East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 24, 1903, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
3j Tonight and Wednesday-, fair.
NO. 4G09.
will br dltTrel t your reWnr
ot ' tailnm tr carrier t J
ML y y V V V V V jl
hroi.. i.
hit ruin iiinflfllRIi
1 Un..n Con Cinnicnn , lE serving a life sentence for poison
larleS HayeS, oan nanClbOO, nR ncr husband In 18S9. In Liverpool.
In i i xl r
Capitalist, I hrOWn rrom a
BlICCV and Killed
Byes Was Struck on the Head and ,
lied at 6 This Morning Accident I
Iwitnessed by Two Men Who Say
JWoman Disappeared in Brush.
f?an Francisco, March 24, Charles
Hayes, capitalist and manager of
he Richmond Light & Power Compa-
li and owner of the Dlngee "state.
nas thrown from his buggy shortly
it'ter midnight while driving in the
Ipark His skull was fractured and he
Idle.! 'his moniln;; at B.
Hayes had a woman with him when
'the horse ran away Hayes struck on
I'his head The woman clug to him.
silking the ground In the middle of
. the dr veway No trace of the wo-
I man has yet been found, but a blood-
.talned haircomb. The accident was
wi'nessetl by two men who say the
soman Immediately ran into the
Irtish to escape identity.
Hayes was 41 and single The wo
man is supposed to he a society wo
man and married.
Chicago Coal Companies Have Vio-
lated the Sherman Anti-Trust Law i
Knox May Prosecute Them Crim
inally. Chicago, March 24 The United
States district court this morning is
sued an injunction against 11 compa
nies and 10 individuals composing the
alleged Chicago coal combine, from
enntinuiug contracts and fixing price
on coal, on the grounds that It was
In violation of the Sherman anti-trust
Dispatches from Washington say
liar a notably strong lobby has been
there endeavoring to nifluence the
attorney-general and prevent this Is-1
suanre but absolutely fniled. The
evidenr-c against the combine is said
tr be xcentionally strong. Knox may
V secun them criminally.
Four Drummers and Two Negro
Boatmen Drowned This Morning.
M a
Mar li 24. Four commer
rnd two negro boatmen
morning trying to
r,d Ciry from Garvin. Ark.
it entangled In a wlro
' apsized.
C rev Maxwell Reports That
Zr Domingo Forces Have
' r Mnrrn 21. Consul
1 ' today cables the
" .' - that San Domingo
ion of the revoln-
, . -nment forces have
i tn'-hf Vasque is now in
Florida Federation of Labor,
""ar I M;,,-ph 24. There was
r,i -.to-i.in'r oi delegates today
at ttu o-nitit? f if the annual conven
tion o the Florida State Federation
or w.nor The organization has large
ly increased ltd mnmlmrahli, flnrlnir
hc past '2 months and this, with the
important of the subjects scheduled
for discussion has caused the eon.
ryentfon to attract close attention in
f or circles throughout the state.
ine sessions are expected to last
several days.
Free Matinee for Whole Town.
llostnn Mnrnl. OA fllnl,n..l tt 1
Ki i 1.11UU1U nuru-
ng Davis, the novelist, gave his fcl-
luwuHmun oi .Marion a novel treat
itoday. At thn rnminat ,f M. TV.,,1..
Henry Miller, the actor, took 'his en
tire nomnanv frnm tinutr,. m -i
mis afternoon and gave a special
matinee of tho "Taming of Helen."
i..iv uuuieiiy oi .Mr. uavis, in which
nuijr iuuiur nas scored a success.
Po tickets wero sold to tho matinee
pnd every man, woman and child In
lie town was given free admission.
iymnastlc Championship Postponed.
New York. Marnh 2! Thn nnn.nl
RninaStlc phnmnlnnihin ll
pi"" Amateur Athletic Union, which
was to have hn l.ni.i ..,! .i...
pltes of tho New Polo Athletic Asso-
I,; ,.( " ,on'Kllt' liaB ,,en Postponed
Iimt 1 next Saturday, owing to tho fact
Ithat tho Intorcolleglato gymnastic
lllieet llir takes nin,. c.ri:i..
la large number of tho competitors
Boiler Explosion.
Wk'kllffe. Ivy., Mareli i -'Pi.,n
were killed nnd six Injured in a hollor
s'Aiiiiiaion in a saw mill hero this
Permanent nntlcnn nm tr, .h.a.
I - w U.VUll-
, 1,10 lamp posts In tho main
streets 0f Dundee, Scotland, forhld-
apiuuig on tho footways.
American Woman Serving Life Sen
J tence in England, to Get a Pardon,
London. March 24. The home
office announces that Mrs. Florence
Mnybrlck, an American woman, who
win ne sei tree in huh. me tact oi
her pardon win he used by her Wash-
.mem of the trial of a lawsuit brought
estate located In Kentucky, Virginia
and West Virginia.
Former President of San Salvador,
Reduced to Want, Passes Away at
Mexico. March 24. General Carlos
Ezeta. a former president of Salvador,
died nt Mazatlan Sunday. He had
recently been reduced to absolute
want. He will lie buried at the gov
ernment's expense. He was the most
progressive president the republic
ever hnd. He introduced into that
country regular railroad systems and
telegraph and telephone lines. He
was overthrown in 1894 and fled to
California, whe-o he lived for some
time. He was '50 years of age.
American Troops Meet With No Re
sistance Ladrones Fled Without
Giving Battle.
Manila. March 24. The American
troops today recaptured Surigao on
the Island of Mindanao, which was
taken by the Ladrones Saturday. The
outlaws did not harm the American
officials and other foreigners. All
were well and safe when the troops
arrived. The Ladrones fled without
giving battle.
President Roosevelt. After His West
ern Trip, Will Go to Cleveland.
Washington, March 24. It became
known today that the president, after
his western trip, instead of returning
directly to Washington, will go to
Cleveland, O., and he Hanna's guest,
until after the marriage of Ruth
Hanna to McCormlck.
One Man Killed and Six Badly Hurt
in Stone Quarry at St. Joseph.
St Joseph. Mo.. March 24. One
was killed and six badly injured this
afternoon at Dunn's quarry, while
thawing dynamite In the engine room.
Press Is Sounding His Complaints.
Caused by Heavy Taxation Urging
Colonists to Bear Some of Burden.
New Tork. March 24. There is un
doubtcdljr u growing demand by the
people of this country that the self-
governing colonies should bear a larg
er share of the cost of the imperial
defense, says a dispatch to the Trl
bune from London. The Saturday Re
view, referring to the subject, argues
as follows:
"Supposing foi a moment that Can
ada wns a soparate country. She
would be forced, especially as her
wheat export Increases, to keep a
considerable fleet to defend hor mer
chantmen, and yet Sir Wilfrid Laurler
maintains that Canada is doing her
full duty in the imperial defense by
building railways, most of which
wero made possible by English cap!
The real meaning of this and simi
lar arguments Is that John Bull, In
spite of his broad hack, Is groaning
tinder an Incomo tax of 15 pence on
the pound, and Is anxious to he reliev
ed of the load.
Negro Brute Assaults Her While In a
Pullman Car In Seattle Yards.
Seattle. March 24. Mrs. Cora Tur
ner, of Portland, was assaulted by a
colored porter in a Pullman car In the
railroad yards hero early this morn
ing. 8he was on her way from Spo
kane to Portland. Tho negro cut her
with a knife in his effort to Intimidate
her. Crazed with pain and fear, the
woman leaped through the plate glass
window of tho car, and hor screams
brought assistance of men In tho
yards. The porter was arrested and
later gavo his name as G. W. Hobin
son. Tho woman Is being hold bb a
witness against him.
Epidemic of Whooplng-Cough.
Now York, March 24. Brooklyn
children aro suffering from an epi
demic of croup and whooping-cough,
which is raging in that borough. At
present there aro over 800 cases of
the maladies In tho borough, and tho
opIilomc Is spreading rapidly. Al
ready many deaths have been report
ed. Tho diseases are moatly confined
to children whoso ages range from
1 month to 10 years.
Fire at Pittsburg.
Pittsburg, March 24. Fire today
hroko out in tho McEloveon Furniture
Company. Tho stock was damagod
to tho amount of 250.000. Tho loss to
tho building has not yot boon estimated.
Letters Produced in Court Showing That She Had Been in
Love With Him foSeveral Years.
Buffalo, March 24. Pale, but calm, private means or not, as he always
Mrs. Burdick again mounted the wit- was a Bilent, reserved man. He told
ness stand this morning. The court iheY'nothing of his private affairs, nl
was crowded, nearly all the scats be- .though Intimate with her for six
ing occupied by fnshionably dressed
women of social rank.
Mrs. Burdick, accompanied by her j
mother, entered the court room just : Coatsworth suddenly thrust a pa
after Prosecutor Coalesworth took Jr forward, which proved to be a
his place. She eyed him shrinklngly oond signed by Pennell. securing to
as he commenced the examination. Mrs. Burdick the payment or $25,000
holding In his hands another bundle before November. 1002. She denied
of letters. She admitted that thefe ver seeing it before or of ever get
had been an altercation in the Bur- "nB 'he money. She said the safety
dick hdusc two years ago. She em- deposit officers had shown her an
phatlcally denied that Burdick struct rder signed by herself, giving her
her with a chair or that he wore brother the right to open her box.
court plaster after the affair ended. She said she had no brother and so
Mrs. Burdick was shown a letter supposed Burdick had deceived her
from her husband in which he said ' into signing it. She opened the box
the divorce would he pressed. Also . and.thcre found secured the bond and
her reply In which she begged his letters.
forgiveness. He forgave her and they . ' Pennell paid all the expenses of the
returned home together Kew York trip and stayed In Atlantic
A short time afterward, on Pen- City a week while she was there. The
nell's constant solicitation, she again lost time she saw him was three days
met him several hours in a rooming 'before the Burdick murder, when she
house where they conferred about de
tectives hired to follow Burdick.
When she reached home her hushaiul
asked her where she had been nnd
told her she must leave the house, but
not necessarily that day.
That night they went to Ponnell's
office, where everything was amica
bly arranged, Burdick being ery
kind even then. The next day Bnr
dick's divorce summons was served
on hor after -whioh.sho-left -the li64We
and went to Niagara Falls, where she
lived alone In a hotel. Pennell visit
ed her there twice, but she saw none
of her family or children. Then she
went to New York, where she snw
Pennell several times.
She was shown a letter which she
recognized as one written by Mrs.
Pennell to Burdick. pleading for him
to drop the divorce proceedings for
the sake of her children. She be
sought him to save the reputation of
all and not cast the stigma of divorce
over his children.
One letter said: "Allie. 1 am going
to Atlantic City. What the end of
that trip will be God only knows. As
a fiual word of warning, let me tell
yon there is no punishment like a
life of regret.
Was Stunned by News.
The first news she received of Bur-
diek's murder was a telegram from
Mrs. Hull saying: "Ed died this morn
ing. He had just arisen after a usual
nt'hf's rest." She wired both Mrs.
Hull and Pennell that she would be
in Buffalo that night. She was stun
ned and shocked nnd hardly knew
what she was doing. She wired Pen
nell not as a lawyer, but as a friend.
She was met at the station by a re
porter who was tho first to tell her
that Burdlck's death was caused by
murder. She learned the full circum
stances onlv when she arrived at the
house. She didn't hear from Ponnell
otter lie bade her bood-bye when re
turning from Buffalo. He was as
much in love with her anil she with
him as ever when they parted.
She had another talk with Bur
dick at Buffalo. She couldn't then
quite decide whether she wanted a
divorce or not. There was no decided
feeling either way. She loft It all to
Pennell. She finally agreed to let the
divorce go by default, Burdick prom
ising thnt she could have the child
ren every alternate six months. Later
she decided to make a defense to
save her reputation. The witness and
Ponnell expected Mrs. Pennell to se
cure a divorce but when the latter
declined, Pennell decided to defend
Burdlck's suit. He told her when she
was divorced he would go West, pro
cure a divorce and marry her. She
didn't know whether Pennell had any
The Great Northern and Northern Pa
cific Will Increase Wages of Train
men. St. Paul. March 24. It is roliably
stated that tho Great Northern and
the Northorn Pacific are fearful of a
strike at this season and will settle
with the trainmen's committees In
waiting at St. Paul on tho same basis
as tho Great Western did last week.
This means a 10 to 15 per cent In
crease of wages all around.
Robert Burns and Clayton Van De-
Water Lease Grounds There and
Wire for a Manager,
Walla Walla. March 24. Baseball
for Walla Walla this season Is prac
tically assured, and If plans do not
miscarry Eddie Bruyetto will bo In
tho city within a weok for tho pur
pose of getting his men together,;
Denied Getting Money,
signed an amended answer In the
Burdick suit and bade him good-bye
at the station. He seemed cheerful
nnd confident that she would get a
divorce, rather than Burdick.
, On further examination Mrs. Bur
dick said she received no letter from
Pennell dated from Niagara Falls,
saying: "that he had received the
telegram and was greatly shocked by
the newB of Burdlck's death." No-
raSdy brought. -her. ,ai ..verbs' uieswtgc
nnd she did not see him nfter the
death. The inquest then adjourned
from 12:30 to 2;30 .
Regarding New Developments.
The resumption of the inquest was
delayed CO minutes, while the offic
ials held a conference regarding the
new developments.
Mrs. Burdick was ngaln called to
the stand. Coatsworth produced more
Setters which were identified by the
witness. One wns from her husban'
in which he said: "Sometimes I think
it would bo hotter for us all If I were
out of the way." At tho time when
he wrote this letter she admitted thnt
she was in New York, seeing Pennell
daily. On from Pennell to her said:
I "I love you nnd want you with me,
hut It will never he; our fate is inex
orable unless we choose to break it."
The witness said she believed Pen
noil's meaning was to get two di
She was asked point blank If she
would swear sho had received no In
formation as to who committed the
murder, nnd that she did not and
could not lav hands on the murderer,
Mrs. Burdick replied, emphatlcnll
l.v; "I knew' nothing whatever of It."
Coatsworth then relinquished the
witness. Attorney Hartsell, her coun
sol. questioned her and brought out
statements that Burdick was jealous
and had a reputation that would be
likely to combat nny detrimental dis
closures. That he knew his wife re
ceived a letter from Pennell.
Sho said there was nothing crimi
nal or immoral In their relations and
that she was never in a compromising
situation with Pennell and that he
never made any Improper proposi
Hons. Thetr relations were Innocent.
Ench honored the other and they ex
pected to be married. Pennell always
took the Initiative, when she return
ed, he pursued her everywhere until
sho was forced to meet him.
The Pennells are both familiar with
the Burdick house and a person could
gain entrance to the den easily with
out attracting anyone's attention.
Sho didn't know whether either of the
Fennels visited the house the night
of hto murder. She never remember-
od making any threats. The witness
was then excused.
Yesterday R. Burns, general agent for
tho Oregon Railroad & Navigation
Company, and Clayton Van DeWater
agreed to take sole charge of the base
ball club and they at onco wired
Bruyette, at Seattle, that they would
accept his terms to act as player
manager of the local team,
Messrs. Burns nnd Van DeWater
will nssume all responsibility In re
gard to local basohnll, and intend to
run the club on a business basis, Mr.
Van DoWeter will net as secretary of
tho club and will devote his entire at
tention to the matter.
Subscription lists are being circu
lated among the business men re
questing their nld In starting tho
movemont, nnd ns nn evidence of good
faith on tholr pnrt Burns and Van De
Water have deposited $1,000 In a, local
The annual loss by expatriation of
wealthy Americans wio Imvo taken
up permanent rosidence abroad is
placed Bt.$30,000,000. k ' ,
t. -y. ;,t,... ' ' -
Killed a Number of the Defenders
American Troops Hurrying to Re
take the Place.
Manila. March 24. The town of
Surlago, In the northeastern part or
the Island of Mindanao, was captur
ed Sunday by Ladrones, who killed
Constabulary Inspector Clarke and
several others. A detnehment of 30
men. belonging to the Tenth Infantry,
under the command of Lieutenants
Patterson nnd Brown, Is hurrying
from Hogan, on the northwest coast
of Mindanao, to Surlago. on the
transport Ileilly. with orders to recap
ture that place.
England to Grant 10.030,000 Pounds
to Help Tenants Buy Land.
New York, March 24. It Is rumor
ed that tlie Irish land bill will pro
pose a grant of 10,000,000 from the
Imperial exchequer, to help bridge
the difference between what the ten
ant thinks he can afford to pay and
what the lnndlord deems himself en
titled to obtain as purchase money,
says a Tribune dispatch from London.
mere is a tremennous oemano icri
tickets to
hear the introduction or tae
bill in the house of commons on Wed
nesday. All the seats for strangers
already have been appropriated.
Old Directors Re-elected.
Philadelphia, March 24. The pro
ceedings of the meeting today of the
stockholders of the Pennsylvania
Railroad were of a purely routine
character. In accordance with the
decision previously reached the three
retiring directors, George Wood, W.
H. Barnes and C. Stuart Patterson,
were re-elected for a period of four
years. The resolution to iucrcase the
capital stock by $150,000,000 was rat
ified. No other business of Import
ance came before the meeting.
Duane vs. Gardner.
Boston. March 24. The Criterion
Athletic Club has arranged an attrac
tive program for its bl-weckly boxing
show tonight. The preliminaries will
bring together good local fighters and
In the wind-up Danny Duane and Jim
my Gardner will beet In a 10-round go.
Both fighters are of the hard-hitting
variety and are expected to put up a
lively bout.
Kansas Grain Men.
Kansas' CltT"March '24:-i-MeBibers
of the Kansas Grain Dealers' Associ
ation began a two-days' convention
here today in response to the Invita
tion of the Mercantile Club. Many
topics affecting the Interests of those
engaged In the grain trade nre sched
uled for discussion.
People Walking About in the River
Bed Hunting Relics Condition Is
Due to a Big Ice Jam.
Niagara Falls. March 21. The
American falls Is practically dry and
for the first time in 55 years people
ore able to wtilk obout In the river
bed. Thousands have clambored over
the rocks hunting for relics and sou
venlrs. Great rocks never before
seen are high and dry- So little water
Is flowing over the American falls
thst men in high boots almost could
have crossed at the brink. The ex-
tralrdlnary condition Is due to an Ice
Jam up the river. The ice was driven
from Lake Erie into the entrance to
the Niagara and lodged in the shoal
water, shutting off the flow Into the
American canal. The worsesnoe iaii
Is not affected as much as tho Amer
ican. Tho river In the vicinity of the
Three Sister Islands Is quite dry and
the center falls, between Goat and
Luna Islands, Is a skeleton of ItBelf,
The condition Is likely to exist for
several days.
President Roosevelt May Not Have
a Very Pleasant Time When He
Visits the Yellowstone Park.
Fort Yellowstone, March 24. Over
tho length and breadth of the Nation
al Park there swept a terrific snow
storm Sunday and Sunday night, It
deepended the snow that already lay
on the ground and made travel, even
for the ski runners of the army, well
night Impossible. Altogether the pros
pect of passable trails and pleasant
traveling when the president comes
to visit the park two weeks hence, Is
not at all good.
Major Pitcher, superintendent of
the park and commandant of this
post, has not received fully the re
ports of the storm, but It is known
that it was general over the entlro
pari:. The snow Is heavy and damn.
making patrol work especially ardu
ous. Major Pitcher doclarod that Mr.
Roosevelt will do no hunting wlthlu
tho park. His gun will be sealed by
the military when ho enters the park
juat as though he wero an ordinary
citizen. It is understood tho infor
mation recolved by Major Pitcher
from Washington Is that one of the
chief purposes of tho president's visit
to the park Is to examine tho precau
tions that aro being taken for the
protection of game and see what
steps are necessary to make tno pro
tection still more effective.
Ore la now loadod Into lake scboea-
i at the rte of.roGO teas wj Jwwr.
Mob Attempted to Burn Gov
ernment Buildings at Port
of Spain Monday.
Sailors and Marines on Police Dirty
People Violently Excited Mob
Yesterday Destroyed $250,000 Worth
of Property.
Kingston, St. Vincent, March 24.
A serious riot was In progress at
2:30 yesterday afternoon at Port of
Si-.atn. Trinidad, according to a dls-
, . . fPnm thnt pltv. A
. , A.
mob attempted to burn the govern
ment buildings and the police iiad to
fire on the rioters, killing and wound
ing several of them.
The British cruiser Pallas, at the
time the dispatch lott, was lauding
blue-jackets. The rioting was due to
the refusal on the part of the govern
ment to withdraw the ordinance con
cerning the new water works. A dem
onstration was made during the day's
meeting of the legislative council, and
finally the moh stoned the govern
ment buildings and set fire to them.
The riot act was read and tho police
fired on the mob. The city is in a
state of great excitement.
Port of Spain, March 24 Sailors
and marines are still doing police
duty. Tho people are violently excit
ed and tho situation is dangerous.
The damage by the mobs yesterday,
aggregates $250,000.
President Refuses to Renominate
Vlck, the Negro, Because of Party
Perfidy. -
Washington, March 24. The presi
dent -today appointed R. T. Pearson
postmaster at Wilson, N. C. This is
the office for which Vlck, the colored
man, was a candidate for reappoint
ment, but against whom Senator
Prltchard had brought charges of
party perfidy to the person recom
mended by Piitchard.
Western Union Will Not Pass Into
Control of American Telegraph
New York, March 24. It was auth
oritatively denied by the Western
Union today that it is to pass under
the control of the American Tele
giaph and Telephone Company
Typewriter for the Shah.
New York, March 2ij Richmond
Pearson, tho United States minister
to Persia, takes with him when ho
leaves for his post today several
handsome presents for the shah.
Among them Is a present which
President Roosevelt Is sending to tho
Persian ruler and a typwriter fitted
with Persian characters which Mr
Pearson intends as a personal gift
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago, March 24. Wheat
72c per bushel.
Hobo Gets Ten Days for Assault
Three Indians Up for Disorderly
The following is the police court
record for today: James Montgomery
a hobo, gets 10 days in tho city jail
foi assaulting a young man from Pi
lot Rock, Montgomery and a hobo
companion asked the Pilot Rock man
for the price of a bed Saturday last,
and became engaged In an altercation
with him, during which Montgomery
assaulted the Pilot Rock man with a
cane. The assaulter wns not appre
hended until last evening. Three In
dians Joseph Bennett, Isadoro and
Pete were run in for plain disorder
ly conduct. The two first named
each got three days in jail. The last
named bad his choice of $10 or Ave
days in jail. Ho paid the fine.
Forage Crop and Fertility.
Those states which are noted for
the production of forage crops not
only have maintained the original fer
tility of the soil, but they spend for
commercial fertlzers less than one
per cent or tho annual value of their
crops, while those states which pay
least attention to forage crops have
impoverished the soil and spend an
nually for fertlzers from five to nine
per cent of tho total value of their
Most Valuable Medal.
The most valuable medal In exist
ence is tho Blake Victory modal,
struck in 1C83. It Is of gold, oval in
shape and Its original cpst was $1.
500. i
The Russian army la sM''a'
ready far whatever Jbsmiom
Balkans. MeaawMte' J
.peasant 'eowau a
- nuanr, iur