East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 18, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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    I a. f '
1 . i. .
h 1 1 m ; 1 1 1 1 1 it i n ; i : i 1 1 timmi i m- m-h-h 1 1 1 r
For the spring
season are now
on Display
Colors : Black, Pearl, Natra and Otter
For Farther Particulars
See Our North Window.
?j Association to be Held In Walla Walla J kIjneys
1 to Discuss Many Subjects Officers
Jj of the Association.
Walla Walla. March IS. County
School Suiwrlnteiideiit J- Elmer My
The Same Mistake Is Made by the
Majority of People
It's a common error
To plaster tiic aching back,
i To rub with liniments, rheumatic
When the trouble comes from the
i I
Bae &
One-Price (.'lothierc, Hatters and Furnishers
m I f nnrrncnnnillnrr coprfllJirV
I CISi Vlll vaava aaif, -,
T treasurer of the Inland Empire Teach-
I ors' Associations, which will be In
; session in Walla Walla. April 1CF 17
i anil IS. has nlmost completed the
J i three days' program. The program
Slas arranged to date. Is:
? Thursday. April 16 "Primary Edu
cation." Catherine Montgomery: dis
cussion, primary instructor from La
iln "Mnimnl Trnliilnr In the
pnhiio Spiinnls." .1 A Keouer: dls- "
mission. Professor Perkins. "Com
mercial Course in the High School."
H. C. nialr. "Summary of science
Teaching In the High School in the
Inland Empire." E. U. conKiin. "con
solidation of Districts and Rural
Transportation." J H. Ackerman;
discuss on. Professor hiuou. tnon
A Mr Hood In Wyoming has Inun
dated the Red Desert for miles east
of Rock Springs.
Dr. Frederick Mueller, a pupil of
Dr. Lorenz .performed his first oper
ation on a 12-year-old girl in New
York with success.
A Brooklyn judge sentenced two
women recently to serve 10 mouths
In the penitentiary for using improper
language on the streets.
There were two killings on Sunday
in Breathitt county, Kentucky. Bud
Splcer was shot to death by John
Hengley and Bud Combs was shot
In a general fight in Jackson.
Mrs. Gallangher. convicted of per
jury In the trial of Charles Halloday,
for the murder of her husband, was
Monday, at Iowa City, la., sentenced
to 15 years in the penitentiary.
Max Gartman, arrested in Chicago
Monday night. Is said to have fleeced
pawnbrokers throughout the country
of more than $15,000 by pawning al
loy jewelry which stood acid test.
The old Indianapolis arsenal was
sold by the government Monday to
the Winona Agricultural College for
$15-1,000. The government will re-invest
in an army post near town to be
known as Fort Benjamin Harrison.
Jacob Brum, a workingman of Iowa
City, Tuesday loaded a gun with a
three-cornered file, and the trigger be
ing broken, he placed the butt of the
gun In a stove and thf muzzle
against his breast and waited for the
heat to fire the weapon. The file went
through his heart.
The Bush Brewing Company, of St.
Louis, filed an application. Tuesday,
with the federal court at Paris, Texas,
for an injunction restraining the offic
ials of Greyson county from putting
into effect the prohibition law of that
county. Judge Bryan refused to Is
sue the restraining order.
With a clothesline about his neck,
the end of which was fastened to a
window sill. Henry Pike leaped from
a window on the third floor of a
boarding house in Chicago. The rope
broke and he fell to the pavement
and was killed. He was an English
man, out of employment and despondent.
Golden Rule.
Mrs. J. Bollne, Salt Lake.
F. C. Bollne, Salt Lake.
C. M. Boline. Salt Lake.
H. H. Boline, Salt Lake.
Edith Weaver, North Yakima
M. Worcester. North Yakima.
TrA Fcnmnrp. North Yaktina.
Mabel Meredith, North Yakima.
Mrs. H. W. Snyder and son,
I. L. Hay, city.
F. Marshall and wife, city.
J. M. Hemphill, Weston.
J. W. Hemphill. Weston.
B. M. Van, Portland.
H A. Clusberg, Chicago.
W. F. Shall, Chicago.
F. J. Gardner, Portland.
John Dynes, Gardner.
T. Merzbach. San Francisco.
K. E. Wicken, San Francisco.
C. L. Downer, Spokane.
E. D. Lmiaw and wife. Walla
G. L. Williams, Spokane.
W. E. Millard, Portland.
A. J. Hall, Spokane.
It. A. Seeds, Spokane.
W .D. Marks, Spokane.
W. H. Coffin, Seattle.
D. C- Kirk. Weston.
E. E. Walden, Weston.
W. M. Pinkie. Athena.
George W. Winn. Weston.
Walter Ely, Weston.
oiling of the Public School Course," : Statea.
Dean's Kidney Pills cure all kid
ney Ills.
Here Is positive proof.
A. Ammonn, Bhoemakor, of 1024
Santa Fe avenue, Denver, Colo., says:
"When Doan's Kidney Pills stopped
plaint In ll.o summer of 1S99. I made
fimt fnet known to the residents of
rinnvor en that others who had kid
nev trouble In nny of its various
fnrms nilcht know what course to
pursue to cet relief. The opinion I
then expressed Is the same today.
it wns when Doan's Kidney Pills
mrc first liroucht to 1UV notice. I
have had no occasion to use any med
icine for my kidneys since. When
Doan's Kidney Pills affected a cure
in mv rnsn thnt cure was nermanent
For sale bv all dealers. Price 50
-"nts. Fostcr-Milbura Co., Buffalo.
N. Y., sole agents for the United
Opening Display
Of a Full Line of Genuine
Imported direct from Belfast, Ireland. They are now on our
Counters where they will remain on display for
tir i.
One Week.
n,. r rtnnfnmln Andrews iirosiuont
of the University of Nebraska.
Friday, April 17 "Mathematics for
Primary and Secondary Schools," J
D. Stout. "Promotions," Walter It.
Siders: discussion, Mrs. L. L. West,
Professor Churchill, of Baker City,
has not been assigned his subject.
Address, State Superintendent E. A.
Bryan. "Music in Public Schools,"
Professor S. Harrison Lovewell; dis
cussion. Rev. J. M. Morris. "Can the
College Course be Shortened?" Super
intendent Saylers: discussion. Presi
dent Kone.
Saturday. Anril IS "Do "Wo Need
I Normal Schools?" L. B. Alger. "Nor-
1 mal Schools as They Are," frotessor
Dumas, of Pullman. "County Model
School of Ontario," President Mc
Lean. University of Idaho. Address,
H. T. Coleman.
The officers of the association are:
President Stephen B. L. Penrose,
Walla Walla, Wash.
First Vice-President Mrs. Young,
Moscow, Idaho.
Second Vice-President Miss Eva
Wood, Pendleton, Ore.
Third Vice-President W. G. Beach,
Pullman. Wash.
Recording Secretary Miss Grace
Shepard, I.ewlston, Idaho.
Corresponding Secretary and Treas
urer J. E. Myers, Walla Walla Wash.
Executive Committee G. S. Bond.
I Walla Walla. Wash.- H. T Coleman,
Spokane. Wash.; Miss Scott, Boise.
Idaho; H. E. Bragg. Union. Ore.; F.
M. Burke. Walla Walla. Wash.
Remember the name DOAN'S
nd take no substitute.
J I,
will be In
Foreman Piggott. of the Seattle
grand jury, has been removed by the
superior judge
A new 10-stamp mill is being built
on the Granite Hill mines in the
Grant's Pass district.
The jade found in Josephine coun
ty Is said to be of the best known
variety in the world.
Nicholas Scharbach. of Woodhiirn.
while In an epileptic fit. fell In a fire
and wus burned to death.
A movement has beun started
bring the meeting of the National
Grange to Portland in 1905.
La Grande has a now knitting fac
tory, which employs seven girls now.
and will be Increased In capacity
Pearl Rhode-, aged 10, of Portland
was shot and seriously Injured hv a
companion, who was playing with an
air gun. Tuesday.
We. the
Pendleton within a few weeks, for
the purpose of imrchasing three hund
red (300) more or less head of horses,
for the United States cavalry, there
fore, would instruct owners In this
vicinity, to get their horses In proper
shape to conform to the following re
quirements: Geldings Roans, light and dark
sorrel, and other hardy colors. They
must be sound, eentle under th sad.
Idle, with free and prompt action at
the walk, trot and gallon: without de
fect or blemish: of kind disposition,
to weigh not less than 950 pounds,
nor more than 1150 pounds, from 15
hands 1 Inch to 1C hands high: from
four (4) to eight (8) years of age;
suitable for the United States cav
alry. We will notify you later, the date
we want the horses brought In for
Yours truly.
' For further particulars, write to
1 Herman Metzger, Portland Ore.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Isi
, ..... Ulucr ul ,ne nrm ot t j
, Cheney & Co., dotnjr bos In ess In the city of
Toledo, county and atate aforesaid, and
that Bald firm will pay the sum of One
Hundred Dollars for each and erery case
i or Catarrh that cannot be cured by the
' use of nail's Catarrh Core.
I Sworn to before me and subscribed In
' 57 ,pIfnce thu th day of December, A.
(Seal.) A. W. GLEASON.
tt.n. . , . Notary Public.
Hall's fntlrrh Cnr ! tab.- l-..ti
, tnd acts directly on the blood and mucous
(0 , surfaces of the system. Bend for testl-
ujumaia irt-r-
Sold by all drusclsts. 73c,
nail's Family Pills are the beat.
Prespects for Good Crops Were Never
Better and Work Is Being Pushed
Walla Walla .March 17. Orchard
men in the vicinity of Walla Walla
have started spraying and the work
will be pushed as rapidly as possi
ble til it is finished, weather permit
ting. The heavy fall of rain and i
hiiuw m me pasi weeK nas resulted, in
no damage to spraying operations,
with the exception or delaying them.
Very few pests have made their ap
pearauce yet. but It is not expected
that the Walla Walla valley will be
free from them this season, though
it is admitted that the number of
pests and the damage they will do
will not be as great as It was last sea
son. The codlin moth, the most dan
gerous of all, does not make Its ap
pearance until late in the spring, and
a determined effort will he made to
exterminate it.
Thousands of new fruit trees are
being planted this season by those
owning orchards, 4.000 alone having
been set out at the Blalock Fruit
Farm, west of the city. The amount
or fruit to be raised this season Is ex
pected to be greater than ever be
fore and the prospects for a good
crop were never better.
Just This I
Received you 1
A Know
Supply is
of the
BARK Drink
From I p. w.
Young Schmidt
& Co.
TwigS Reliable Druggists
Everything in Satin Damask Tabling
nr i hp i: T i nt
loweis, luweuug, napiuns, uiass
Linens, Etc., Etc.
Everybody Call
and See Them
Also Get a Ticket on the Buggy
The Columbia
Lodging House
Newly Furnished.
Bar in connection.
Aha & Webb bts.
In Center of Block.
F. X. Schempp
Have Been Added to the Course
Study at Whitman College.
Walla Walla. March 17. Many
electives have been put In the college
liV'SloSl 33,nf , M,USt0,a-, th i n-tTng yeerdVa iernoon . "was
Sned ris snn oJd l.'Hv a.bnn- "t application for electives
d?ownV he a t0 haV 1,Gen m,l"t ,'P ma,le " or May 15
1 , J" e m- i ech year for tho year followingThe
,Jni i .Iea,h of MMIvl1!e. a .academy physics has been extended
naai cauot, has been promoted to from the semester to a full year In
wllili01 thti starl,oar'J watch on the fourth year academy scientific
board tho gunboat Mohican. course it has been customary to give
R. M. Watson, editor of the Tllla 1 two se'estors to bolnny hut the sec-S-nin
IIea,lllGht- has been sued for 01,(1 se"'ostor will he supplanted here
?o.noo damage for defamation of ,ftor, y a semester of mechanical
?aran,r- l,y KreU c- n3'r- editor of rawlnfT-
tho Tillamook Indonondenf.
The old Connor Greek placer claims
which areHrnied the richest In the
stale, will bo systematically worked
this season. They are located 17
"Son. " k Ulver from "UIlt-
Notice to Taxpayers.
Notice Is hereby given that all
taxes for the year 1902 are now due
and payable at the sheriff's office
Taxes unpaid become delinquent on
April 1. No rebate after March 15.
By order of county court.
T. D. TAYLOR, Sheriff.
? Is sometimes a costly experience for the man who makes
exneriment or for the nsrsnn. animal nr nhiert pneriment
I unon. Some exneriments are nprpsi
r -i? . 1 t i. t . 1 t . 1... .l. H
ui uiviuzawuu; anu uiougn irequenuy money is iosi uy iu;u-i
' -1. 1 . . 1 r . f . 1 . . -J I
uerimemur, me uuiniaie uenenis ouen result in great guw wi
humanity and this has been the case with the many successlolj
rigation anywhere in this region has passed the expenmtsti'j
aiac iu (jiaiiu SUUUCbS, I1US blUUU II1U ICSIS OI liic
Karmintr Pnhlir n mnct rrifiral iiwlrro Jc nrnwlncr in faVOreTTli
o ' " . ... j vDv., w .. . ... h
day and has fully substantiated the claims of the Expenencaj
Irrigator "that the application of water to our desert imo
would render them equal in value to
The lands under our system of irrigation canals etjsjj
earlier springs.laler falls, better transportation facihties,easi
access to markets and are capable of a wider range of product
.1 .l 1 1 .1 n . . . , r- 1 . Uirl
man uny omer ianas in me great uoiumDia ana snaisc
For further particulars write to or call upon
"The Darkest Hour."
Tho Darkest Hour," one
Acker's Blood Elixir positively cures
Chronic Blood Poisoning and all
Scrofulous affections. At all times a
matchless system tonic and prlfler.
Money refunded If you aro dlssatls
fied. 50c and $1.00 F. W. Schmidt &
Co., druggists.
of the
Wanted to Mob "Chink."
season's most successful rnolodranZ 1 v.i Voun8 ,a?,es of WoWs hall
will b0 the attraction it thS S-a i !terdar ,rnornI?K wcro treated to
next Saturday. March 21. it u ono ! Uta 8Pctac,e of o China
of tho latest dramas from th ! ' mo.n. ,eaUnK a horse near tho hall
Lincoln J nOr., Ir.mJ.h.?Pen.0.f ntll the animal could harrtlv
maxf.? ne more adventuresome
women to go out and mob the Celes-
liaiS. lillt mnrit anhm.MUJ.j
finally telephoned to tho sheriffs of
fice. An nfflpitr In in..u ..
case today which Is reported to have
Walla Stateran. MM--
c- i-V . -wMivi unutiB una in-
&etJ hy. ?.ca8t. f unusual excel-
Vrv,.,. 1,1 ana roa8Uo train ot
ra roundlne a. curvn oa
a' uridKe In vIput ...j .
r; ""7 miiiB uovicee om
In thte truly great production.
Fishing Season
April First
Prepare foi the great sport
of catching the wilj trout.
Come to us for your rods.
tackle, lines, baskets, hooks
anu other supplies,
stock is the largest and
Attention, now, Itle, all happy and eay 1
Ju.t mrUHt offer! lint Two n it to pay
For a beautiful photo, full rablnet ilze.
That would make your bjt fellow Juit open
.hut east the E. o. at Danger's old Hand.
, ou will Me our exhibit o beautiful and
I rrana.
We will there try to pleaie you, the brat we
Know now,
; With that same pltaant tmlle and an artlitlc
It matters but little how old you may be
Whetheraweet tixteen or age twenty.three-
on will get nice photo of yonr aweet little
Ur "know FlRST 1"183 and 10 flne you m,ut
That all the btit people know Jmt where to ro
Through the whole month of March we , wlli
So bring your beat fellow and come right along 1
HSE. Webb St.
N. BERKLEY, Pendleton, Oregon
:o k
315 East Court Street.
Sporting GoodB of all Kinds
cure dyspopala and all dlaordera arts-
. m inmBBBiion. Endorsed by
phyelclana everywhere. Bold by all
Hnrr? iT ?B to W.
Gray's Harbor
Commercial Co.
We Don't Keep Everything
But we ao kwjji a good big
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Celling, Bustle and Finish,
in all grades. Also all kinda
of Dimension Lumbtr, in
cluding Lath and Bulnglea.
Our stock of Doors, "Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper and Apple
Boxes U complete, and any
one in need of Lumber will
! not be wrong in placing
their order with the :: :
Gray's Harbor Com. Ce.
OPP. Wt C. R. Dejftt
Kntbe '
Ludwlg i
Sleek '
I Smith & Barne
( llardman
I KlDKibnry
( I'ackard K
I Harvard
i riuah&CerU
f UalneiACo
v Klllngton
f . Wlilard
( uarrlngi
Highest grade Musi- ( ppflNS
cal Instruments. All chlc&0 cotw
homes should have a i Mwong"1"
piano or organ. Our
easy payment plan EMl!df
makes it nosihlp fnr nil Man?.0."?'
to have a first class in
strument. Two good second
hand organs and a good
second hand piano for
sale cheap.
( Melitrt
We have bonght of the Allen Brothera, their
wooa DHBinefls, a&d sow we are ready to farois
dry wood on short sntino nma aqb Vain Rtrt
W. SchmTdtl Co'; ,0
Pe H2i p. p. COLLIE1