds from slaughter by coyotes
but ostensibly to assist them In other
wnys, which has been construed to
menu In strifes with tholr onumles,
tho cattlemen. Baker City Herald.
Was a Model of Good Behavior. But
of Little Supposed Brain Power.
All great men wcro boys onco, and
the world likes to believe that thoy
wore dull boys, says the Now York
Tribune. Marconi, a I hough a young
man, Is old enough for a legend ot
his youth to make Its appearance.
Some one has found that he wont to
school In Floronco; Indeed, the teach
er who guided his Infant footatops in
learning has been discovered. Slg
uora Lulsa Vavalerro Is a flno old
lady of 74 years, who says tho chief
recollection of her younger days is
teaching Marconi,
'Who would havo thought." she
says, "that tho Ingiesino (little Eng
lishman), as wo used to call him bo-
cause of his slight figure and sedato
manner, would have turnod out u
"Ho was always a model of good be
havior, that I will say for him: but
as to brain well, tho least said tho
Eoonost monded. I am afraid ho got
many severe punishments, poor llttlo
man, out no took tiiem iiko an angel.
"Ulnco he has become so great,"
sho added, ingenuously, "my con
science has reproached mo a thousand
times. Fancy mo punishing a gen
ius!" holding up horrified hands. "At
that time," sho added, doprocatingly, rV.
"ha r-oiild never manaee to learn any- 'v
tiling uy neari: it ws imiK)BBii,--
"I used to think miu-i wn
seen such a child WIN),
a ninmrvrv. Ha wju c 1
me. put WSSl ri
' .t