East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 18, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Eastern jOregonWeatlaer
- - -
; Tonight and Thursday, fair.
Will be delivered t your residence
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VOL. 16.
NO. t0. J.
1 11 m B . I "X V
II .,
fhe Anthracite Strike Arbi
tration Commission Finish
Their Labors Today.
i the
II Not Be Made Public Until Roos
velt Has Had Time to Review it
arefully Members Will Dine With
resident This Evening.
shington, March 18. The report
anthracite strike commission
signed this morning by all the
ibers and at 10:30 was taken to
,'hite House by Judge Gray, the
man, and Carroll D .Wright, the
der, and placed in the hands 01
will not be made public until
evelt has time to review It care
and send copies to President
Mitchell and the operators' rep-
a compliment to the members
e commission ana in apprecia-
their work, tho president will
them a dinner at the White
this evening. Secretary Cor
will also be present.
im an authoritative source it is
ed that the report? will recom-
a 10 per cent increase in the
irs' pay and many favorable re-
s. Markle is scored. The unions
told that they are culpable for
buse of non-union workers.
Wright left the white house he
hat the report would be made
at his office Saturday morn-
in suffrage Association Will
sn Their Thirty-Third Annual
nventlon in New Orleans Tomor-
Orleans, La., March 18. Del
to the thirty-fifth annual con-
im or tne National American
an Suffrage Association, which
tomorrow, have taken the Ores-
3ity by storm, and the headquar-
ire crowded with representative
many of whom have journey-
fcm far distant points in the New
id and EaBtern states and from
icific coast.
venerable Susan B. Anthony is
the central figure at the conven
ed other suffrage workers of
il prominence who "nave arrived
scene are Rachel Foster Av-
lice Stone Blackwell, Harriet T.
Rev. Anna H. Shaw and Mrs.
Chapman Catt. in this bril-
.alaxy one familiar face will
sing when the gathering is call-
arrter that of Elizabeth Cady
the pioneer woman suffragist
issed away at her home in
irk this winter.
Party of Forty German Agriculturists
Coming Over to Make Observations.
Berlin, March 18. Following the
example set by the Alfred Moseley
commission of English worklngmen
sent to the "United States to study
the methods of American working
men a party of 40 German agricultur
ists is to visit tho United States to
study agricultural conditions.
The party left Germany on tho
steamship Uatricia today. From New
York tho agriculturists will go to
Baltimore, where they will visit the
oyster beds and canneries in that
city. Washington will next be visit
ed. The cattle and tobacco industries
of Kentucky will receive attention.
St. Louis will follow, and from there
Omaha will be the point of destina
tion. A visit of inspection will be
paid to the cattle farms of the Stand
ard Oil company at Amos, Iowa, and
then will come the beet farms and
beet sugar refineries of Nebraska. By
way of Denver the party will travel
to Utah, California, as far as Los An
geles, and also to Oregon and Wash
ington. On the return trip to the
East the party will pass through
North Dakota, Minnesota, thence to
Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit, and, by
the way of Niagara Falls, back to
New York.
The German government, as well
as the agricultural societies, is very
much interested In the party's trip
to America and the agricultural de
partment of the government will re
ceive and make public full reports of
the observations of the tourists. In
addition, it has been arranged that
the agriculturalists shall be accom
panied throughout their trip by Dr.
Gerber, the agricultural expert of the
German embassy in Washington.
in dyum
Whole Families in Tree Tops and On Roofs of Houses Await
ing Rescue in Lowlands Along the Mississippi River.
Quotations Furnished by Coc Commis
slon Company, 120 Court Street
B. E. Kennedy, Local Manager.
Chicago, March IS. The sensation
on tho stock market today Is tho phe
nomenal rise of Union Pacific from
63 at tho opening this morning, to
67s at 3 o'clock this afternoon. A
slump is anticipated. Wheat clcar
ences today, 130,000; corn, 4S9.000.
Hogs, J7.2R, cattle and sheep steady
Arbitration of the Sala Case.
Washington, March 18. The arbi
tration of the Sala case, Involving
claims for damages against the Do
minican republic arising from the rev
olutionary disturbances in that island
was commenced here today. The ar
bitrators are Frederick Van Dyne, tbe
assistant solicitor of the state de
partment, and Senor Quaichalla, the
Bolivian minister.
Two Occupants Killed and Two "Fatal
ly Injured Electric Car Kills
Prominent Contractor.
Pittsburg, March 18. A switch en
gine in the Allegheny yards this
morning struck a wagon at a cross
ing during the fog and killed two men
and fatally injuring two others. A
few minutes later, a short distance
away ,an electric car killed Thomas
Booth, a well-known contractor.
Memphis, Tenn., March IS. The St. changed. Tho city Is crowded with
Francis levee board has announced destitute people.
that It will dynamite the levee near j Later Idea Abandoned.
Marlon Park today in order that boats , Memphis, March 18. The St. Fran-
mav get through to rescue the people cis loveo board announced this after
who have not yet reached safety. ! noon tnnt " had abandoned the idea
.... f dynamiting the levee, being nble
iu, u! uui )ramup ""i. DCvto ferry the people from Marlon In
eral hundred are now in dire distress, skiffs.
The water is still rising. Whole fam-1 The conflict with tho waters Is
Hies are In tree tops or on the tops ' now desperate. Todav tells the tile.
of houses. Two trains are caught ! The river is rising from New Madrid,
Wheat Opened.
May 74
July 71
May 44 &
I July 43
Minneapolis, March IS.
Wheat Opened.
May 73
July 74 M
New York .March 18.
Wheat Opened.
May 791
July 76
Burdick Inquest is Postponed
Until District Attorney Can
Substantiate Reports.
Wheat in Chicago.
Chicago, March 18. AVhoat
74 He per bushel.
west of Bridge Junction with wash
outs on each side.
Island 35, for tho first time In its
history, , is covered with water.
Sixty persons were removed from
its surface last night. The situation
at Memphis today is practically un-
mo., to the Gulf. The board says:
"Tho fight is the hardest in tho histo
ry. Should the river fall we win.
Should it rain or the wind come up
the levee won't last five hours. The
conditions are the worst ever known.
We are powerless."
Begins Season In New York Afte
Spending Five Y.ars in Europe.
New York, March IS. Tho circus
has come to town and the small boy
and many of their elders, too, aro
having visions of elephants, clowns
and bareback riders. This timo it is
the original Barnum & Bailey show,
fresh from the triumphs of a five
years' tour in Europe. Tho show ro-
turned to this country last fall and
during the past few months an army
of workmen have been busy slinging
ii t 1 ill jn !, 1 . 1 I i wuranitii imvu ueen uusy miuiiiK
War Department Has Approved Recommendations of the red paint and putting 0n gold leaf so
n , mai everyming win iook spicic ami
bovernmeni engineers.
Portland .March 18. Work on the
Columbia TUver bar will commence
very soon. President Robert Living
stone, of the Chamber of Commerce,
received the following telegram from
ex-Congressman Malcolm A. Moody.
'yesterday morning:
"The secretary of war approves the
engineers' bar report today. Instruc
tions will follow immediately."
The latter part of this telegram is
taken to mean that instructions will
be sent the engineers of the depart
ment here for their guidance in begin
ning the wory. It. Is estimated that
It will take from GO to 70 days to get
operations under way. Some of the
can be called for the rest within 30
Washington, March 17. Secretary
Root today approved the plans of the
army engineers board for tho exten
sion of tbe jury at the mouth of the
Columbia River. The plans contem
plate extending the existing jetty 2
miles out to sea. The engineers cal
culate that a channel of 40 feet will
be given across the bar with the com
pletion of the work projected, and the
estimated cost Is 12,200,000.
Congress has authorized the expen
diture of $1,500,000 for improvements
at the mouth of the Columbia. The
government transport Grant is being
converted into a dredging ship, and It
span when the grand entry takes
place In Madison Square Garden to
night. There Is only ono drop ol bit
terness In the cup of Joy for tho small
boy. There Is to be no street parade
The city authorities have decided
that with the construction of tho
subway tho streets are bo torn up
that a parado would endanger the
crowd of spectators.
Is expected that she will be readv for
material is on tne grouna, ana mas service In June or July.
trclal Clubs of Minnesota Will
I. a State Organization of Mu
Paul, Minn., March 18. At a
fee to be held here today in
10 a call issued by the Com
Club of Cannon Falls, it is
the Initial steps will be
pward the formation of a state
91 municipalities. The matter
a subject of discussion for
ie and .the cities throughout
nave come to recoenize the
tneir mutual interests could
to . a wonderful extent
rthc medium of organization
ainatlon of freight rate dls-
lon from which cities all
Miesota suffer, Is to be one
sier subjects of the new or
At the same time it is
;to hold conferences at stat
us for the discussion of such
as municipal ownershin of
lent and gas plants, and the
pi sanitation, quarantine
Jrovements. good roads and
Incident to Celebration of
Birthday Are Abandoned.
fen, March 18. Tho festlv
. . .
fni to the celohrnUnn nf
(irthday of Henrik Ibsen.
Norwegian poet and dram-
UCen ahnnrinnait nn-ln in
Ma ... k-.-v-w U
ous illness.
ft Extradite Wright.
march 18. Embassador
lay authenticated tho nil.
Ming Whitnkor Wright, the
u utuunci London Globe
o was arrested in Now
Iron In Seclusion,
arch 18. From a hfgh
tho report that the au
po TrappIstB ha sannounc
ope that 0 Iron, who elop
nce8 Louise, has already
"Hppisr. community.
Called for Trial In the United States
Circuit Court at St .Louis.
St. Louis, Mo., March 18. The fam
ous case of the United States vs. the
Northern Securities company, com
prising the Northern Pacific and
Great Northern railroads, which has
been in litigation for some time, was
called for trial today in the United
fatates circuit court with Judges Cald
well, Sanborn and Thayer on the
The case comes to St. Louis for
trial because of the fact that the
United States court at St. Paul, where
the case originated through action
taken by Governor Van Sant. and the
United States court at St. Louis are
in the same circuit and St. Louis is
more convenient for some of the ju'
ists and counsel engaged in the case
than St. Paul. Both sides are rep
resented by an eminent array of legal
talent and the trial promises to be one
of tho most notable ever held In the
United States court in this city.
The issue at stake is equally im
portant as upon the decision of the
court depends the much mooted ques
tion as to whether tne Shorman antl
trust law can be made an effective
weapon In the regulation or suppres
slon of alleged unlawful combines of
City Printing Goes to Portland's Re.
form Paper,
Portland, March 18. The Oregon
Daily Journal was awarded the city
advertising for the coming year at the
meeting of the council wayB and
means committee yesterday. The
Journal's bid was soven-elghts of a
cent a line for agate notices, 14 lines
to the Inch. The Evening Telegram
bid one cent a line.
No action was taken on the offer of
the Portland Trust Company to han
dle ?50,000 of tho city's funds. The
company will have to wait until It re
ceives word from tho East In regard
to the $100,000 bond that will have to
be filed with the city treasurer before
tbe company can receive the money
it offers to take on deposit.
Exhibition of Water Colors.
Philadelphia, March 18. Society is
manifesting much Interest in the sec
ond annual exhibition of the Phila
delphia Water Color Club, which
opened today at tho Acadomy of Flno
Arts. The exhibition comprises a
large number of original water col
ore, pastels and drawings, many of
them the work of the foremost ar
tists of America. The display will
continue through the remainder of
Opening Argument at St. Louis Made
by Attorney-General Peck Grlgga
Former Attorney-General, Also
St. Louis, March 18 Arguments
in the Northern Securities enso woro
begun this morning beforo the United
States court of appeals, sitting here
It Is believed that tho hearing Is only
n atmi tnwnrilu n Trtntlnn nf thn nnan
The Treaty is Ratified in the Senate By a Vote of Seventy- before the supreme court as neither
sine will auKie uy the result until a fl
nal judgment Is 'passed. Tho opening
argument was mde by Assistant Unit-
Ctnfsit. i ... ..r f, .w. w. 1 Tl,v..l.
uiunocB mill rt lilllll.T JOI1K HIIUUCII l)y
Senator Daniel, of Virginia. Tho
three to Five,
Washington. March IS. Without
changing a single punctuation mark
the senate last night voted to ratify
the treaty with the Republic of Co
lombia for the construction of the
Isthmian Canal. The vote for the rat
ification was 73 in the affirmative to
5 in the negative.
The senate was In executive ses
sion when the result was announced,
so that only the senators themselves
and a few confidential employes were
present. All the senators announced
themselves as gratified to havp the
long struggle terminated. The day
was given up almost entirely to gen
eral debate on the treaty, and In ad
dition set speeches were made under
agreement by Senators Morgan and
Griggs, the former atlonioy.goncral
only party vote' of the day was taken J ,,f,re- C'on"ral Co,!n11 H"m of JJ'
on the substitute for article 4, which Northern Pacific, and Grower, for the
was agreed upon by the democratic u,lul wl" l'r"-
caucus and had reference to the ac
quisition of territory In Central and
South America by tho United States.
There were a number of speeches
on this amendment, but it was voted
down by almost two-thirds majority,
Cullom. There were many short ad- of Colorado,
Lyons Professed Deen Interest In Re
Murderer Rlllot LvmiR who Ik nnur
me oauoi looung up tn yeas to zu occupying a cell in tho county Jail
,,as- awaltlnc his execution on Anrl 17th
WJien the Senate adjourned at 7 Ikih nrofrKRnd n ilonn lnfnront In rn.
ociui-K mere was a general uejier llglon, says the Eugene Gunrd
mat the business of the session would For several days past a number of
cuiinimiea in lime IO nornill nnaj voum? men frnm thn rnnlru nf Mm ntn
adjournment tomorrow. Some, how- dents of the Divinity School havo vis
vr, piaced ine oaio z nours later, ited Lyons, and at least ono c tv nas
inose voting against tho treaty, to hns called on him and talked
were morgan, j'ettus or Alabama, with him nn rel clnna hiiIiIppIr
i.mun;j, martin or Virginia, ana 'iciier
Secretary Loeb Gives Names of Those
Who Will Accompany President
Washington, "March 18. Secretary
Loeb says that the members of the
presidential parly on the Western
tour will be Assistant Secretary
Barnes, Surgeon-General P. M. Rlxey,
Admiral Clark, three stenographers.
representatives of the Associated
Press, Scripps-McRae, Sun, Collier's,
Leslie's, Harper's, Western Union,
Postal, a photographer, representa
tive of tho Pennsylvania road and 1
three secret service men.
In each Instanco tho ministers read
passages of scripture to tho con
demned man and prayed with him.
It Is Reported that Lyons has ox
pressed great repentance for tho awful
crime, has nraverl to find for fnrelvn.
Spend the Evening and a Little Spare ness nnd shows deep Interest in rellg-
Fight Between '(B subjects
vasn witness a
Lowry and Lowe,
New York. March 18.- Twenty men
with an aggregate wealth of nearly a
billion dollars, witnessed a prize
fight last night in the country man
sion of one of Now York's prominent
millionaires on Long Island
Among those present were two su
Postoffice Officials Making Active In
vestigation of Charges.
Washington, March 18. Campbell,
of New York, has not yet appeared
before Assistant Postmaster-General
Bristow to give detailed charges of
bribery against prominent persons in
connection with "got rich quick" con
cerns. Secret service men are work
ing on the case with activity, Tyler
has declared ho cannot resign from
his office while under fire.
Consider the Cuban Treaty In Execu
tlve Session Final Vote This Eve
Washington. March 18. It Is the In
tention of the senate mnnairprH In
premu court judges of AlassacnUBOttS hold a short seKHlnn Inmnrrnw wind
and one from New York. Jack Lowry up tho pending executive matters and
and Jimmy Lowe were the fighters, then adjourn at 2 o'clock, slno die,
Charjey White was referee. Lowry At 10 this mornlnj,' tho senate wont
won In the 15th round. It Is estlmat- into oxecutlvo session for tho cnnsbi.
I ed that $10,000 changed hands. The eration of tho Cuban treaty. The
guests all wore evening dress and oc- discussion is expected to last six
cupled cushioned chairs, inlaid with hours and then a final vote on Its rat
gold. Tho ring was pitched on velvet flcation will bo taken.
carpet, aji.,... -rnni t,
Because of the difficulty of main
taining a quorum now that tho Pan-
nmn trstnfv Id i-nHflnrl ilin onnntn 1ln.l.
Noted Servian Writer Charged Army erB (nls afternoon determined to re-
Officers of Obtaining Promotion by main In session tonight until the Cu
Fish Nominated.
Washington. SJarch 18. Hamilton
Fish was nominated today by tho
president as assistant treasurer in
New York, vice WiWara Pllmley,
whoso nomination wav-wlthdrawn.
Servlty to Queen.
Belgrade. March 1R PrnfnuEni- nor.
islavjovfes, the distinguished Servian
writer, has been challenged four
times by officers of tho Servian army
by order of the king, because tho
professor charged the officers with
having obtained promotion through
servlty to queen Draga, The profes
sor Is no swordsman. The others are
all experts.
ban treaty Is disposed of and then
adjourn sine die.
Stated That He Felt That He Must
Ktll Burdick Penned Went to Ni
agara Falls Morning After Murder
Generally ' Believed Ca-se Is Near
Buffalo, N. Y., March 18. Tho Bur
dick Inquest contlnunnco has boon
postponed till Monday afternoon. Tho
district attorney is so hoarso from
constant uso of his volco yestorday,
that ho Is unnblo to speak today.
It reported that tho district attor
ney's hoarseness is not sufTlclont to
Incnpacltnto him for flvo days, honco
thero aro other reasons for tho
lengthy delay. "
When pressed for a statomont, tho
district attorney practically admitted
such was tho case, Ho said, "Wo havo
gleaned fncts wo novor know beforo,
since tho inquest, bognn, but what
they aro I won't say."
Mrs. Hull to Be Recalled.
It Is bollovod that tho police will
administer tho third degree to somo
witnesses botweon now nnd Monday,
on tho theory Hint facts known to
them woro held bnck on tho witness
stnnd. Mrs. Hull, Burdlck's mothor-In-law,
will bo recalled, as thoro aro
decided discrepancies in her state
ments beforo tho inquest and her tes
timony when sworn.
Tho furnaco In PonnolPs houso is
being examined tills nftornoon, as it
is known that ho dismissed tho furn
nco man tho morning of tho murdor,
saying ho would tond tho flro hlmsolt
that day. Tho pollco aro evldontly
working on tho theory that somoono
mny hnvo committed tho murdor and
destroyed tho golf stick or other
woapon and tho bloody gnrmonts in
tho flro,
Case Near Solution.
Iluffnlo, March 18. TIiIb aftornoon
tho district attorney, Contswortli, an
nounced that a letter had coi found
in tho llurdlck houso which wns writ
ten to Mrs. Burdick by Ponnoll, In
which Pennell snld, "I feel tliat I must
kill Burdick."
Coatsworth added that ho has ovl
donco that l'onnoll went to Niagara
Falls tho morning Burdlck's body waa
found nnd sont tho Instrument with
which tho killing was dono, ovor tho
cataract. It Is generally bollovod tho
case Is nenr a solution.
Meet in Annual Session at. Chicane
From Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana and
Chicago, March 18. Tho Loxlng--
ton conference of the Mothodlst EplH
copal church, tho first colored con
foronco of tho M, 10. church to moot
In Cliicugo, began Its annunl session
today In St. Mark's M. E. church.
Tho conforonco Is comprised of the
colored preachors of tho M. E, church
In Kentucky. Ohio, Indiana and III1-
nols. In addition to tho routlno
church proceedings, It Is Intondod to
muko of the present session somo
thing of a gonoral conforonco for tho
discussion of varioiiH mattorH of Im
portance to tho church and tho color-
ed raco, To this end a number of
prominent speakorB havo been invit
ed to address tho conforonco, among
thorn Dr. I. aarland Ponn, of Atlanta,
Bishop Fitzgerald of Ht. Louis, Pros
Ident J. B. Hamilton of Waldon Uni
versity, and Dr. William P. Thlrklold.
gcnoral secretary of tho Freodmen's
Aid Society.
Pleads Not Guilty to the Seven In
dictments Did Not Give Ball.
Minneapolis, March 18 Dr. A. A.
Ames, who was five times mayor of
this city, tottered into tho court room
this morning. Ho was ho feoblo that
ho had to ho seated whllo tho seven
ndletmonts against him woro read.
Ho pleaded not guilty to each. As
yet ho is without ball, and It la
probable that ho will havo to await
his trial In Jail, Tho seating capacity
of tho court room was Inadequate but
iiero was no demonstration, Al
though many sympathizers woro pres
ent, none showed a desire to boenrao
his bondsmen.
North Dakota Jta appropiratod ,$M,
000 or tbe YbrM' Wr, t Li.
Were Playing on a Raft Which Cap-
Sized Five Dead.
Chant. I. T March 18. Five boys
who were playing on a raft which
capsized, are dead. They are Ray
mond Crocroft, .Otoarlea Oakea. Raluii
Oakee. Peter Brry mi LtfUter Berry,
Tbe ace of mT mmw mtJ te $. Tbe
beMe wr 1
Was Held Not Responsible for Fast
Automobinng Because He Was Net
In the Machine.
Paris, March 18, The JusUee eert
today rendered a decision is tbe earn'
against W. K. VaHderbJit. who MM'
sentenced Jn default rW fMt
Wlfngr. Tbe seatesee m
nellce court wab revoked
iwUtiag that 'ViWMierWK; mnH aot b
bM reaiWMiaihl h mwm b was net
ue vtm
'A J- I