4i 41 4 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 41 41 4 4 3 4 41 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 41 41 tmi ii m nin i in hiumm milium in hmiimo You alway? pot GOOD GOODS t AlexaiicWr'. SHOES FOR THE WEARY SOLE At prices to make the h :art rejoice Our entire window full of Men's Choice Dress, Walking and Work Sh es. Fifty styles to select from. RIL1GE AND VICINITY MANY HOMESEEKERS ARE PROSPECTING FOR TIMBER. CHOICE $2 50 PAIR Alexander Dep't Store We also keep the Sorosis, the Correct Ladies' Shoe in the Smart Shapos. Grass Beginning to Grow baiuc Very Thin Mountain Roads Very Rough Fine Dance at Doherty's Barn on the 17th. Itldec. March S3. Our weather has hecn oulte chanceable. the thermohi- eter replsterlng from 28 to 5S. Four Inches of snow Wednesday nlgni, oiu It turnpd warm Thursday and con- j tlnues getting warmer all the time. 1 1 Snow Is melUnc fast under the rays 4 i of tho sun but freezes again at night. 4 Grass Is growing luxuriantly where 4 the snow has disappeared. Stock Is 1 looking emaciated ami some are dying J j but not may have perished as yet. 4 Some people are plowing while others 4 will soon commence If the present J plensant weather continues. A. A. Cole's sheep began lambing 1 Marth U: Edwards Bos.' will com 4 nience April 1st and the other sheep 4 men around will begin about that 1 time. 4 The stage driver reports Camas 4 Pialrle and Snipe valle nearly on I Die lloat with rough mountain roads 4 and verv soft roads from Rldgo to 1 Snip' J There was a fine ball at tbe Doner tv br.ni near Blnson. on the 17th. Be 4 ltig St Patrick's day. a large crowd attended and gooa oruer aim l-hju.- . . . . i j-i.i i..t.i..i J-M--..I..I. H 1 1 I 1 1 HI I I I I I I I I I I . mnnt it reiiorted bv all. ............. I There were six ikihwuiti. uu .- ------ . . stage sauiruay. an noinei-crtri uum Btems U done by hollowing out a ort of cut In oue end and letunc tne raP flowTnJo It. which Is done very oulcklr. Then It U emptied Into a Sort Which is caried by the pulque dealer. A plant will yield Iron .three to 10 gallons. Every pulque shop In the City of Mexico has a name pecu larlv its own., such as -Delights o ilf":- 'The nalnbow "The Image of lesus The Inspiration' and a lot oi mhers of a similar nature rlQe. when taken In large quantities Is in toxlcntlng. It forms the principal drink of the Mexicans, and Is a thin whitish fluid with the odor of sour milk." THE APRIL CENTURY. Has Splendidly Illustrated Article by Charles Moore on the "Restoration of the White House." Illustrations for tho April Century's leading article. "The Restoration of . . ... . ..-.! r.i l.t- firms. the wniie nuuac, v.m... -t .7, I Moore, clerk or the senate committee i on the District of Columbia, are not ; by photographs, but from drawings, . extei lor and interior, by some of the best draftsmen In the country Al- fred Brennan treats both the state dining-room and the Blue room in full double pages; and JuIes Guerln ",0E drawn the new east entrance to the; executive mansion lighted for an j evening reception ,a view from the , new office buildings showing the west , terrace, the west terrace and office ( buildings as seen from the state din Ingroom windows, and the south por tico and new wings. Other drawings are of the main entrance hall, the staircase grill, the East room the firenlnee In the Red room, the presl- study the private uiihiikt""'"- See the Fisherman in Our Show Window, 1 dent t'iffe-ent parts nad if the crowd eon- the main staircase and the new con tinues. Southern Umatilla anu uram cert prand piano counties will have a heavy settlement And remember that 1 have & full line of High Grade Tackle I bought all of my Tackle direct from the factory and have the kind that will suit every fisherman I have in -.took fly hooks from 25c to J1.50 per doz., leaders from 5c to 75c, fish baskets, straps, bait boxes, leader boxes, reels, from 20c to $5.50. jointed poiss from Si to $10. all kinds of artificial bait, spit. ner hooks, "Chubb's pole varnish." mist colored gut and other fisher man's supplies, too numerous to mention. nf iriod Easterners and have a rail road in the near future as we have plenty of room left yet and welcome all specially the railroad. U Wach'er. who cut his hand badly a few days ago with n pocket knife, is getting along nicely. It is reported that Mrs. Starr of Bois". is visiting at the heme of her J. A. Owincs. at present. H. W around p- . T. G. TAYLOR THE HARDWARE MAN E. I brother ! Ml s. to be Z ! ranidlv j S. M. Ledgerwood .of Ukiah. passed t throneh here a few days ago with 1 place Whittaker is reiwrted main and improving through here a few ilays ago a load of freight The roads were so heavy that he had to get help in cne although he had a six-horse team The Thornwclil Bros, have purchas ed hay of Rugg Bros for spring feed ing George W Linsner is at present over in the John Day country looking after his stock ranch in that .part. 741 Main Street PLES ARMSTRONG BACK IN JAIL AT BAKER CITY. The Grand Trunk Gold Mine Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining District. Is located upon the GREAT MOTHER LODE system of veins and has for neigh bors on th?t vein such well known mines as the NORTH POLE valued at $10,000,000. The COLUA1BI A valued at $5,000,000. GOLCOND valued at$3, 000,000. THE MONMOTH G. M. CO'S BELLE BAKER mine valued at $5oo, 000. THE BALDJM0UNTA1N valued at $5oo,ooo. THE IBEX valued at $400, 000, and many others. The Grand Trunk Gold Mining and Milling Go, Owns Its Property Consisting of 160 Acr:s of Rich Qold Bearing Veins fr it has no indebtedness of any ci aracter. It has a conservative mining and business management. It is offering 50,000 shares of stock at 15: per share. It will become a dividend payer in a short time. It will pay you to write us for full particulars and to make careful investigation of its merits. It has the indorsement ot mining men, business men bankers of Eastern Oregon. Write us today and let us post you. and Murderer of Minnie Eneminger Was Whisked Through Town of Haines. His Victim's Home, at 30 Miles an Hour. I Baker City. March 24. Running j past the hamlet of Haines at the rate , of over 30 miles an hour, the east f", bound train upon the line of the O. f'R. 4- Jf carried the person al Pleas ant Armstrong, tne muruerer 01 jiibb Minrie Ensmlnger He has Wn re turned to jail at Baker City The fact was known to no one outside of those I directly connected with Sheriff I Brown. The Halnesites are erabltter- I ed against the man even more than 1 when the attempt was made to take blm from the jail, and it was feared some demonstration might be made ' should the news leak out that he was beln? brought back three days prt t vious to his trial. fr. j Sheriff Brown was reported to have gene to Hot Lake after recovering I from nn attack of smalloi, but Hot j Lake saw him not, and he traveled t westward to the big city. Colonel . 1 James Panting was his aldede-c&inp t H. S. McCaiium & Company, Miners, Brokersand Financial Agents, BAKER CITY, OREGON. Or . S. BRYSON, Local Agent, Pendleton, Oregon. Our Weekly Mining Letters on Suirpter, Oregon, Gold Mining District Free on Application. A Good Housekeeper wants her kitchen supplied w.th everything that will lighten labor and facilitate worl.. So when she sees s jch bargains as we are offer ing in wash tubs, pails, clothes wringers, measures of all k nds, and everything in housefurnishing goods, she will secure what she needs at once. W. J. CLARKE & CO., Court Street t 3 and between the two the scheme of outwitting the vigilance committee was concocted. No effort was made to keep away from the public the statement that the murderer would be here Monday, and the willingness of the officers to divulge this caused the press representatives to smell a "nigger in the woodpile." The Jail is locked securely, and not wide open as It has been during the past few days, and this fact alone as sisted In starting a quiet Investiga tion, as It was surmised the prisoner was "back among the old folks once again." H.s attorney. George TJentley, has affidavits from attaches of the sher iff's office who were present when the mob appeared on Tuesday morn ing early this month, and he has also taken occasion to secure newspaper dippings showing the intense feel ing against the murderer, all with the hoiM? of being granted a change of venue, but few in touch with the sit uation believe the cuurt will allow the application, and are Bure that the ! trial will he held in f.aker county. Rumor has It that threats are made law or no law the officers will never take the wretch from Baker county to be either hanged or imprisoned at the penitentiary, A measure enacted at the last session of the legislature! provides that all hangings shall be I ( held at the state penitentiary, but 1 I frie.ids of the deafl woman are quot- ea as saying .rnusiruui; n.-vi leave the court room U a verdict other than murder In the first degree Is re turned. . SNUFF BUT NO TAKERS. Uncle Sam Buys Five Pounds Yearly fcr the Members of Congress. Paw sinfp the United States senate held its first ression. nuff has been j I provide.-! for tae members. ine set-, 1 retarv of me senate mij f"""" every year. The snuff is Kept in two . clrl. t1 the n- I uantes from the lobby. Any member I who wants a pinch is free to take it I Thorn are nn snuff takers In the I present senate although In the old avB of course, nearly every senator took' it The snuff in U:r present.! boxes stands untouched from me year s end to another, but it is always then and always jresh. The snuff is provided under an old rule that has , 1. in., utirncntnl In the last report of th txpecdl-l ture of the contingent fund of the,! senate sttnds this item (f pounds of Copenhagen snuff. 60 Blind Author of 5,000 Hymns. Philadelphia. March 24. Fanny Crosby, the popular blind hymn writ er, was the recipient of an ovation todav on the occasion of her S3rd birthday. During the past half cen-' turv Miss Crosby has oeen wnuuK hymns and has turned out more man . 5,000, many of which have attained j wide popularity. Among the most , widely known of her enons are saie in the Arms of Jesus." "iiecau tne ; " MT Shnll Know Htm. X C 1 .1 ... uuu - . If you are troubled with impure Mnnii indlrateil hv sores, nimnles. , headache, etc, we would recommend 1 1 Acker's Blood Elixir, which we sell under n nositlve guarantee. It will always cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic 1 1 poisons and all blood diseases, ou cis , and tl.OO- r w scnmiai k . u.. druggists. Not He. "Do yoii take this Internally?" asked ,1 the customer as he put the bottle in . his pocket and handed over the change. ' "Me?" said the druggist's new as-! sistant. "Great Scott, no! I sell It'" Chicago Tribune. I The Colombia Lodging Hoose Newly Furnished. Bar in connection. Bet. Alta & Webb bts In Center of Block. i F. X. Schempp Propri e t o r J&r ... THE PUUQUERIEB OF MEXICO. l LEGAL BLANKS gonUn for a free cat 'alofve of tiem. A fS scpply always kept in stock. Picturesque Resorts of the City Which Attract the Tourirts' Atentlon. 1 "The pulqueries of the City of Mex- leo are a unique feature of the life In that country that never fall to catch the eye of the tourist and attract the attention of visitors," said A. S. nKn...tw nf CI Doan Tor tn fL Washington Star man. "There arc I nearlv a thousand such places and 3 iL .I! n nn.. ill. ntllnlln eery day, These pulque shops aro open -every day in the year, and sure ly present a picturesque apearance. The walls are decorated with the most extraordinary pictures, repre senting bull fights and nrire fights. Tbe extraction of the pulque from the covnir.MT CAEELESSNESS1N DRIVING. Is responsible for many damaged vehicles, but when a carriage is left in charge of Neagle Bros, for repairs, no one can ever accuse us of carelessness in repairing, Our work is always done thoroughly and well, and with promptness and dispatch. NEAQLB iHOTMIB WsmU and goaruitM the Elortr OuoHot CD ft DO, Closing Out Cost Glassware, Crockery, Graniteware All must go. We cannot enumerate the many articles in fancy China, etc. We ;have not scratched the old price, but have placed the new selling price below or alongside, so you can readily see the difference. Granulated Beet Sugar per sack, S5.45 Granulated Cane Sugar per sack, $5.70 Mocha & Java Coffee per pound, 30c Our "400 Blend" Coffee per pound, 30c "Hosiers' Pride" Coffee per pound, 20c Four packages Arm and Hammer Soda, 25c Owl High Grade Baking Powder per pound, 30c Six Bars Owl Soap, 25c Semi-porcelain 7inch Plates, per doz en, 81c Comi.nnrrplflin PlP PlfltPS. ner dOZeO. 4jVlll I pUl VVIUIII - 7 f 60c l t - . l t . A, Vnrm.nnrroi'iin i line Jinn .aiii nrs. c OWIIli pWlVVIMIII 7 J dozen, 99c Covered Vegetable Dishes, each, 48c A few White Chambers, each 50c Bowls and Pitchers, each 48c 14-01. Granite DisfiDan. each 50c 5Ut. fNlCKei riaieu lea ramie, eatiw Woven Wire Wash Boards, each 6 Common Lamp Chimneys, each 6c Horseshoe Tumblers, per dozen 30c 8 Boxes Toothpicks, 2500 in box, 25c I00piece Haviland Dinner set, $27.73 (Note this Price. All -vti -w rioTiT ctni Ir rX MI II R All IJ 111 llv it Otuwa jx. TT 1 J 4-1 fOZi. r-i i' I I it 1 1 1 1 uiir v v i.ii id i iju n niiu uaubwiiJi .irj ' -t. T n -m mo -r-i f f nocic? n I I Cff Til a in i m 3.iili t aaBt cxx.x -, i m. rr.- r V -T -ri kZTIIl. the better. Come now, don't pu off comine in and investigate. i . t a., UUI ClUbllll' UUl SillC ai" Monday, March 16, and we uau A Ull 1U1 HAW u' ZD oeen a gooa advertisement - i it . rr , li 5iv wf nivp fiir Tiift -nricc a" visit to our store is all that necessary to convince you. OWL TEA HODS