1,1 r I Oil!? NEW HATS ! For the spring season are now on Display Colors : Black, Pearl, Ntftra and Otter For Further Particulars See Our North Window. FABWIERS' MEETING! WiUSTSPRAY AT OWGE i JcwitJ.jjTtrKniQa. $ t t t Baes & Daley One-Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers fVi mi mi I II iiiiW C'1 iMli'lfcwnwtf FRIDAY, AIAUCH 20. 1003. GENERAL NEWS. HOTEL ARRIVALS. The United Mineworlters of Amer ica are said to have won three vital concessions in the award of the strike commission. The Hawaii house committee on public expenditure has reported an other embezzlement in the board of public works, the amount being ?2, 300. The strike at the Kansas City Southern shops in Pittsburg, Kan., has assumed a warlike appearance. Ninety-one non-union men have been imported and are protected by 50 armed guards. By the efforts of Joseph Bishop, secretary of the Ohio state board of arbitration, the strike of the Toledo teamsters lias been settled and the men have returned to work. The em ployers agreed to recoguize the union. During a lull in his duties as a col lecting agent the Kaiser has returned his attention to domestic science and expelled Hoin the royal palace all the pet animals and birds. His royal highness surmised that they might entertain microbes. Naval cadets for the construction corps were, until it was closed to them recently, trained in the school at Greenwich, England. They are now, on graduating from Annapolis, sent to the Boston Institute of Tech nology for three years. The Armour. Swift and Morris in terests have renewed a loan of $20. 000,000. originally obtained to pur chase the other plants preparatory to the great combine. The fact that the loan is extended is taken to mean that the beef merger has been post poned, Dr. Flick, In a lecture on tubercu losis, warned especially aguinst mov ing into houses previously occupied by consumptives, where disinfection had not been made, and also against the employment of consumptive serv ants, and emphasized the efficiency of cleanliness as a preventive meas ure. The physical director at Yale col lege has measured all students en tering in the last nine years. The non-smokers average 15 months younger than the smokers, are taller and during the four years in school gain 24 per cent more in height and 2C.7 per cent more in chest growth than do the habitual users of tobacco. Charles II. Schwab declares ho has no intention of resigning tho presi dency of tho steel combination. Re ferring to his observations in Europe, ho said: "I must say that there is great commercial activity in some parts of Europe. Germany, for exam ple, as well as France. This is not the only manufacturing nation in the world, and the sooner we realize that the better." Golden Rule. J. H. Nelson and wife, Athena. C. D. Wesmer, Seattle. II. H. Cauley, Seattle. J. T. King, Athena. Henry .1. Thomas, Oshkosh. J. C. Sims, Walla Walla. Henry Tyler. Weenah. S.' dimming. Neenah. J. J. Worcester, Sumpter. B. E. Lewis, San Francisco. C. P. Collins. Spokane. G. W. Bradley. Athena. J. W. Sawyer, Walla Walla. A. J. McCormick. Moscow. A. Bettie and wife. Walla Walla. A. Liuehan and sister, Moscow. T. W .Lusk. La Grande. G. W. Williams, Portland. A. U Olsen, Albert. W. K. Hilton, Hot Lake . J. Swerenger, Hot Iake. J. S. Estes and wife. Hot Lake. Milo W. Smith, Spokane. C. P. Itiner, Spokane. G. D. Galley, Portland. Carl ICupers, Helix. J. W. Duncan, Umatilla. E. A. Murphy and wife, Culdesac. P. Teats, Kipper. Jacobson, Culdesac. B. Keller, Culdesac. .1. Gardner, Portland. .W. Orton, Helix. STATU OF OHIO, I CITY OF TOLEDO, )ss LUCAS COUNTY, ) Frank J. Cheney makes oath that lie Is the senior partner of the Arm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business In the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of nail's Catarrh Cure. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence this Cth day of December, A. D., 1880. (Sea!.) A. W. QLEASON, Notary rnbllc. ITall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally end acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testi monials free. F. .7. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all UruKKtHts, 73c. Hall's Family I'll Is are the best. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. The Sumpter Valley railway will be extended this season to tho timber belt south of Whitney. President Hoosovelt will lay tho corner stone of the Exposition build ing in Portland In May. The Southern Pacific will lay SO- pound steel rails over the mountains In Northern California tills season. Andrew Ames, missing from his home at Woodburn, has been found at ML Angel Thursday In a demented condition. Food Commissioner Bailey is pre paring to make u compaign against adulterated foods In Portland ros tuurauts Feeling against Paddy Lynch, tho Astoria kidnaper, is very high. Other serious charges are to be uiado against him. Salem and Portland city councils have appointed a committee to ar range for the reception or the presi dential party. Frank Stentz, who run down and killed a bicyclist near Spokane last year has been sentenced to two years In the penitentiary. Gov. Chamberlain, Secretary of State Dunbar and Treasurer Mooro. are on a visit or Inspection on tho route of tho portage road, Robert McDonald. 4 crushed to death hi Portland Thurs. day by a largo piece or timber roll Ing from tho top or a pile upon him n" i"yiuB ihuo and seek. i-rt.ueui Kates, or tho United wmnernoou or Hallway Employes, has been arrested at Vancouver. B. 0 lil- 7..Z""?'. ,u ""'"B uie cana u nim8uip employes to strike Notice. We, the undersigned, will be in Pendleton within a few weeks, for the purpose of purchasing three hund red (300) more or less head of horses, for the United States cavalry, there fore, would instruct owners In this vicinity, to get their horses in proper shape to conform to the following re quirements: Geldings Roans, light and dark sorrel, and other hardy colors. They must be sound, gentle under the sad dle, with free and prompt action at the walk, trot and gallop; without de fect or blemish: of kind disposition, to weigh not less than 950 pounds. nor more than 1150 pounds, from ID hands 1 inch to 10 hands high; from four (4) to eight (8) years of age; suitable for the United States cav-airy. We will notify you later, the date wo want the horses brought in for inspection. Yours truly. HENRY OLDENSTADT, HERMAN METZGER. i' or further particulars, write Herman Mctzger, Portland Ore. to Stock Farm for Sale. We have the .Tas. Lindsay farm, near Alba for sale. It consists of G40 acres. 140 acres in timothy; more than 200 acres in wild hay. which will grow timothy. A portion will grow wheat and barley, balance pasture; abundance of water. All fenced; good buildings. Will sell in one, two or three tracts. Easy terms. Also the Georgo Barn hardt farm four miles up Wild Horse. BENTLEY & HARTMAN. Mokl Tea positively cures Sick Headache, Indigestion and Constipa- uon. a uengnttui herb drink. Re moves all eruptions of the sirl n nrn. ducing a perfect complexion or money refunded. 25c and 50c. Write to us for freo sample. W. II. Hooker & Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. F. W. Schmidt & Co., druggists. NOTED EDUCATORS ATTEND INSTITUTE AT LA GRANDE Mayor Slater Welcomes the Farmers In an Interesting Address Dr. Wlthycombe and Professor Lecken by Present J. W. Bailey to Address the Institute. l.a Grande. March 20. The Farm ers' Institute opened at 7 o'clock this morning, with a good attendance of fanners from Union. Elgin, Cove. Al ice! and Summervllle. Mayor James D. Slater deliveied the address of welcome. In a few well chosen remurks ho re viewed the progress of tho agricultu ral industries in Eastern Oregon, and paid high tribute to the pioneers who laid the lasting fo-iniU'tlons of pres ent prosperity. Coming down to the later day. ho pictured the transformation of the 1,000-acre wheat fields Into the 40 acre beet tracts and the innumerable orchards of Grand Ronde. He told of the demand for Oregon flour, food stuffs anil dairy products in Asia and Alaska, and pointed to the Eastern Oregon farm as the re source from which this supply must be drawn. He urged higher cultiva tion of small farms, improvement of herds, better preparation of cattle, sheep and hogs for the markets, and the constant pruning down of wastes and needless expenses. Speaking of irrigation in the West he said the farmers who were dem onstrating the power of irrigation on a small scale in the innumerable foot hill farms of Eastern Oregon were the true evangels of this new industrial faith. Responds to Mayor. The response to the address of Mayor Slater was made by Dr. James Wlthycombe. of the Oregon. Agricul tural College, who is the representa tive of that institution at the insti tute. Dr. Withcombe reviewed the his tory of scientific farm work in Ore gon, as carried on successfully at the agricultural college. He spoke of the aid of tho experi mental and demonstrative work done by that institution, in connection with the practical work of farmers; sci ence is the right hand of all industry System, knowledge, technical learn ing, all are now in practical use by farmers. Agricultural papers have opened the way between the farm and the college. No man need be in dark ness any longer on the homely sub jects that lie wrapped up in tho plow ed fields and blossoming orchards. On Beet Sugar. After a select ' musical program, rendered by the women of La Grande, A. E. Ackerly, superintendent of the La Grande Beet Sugar Factory, read nn inteiesting paper on the manufac ture of beet sugar. Mr. Ackerly's technical knowledge of the subject, his graceful way of telling it and the many interesting details which be brought out, render ed this paper one of the most inter esting numbers on the program. The movement toward raising beet seed in Grand Ronde fs assuming form. It is a separate branch of the beet-growing industry and requires much scientific knowledge in the se lection of rich specimens to propa gate for seed. At present all the Grand Rondo seed is imported from Germany at lfJ cents per pound, and last year 10,000 pounds were used In Grand Rondo. Professor A. B. Leekenby. of the Union experiment station will address the evening session on the "Past, Present and Future of the Experiment station. ' The attendance of farmers at the afternoon session is large and they all show deep interest in the subjects being handled. Spring work is very backward in the Grand Ronde. The ground is not yet thawed out in many places, and ronds are very bad. Judd Geer. horticultural commis sioner for Eastern Oregon, arrived last night from Umatilla county and will address the farmers on the fruit industry before the session closes J. W. Bailey, state food and dairy commissioner, is expected tonight. Ho will address the evenfng session tomorrow on the dairy question Notice to Taxpayers. Notice Is hereby given thm nil taxes ror tho year 1902 aro now duo anu payable at tho sheriff's office Taxes unpaid become delinquent on April i. no reuato after March 15. uy oruer ot county court. T. D. TAYLOR. Sheriff. Acker's Blood Elixir Chronic Blood Poisoning and all Scrofulous affections. At all times a matchloss system tonic and nrlfler. Money refunded If you aro dlssatls fled. 50c and n.00 F. W. Schmidt & Co., druggists. Fishing Season Opens April First Prepare fot the great sport of catching the wily trout. Come to us for your rods, tackle, lines,, baskets, hooks and other supplies. Our stock is the largest and best selected. FRAZIER'S Sporting Goods of all Kinds The submarine cables if would reach to the moon. Joined. COMMISIONER GEER FINDS SCALE ON ORCHARDS. Says Some of the Best Orchards In the County Are Infected Law Re quires Owners to Spray or be Prose cuted Appoints James Evans Dep uty. Judd Geer, horticultural commis sioner for Eastern Oregon returned yesterday evening from Milton, Wes ton and Freewater, where he thor oughly inspected the orchards at those points. Mr. (leer finds very much scale on many of the most valuable orchards in that district and says It is abso lutely necessary for orchardlsts to be gin now to spray for this pest. The matter cannot be delayed as the pest wll gain headway and infect orchards that aro now clear of It, causing great damage to the fruit Industry of tho county. James Evans Deputy. He appointed as deputy horticul tural commissioner for the east end district. James Evans, of Freewater. A deputy will probably be named in Pendleton later. Mr. Geer left for La Grande on yesterday evening's train to be in at tendance upon tho farmers' institute to bo held there today and tomor row . Law is Strict. The law relating to spraying or chards is very strict. If tho owner of an Infected orchard fails to spray after having received official notice from the commissioner, the district attorney is empowered to proceed against the owner of the orchard Im mediately. Mr. Geer reports fruit conditions very promising throughout the coun ty. He will visit the other counties in tills district as soon as weather will permit. While in Milton be received no tice of his reappointment as Eastern Oregon commissioner by Gov Cham berlain . Id o you NEED A i SPRING medicine Try ours if you're going to try any. We know what's in ours and know that it is safe for anybody to take that's more than you know about some "Patent" medi cines. If you do try our Spring Medicine, and you art' not satisfied with it, we will retund your money. Price $i oo per bottle. f. W. Schmidt. Ph. G. RELIABLE DRUGGIST, Postoftice Blk. Phone Main 851 DURING THE 111 vf LI Opening Display Of a Full Line of Genuine IRISH TABLE LINEN Imported direct from Belfast, Ireland. They are now on Counters where they will remain on display for One Week. . W 1 . W 1 A. amm .MM W M M H U T . rm I 1 1 1 Towels, Toweling, Napkins, Glass Linens, Etc., Etc. Everybody Call Also Get a Ticket on the Buy TONSTOR AN EXPERIMENT J Is sometimes a costly experience for the man who makes! k experiment or for the person, animal or object expenmt: J upon. Some experiments are necessary for the advances of civilization; and though frequently money is lost by ttel k perimenter, the ultimate benefits often result in great 5 humanity and this has been the case with the many succej J experiments in IRRIGATION In the Columbia and Snake River Valleys. Farming undej rigation anywhere in this region has passed the experifficf stage to grand success, has stood the tests of the Wea Pnrminf Public n niner pritirnl inrlrrn ic cri-niulnf in favored - - o - ' - -. -. . j c . . r -- n - , s ilni' niwl lirc fnllv cnlmrntiftntn1 Mi r-laimc rtf tht KvnMlfiflll . - y ...... . . . . . '(. ............ 1. . U V. ...u .. ......... v A ...w . i Irrigator "that the application of water to our desertM would render tnem equal in value to ANY IRRIGATED LANDS ON EARTH." The lands under our system of irrigation canals et; earlier springs,laler falls, better transportation facilities access to markets aiH are capable of a wider range of proito than any other lands in the great Columbia and Snake Ri' Valleys. For further particti'ars write to or call upon Bargains in Real Estate I have a larger and better list of Farms, Stock lianchoR and City Property to than ever before. Also a big lot of land in tho coming wheat section of Eastern Washington. t t t K N. BERKLEY, Pendleton, Orego :oii-i OREGON LAND & WATER CO.. UMATILLA, OH :-: TBERKEIOTS PIANO HOUSE, N. Berkeley Gray's Harbor Commercial Co. ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TARIFTQ cure dyspepsia and all disorders arla InB from Indigestion. Endorsed by Physicians everywhere. Sold by all druggists. No cure, no pay. 25 cents. Trial package free by writing to W. atlcc0o:Duffa,0'N'Y' F- We Don't Keep Everything Hut we uo Keep a good big Btock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, Rustic and Finish, tn nil grades. Also nil kinds of Dimension Lumber, in cluding Lath and Shingles. Our stock of Doors, Win dows, Moulding, Building aud Tar Paper aud Apple Boxes is complete, and any one In need of Lumber will not be wrong In placing their order with the : : Gray's Harbor Com. C W' Wl & C. R. Dtpetj 315 .East Court Street. PlftNOS Highest grade Musi- tai instruments. Alt homes should 'have "a piano or organ. Our easy payment .plan makes it possible for all to have a first class in strument. Iwo good second hand organs and a good second hand piano for sale cheap, Km tn Lmlwlir Sleek Smith fc Baru llarilmnn Fieclier Kiuciburr ' I'licmrri I Itxi vttril i Krankllii ( Hamilton f UusU & Certs i Haines Co KlllllKtOU HnwHrrt Ualdwlu Wlllard t Harrington ORGANS Ann Arbor l'cN EartHi" Mandolin' Guitan liaojoi and VliInl Meiitro HanolU i Sheet Jlo I Have Yoar Water Pipes Examined and Repafce'1 Delay will lead to serious breaks. I Fust-class work guaranteed by BECK, the Reliable Plumb"