-Our Line of Richard Hud nut's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites Is now open for your inspection, including perfumes, toilet soaps, cold creams, satchet powders, talcum powders, almond meals, etc. We will be pleased to show you these goods whether you intend to buy or not. BROCK & McCOMAS CO. DRUGGISTS FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1903. We must not judge a man by his ornaments but strip him of all his advantages and the Im postures of fortune, nay, of his very body, and look into his mind. Seneca. I counts that have heretofore escaped I taxation entirely. It is encouraging to note the gradual spread of more equitable assessments throughout Or 1 i 41 l egon. une coumy auer miuiuer is recognizing the need of adjustment, ami when all uronerty nays an equal ! ! share of taxes the high levies, so usual in Oregon counties, will have been reduced by half. THE HOME MAKING AGE. Reviving tho old blue laws will not make men love the Sabbath any bet ter. The proper way to bring about Sunday observance Is for the Chris tian people in the community to set the' example. Sunday papers will cease to exist only when the demand for them stops. Sunday ball games will stop only when the great mass of the people have a half holiday on There are striking evidences of moral reform on every hand in the Northwest. The cities of Tacoma and Helena, within the past week, have shut up gambling houses. Seattle Saturday, and the Sunday excursions, and Spokane have been in the throes s0cials and lawn parties will be no of tho moral warfare for months. The moro wj,en the poor can take a day battle in nearly every city election ,)u- during the week, to enjoy such held in the Northwest during the past things. It is not lack of piety that year, has been waged around the muses men to break the .Sabbath; it gambling issue as the storm center, j s acj ()f time to find enjoyment on Portland is raiding her gambling t any other day. houses right and left. Smaller towns throughout the interior of Oregon. . The Evening Telegram made a sad Washington and Idaho have closed mistake when it published its coarse public gambling, for a brief spell, at caricature of St. Patrick. There are least. I subjects which should be held sacred, The country is being loosed from aven b-v cartoonists, whose license is the grasp of pioneer customs. The wIler- if ',osslble- tlian U,B ,oeta- 11 Puritanism of the East is gradually costs n,one-v t0 learn lwnrwer' aml .....nintinr. tho ,in, f , patronaRo of thinking Irishmen the other ovonlng and found there many of his intlmato friends. After the dinner was over a conversation . . - .....! , drifted to literary worn "" presently became tho topic of convor-1 satton. I Whnn I1n illspiiR.qlnn was going Oil i one of tho company asked the liter ary man If he over wrote any poetry. "Oh, yes, I have written considera ble poetry," he replied, "but I am not going to have it published until after my death." Without waiting for any explanation of the statement ine young "- to their feet and with glasses raised . 1. Ml n ltfk nnn ni rim nnriv iiroijusuu; LUUK lii. UUU Ul V ll V I" r to you. old man." Chicago Chronicle THE CRADLE OF ASIA. iae n ,rrlr,l r, tntwla rnnrfi n 11(1 111 rim tO thO presumption that ancient America Mm l.uwl whom Mie civilization Asia itself originated. The curator of the American Section Museum ol Science and Art In the University ol Pennsylvania. Stewart Culln, contrlb utes a suggestive article on the sub jeet to the March number of Harp er's .Magazine. nnllti nnliltc nut lllUIIV strikilllT resemblances between the games of chance played by early American Iu- dians and those now in use in mum, Korea and China. Among these the Hundu game of "Parchlsl" is almost identical with "Patolli." as played by the Aztecs in old Mexico. Incident- oil,. il. ,r.. ,r rP P'inliial with wlilnli all American children are familiar, Is a development from the Pachisi which Mr. Culin and others regard as one of the important Units in tne evidence identifying Eastern with Western civilization, as lie explains In his article. HIGH-PRICED FEED. J 11 Krnmbah. .i farmer in the ITiiilcmi Tlriv I'ountrv. was In the city yesterday, says the Union. Mr. Kruin- bah reports that between suuu and MOO hr:nl nf cattle have been fed by the ranchmen of that section the past winter, and that high priced al falfa has been the principal forage SLOW- West. Formerly prosperity in a Western city was measured by the size of its poker games. Tho, popu larity of the camp or town depended in a largo degree, upon the amount of money that could bo thrown in sight in the games. A "good town" formerly meant a wide-open town, which will be withdrawn from that paper on account of Its mistake, will be worth more than the alleged hu mor in th" cartoons. The Albany people who are asking I for the referendum on the Lewis and Clark Fair bill, can gain nothing by piling up the expense of a special elec- where everybody tion on the state. The voice of the plunged. A "live town" meant a ,)eoi)ic was hear,i ln the legislature, town full of transient adventurers, However, It would be a pleasure to re- with a pocket full of money, ready to j)eat the vote. risk it, at the drop of a hat, and Just as happy without It, as with it Governor Chamberlain has muzzled That class of men were homeless N't "-'" a' grafter, and has de men. If they made headquarters termined to save the remnant or Or anywhere, thoy lived at hotels. They Son'a once glorious school land area wero not home-builders. They were 0 tIle actual settlers of the state, not men in the broad sense, who While it is late to begin, some valu tlrovo a peg in one place and gathered a,),e tracts nmv t!Ven vet sfivei1 their earnings about it. , from exploitation. They were migratory adventurers. I Thu corner a Uje u,wjjj aml who led tho advance guard of settle- clark MernorIa, )III(iinfi. w ,)0 laW meat, yet who contributed but little ,,y presi(lent noosevelt. while on his to the permanent growth of Western Western tom. The truo mmm J,8, , , , ot' ,hat l)llHng was laid by Thomas The order is changed now. A jQorson mo hllmlm, yea,.a . good town" in the West, as else- wnon ,)e conccivC(, lho i(ca Qf sen(,. where, is the town of permanent 1R tho explorers into the wilderness. homes and stable business. Tho "good town" now measures its pros- Apostle Snioot took the oath of of- porlty by the magnitude of its traffic, lice as a United States senator with- the morality of its people and the out a dissenting murmur from that staunch citizenship that sets a moral body, it is ono thing to charge a standard and fights day and night to man with wrong, but quite another to maintain it. prove it against him. The "good town" today is tho town that offers the purest surroundings If the coal operators are required for tho family, the most elevating en- ' the arbitration committee to roc- vironment for youth, and which shows ognize the miners' union, the long in tho largest degree, the triumphs of struggle will not havo been in vain, order over lawlessness . i Tho "good town" measures Its pro- ROUGH ON THE POET. hIZnf ?0 TT ln '! volumo oi ,A y,m,,K mn w,10'haB wl"te business, by tho Increasing territory short stories and who oiten sees his of trade It wins, through higher abll- name In print above a narrative in an Ity to meet the needs and tastes of tho 0l)SC"'t' niagalznc attended a dinner community. Tacoma and Helena, Seattle and Spokano recognize this changed stan dard. The reform now being inaugu rated in those cities is but the work of that homo-making element which has succeeded the adventurer. The same change is In progress through out tho entlro West. I Tho homo-making ago. the best era ' of Western civilization, is now at hand. SORES Slow healing sores are unsightly, pain ful and dangerous. They are a constant care and source of anxiety and worry. Chronic, slow healing sores are fre- 3uently the after effects of some long ebiHtating lickness that leaves the con ititution weakened and the blood in a polluted, run down condition, when a scratch, cut, simple boil or bruise, be comes a fearful looking ulcer that grows and spreads, eating deeper and deeper into the flesh in spite of everything that can be done to check its progress. Old people whose blood is below the standard and the circulation sluggish, are often tormented with face sores, and indolent, sickly looking ulcers upon the limbs that give them hardly a moment's rest from pain and worry. Ordinary sores Purify the BlOOfJ are liable to be come chronic Heal the Sore. when the blood is too weak to throw off the germs and poisons, and no amount of external treat ment vrill heal them, but they continue to grow worse and worse, and many times terminate in that most horrible of all human maladies, Cancer. S. S. S. cures slow healing sores by purifying and invigorating the germ laden, vitiated blood and purging the system of all corrupt matter, thus strik ing at the real cause and removing every hindrance to a rapid cure, and this is tho only possible way to reach these deeply rooted, dangerous places. S. S. S. strengthens and tones up the circulation, ana supplies rich, nutritious blood for the rebuilding of the constitution and healing the sore, when tou pet rid ol the old plague spot for all time. If you have a slow healing, stubborn lore, write us about it, and our Physician! will advise you without charge, The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. The corporations which object to Paying a Just share of the taxes of Oregon arc not being Hooded with sig natures asking the submission of tho corporation tax law and tho portage luad bill to a popular vote. Theso measures have been so badly needed by Oregon for years, that tho people will hesitate to Join in tho movement against thein. The taxpayers are very well pleased with both, Tho asaosaoror Clackamas county baa followed tho hi and will raise tho valuation of .property. or all Ulnda. besides bring Ing to light money, notes and ac- Destroy the tause, you Remove the Effect Newbro's llerpicide kills the dandruff germ which causes falling hair, and, finally, baldness. No other hair preparation kills the dandruff germ. Stop dan druff, there'll be no falling hair, no baldness. i)icisosi, n. n.,jiov, e,). llnvoloenulnttlltrutoWp.ttiia have uA f.'7A"0J',?Vur.ao lult.ud lindihat Lumber, Lumber, Lumber, All kinds for all purposes Sash, Doors and Blinds Planing of all descriptions done to order. Don't phcj your order for Building Material until you have consulted us. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard UOBEliT FORSTUR, Proprietor lh muuUly iiwnttoiwt, uxt liivi uS Iu3? flu4 that likeen tlw Ulr ton an. Vltiir? Kowako Uouo. For Silt at all Firit-CUu Drug Stow. LOSSES ALWAYS MET PROMPTLY By the Fire Insurance Com panies we represent. Our companies stand first in the world. Hartford Kire Insurance Uo4lvMQ Alliance- Assurance Co 20 03G DC3 London & Lancashire Fire Iusurance Co 2 &u not North British & Mercantile ',OW,08J itoyjViuVurance'Co'.: ." .' .' .' "V fil$U FRANK B. CLOPTON AGENT 600 MAIN STREET The Two Extremes About the time children begin to go to school they are liable to be confronted with one of two extremes they may either grow too fast or not grow fast enough. In the former case nature makes unusual demands upon bone and blood; vital organs are overtaxed and growth continues out of proportion to their acre. Here is where Scott's Emulsion finds scope for its best workings. It nourishes the bones the hypophosphites of lime and soda does this; it feeds and enriches the blood this through the pure cod liver oil; it strengthens the whole system, providing firm, healthy flesh and fortifying the tissues so that they are better able to stand the extra strain upon them. When a child is not growing as it should undersize, underweight, there will be found in Scott's Emulsion the very elements needed to aid in proper development. Pone food for the bones, blood food for the blood, tissue food for the tissues that is how Scott's Emulsion provides for each demand of the body. We'll send you a sample free upon request. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St., New York. EXCLUSIVELY FOR M My line of Shift Wi I iiK OKiris , an or Wool have an individuality J skirts and Muslin u wear in big variety. I make Shirt Wii Tailor-Made Suits and Si to order in my CWn f ' Ed EbeJ 645 Main street. ini t 1U. J . - gin HARVESTER The only successful Harvester ever used in Umatilla County. DRIED FRUITS 25 pounds of fancy driedp oniy 51.00. We have Dried NectarineB Apricots PrtmeB Peaches Apples BaJsias m Pears Curranti M m THE Coor t Street t 011 r n THE HOLT does satisfactory work on any kind of land. It is rot an experiment, but practical, as time has uroven. and tl advertising the machine Rets is from those who have used it. Over 75 machines in use in Umatilla County. Liglitest draught and long est lifed harvester made. Sold by SMITH 311 Court Street Pepdleton, Orego n LEGAL BLANKS w" Est' - t r IA . r gonian for a free cat alogue of them. A full supply always kept in stock. Real Estate is the 1 ii Mi 111 in n in the Yakima Valley. sm anil rhmntp arp I) tive of more diverfitied tnan any otlier section country. ment Co. have a large raw and improved Si II I lULJlC: 1U U1IV UlllfV.iv. 110c nrn h If in a short m ilmrr nrnnncihnn lAf iiinmu wji , Pasture Lands, $1.5" per acre. 1- , n t ml. IA $8.00 per acre. Imnroved Lands in steads still left. Nessly-Soott Investment Prosser, vvasn. '4-4 X X-JIX-, JLL-a.i-n ..I-1 . . . rtr, n 77X77CT'K-rrK-trarr-rr- I I I I A Whole Week of Bargains DRESS GOODS out is a bona lide reduction. If all our oustimera buy only drosSJs this woXat ?p oial pnoos ouotod bolow, wo will uot get rioh. but wo will Ko ll of frS, wW daTper ySdk"te8.!ilnChC!Zid.e.'...re8!Iar $,,2Pet Vd" G"pyecHTe4Grd!d.!:.. 65c G"i,TSiM 60c F vart WaiSttagS' 75c and 50c f Wely k WydHTUt anJ0l'S' "aii widc- sPMiaI week per J2C NTXfia: WUZ Z ab"Ve braatito1 Patterns, "special & Other Soittogs from $1.00 to $i.'25'p'e'r'yi Spring and Summer Goods in Oroat Variety and at Bedrock Prices. Next week 4s ow Boys' week vytcn zor our Big Special Sale. THE BUSY FAIR STOBP YVy v