Our Line of Richard Hud nut's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites Is now open for your inspection, including perfumes, toiict soaps, cold creams, satchct powders, talrum powders, almond meals, ct:. We will be pleased to show you these goods whether you intt-nd to buy or not. BROCK & McCOMAS CO. DRUGGISTS WEDNESDAY. MARCH 18, 1903. No use to hunt the happy days They're with you all the time: , They're loafing with you 'long i the ways An' sincin' in rhvme. I No use to search the world around And think they're far and fleet; The brightest of 'em ptill are found In violets at your feet. Atlanta Constitution. HOMESTEADS UNDER TIES. DIFFICUL. Few homesteads are being located on the Echo irrigation reservation. The rush that was anticipated has failed to come to pass, to this date. MntTClthstnniUntr the fact that five tons of alfalfa hay can be raised each year on every acre of that reserva tion, which can be irrigated, settlers are slow to exercise the last privilege they possess, for acquiring land, un der present conditions. The reason for this hesitancy Is ap parent. The Echo irrigation reserva tion lands can be taken only by homestead entry. The homesteader must make residence upon and im prove this land, In the usual way, al though at present it is incapable of supporting settlement. So far as the possibility of cultivating the land, and supporting a family upon It is concerned, It might as well be in the midst of the Arizona desert, as touch ing shoulders with the rich 'Butter Creek settlement, for without water it is unfit for any use. To make a home upon it, and keep a family there for two or three years while waiting for the slow process of government irrigation to come to fru ition, is out of the question. The homestead law, just and equitable as it is, can scarcely induce men to face the situation. The government should be petition ed for a ruling to cover such cases, which would allow the settler to file upon and hold his homestead claim. :i on this character of land, without re- quiring him to make actual residence i5 upon it. The question of Imnrove- ments, on land that will not support a family. In its native condition, should be waived, nendine the pom. jPletlon of irrigation works, upon the land. Then If the government nban- idoned the scheme, or for anv reason failed to complete Its irrigation works innocent homesteaders would not lose the labor and improvements be stowed upon the desert. It Is not just to require men tr bo- ,itgln the Immediate improvement of - !' villain ui , jtsuch land. In order to fulfil the pro-1 visions of the law. The homestoail irlght which Is exercised bore is. in a ji.great many instances, the only means ileft the settler for acquiring a home. WJille he is waiting for Government mwBuuun uus rignt oxere fieri nnnn !tho arid land is bringing; him no re-'. Sttunis: his labor on that character of , Rianu cannot support a family and he trshnnlrl 1m rnlonon.l r .u- Ijtions of the homestead law, In such I Anil furtiior if ti, . ' . ......, wlc Huverniuoni hniilrl ffiti fnr ,o I . . huj juaaujl, to reclaim Me Innit 1 . .... . ii,w, mil uuumsieaa rignt3 excr. 1 icised thereon should ho restored to flllO nnttln. I . I AN AMERICAN "HUSTLER." Thn L.onfiom I , I ino gentlemen In charge nf tho owls nml ninv ri . fl and Clark Pair havo already Iven evidence of tholr dctermlnntinn ' - ,,. ,. , ro make it a success, but thoy might set a valuable suggestion from thn n. ' IVvantt . Bhf if 7'? Pre3ldent Panels, of 6R Piuon, says tho Or- jliKon Dally Journal. Ho is ICf" T ,f Bn Atncrlcnn "hust- IZ . . ' B l"p 10 Jsur-1 in tho Interests of thn rmn.lllnn I vniia. 7. I votl ncarce y more than a day to iuHiry mat ho visited. From where he had an Intnrvl UKlBg, Hdward, he hurried across "T1 10 'rarlr and had a chat - - fTa 1UVt . Innll ..a l . ... ... "-fa uomi ana ne laid lfore the Spanish government the plana tor the big exposition. Emperor William listened to him tor an hour ( ai Berlin and Leopold of llelglum was his nest royal auditor. President ; Francis is said to have met with ex- traordinary success, and wherever he went he obtained assurances of sup port and co-operation. It is such active, individual effort which makes a great undertaking a complete success. The directors of the Lewis and Clark Fair have the right to rely upon the co-operation of the public, and of the press, but the bulk of the work and of the responsi bility must fall upon those to whom the affair is especially entrusted. Twenty years of faithful, tireless, intelligent work performed in favor of an isthmian canal by Senator Morgan in the United States senate, is de stroyed by one sweep of the hand of the railroad corporations. The Amer ican people are so blinded to their true interests that they permit dem agogues and hirelings to legislate for them, Impose unnecessary burdens, delay vital reforms, absorb public funds by selfish laws, and yet tax themselves and pinch on the neces sitles of life to pay the bills. The adoption by the woolgrowers of regular sales davs. for their nroduct. is one of the greatest developments recorded in the sheep raising indus try. Unity of purpose, unity of strength, unity of proceedure, will place the woolgrowers upon a finan cial basis which no bull nor bear of the market can overthrow. When the wheatralser of Eastern Oregon, imitates the sheenraiser. forms a union, fights the battles of his neigh bor and joins forces with those natur ally allied to him, in creating a good market, what few mortgages are vet lingering in the Inland Empire will fold their tents and depart. Governor Chamberlain has appoint ed a strong delegation to attend the convention which meets at Atlanta in May, to discuss the negro question in the South. The race nuestion is not confined to Dixie any longer. Like a rising tide, this great national is sue is climbing slowly but surely lu American politics. It will soon cease to be confined to party lines. The perplexing questions involved are now agitating the best intellects ot the nation. The negro race must be deported or absorbed. The American people can take choice of these two solutions. "For the first time, probably, in the history of Oregon, a railroad Is to be assessed on exactly an equal basis with other real estate, and on as high a valuation as one-third of Its invest ment value," says the Telegram. In .ilicnniUK Ul me WurK OI ASSeSSOT (J P" strain- of this county. The move- ment for higher valuations of nroner ty in this county Is having a benefic ial effect. Mr. Strain's work Is meet- ing with universal satisfaction and "when taxpaying timo again arrives the peoplo will more fully appreciate ,he moning of thorough asrontB " now- The Raker f!itr Tlamnrnr u .i-....lJ lnB a,one in ,u wpport of the move- nassnri ltv tho ls loiin.... 1. 1 i. tvwmtuiu (yiiiuh nromisrw thr n- t mimua lu FiflgtArn flrr.t..... nr ill, . i . v," " ouis iiiat uo- camo ,aw- Iu loneliness in this mat- tfir is nil 11. Q mn.n T . the fact that its principal support come from tho great farming nnd stockralslng industries, which aro tho i,if i,ni 1 ""UBiniaum ot ul0 measures It sooks to defeat. Whero Is tho iv, " " 13 1,10 "-muviui. KuiuB iu get on air win rt u-i,,o. i,n, i.i ni..... ..... ... .(, uwi sum mo UUIUI'IO .Democrat, one of the live exchanges or Eastern Oregon, to J. R. Qregc for some time. Tho Democrat has tho continued oest wishes of tho East Or- pcnnlnn . irt ...1,1 . " ' wi remain in Ontario and attend to a constantly Increasing law nracUce Qovornor Chamberlain's broad no- j ,Ucal "Pt In reappointing the old - iiuiMvuiiuitti uuaru. . 1 . I . . witn unanimous approval. The interests of Oregon are wider than any party lines. The new press of the Oregon Daily Journal has been shipped from the factory. "May Its tribe Increase." AN AMERICAN'S FIND. An Investigation of the tomb of KIhf Thntmes IV. near Thebes, in which a splendid chariot was found Mr Davis, an American, has re-, by vpa1p1 tnanv Interesting features. Around a large chamber. In which there is a magnificent granite snr rophagus, covered with texts from the Book of the Dead, are smnllpr rhnmbers. The lloor of one of these was strewn with mummified loins of beef, legs of mutton, trussed ducks and geese, offerings made to the dead king nearly 4000 years ago. Clay seals bearing the king's name were attached to me ooors oi chambers. These indicate mm ' F.irvtiHmiR of the eighteenth dynasty to some extent had anticipated the Invention of printing, the raised por tions of the seals having been smear ed with blue ink before the clay was impressed. The walls of one chamber wero adorned with paintings. There was an Inscription stating that the tomb was plundered by robbers In the eighth year ot tioremnei, mu u iwiu 1 1. fo. ne Yincsllil.-. in- flip rnlcninir as far as possiuie uy uie ruim" Pharaoh. It was doubtless then that the jewelry buried with Thotmes was stolen. The floor of this chamber was cov ered with vases, dishes and other ob jects, nearly all of which were wan tonly broken, apparently by the rob bers'. Some had been repaired. There was also a piece of textile fabric. In which hieroglyphics in vari ous colors were woven with such wonderful skill as to present the ap pearance of a painting on linen. The great find, however, was the chariot. The body alone remains, but this is in perfect condition. The gives all the symptoms of the disease with full directions for home treat wooden frame was first covered with ment. Medical advice is furnished by our physicians without charge. wooden frame was first covered with papier, mache and this with stucco, which is carved into scenes from the battle of Pharaoh fought In Syrin. Every detail is exquisitely finished and the whole thing is one of the fin est specimens of art preserved from antiquity. With the chariot was found a leath er gauntlet, which protected the king's hand and wrist when he '.ised a bow or reins. Exchange. A PACK OF CARDS. The ordinary playing cards of to day are derived from a stick game, supposed to have originated in this country. Fifty small sticks are a pack: the "game" was originally for the player to divide the sticks rapid ly with his two hands, the opponent guessing which hand held the larger number. Owners of sticks spent rainy days in carving them. The Asiatics bor rowed the game and carved more elaborte counters out of ivory: those with different carvings grew to have different values; arranging them In roups of fours made it necessary to add two to the original number. Then thin slabs of ivory began to be nsed. For centuries after this all nlay-! ing cards were hand-painted at first, i or Ivory or metal, afterward on card-, board. The pictures, at first legend ary Iieroes and ladles, gradually be came the fixed, wood faced carica tures we now know. And these, com ing back to America in their west ward Journey around the world, find our Pacific coast Indians still jug gling the same kind of sticks their forefathers used. New York World. Running lessens the "blood supply in the Tegs. "J llf-.rr NLVLK COMPLETE m .r-p w u t' k K i x r sat tM of j c lii instil v zaa j cit,n OK jijr,fT Tin.-!-:! iul ct Ik-v jro jirc-yicide i-' i ' tai-. lo pro. Cu iaur of ihls '.'-arsntr or, by tstru ing tlie . -1 xt-n ,a t!iat .nt. uniu ll. ollOf ti. iiau Tx.at, it fi i tc dandruff, UUuigiialrnudnU foato UUt-iies im-los-lMe. It then promotes a now ami thick urowth to replace the old thin, briflc lialr. OnobottlowMver. try Uco suiemeau. forSale at ail Tint Class Drug Stores. S3 I bare k'Ooo 11 dnyt at s tima uiikuui . movement r Hie Iuiti. not uiu- m.i m XUOT6 IbMn uieti i uy uiue liot naier IiiIp,mii,. I hrnitiA....i.... . .. . ... er piacc4 mc In T at thus I did ST- 1 T kiuu relief, tucb IT tASCAltlil-S. I j niuiuKiuraraoi i oim ieri uuat nattnrcue unln 1 i-jiu ui.uir ( ouw iiiti (r"uouoiati n i,u..d.. ,...' wt r .eli I n w.i guo IWJW t ,r each niOTtuieuti It It ucb a relief a uiru L Ulnt. ' IWHukMllbl Dlr6lt,Ulob. CANDY I ,-,rti is, CATHARTIC TflAOI UAJIH niaiannio u,..CURE NSTIPATION. ... CONSTIPATION Sleeping Volcanoes A thin, vapory Bmoke, lazily ascending m 10 crater mav be the only visible of life in the sleeping volcano, out wiuiin ia a raging sea of fire, molten rock and sul phurous gases. Those who make their homes in the peaceful valleys below know the danger and, though frequently warned by the rumblings and quakings, these They are living in fancied security when the giant awakes with deafening roars and they are lost beneath a downpour of heated rock and scalding ashes. Thousands of blood noison sufferers are living upon a sleeping volcano gnd are taking desperate chances, for merit the external symptoms oi mc disease disappear, and the deluaea victim is happy in the belief of a complete cure, but the nres 01 conta gion have only been smothered in the system, and as soon as these min erals are left off will blaze up again. Occasional sores break out in the mouth, a red rash appears on the body, and these warning symptoms, if not heeded, are soon followed by fearful eruptions, sores, copper colored splotches, swollen ginnas, loss 01 iiair r 1 ; .. - ana omer BicKcniDg byuijJiuiuo, Mercury and Potash not only fail to cure blood poison, but cause Mer curial Rheumatism, necrosis of the bones, offensive ulcers and inflamma tion of the Stomach and Jiowels. The use of S. S. S. is never followed by any Daa results, jx curei without the slightest injury to the system. We offer $1,000.00 for proof We will mail free our special book THE SWIFT MISS IDA Treasurer of the Brooklyn East End Art Club. EXSTRUAL irregu larities are gener ally the beginning or a woman s tron bles. Witii the vitality at a low ebb, the blood weak ened, the digestion disor dered, she goes about pale faced, hollow-eyed and nag gard, a piteous contrast to the blooming health of her former self. Hut over 1.000.000 women have found health airain by taking Wine of Cardui. As a regulator of the menstrual periods Wine of Cardui has never been known to fail. It lias seldom failed to restore perfect health, even in the most persis tent and iigcravated case of weakness. .Miss Ida M. Snyder, of No. 535 Ber gen Street. Brooklyn, X. Y., has used Wine of Cardui and she says it helped her into a new life. Health to Miss Snyder is worth a great deal. She is an attractive young woman with intel lectual attainmpnts and she occupies the position of Treasurer of the Brook lyn East End Art Club. This position marks her as a x?rson of intellect, cul ture and refinement and it speaks highly of the reijx?ct and trust her fellow women have in her. She writes: ''If women would pay more attention WINE of CAR.DVI AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAt, I rKAZER OPERA HOUSE BAKER & WELCH, Mgre, AURK M00RH0USE, Local Mgr. SATURDAY Tt. r- . i imminent Uerman Comedian, CHARLES A. (Karl) GARDNER In Lincoln J Carter's New Sensational Scenic Comedy THE DARKEST HOUR A .. i . . ...... ,K rtnu interesting story. A strong comoa - of beautiful special scenerjmechanicaf and S 'ical effects that can be used on this statre PRICES: $1.00, Seats no on sale at Frazier's Babbit Metal m,p b- t sign under the Mercury and Potash treat- Bowline1 Groen, Ky., Maroh 24, 1003. Gentlomom For over four years X Buffered KroRtly from a never out of contacioua blood poison. I want to Hot Spring, staying; there four months at a bUr expense. I thon con sulted phyalolans, who proscribed Bloroury. Nothlnc did me any rood, In fact, the treatment proved mora harmful than beneficial. Imontlonea my oass to a frlond, who told me that S.B.B, had certainly oured him. Xat once commenced Its use, and in six months oould find no traoe of the dis ease whatever. This was abont two years ago. X oontlnued S. S. S. for some time to make aure of a perma nent ouro, and X oan truthfully say X am entirely well. X. ST. SA2TDJJR8. tuat it contains a mineral 01 any ue scription. S. S. S. is an antidote far contagious blood poison, and the only radical and permanent cure known. It destroj'S every atom of the virus and puri fies and strengthens the blood and build no the treneral health. on Contagious Blood Poison, wbici SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. M. SNYDER, to their health -we wooW have more happy wives, mothers and daughters, and if they would use more intel ligence in the matter ot medi cines, observing results, they would find that the doctors' prescriptions do not perform the many cures they are given credit for. "In cons'ilting witn my druggist he advised McEIrte' Wine of Cardui and Thcd- ford's Black-Draught, and so I took it and have every reason to thank him for a new life opened up to me with restored health, and it only took three months to cure me." You may secure the same relief as Miss Snyder, if you take Wine of Cardui as she took it. Thedford's Black Draught is the companion medicine of Wine of Cardui and it is a liver and bowel regulator which assists greatly in effecting a cure. If you tako these medicines according to directions, tho relief and cure is simple. Some cases are cured quickly and others take longer because the disease has run longer. Remember how Miss Snyder took Wine of Cardui and has health The same medicines are offered you to-day. million suffering women have found relief in Wine of Cardui. The Best Criterion Of our work is the work it- self, as our ment is the best advertise- praie of those who patronize us. We know we can do the best laundry work, as we couldn't do it we didn't, so if you want ur linen laundered better than you ever had it done, go to the DOMESTIC LAUNDRY MAR. 21 Tons 75o. 50c, 25c. Book Store. Best En the World En Bars - . Court and Thomp-ou Streets. yTTTTTimwwiiii.... Z. - tl. Office EXCLUSIVELY FOR LADIES My line of Shirt Waists in style and fit are unsurpu' sable. Dress Skirts, Wall mg Skirts, Silk or Wool that have an individuality and a! ways appear chic. Under' skirts and Muslin Under wear in big variety. 1 make Shirt Waists Tailor-Made Suits and Skirts to order in my own factor)' Ed Eben 645 Main street. DRIED FRUITS 25 pounds of fancy dried prua:s only $1.00. We have Dried Nectarines PruneB Apples Pears Apricots Peaches RaiBius Currant Figs THE Standard Grocery Coort Street Low Sellers of Groceries Fine Yellow Newtown AucleiS only 9l centB a box, Fresh Ranch Eggs, 15". cestii dozen. ! We have the Famous and tl-1 ways satisfactory M0N0P0LE COFFEE A trial will convince you of it merits. D, KEMLER & The Big Store in a Smafi Room. Alta Street, Opposite Savings Bali Is always received when you place your order with us. Fir, Tamarack and ..Pine.. Why buy poor coal when yo" can get the best for the same price? Laatz Bros. Telephone Main 5 J Heal Estate is the Base of all Wealth The best investments W land on the Pac fic Coast are in the Yakima Valley. The soil and climate are produc , tive of more diversified crops ; than any other section of the country. The Nessly-Scott Invest ment Co. have a larfie list of raw and improved lands, suitable for any purpose. Prir.i'K nro cn Inw fhat val- ' ues double in a short time. investigate, it's a mouj , making proposition for you. Pasture Landa, $1,50 to S3.00 ; per acre. , Choice Raw Landa, $6.00 to , o.oo per acre. Improved Lands In crop. to is per acre. A few Home- b steads still left Nessly-Soott Inveataent Co., Prossor, Wash. SOU GOOD SOUND WOOD