Lumber, Lumber, Lumber, All kinds for all purposes. WU FANG'S MISSION PART OF A PLOT TO SAVE THE EMPIRE. Wu Ting Fang Has Not Been Degrad- ed by His Government, But Is on an Important Mission. When that Americanized Celestial, Planing of all descriptions done ; Wu Ting Fang, for some years Chin-' Sash, Doors and Blinds to order Don't place your order for Building Material until you have consulted us Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard ROBERT FORSTER, Proprietor GOOD SOUND WOOD Is always received when you place your order with us. Fir. Tamarack and ..Pine.. Why buy poor coai when you can get the best for the same price? Laatz Bros. Telephone Main 5 J Tons AND Tons Just received another car load of Poultry and stock supplies at thej Colesworthy CHOP MILL 127 and 129 East Alta Street j c J ese minister to Washington, departed j from the United States, it was widely : advertised and as widely resetted. that he was going home to be degraded- because he had failed In de feating the Chinese exclusion bill be fore the American congress. With such craft was this idea disseminated throughout the world that most peo ple who care anything at all about the matter, believe to this day that Mr. Wu has gone from a place of honor In the t'nlted States to take a minor and absolutely unimportant post under his government at home. Wu's Greatness. But the facts In the case are slight ly different from what they seem. If the plans that are making are carried out by the governments interested in them. Wu Ting Fang will be the greatest man In the Chinese empire within a few years. So great are the plans that the personality- of Wn Ting Fang ought not properly be con sidered at all In connection with them. He is a mere cogwheel in the great machine that has been set In motion by at least three of the great powers of the earth to preserve the Chinese empire from disintegration. and save her commerce to the nations of the world upon equal terms. China is now paying an indemnity to the powers, under the treaty that ! ended the occupation of Pekin by the allies, after the great Boxer outbreak. I The treaty stipulations as to what , basis silver or gold these indemni-1 ties are to be paid up In. Is vncue. : But China, when she came to make I the flrst payments, paid upon a silver i basis and In silver, that being the i currency of the country, claiming j that the treaty called for nothing but i silver payments. In this contention. China was vie orously upheld by the United Stntes. and Japan and Itus3ia signified that the silver payments would lie nccent-1 able to them, although, on account of the depreciation in the price of silver. the payments in silver are of much , quiring why they also should not have less amount than would be the same lord mayors. Well, if they bestir payments in gold. Germany. England ' themselves and request Lord Strath- and France all accepted the silver , cona to prefer the request In the right payments at first under protest, and ; quarter, doubtless their ambition .will will continue to accept them under j be gratified. The Canadians are not protest until the last payments have I so pushful In "making representa been made, and then they will nut I tlons" as the Australians. in a demand for further payments to 1 make up for the total difference be-1 Putting it Gently. tween sold and silver payments for Gerald I'm colnc to kiss vou when the full amount of their indemnities, the clock strikes nine. When that demand is made, as it Is Geraldlnc Wouldn't that be fool- certain to be made in the end. v.-ilj ish. the clock sometimes runs down. 1 ' '..Al'ik tUL i vs. 'fe. . x- jj .1 .!g. Y ji 1 v- X&kJnr Vk.-V A YA ,- . .V ' -.- ' if. 1 z 1 - V t -A If A TTTTTT- a mr Vv - v cts Gertl; Acts cts Berxeficially; (tats truly as a Laxaiivo. Syrup of Figs appeals to the cultured and the well-informed and to the healthy, because its component pans are simple and wholesome and because it acts without disturbing the natural functions, as it is wholly free from every objectionable quality or substance. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, nu they are pleasant to the taste, but the medici nal virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained from an excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxative and to act most bene ficially. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine - manufactured by the li k IV T-- . f ' v (f For tile ly en leading DiucjisU, in orijlul packages only, bcsiin; naise of the Compacy. Monopole Canned Goods Tl, l: . ' wnax in pe,J i nun van U'n .i kuu" - us ana get Honopoie Our line complete, for cash. " e set! Miller Grocery 636 Main Street Phone Main 511 LET US FIL YOUR BI We can supplv you wUr, Building Material ol a descriptions and avt you money. DOORS PHOTOGRAPHS ON FRUIT. moved the image appeared light and the fruit dark, or vice versa, accord Explanation of the Manner In Which 1 ing to the manner In which the paper was cut ana npptieu. They Are Made by French Artists. At present, however, photographs er China shall stand as a nation, or be divided Into spheres of influence among the nations of the earth. The Test is Coming. Ilf China knows that this test is com-'V New Tork Times. Apples, upon the surface of which j are reproduced with all their details, are perfectly reproduced the photo- j Strong negative electrotypes are em graphs of the emperor and empress ployed, having great resistance aud of Russia and of the president of the I lepoduced on thin films. The films French republic have been shown in are obtained by photographing the France, says a consular report. 1 subject many times. The film is held Before photography was employed, in place by two rubber rings or is images were produced by means of fig-1 stuck by some matter that will not ures cut from paper and stuck on obstruct the rays of light such as the surface. When the paper was re- albumen or the white of an egg. 13 u 1 nun g paper . me cement brick and ;and. Wood gutters for ,larn$ and dwellings a specialty Oregon Liter ft Alta St.. Opp. Court - 1 11 11 its int. cuiipt? 111 niuit' uismmiort any other aliment. U you eat things that you want and tku gooa ior you, you are uistressw. ers Dyspepsia Tablets will I J Ft I It: I ti 1 11 illlil ILK HLLtrilUail! C 11 it 1 'ii i ih. .ti i iiifi rfinn you are not satisfied. Send to Buffalo, N. Y. 3 Real Estate is the Base of all Wealth The best investments in land on the Pacific Coast are in the Yakima Valley. The soil and climate are produc tive of more diversified crops than any other section of the country. The Nessly-Scott Invest ment Co. have a large list of raw and improved lands, suitable for any purpose. Prices are so low that val ues double in a short time. Investigate. It's a money making proposition for you. Pasture Land, $1.50 to S3. 00 per acre. Choice Raw Lands, S6.00 to $8.00 per acre. Improved Lands In crop. $12 to $15 per acre. A few home steads still left. Hesely-Scott Investment Go,, ProsBer, Wash. rfTfftfyfyywTfff Bargains in Real Estate I have a larger and better list of Farms, Stock Ranches and City Property to sell than ever before. Also a big lot of land in the coming wheat fection of Eastern Washington. N. Berkeley ing. The government of the United States knows It, and the government of the United States Is going to stnnd oenind China in insistini: that her errltory be not taken from her to satisfy a disagreement over the nrice Pi sliver and gold as set forth in a treaty of peace. Wu Ting Fang has gone to China for the express pur pose of l.eeplng IiIe government In formed that the United States will stand behind China in insisting upon making the payments in silver, and that the iulluence of the United States will be useu against any partition of the empire. Hussla, satisfied with the part of China she got during the Boxer troubles Manchuria takes the same attitude as the United States. and Japan also takes that attitude. These three nations, having large commerce with China, will prevent any encroachments upon Chinese ter ritory. not, perhaps, because of love for China, but because their interests demand that the empire be kept in tact so that they may freely enjoy a part of the great commerce of that country. United States Watchful It Is even suggested In Washington that a good part of the great navy mat tne united States c build nc. will be put into Far Eastern waters as soon as it shall have been com pleted, and at any rate, until the new navy Is finished, a sufficient fleet of vessels will be kept close to Chinese waters, as an object lesson to the world that this country has commer clal Interests there that it intends to safeguard. On account of this watch fulnesF of Chinese affairs, the army In the Philippines will for some years oe Kept at a considerable strength, unless a change of admlnstratlon at Washington shall change the whole policy of affairs toward the Far East, wnere American commerce Is devel oping rapidly. E. 8. Little. Farmers Custom Mill Fred Walters, Proprietor Capacity 150 barrels a day Flour ei changed for wheat Flour, Mill Feed, Chevied Feed, etc always ca hand. PRECEDENCE IN AU8TRALIA. Recent Distinctions Conferred by the King 8tir Up Contentions Among Officials. The recent distinction conferred by the king on the cities of Melbourne and Sydney and giving their chief magistrates the enhanced dignity of lord mayor and the title of right hon orable has raised some Questions of etiquette and precedence, cays the London Chronicle. It Is contended in some quarters that the title of right honorable gives the lord mayor of Melbourne, the temporary capital of trio commonwealth, rank and preced ence over the president of the federal senate and the speaker of the house of Representatives, who are only hon orables. If at tho next great vicere gal function tho lord mayor of Mel bourne attempts to go ahead 6f the firr.t commoner of the whole common wealth, complications may arise. But perhaps, in the meantime the Her ald's college In London will be con sulted on this and kindred points, and an amicable solution arrived at. By the way, Montreal and Toronto, the leading cities of Canada, are in- NICOLA COAL BRITISH COLUMBIA COAL FIELD To be opened up and developed by American capital and enterprise. THE 1 w esiern uoai ana iron oomDan 501 Bernice Building. Tacoma, Wash. iir-iiTT m i .1 v a a ia . i iris r .i : : i aa nrvn nrr a r n.. i. t j .r ti-i . 1 a i 1 r 1 ? . . it. vl.trc ii iuaKes me nuesi ana oesi cose in uie wona, ana ior steam ana aomestic purposes mere is no Deuer coai j Great Northern .Railroad are now both readv to construct and extend their lines into th Ninohi coal field and ue LUKia Line vear. i iiih iihhiii inn iit:iiiu vh hv win irinn ri iiirnnn mm a nnonivo rt monnn inniiKirietM Western Coal and Iron Company are now offering the first block of its treasury Btock at the Tow rate of 15 Cents Per Share The Crow'B Nest coal shares sold in 1896 for 10c per share. Today the stock is worth $125 per share; it ') uiu me um o nuoi ill uuu. o BIC VjUllD tllitl LI1C BlUVK. IB BUI t) W JSUVttUliD w f . 1 Dr shared this vear. If VOU want t(l be in it on thfi P-rnnnrl flnnr nnrl mnb-o 7ftfl nar nan. rn vnnr invflstment B iow muijuiB, uociue quicK as una 10c siock win noi last very long j ne stock will be advanced next mouwi. nito uuu(,uv ' " i lur uujujlllllg tuai IttUU, Mllly J UiJIOB IIUI11 UUI yjUlXluJ - I erty and in the very same coal basin and paid $2,500,000 CASH FOR THE LAND I hi Q m fTlrifMrilta vicit-o In thiiao hnlHlniv Wao4awn Pinl ... Jl T "I I . 1 m I m - AnntnQnV -&mAwuo uvno iv tuuoD uuiuiiit iioorciu vusi suu J.IU11 VjUIilUaUV a BLOCK. I I1H ISBUmu tuujp; , tends to place their coal on the market here aB Boon as shipping facilities have been furnished. For further lujuiutiuu uuiuiuiiv mviw vuu to can at inv omce. wnnm nnmnioo nt tiio ao mau Himiromn. uiw i-jx r - .1 i l . . . H,ri udcd, ichwd iiwiu pjuujiuuiib uttuioin, ittwoio suu utuBr uuBinees men, wno nave investigated tins coai ynvy' van uu avail. ucepuuiuiuy, JOHN HHILEY, JR LOCAL AGENT, Room 16, Judd Building, PENDLETON, OREGON Lr-