EVENING EDI! ION 0ALYEVENINBED1TBW Eastern Oregon Weather H IJAI1.Y I ho rinltvnrflil at TOUT renldonce W olacc of bnMnei by carrier nt z j, Tonight and Saturday fnlr t5c A WEEK. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, 1TR1DAY, MAHOII 20, 1903. NO. 4 n v n ulum w r r- a tt IV L L i i '.i nit 1 n ni nnnmnnr t v si dh nai- MAY LORE 50 POLICEMEN. CUBAN CONGRESS ONLY TEN DAYS' TIME. Minister Sent Telegram to reBS xo rtaniy I rcciy. a conference this morning be- ssistant Secretary of State the former sent a cablegram inent t'liimu uikuik liiui no mi- IV f-llll 11111 l.llllllll LIUIIILI tlBK 111 session to ratify the amend- ll.ll I I III ICI.lllllA.lLt L11.I1L1 1111 II II L 111111 ril?llU.LU V tMLtll 111L V . UUUUl ii - i 1 - 1 1 1113 ;is 01 iiitj ireuiv ilh iuuuuu- ri. ill n iimpi. nnmrn mini i. of the fact that there are nays to secure me rauncauon rn prnvn rnnra nnTnrniim.ii rniii TV iiniv roan t in If 1 1 linn' IT Portland's Rigid Physical Exam.'na tlon Strikes Hard Blow, i Portland, March 20. One of the questions which confronts the citizens I of Portland at present is, "Will the municipality be placed in a position where it will have to put 10 policemen to patrol the city nnd these 10 be cause of their height and chest meas urements?" This morning at the city hall a meeting of tfic police committee of the executive board was held and it was clearly brought before the members and the mayor that unless some change was brought about in the pres ent rules of the civil service in rela tion to the police, 50 of the present police officers, including captains, de tectives and patrolmen, would have to leave the service when the civil sorvico wont into effect. Unjust Rules. Already, it was stated, several of the oldest and most competent mem bers of the police and fire depart ments have resigned because they did not wish to submit to the rigid and, what they consider foolish, physical examination. The present law as laid down by the civil service in regard to the qualifications of policemen are quite exacting. A specified height, weight and other measurements are required and not only does this apply to those who desire to take the exam inations, but to those who are already connected with the department, who, to hold their positions, will have to take the examination, no matter what their other qualifications may be. uncm IU UIIUIIUG nuiiuim- lament of Prefects? Wideo, Uruguay, March 20. Ebetween the revolutionists rernment forces is reported to Ecarred near this city, and a nP Hi i'i T7 nil n-nnn li fi 1 r 11 i,tnii- B 1 1 111 llll W 1 11 1J 13 limn nun 1- he scene. Four delegates have Bnt from hero to treat for peace, jvornment proposes to call out tional Guard and declare a state e. All telegrams are censored, government peace delegates are ted to notify Saravania, the tor of the revolution, that the aent, as the basis of an agree- Iwill agree to the appointment the direction o ftheNationaIlst I of now prefects inslx depart- fcington, March 20. United f Minister Finch has advised fete department under the date pntcvlcieo, yestorday, ot the rifor the revolution in Uruguay, rws: white party rebelled, dissatls- Ith the new president (Ordonez) keceeded President Cuestas, and feccnt appointments of depart I prefects. No disorder in the 1 The government is hurrying Kto meet tho revolutionists." IG FRAUD UNEARTHED. t of Old Long Island Resident Been Grossly Mismanaged. f-York. March 20. Sensational rnients are promised at the ite's hearing begun at Jamaica, oday on application for letters linistration upon the estate of te Patrick .1. Gleason, widely 'during his lifetime as the of Long Island City. Ii Gleason died it was generally id that nothing romained of ilth, which a few years before en considerable. The present Itlon for letters of administra !made by Dr. Fitch, who was 's physician for many years, o asserts positively that the jft a fortune and a will. No K been filed and its where lore unknown. p, bonds and other securities Iposed concealed wealth. Ho implicit confidence In his law EP. Durke, and It is said the t tangle is duo largely to the p uuuui or mo inner. -rne tp is further complicated by I, tho ox-mayor s daughter and ilr, and who It is alleged is in Inds of unscrupuloii3 persons ie endeavoring to defraud her p fortune said to amount to THREE WOMEN WERE KILLED DODGED ONE TRAIN RAN OVER BY ANOTHER. Horrible Accident Befalls Rhode Is land Women While Walking on the Track of the New York & New Ha ven Road. Philllpsdale, R. I., March 20. Three women were killed and a fourth was fatally injured on the New York & New Haven railway while walking from Pawtucket on the tracks. They stopped off of one track and were struck by an opposite going train on another track. CROWN INS HI ELD RETIRES. IfcTE TOO MUCH PIE. Who Had Five Knife Wounds Abdomen, Broke Stitches in ung. PS, Cal March 20. Loe (who lived through tho famous iel in which Billy Sllvorthorn led in January, was stricken ly eating blackberry pie yes- uarnes ate a whole pie. vlo- aps oroko the stitches in his tho surgeon says he will die. tad five knife wounds in his and Ills renovorv vina nrn. 6 tho most remarkable caso Hi. I r INAMAN ARRE8TED. More Commissioner Hallev for Jllng Whiskey to Indians. .Jack, a Chinese saloon roust i was yesterday nrrestcd, 1 with soiling liquor to Indians b today hold by Commissioner to appear boforo tho United grand jury nt Portlund. Jung Ironnor Ballon and Dan Hart bo taken tomorrow to Port r Doputy United States Mar , A. Roberts. Hauls Down His Rer. Admiral's Flag in Naples Today. Washington, D. C, March 20. Not withstanding the fact that much riv alry has existed among naval officers ever since the Spanish war, there is none in the service who will allow his partisanship to warp his judgment to such an extent as to deny the fact that the navy loses a brilliant and able officer when Hear Admiral A. S. Crowninshild hauls down his flag from the Chicago at Naples to day. Criticism of Rear Admiral Crowninshleld has been freely in dulged in, but his capability as a naval officer has nover been disputed. The prominent part ho played as a member of the board of naval strate gy during the war with Spain will ever remain a brilliant page in the naval history of the United States. Rear Admiral Charles S. Cotton will succeed Rear Admiral Crownin shleld in command of the European squadron. The retirement of the lat ter results In the promotion of Cap tains Cook and Harrington to the rank of rear admiral. EXPLOSION RUINS MINE. Cardiff Mines Abandoned and Town Will be Abandoned. Cardiff, 111., March 20, The fire re suiting from the recent explosions in tho Cardiff coal mine has burned the shaft timbers, and creeping to the surface has destroyed tho engine anj machine room. Tho mine is flooded and will be abandoned. No utt.impt will be made to recover the remaining bodies. Fifty mules In the mino were either killed by the explosion or drowned by the flooding of the mine. The Joss to the Cardiff Coal Mining company by the explosion and aban donment of the mine will be upwards of ?75,000. Four hundred miner weic omployed, and they are preparing to leave the town. Tho place has 1200 people, and the payroll of the mine was $30,000 per month. HiOUOTS MB TRAINMEN 6IVEN 15 PER CENT INCREASE But the Company Still Holds Out on the Subject of Double- Headers Conference Still in Session. Portland. March 20. A committee of O. R. & N. conductors and train men is conferring with Superintend ent O'Brien and assistants relative to an increase in wages. U. s simply the re-convening of an adjourned meeting, and was arranged for by the committee and officials of the compa ny at their last conference, which was held in this city about the first of the year. At that time the men were asking for a 20 per cent increase in wages, but after conferring with the officials it was mutually agreed vo adjourn until after the big railway convention which was in session at St. Louis, had completed its work. That convention was composed of managers of the various roads west of Chicago and conductors and train men. One of the principal problems before the assembly was to decide upon a new wage schedule. The em ployes were asked for Important con cessions, and they .finally gained their demands, which was practically a 20 per cent raise. The Convention. At the time the conference adjourn ed in Portland the committee was in formed that the O. R. &. N. Co would abide by the decision of the conven tion that is, whatever rate of pay was decided upon there would gov ern the situation here. The commit tee is now in the city to secure a definite understanding of the matter. The members of the committee an ticipate no trouble whatever, and be lieve that everything will be adjust ed satisfactorily. Conditions Differ. Different conditions prevail hero to those which obtained in tho East, and for this reason it may require some little time to reach an agreement If nothing Is accomplished today, an other conference will be held tomor row. The committee is representing the Order of Conductors and Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, nnd is compos ed of W. K. Shephery, of Wallace, Idaho; J. T. McCreary, La Grando T. S. Tillson, La Grando; Frank Wie den, Portland, and J. J. Burns, Spo kane. Get 15 Per Cent Raise. Portland, March 20. The O. R. & N. officials In conference with the trainmen this afternoon, granted the 15 per cent raise In wages, without, a question, but refused to abolish the "double-header" train, which was one of tho principal points in the confer ence. The company claims tho right to use two or more engines on trains whero necessary ,and this point will be stubbornly fought Superintendent O'Brien, Assistant Superintendent Buckley, ot La Grande and Campbell of Starbuck, and Chief Dispatcher Walsh, of La Grande, are all attend ing the conference. The trainmen are not willing to lose the "double-header" train propo sition without, n struggle and tho con fcrencc may be extended. Two of the compound engines on the mountain division can handle 40 to CO cars, and the trainmen say these trains are unsafe on steep mountain grades. PRESIDENT'S ITINERARY IS ANNOUNCED 0. R. & N. Gives Roosevelt's Dates and Where He Will Go on His Visit in Eastern Washington, GREWSOME HANGING, Olc Oleson Meets Death for Butcher ing HI8 Daughter. Aitkin, March 20. Through a bun gle in adjusting the noose, tho hang ing of OIo Oleson, the wealthy farm or at 1 o'clock this morning, was a growsome sight. Ho was almost de capitated .dronching the nearest spec tators with blood. His crime was ex ceptionally brutal. He deliberately butcherod his daughter with a knife because she became engaged to a neighbor and refused to keep house, for her father any longer. EXONERATE MAR8HAL. Solicitor-General Places Report of His Investigations. In Killing of Miners, Washington, March 20. Solicitor- General Horritt today placed a report of his Investigations In the alleged uncalled for killing of minors by Mar shal Cunningham, near Charleston. W, Vo. Tho report is not made pub lic, but it is said to bo a complete oxonoratlon of the ofllcor. Portland, March 20. President Mohler has extended tho courtesies of the O. R. & N. to President Roose velt and pa'tv the generous offer has been accepted, and this morning, through the general office of that company, was given out the following announcement of the presidential itin erary along their lines: The train will be received by the O. R. & N. at Wallula at 2-50 o'clock on the afternoon of May 25, and will bo taken direct from that point to Walla Walla, where the presidential party will arrive at 4:30 in tho after noon of the same day. At 5:30 o'clock of the same even ing the train will leave Walla Walla and will make a night run through the Palouse country, arriving in Spokane at 1:15 in the morning of Tuesday. May 2C. Tho stny at Spokane will be until noon of the 20th. From the Falls City the presidential train will double back along its former course to Tekoa branching from that junction to Har rison and Wallace, Idaho, reaching the Intter place at 4:50 p. m. The presidential party will leave the O. R. & N. lines at Wallace and will begin the return journey East over the Northern Pacific at 8:E0 o'clock on tho evening of May 26. the first stop of importance being Helena, Itinerary May Change. The above Itinerary is not definite ly and permanently settled and may bo slightly altered at a later date. Pendleton, the largest city in East orn Oregon. Is endeavoring to obtain recognition from the president and should those efforts prove successful the time of arrival and departure from Walla Walla must bo slightly revised. O. R. & N. officials have also been unofficially informed that President Roosevelt has accepted an invitation to dine in Walla Walla at the home of United States Senator Levi Anke ny, and if this is a fact tho stay In walla Walla must be prolonged. No material difference would be made to Spokane in either case, as tho train is scheduled to arrive there dur ing the night and must remain until noon of the day following. The Presidential Train. The palatial train In which PresI dent Roosevelt and those who are to accompany him will travel through tho West is to consist of five cars, steam heated and lighted by electric ity. It will consist of a Pullman composite car, a dining car, a sleeper, a. compartment car and the private car for the exclusive use of President Roosevelt and the members of his family. The same cars will be used throughout the country being simply delivered to the O. R. & N. and turn ed over by It to the Northern Pacific atter the Journey through Eastern Oregon and Washington has been completed. The finest locomotive in the em ploy of the O. R. & N. will bo detail ed to pull the presidential train, and a pilot engine or "pacer" will be sent over the line In advance of the presi denttal party to guard against acci dents and to make certain that the road is clear. THE LEVEE BREAKS AT MANY POINTS Cabinet Authorizes Secretary of War to Extend Aid to the Flood Sufferers, Memphis. March 20. There was ono-tonth of a foot rise In tho rive last night. Rain Is still falling. An eight-foot break In tho levee submerg ed North Helona lost night and that portion of the city has been aban doned. Tho situation at Marlon is better, nnd all who wanted to leave have beon token out. Many prefer to stay in the tipper stories of their homes and await tho falling water Tho lovoe broke at Random Shot, 40 miicd up the river, for a quarter of a mile. It Is believed that no Jives were lost as tho people fled several days ago. Army Tents for Sufferers, Washington, March 20. Tho cabi net meeting today discussed tho floods and authorized the secretary of war at his discretion to oxtond all posslblo aid to tho suffororu in the matter of sheltor and to communicate with all governors In the affected ter ritory placing army tents at their .disposal. GRAIN MARKETS. Quotations Furnlchcd by Coe Commis sion Company, 120 Court Street B. E. Kennedy, Local Manager. Chicago. March 20. Wheat oM?ncd weak and lower on heavy Argentine shipments today. It Is strongly Inti mated that a largo packing plant will bo established on tho Pacific Coast, either at Seattle or Portland. Wheat Opened. Closed. Mov 74 74 July 71 71U Corn May 44. 44-S. July 43 .4 Minneapolis. March 20. Wheat Opened. Closed. May 73 73 ',6 July 74 74 New York, March 20. Wheat Opened. Closed. May 78 78 & July 76 77 Wheat In Chicago. Chicago, March 20. Wheat 74 & 74 c per bushel. Anniston Mill at Auction. Birmingham, Ala., March 20. Tho Anniston rolling mill was put up for sale at auction today to satisfy a debt of $S000 held by the Anniston rolling mills against tho Anniston Rolling Mill company, lessees and operators of tho plant. The plant has been Idle for some time nnd It Is hoped that when the present financial tnnglo Is satisfactorily settled operations will bo resumed nt once. GCi COLL S DN While in a Fog the Steamer Plymouth is Struck by a Freighter, TWO PASSENGERS AND FOUR HANDS KILLED. GIVEN VERY MILD RECEPTION ENGLISH COMMON PEOPLE SYMPATHIZE WITH BOERS. Joseph Chamberlain Not Very Popu lar In Speech He Said Land Val ues Had Increased to 300 Per Cent Since War. Ivondon, March 20.' Chamberlain was given a dinner by the lord mayor today. After luncheon ho wns given an address of welcome. Halfour nnd other members of the cabinet .were present. Vj." His reception by the peoplowas very mild. There were but few cheers. There is a general feeling of Boerdom relative to South Africa. In his speech Chamberlain said tho values of land had Increased from CO to 300 per cent since tho war, because outside capital was feeling tho sta bility of the government. Steerage Compartment Flooded Ten Staterooms Scooped Out Aft of the Pilot House Both Vessel Were Whistling. Now IiOudon, Conn.. March 20.--Whllo under slow steam In fog and blowing Us whistle, tho atoamor Ply mouth was struck by tho freighter Taunton of tho same lino. Tho latter under good headway and also whist ling, struck head-on ,and tore 35 feet from tho sldo of tho Plymouth oft tho pilot house and scooped out 10 state rooms, most of thorn occupied, killing two occupants and Injuring others. In tho undorbody of tho boat Ir a gaping nolo. Ono stoorago compart ment wns flooded. Four nnd possi bly more wnltors and hands wbro drowned, all colored. Tho offlcors wore cool and called tho stations of tho compartment and found It suffi cient to prevent sinking. Tho Ply mouth enmo on hero with hor own steam. Taunton arriving hero at 4 o'clock, not Herlously daningcd. Div ers are Investigating tho flooded stoor ago and have taken out tho dead. The most seriously Injured was a pas senger who had his right arm torn off. All tho others In tho hospital will recover. At noon two bodies were recover ed from tho bunks. Two other bodies will bo recovered this nftcrnoon. COLD IN ST. LOUIS. Temperature Drops 35 Degrees In 24 Hours 600 Teamsters Strike. St. Louis, March 20. Tho tompora turo hns dropped 3r, dogrees in tho last 24 hours. Six hundred coal teamsters hayo struck for an Increase of pay AGAINST BEEF COMBINE. Supreme Court of Missouri Fines Five Big Packers $5,000 Each. Jefferson City. Mo., March 20. Ai mour. Cudnhy, Swift, Hammond and tho Schwarts, Sehllds & Sulzberger packing companies ,tho flvo defend ants in the ouster proceedings brought by tho Missouri attornoy-gon oral against tho nllegod beef combine last summer, were fined $5,000 each In the Missouri supremo court today and ordered to pay tho costs In the case, which amount to Jf,000. The court orders that unlesH tho fines nro paid within 30 dnys all will be ousted from the state. NORTHERN SECURITIES CASE. Counsel Griggs Declares That the States Have Right to Object to Merger. St. Louis, March 20. In tho North orn Securities case counsel Griggs Is arguing boforo the United States court of appeals. Today ho declared that tho states through which tho Groat Northern railway operates have a better right than tho federal gov eminent to object to its presence and the actions of tho rallwny's interest In tho securities company. SAYS HE IS A MURDERER. Demented Man Presents Himself to Sheriff at Fremont, Neb., and Begs to Be Locked Up. rremoni. weu March zo. A man giving his name as John Dennett, presented himself to tho sheriff horo and bogged to bo locked up saying that ho is tho murderer of Nora Ful Icr, tho girl who was killed at San Francisco over a year ago. Bennett said ho choked tho girl to death but gavo no reason, Tho sheriff locked mm in a ceu, uonnett raved llko a mad man, addressing a fanciful jury. He will bo held for Investigation, PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTMENTS. District Attorney for Delaware and Collector of Customs at Charleston. Washington, March 20. Tho ores!- dent today appointed William Byrne United States district attornoy of Del aware and Wl D, Crura collector of customs at Charleston. Tho lato sen ate acted adversely on both refusing connrmatlon. By the appointment to day, both will hold office until acted upon by tho next Benato. BUFFALO MYSTERY DEEPENS. Vigorous Investigation Affords no Ex planation, Buffalo, March 20 Thero aro no now developments in the Burdlck case. Tho expected arrest was not inado, which leads to the bollof that there Is no foundation In tho roport that Burdick was killed by a police man in Ponnoll'B employ, Intorost now contors about Mrs .Burdlck's fprthcoralng toatlniony when ,th in quest is resumed. 1 CONTRACTORS ORGANIZE. Committee Selected to Draft By-laws Object of Trust for Protection. Tho contracting palntors and con tractors or tho city Inst night mot at tho paint and supply houso of C. C. Sharp and organized a board of trade Tho following ofllcors wero elected William Halo, prosldont; C. C. Sharp, vIcepreHidont; cl. I, LaDow, aocre tary; J. A. Keller, treasurer. Tho fol lowing commltteo was " selected to draft by-laws: G. I. LaDow, R. J. Murphy and Udwurd Barrett. If tho commltteo Is rondy to roport by that tlmo ,tho next mooting of tho board will ho held at Shnrp'a on ThuiHduy night, March 20. Tho so lection of n hoard of trustees wns postponed until somo futuro time. Tho promotors of tho Hoard of Trade disavow any Intention what ever or organizing u trust or closo communion afflrs, declaring tholr ob ject to bo merely tho protoctlon of mutual IntorostB nnd conservation of rights. BEGINS CITY ASSESSMENT. Mercantile Establishments Will Be Assessed According to Location. AssesHnioiit of property was begun In tho city this morning, and Instead of taking tho property holders' alpha betically, thoy WIU jo divided Into districts, according to location, and all property In 0110 nasesBmont dis trict, will bo considered on ono basis of valuation. Tho location of proper ty, and tho advantages enjoyed from surrounding values, will bo thorough ly considered In determining tho ns soflsd valuation of R. For Instance, mercantile OBtablUh monts on Main street enjoy equal ad vantages and will ho placed on a diff erent basis from those In othor por- tionB of tho city Jobs favorably situ ated, tho Idea bolng to pluco proporty having equal earning capacity and advantages upon tho somo generu! basis. SHEEP MUST RUSTLE. Stockmen of East Birch Creek Could Get No Forage so Turned His Sheep Out. I). T. Phillips, of Kast Birch crock. about 11 miles east of Pilot Rock, re ports that there Is considerable enow on tho ground yet, and an ontlro scarc ity of hay and forage for tho stock. oxcopt what Is brought In dully by wagon from tho neighborhood of Pen- dloton. Stock Is sufforing some of it Bovcroly. Stockmen from that neighborhood aro paying in this vicin ity ?12 to ?16 per ton for any kind of hay at all that they can got hold of, and haul it themselves, Ono sheep man gave up tho struggle for rorago and has turned out 2400 sheep to rus tle for themselves. Unless tho enow goes very quickly and is followed by tnBt growing weather, many of xnm animals will be lost. Graco Coopsr, ag4 6. (tojMi.. was burwed to dMtti mMMWf'W ,flOT0,