East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 11, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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-Our Line of
Richard Hudnut's
Perfumes and
Toilet Requisites
Is now open for your inspection, including perfumes, toilet
soaps, coid creams, satchet powders, talcum powders, almond
meals, etc. We will be pleased to show you these goods
whether you intend to buy or not.
WE DJsES DAY . MARCH 11, 1903.
God gave the earth to all the
people, and not to some of them.
Its privileges should be for all
of them and not bartered off to
some of them. That, gentlemen,
constitutes my political econo
my, my politics, and, I say It rev
erently, my religion. And It Is.
I believe, the religion that
Christ taught to the people many
years ago. Tom Johnson.
Senate concurrent resolution No.
24, Introduced by Senator Miller, of
Linn county, and passed by the legls
lature, contains some of the most im
portant and vital suggestions that
were laid before the people by the
twenty-second session.
It is a plea to the state board of
education, for a cessation of the
"cramming" process in the schools;
It calls the attention of parents to the
notorious fact that studies can only
be skimmed over by pupils of a ten
der age, who are required today to
take three times the number of
branches taught in public schools ten
years ago.
An education under these condi
tions such an education as would
stand the test of genuine learning,
founded upon thorough familiarity
with principles and instilled into the
mind by lasting processes, is well
nigh impossible.
Or if such an education is acquired
by fifty per cent, or twenty-five per
cent of the pupils of the public school
it is done at the cost of health, and
often brings with it a permanently
weakened constitution and is a curse
forever after, instead of a blessing.
There is a limit to the capabilities
of school children. Their mental
strength, being in the growing and
formative stage, is susceptible to the
most insignificant pressure. Often one
month or one school term of hard
brain work, coupled with the natural
desire to succeed and aggravated by
the irresistible stimulant of rivalry
In class work, undermines the foun
dations of a constitution, and lays
plans for an unfortunate career of ill
ness and unsatisfactory work.
Reduce the number of studies; give
more time to classes; go to the bot
tom of branches taught; lay founda
tions upon the solid rock of under
standing, and get off the shifting
sandbars of surface learning, quickly
forgotten or inadequate to meot the
demands of life. The resolution,
which fallows, should receive the
earnest consideration of the board of
Whereas, The public school is the
only Institution actually employed in
tho education of the masses, and
Whereas, a very large per cent of
tho children receive all the education
they ever acquire in said public
school, and
Whereas, The course of study now
employed In the public schools of this
state requires so much work on the
part of the child, that tho essential
branches are not and cannot be well
learned, and
Whereas, Tho number of books
now Jn use In said course of Instruc
tion In said public schools is exces
sive and a financial burden upon the
people of tho state,
Therefore, Be It resolved by the
senate, the house concurring, that tho
stato board of education be, and is
hereby earnestly requested to so re
vise the course of Instruction now in
use In the public schools of this state,
as to reduce the amount of work and
give special attention to tho branches
thnt will be of most value to tho
children in pursuing the different av
ocations of life.
And that it is the sensu of the leg
islature that the public schools of the
state should be encouraged and fost
ered by every means in our power.
It is the business of the newspaper
to tell the news and tell It truthfully.
It is no part of tho duty of tho press
to manufacture news; It is bad
enough to manufacture opinion.
The news columns of all legitimate
papers are simply the movements of
the community, collected and put into
They are the individual acts of the
locality, codified. And like in all other
collections, there is a certain per cent
of the unwholesome ever present.
People often look upon the press as
an inquisitor. They hide their move
ments, shield their most worthy acts
from publicity, and try in every man'
ner possible to dodge the representa
tive of the press, in hopes that they
will smother some particular piece of-
Yet they are ever ready to proclaim
their disgust for the dullness of the
papers they read; they expect pub
lishers to find news which they them
selves hold up; they swear at the
distorted facts concerning their ac
tions, which ten words from them
would have made straight.
Remember, always, that the people
make the news; the people create the
subjects that form the foundation for
news columns; if they hide these
things, or refuse to be interviewed,
and allow wrong impressions to gain
publicity, It is their own fault, for
they held the key to the situation.
To make the press what it should
be, the true representative of the peo
ple and their activities, the people
must tell the Inside facts, for the
press, like the assessor, Is forbidden
to look into your personal accounts.
The following from the Baltimore
American Is so pertinent that the
temptation to repeat it is irrisistible:
A Man had a piece of News.
A Reporter heard of it.
Tho Reporter called on the Man.
And asked him about the News.
The Man played Balloon with the
He swelled noticeably and said:
"You Fellows never get Anything
right. So I won't tell you."
The Reporter did not get angry.
He knew the Man was a Fool.
Ho had seen Them before.
He knew the real facts could be had
from no one else.
Yet the Reporter did the very Best
he could to get at tho Truth.
And published tho story as lie got
Then the Man who had refused to
give the Facts, arose early nnd bought
a Paper to see If the facts were ills
They wore.
And he said:
"I told you so."
Query With whom should the
Public yearn to get even the Report
er, who did his best, or the arrogant
Fool, who deliberately refused to
help him?
Many centenarians, many minds.
Scarcely two agree as to the manner
of life that brings wealth of years
Mrs. Olive Cleveland, of Onondaga
countv. tl iff era from nil. Instead of I
telling how she has lived 102 years I
she tells why she doesn't care to live ,
103. This Is her complaint:
"After vou havo lived 100 years
you have aches and pains you nover
had before. You begin to lose your
memory, you can't see distinctly and
you can't hear. You forget how your
friends look ami you miss the sounds
of their voices. You seem to be in
another world. You know there Is
much going on of which you are not
aware, and yet you can't help It."
It is pathetic this way of looking
at the five score years. But It won't
be convincing to tho Hundred-Year
A contrary view is that of Banker
Llvermore, of New Jersey, who thanks
heaven for a hundred years and
hopes for ten more; of Darius Drake,
in Connecticut, who finds at the cen
tury' mark his life still "a ministry of
love;" of Pope Irfo. who, when a vis
itor wished him a hundred years,
asked with assumed sternness.
"Would you limit the decrees of
Providence?" New York World.
Such Delicious Coffee
It it not the coffee it It the Cream. Your coffee will always tatte delicious if you uit
It Is not like the weak and watery milks put up by other, but is creamy and uniform In con
sistencyevery can ajixe. Any can oi evaporated i.ream Gearing our cap laoci,
reproduced herewith, is guaranteed to be the best and purest, lie sure you see
the cap iabel before you buy. Tis the cap ol merit the sign of honest goods.
' ' Originators and Largtit Producers of Evaporated Cream. ' '
Young Milwaukee Society Woman.
thousand Cirri
women have written
to tell how Wini' of
Cardui bestows the
killed himself and was burned in the
Island of Thnsos. A sarcophagus
which Is believed to hold his remains,
has been recently discovered there.
ow aebooL Instruction to strati t
wordlac capitalizing, punctuating; para
graphing, etc All our teaching to praett-
ml; tfa adacatlon wo giro U Tiirail. A
omuae with as py the iirni s
traduaiaa, aa btutneea nan and wm
aad aa bookkeeper! and ataaocraaaaaa.
proraa tato. Open all the year; atadaat
adalUad at any Ome; catalogue tree.
The climax in perfection is
reached in Monopole.
When you want the Best,
come to us and get
The Information Contained in This
Gentleman's Statement le Priceless.
Tho hale, the hearty, tho strong can
afford to toss this paper aaido Impa
tiently when they read the following,
but any sufferer who has spent a mint
of money and hours of excruciating
torturo caused by kidney complaint,
will stand in his own light if he does
not follow tho valuable advice offer
ed by
Mr. William Gower Berber, of 131
West Bennett avenue, Colorado
Springs, says: "I was Interviewed by
gentleman In the month of June.
1839, about Doan'a Kidney Pills. I
was then living In Pueblo, Colo., and
told him that after suffering for
four or flvo years with backache and
other consequences of either weaken
ed or excited kidneys, I went to my
druggist in Pueblo for Doan'a Kidney
pills and took a course of treatment.
They cured me, and cured me quick
ly. Since then I havo not had the
slightest symptom of a recurrence. I
have recommended them to a number
of friends and acquaintances and told
them If they did not cure them they
could return the box to me. and I
would pay them for them. No one
ever came back with a box, so 1 know
they were cured."
For salo by all dealers. Price B0
crata. Foater-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N.
Y sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name DOAN'S
and take co substitute.
Our line
for cash.
of groceries is
We sell cheap
Miller Grocery Co.
636 Main Street
Phone Main 51 1
All kinds for all purposes.
Sash, Doors and Blinds.
Planing of all descriptions done
to otder.
Don't place your order foi
Building Material until you have
consulted us.
Pendleton Planing Mill an?
Lumber Yard.
WSMT rWtSTW. Pratotar
blesding of health on every
woman who takes it. rich
and poor alike. Mrs.
Helena Ulan. No. 123 Sev
enth Street. Milwaukee,
Wis., is one of the young
women whom Wine or Car
dui has rescued from a life
of sufferinir. She writes:
"Wiue of Cardui is certainly 'worn
out' women's best friend and I am pleased
to give my experience with It. A few
months ago I caught a severe cold, hav
ing been out in inclement weather, which
settled all over me, particularly in the
abdomen. I was in almost constant pain.
I consulted a physician and took his
medicine fot a month and without any
relief. I then decided I would try your
medicine and it was a lucky day for me
when I did so. I noticed a change in a
few days and felt encouraged to continue
taking Wine of Cardui, and my patience
was rewarded, for in two weeks my pains
had left me and I felt like a new woman."
Mri iftlma Jltau.
The woman who has suf-
ered from female Weakness
should do anything within
reason to secure health.
Wine of Cardui is the medi
cine that appeals to reasona
ble women women who
hold operations and cutting
in horror women wkoknow
that Nature is the best phy
sician Wine of Cardui
gives women back their
health by L'iviiur Nature a
chance to build up tho wasted and dis
eased tissue. Wino of Cardui regulates
the menstrual flow and Nature, when
relieved of tho drains or of the poisons
in the system, makes tho functional
organs strong and healthy again.
Any woman who is silently suffering
untold pains because she is too sensitive
to undergo a physician's examination
and treatment can find no excuse for
not securing relief when AVine of Car
dui is offered to her. There is nopub
licity to deter her. She can take Wine
of Cardui in the privacy of her home,
with as much assurance of a final cure
as though a dozen doctors recommended
it. Many physicians do recommend
Wine of Cardui to their patients.
Why not get a $1.00 bottle of Wine
of Cardui from your druggist today?
Coming in daily, SDcl
as Skirts, Shirt Wab
Suits, Muslin Under
wear, Shirt Waists, Sift
Monte Carlos and (J.
uuisKins. ineseareM
iur me oest in style acfl
in lown.
Ed Eben
645 Main street.
l ll
5 .
1 Z"
A million suffering women
have found relief in
Wine of Cardui.
The Best Criterion
Of our work is the work it
self, as our best advertise
ment is the praise of those
who patronize us. We know
we can do the best laundry
work, as we couldn't do it
we didn't, so if you want
your linen laundered better
than you ever had it done,
go to the
Court and Thompson Htreetw.
Enjoy your leisure time at
First-class Bowling Alley ?r
Best Billiard and Pool TafeJ
Shooting and Throwing Gill
Musical entertainment hbSJ1
otinninir Rpet nrAfr rnalntjtii.flCB
.v-.....b. . . ...... u,.lu.
Temperance refreshments i-J
Drop in and while away
spare time.
By the Fire Insurance Com
panies we represent. Our
companies stand first in the
Hartford Fire Insurance Co.12,269,076
Alliance Assurance Co 29,030,903
London & Lancashire Fire
Inauranoe Co 2,644,683
North British & Mercantile
Co 10,685,074
Royal Insurance Co 23,807,153
The Colombia
Lodging Hoose
Newly Furnished.
Bar in connection.
Bet. Alta & Webb Sts.
In Center of Block.
F. XSchempp
Is always received when you
place your order with us.
Fir, Tamarack and
Why buy poor coal when you
can get the best for the same
Laatz Bros.
Telephone Main 5 J
The Gasoline Engine is man's
moat handy companion. See
the Improved
Gasoline Engine
It's something new. Requires no
packing and has no stud bolts
to twist off.
Let us show you our irrigation
plant. Irrigaticn in this
country means wealth.
To heat you hnve not got a Winona ij
Those outer bearing blocks preTent tM
from springing and makes It he wJ
ning wagon on earth Tne iieei a
.(all onnn Ikn wunlhn TliAV TIAVflf CTt
have Ioom ep-kes. Our hacks and barjlg
maue oy me tvmona wuuuiut-tuiiu r
In hA I. .. hoi 111 alp nrlftd u
nnd In conitructlon. Call and seen; in I
ine aucceit plow in eartn. vteQTei.
We aell and suarantee the StOTCt Cu
Just received anotbf,
car load of Poultry and
stock supplies at the
127 and 129 East Alta Street
Schedule of Fares
On and after April i, fa'e
the Pendleton & Ukioh Stge'
will hp; Is
Pendleton 1
dloton to j
to kid re.
Office at Qalden Rule n'