FRIDAY. MARCH 20, 1903. GOLDEN TREftSURE SEA GIVES UP RICHES FROM LONG-SUNKEN VESSEL. Forty Years Ago the Sldewheeler Was Burned at Sea, and All Aboard Per ished. San Francisco, Cal., March 20. Among the passengers on the steamer Newport, which arrived from South and Central American ports Wednes day, was Captain E. W. Johnstone and a party of treasure-hunters, which left here last November in the hope of locating the wrecks of the side wheel steamer Golden Gate, which was burned to the water's edge off the Mexican coast in 1SC2. The Golden Gate carried much treasure in her strongroom, and her passengers individually were credited with having immense sums of money in their possession, the result of lucky strikes in the California gold fields. The Golden Gate was bound from this city for Panama, and was in col lision with an Atlantic liner at Pana ma. She took lire at sea and was sunk, all on board losing their lives. After 40 years, Johnstone's expe dition is one of the many determined to search for and If possible, secure the Golden Gate's treasure. Captain Johnstone reports that the efforts of the expedition met with success; that the vessel, submerged in 80 feet of water, has been located, and the treasure, or some of it found. He exhibits many sea-corroded and partly melted gold coins, in proof of his assertion that the treasuro has been located, and returns to this city to obtain appliances for recovering the gold that he feels assured is in the bulk of the lost Golden Gate. COLUMBIA RIVER SARDINES. a number of persons in this commis sion, and they agree in stating you have put up a very satisfactory article. They regard it as equal n flavor to the best American produc tion. In the opinion of some, It is in some respects better than any other American product they had examined. "The fish seemed to have been packed with care and the oil of good composition, though perhaps not qim sufficient In quantity. The opinion was expressed that your sample was hardly equal to the best French pro duct. It would seem that a profitable snnllno Industry could be built up on the West coast, and I see no reason why you should not succeed in such an undertaking. "GEORGE M. BOWERS, "Commissioner." AaAAAAAAAAAA a a a A A A A A A AAA AAAAAAAA AAA AAA A A A A A A A A A A A A A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaajia". - DANDRUFFENE BONFIRE OF BIBLES. Pronounced to be as Good as Any American Product. Astoria, Ore., March 20. W. O. Hemlow, of this city, has been exper imenting with the canning of cardines caught In the Columbia river, and re cently sent a sample can to the Unit ed States commission of fish and fish eries for inspection. Lately he re ceived a letter from Commlsionor Bowers, which highly commends the products. The letter follows: "Washington, March 11. Mr. W. O. Hemlow, Astoria, Ore. Dear Sir: Your letter of the 26th ult., and the sample can of sardines which you kindly sent for examination have been received. "The sample has been examined by I j Causes Religious War in Fiji Is landers Attack Mission. Victoria, B. C. March 20. Steamer Moana, which arrived lately brought Hows from KHi that trouble had arisen between the Protestant and Roman i Catholics there as a result of the burning of 300 Bibles by the Catho lics. The natives of the section had changed their religion, and, according to letters from Hev. Mr. Burns, Prot estant misisonary at Hewa, a puouc gathering was held and the Bibles burned. The incident has since caus ed much friction between the two bod ies. News was brought of an attack on the Presbyterian mission on Ambrian Island by armed natives of New Heb rides. The natives, who came from the hill tribes, approached the mission with rifles and ammunition, surround ed the place and opened Are at a given signal, riddling the walls. When they rushed the house, they found no one there, the misisonary and other occupants being absent at the time. A new volcano is vomiting large quantities of smoke and lava on Riri, New Hebrides. Earthquake shocks were being felt. The residents be lieved the volcano to be caused by submarine eruptions near the island, and large bodies of water were seen to fly upwards at times. The resi dents were much alarmed when the last malls left. Plague has broken out on the Franch steamer La Prouse, at Nou mea, from New Hebrides. Four died. She has been quarantined. FOR PORTLAND SHOW. mm An antiseptic absorbent guaranteed to Cure Dandruff, Eczema and all scalp Diseases in : : SEVEN DAYS s : Dandruffene renders the scalp pliant elastic. It is a marvelous hair restorer. and California's Building at Lewis and Clark Fair Will Cost $20,000. Sacramento, Cal., March 20. Gov ernor Pardee has signed the bill ap propriating $20,000 for a California building at Portland's Lewis and Clark exposition in 1905. The building will be used for the Installation of ex hibits and reception of visitors. The law provides that If the state of Cal ifornia shall, before the year 1905. Ask your druggist for Dandruffene. It is sold by first-class druggists. Sold in Baker City by n. Levinger. MANUFACTURED BY TllG MERRILL DANDRUFFENE 348 Washington Street Phone Main 3oo. Portland, Or. mmfmmmmTTmTTTTTTTTTTTTTiiin" provide for the installing or mainte nance of an exhibit, to be held in St. Louis, the state at the Louisiana Pur chase exposition, to be held In St. Louis, Mo., in 1904, the said exhibit, upon the termination of the said St. Louis exposition, shall be turned over and delivered at Portland, Ore., to the commissioner appointed under this act, who is hereby authorized to re ceive the same. TO VISIT THE DALLES. Governor and Party to Inspect Port age Site. Salem, March 20. Governor George E. Chamberlain today will be joined by Secretary Dunbar and the state treasurer, and the three will proceed to The Dalles to make a preliminary survey of the situation with a view to perfecting plans for the construction of the portage railway, authorized by the legislature for which an appro priation of $165,000 was made. While at The Dalles the officials will meet all parties interested in the project, and invite suggestions as to the work to be undertaken under the act of the legislature. The Colamfcia Lodging House Newly Furnished. Bar in connection. Bet. Alta & Webb Sts In Center of Block. F. X. Schempp Proprietor Dally East Orcgonlan by carrier, only 15 cents a week. i hKAZcK UPcKA HUUS daicd jc wici ru m a vtv MnnnHniicc I in k m wi a ia mm an Mr mb mm m m rt i W E I W I 1 mm M t I I w I r I 1 J The Eminent German Comedian, CHARLES A. (Karl) GARDNER In Lincoln J. Carter's New Sensational Scenic ComeJj. h u " be m mm a. .. m mm aim of beautiful special scenery, mechanical and electrical effects that can be used on this stage PRICES: $1.00, 75c, 50c, 25c Seats no on sale at Frazier's Book Store. kj jjjijrijjjjj iiiiii liiii) i))i)iiii)iiiiiii liiiii iiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiii&iiii Licit titwtttiitffrrrrrrrrrfFrjrwrrrrrr w w r w w w wmrmmwwwwMmwwMwwrrMiiiwitii - rr. .-. frrr rrfffff t i t i i tit 'f Iff If ftlil Iff 1 111 l?t 111111 1111117t- 11 mZZ WE ARE NOW OFFERING TTTT SECOND ALLOTMENT SHARES 100,000 I OF HIGHLAND GOLD STOCK B AT SIX (6) CENTS PER SHARE. The first idlotraent of 100,000 Shares was disposed of at six cents nor slmr mnativ K uflm : i.... , , LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION y, TheHIQHLAND GOLD MINES COMPANY owns twelve quartz claims (210 acres) in tnn,ner,tl,e, aDi0US ?UMPTER DISTRIST OF EASTERN OREGON, and ocated on the p p m.m 4W?J:ld"renowned N0RTH P0-E- theCOLUMBIA, the GOLCONDA, and ho E. & e. MINES to the west, and theBAISLEY-ELKHORN and other large producers to the east the great CHLORIDE mine lying to the north of the HIGHLAND GROUP. mnui aJ?W rJuI He,t or zono after nass'B through the mines o the west strikos the HIGHLAND ground and runs through It for a distance of 3500 feet. The vein X ledo has been thoroughly prospected and pay-ore has been uncovered the whole distance- r fact the IrHlotlLNVSS.118 PaySh0t r re- bdy w d"C0V"ed ' thl'dU M FREE TRIP TO THE MINES To any who wishes to invest a reasonable sum Jn the HIGHLAND, we will pay all the traveling expenses to and from the mine for the purpose of his making a personal Investi gation. We have a good mine and wo are not afraid to show It. Mining men and experts ol , ,T ali lty wll lmVl! viBited the HIGHLAND are nil unnnimous in saying that theHIGH land will make a large mine and a good producer In Inviting you to purchase stock in the HIGHLAND, wo do bo with the end in view or secur ng you as a permanent customer and client, believing that by fair and honest treat ment only can we retain the confldenco of investors n i Jl'im urospectus you can learn all about our enterprise. It is a good one-safe and certain. We recommend It to our most conservative clients. CflnnXm R T T ATMUMro TO MATI7 nnnnn-nn im n nTm yt. TT Jt 'T 1 1 li ill 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ill ii, iv i i iii i i uu iihhm km ii ii 'i' lz 1 1 it ni'ni' in if i a ii. x.-ziifin .lit r r: rr a . a in mVM M-M M I 1 WW tl1ll.llB1.IB ft Mm. .niUB 1 m mF 1 IIIJIIaI Ul II rtWIT III M n . H'.ll fill V CF1 Oil! T1 mmW AAA. U U M. M H m. W m I J r 1 mm - I r v w v w -mr mm mM Ml m mm mm niunvs m UIW w aaaiu buv b.UUU RhaMc M f y ' ' T THIS IS POSITIVELY THE LAST BLOCK OF THIS STOCK THAT WILL BE SOLD vjia Ail JLA.AjLviLiTiriix luvv f liiUKE USE THIS BLANK FOR YOUR ORDER 190. To NEIL J, SORENSEN & CO.. SUMPTER, OREGON. MmroomAilrY3! Tk fPP1'"150" ,0 HIGHLAND GOLD WINES COMPANY of Sumpter, Oregon, through yourselves, (or FSiruf on February 30th 1903. I agree to accept the return of the amount re sonvi. L-i.xHum, as the stock s full paid, non assessable and non toiu Kii Ain.r. I wired at your expense on 1903, to set aside for me the number of shares be issued on Feb. 20, 1903. Name Par value of shares P, O. Address one dollar above mentioned, to Enclosed herewith you will find $. auuscripuon. m payment for the above uo not aeiay your orders. WIRE US AT OUR EXPENSE, stating the number of shares you wish set aside. Then remit by letter, (using the apIcation blank bTj ) By SiceTsTx tsWSrb80harr,nab,y CCrta, f T loL mur..tyW.n XtelfiH bUnk' bU8'neSS bUS' r t0 any 8ub8tantlnl 'tUen in the com- X7 at enience. . For Further Parliculars Apply To NtlL J. SORENSEN & CO Department No. M J Financial Agents GOOD AGENTS WANTED. MUST GIVE REFERENCES. mmmmk m-x .AA V miiiiiiiiuiiiamwiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiuiiiiuiuiuiuiuiiiiumii iiiiiUiiiiiiiii