East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 10, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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'kk"kk'k'k"k kk k k k k'ktrkk k k k k k kkk"k
" ' Will be dollTerod at yout residence j
' or place ot bwlnew by carrier at J
" 5c A WEEK. J
Eastern Oregon Weather
ri I i n.1 Urn.1nAn.ln .nln
-or snow; ciiuivr; orisii winus.
yYWyyyyyy Y-Jf -
NO. 4G87.
VOL. 16.
Jack O'Keefe of Chicago is
Awarded the Decision in Go
Last Night in Portland,
When Referee Awarded Fight to
O'Keefe Crowd Jumped Into Rin
and Created a Riot Money 2 to
in Favor of Brltt
Portland, March. 10. Jack O'Keefe,
of Chicago, was awarded the decision
on a foul In the sixth round last night
at the Pastime Club In his contest
with Jimmy Brltt, of San Francisco,
Referee Jack Grant claimed that Brltt,
struck a blow that was far too low
nnd accordingly was sent to his cor
ner, awarding the contest of O Keefe,
Brltt had the fight In hand from the
beginning, and in the sixth round had
O'Keefe going and undoubtedly would
have nut him out In another round.
In the first round Brltt made blood
. flow freely from his opponent's nose
Brltt is much the quicker of the two
men and used his left effectively on
O'Keefe's stomach. When Referee
Grant awarded the fight to O'Keefe
the crowd jumped into the ring and
. it took a dozen policemen to prevent
' a riot Brltt threw up his hands and
; protested against the decision, stat-
; ing that he had committed no foul
Dr. J. D. Fcnton was called and
made an examination of O'Keefe. He
stated that O'Keefe was suffering
from a blow struck far below the
Most of the money on the fight was
z placed at 2 to 1 with Brltt as the
favorite. Between 4,000 and 6,000
people witnessed the fight Both men
weighed slightly under 133 pounds.
A South American Colonization
Scheme Used to Exploit the Public,
Chicago, March 10. Dr. Bittinger
and Terlln Vincent, of Dayton, O.,
connected with a South American col
onization scheme, called the Nicara
gua Company, were held by the fed
eral grand jury today and charged
with defrauding the public to the ex
tent of $300,000. The company was
capitalized at $1,000,000 and claimed
to havo land worth nearly half a
million, besides concessions, steam
ers and factories. Government ex'
perts estimate that the total valua
tlon Is approximately only about $10,-
Perry, the Negro, on His Death Bed
I Makes Confession to Murdering
, Women.
Boston, Mass., March 10. Sheriff
Y" I . I i i . I .
tj-ujiuuunu uu iiiuuu jmuue ii portion
of the confession, made on his death
shed by Perry, the negro murderer.
Jerry realizing that he was in a dying
condition, completely exonerated Ma
Ron, and said he had nothing what-
sver to do with the murders and stag
ings. Perry broke down and wept
he confessed and told the sheriff
lit ll ill ui in t ii a ii ash
aiuBDie papers Lost in Fire That
Consumed Potrtofflce at Klamath
.uaKoview, ur., march iu. ah man
mini" t mm a antninti n i nirA ism
JIT milD nim tiavn. rna Vll mnn Hnntnmr.
by the burning of the Klamath
nave Deon lost.
SB mar An Hiith mpan uarwe itr.
- - - I i IMtIMMWl IINIIW f I
ponce department for $76,000
III? MX inP Flft 1 FMrtr ntiJ 1 a ah am
. uuuiiiniLiini w i ii ina Hiirinnu' miir.
1 hrlnif aim Ma nntUn
at Bottom of TameHn
Scandal Sent to Asylum. '
York. March. 10. Phil In nob-
.or the torpedo boat bribe fame,
, examined by physicians last
It and nmnnnncnrt Inmno TTo
WM IBKen to the insane nnvlnm thin
Stockholders of the Pennsylvania
.Railroad at Annual Meeting, Auth
orize Additional Capital of $400,000,
000. Philadelphia. Pa.. March 10. By
far the most stupendous Increase In
capital ever made by any corporation
went Into history today when the
stockholders of the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company, at their annual
meeting, authorized an addition to
the capital etock of the company to
make the aggregate $400,000,000, and
an Increase of the bonded Indebted
ness to a like amount.
This action confers authority on the
board of directors absolutely to Issue
as it may from time to time deem
expedient, securities to the enormous
total of $486,570,760, par value. This
will bring the total authorized capi
talization of the company, stock and
funded indebtedness, to the enormous
total of $800,000,000.
No definite statement has been Is
sued as to the purposes for which
the vast amount of new capital will
be used, but It is known that the
company has a vast amount of work
laid out which will take millions to
complete. While the underground
railroad under New York is to be
built by another company, the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company will own
nil the stock, and at least $50,000,000
will be used for this purpose. There
will be several million dollars spent
In Washington and at least $50,000,
000 on permanent Improvement on the
line of the road. Some of the money,
however, will be taken out of the
The Liner Karamania Detained at
Quarantine Had a Number of
Deaths En Route With Symptoms
of Poisoning.
New York, March 10. The Anchor
liner Karamania. from Marseilles.
was detained at quarantine today be
cause a number of her crew and pas
sengers died en route in peculiar cir
cumstances. On the run to Palmero,
four of the crew suddenly took ill and
two. died. One recovered and the
other was sent ashore at Palmero,
where the doctors said he was pois
A few days later, several of the
crew in the same wardroom suddenly
took ill and rushed to the deck, where
the fresh air revived them. The com
partment was stripped, disinfected
and closed.
March 1 two passengers died with
the same symptoms and spasms. The
following day one more passenger
died after being cared for In the hos'
pltal and another was found dead on
a berth. All occupied adjoining
berths in the steerage and were all
burled at sea. It Is believed that the
deaths were caused by poisonous gas
from something in the freight.
Asiatic Cholera.
The health officers this afternoon
believe the deaths on the steamer
Karamaria were due to Asiatic chol
Relatives Cannot Follow Corpse to the
The spectacle of relatives being de
nied the right to follow the remains
of a loved one to the grave or par
ticipate in the simple funeral services
planned to be held at the cemetery,
was seen In Walla Walla this morn
ing, says the Walla Walla Statesman.
Merle Valare, 5-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. Valare, died at the Valare
residence, 423 North Seventh street,
yesterday of scarlet fever and rela
tives had planned to follow the re
mains to the cemetery this morning,
where a short service was to be held
by Rev. Marvin, of the Methodist
church. The Valares are members of
the church.
The funeral occurred, but not with
out a clash between Undertaker
Cookerly and Health Officer Alban,
who visited the residence as the fun
eral cortege was abput to take up Its
Journey to the cemetery. It Is claim
ed that the officer demanded that rel
atives be not permitted to follow and
that the reverend gentleman be not
allowed to say a short prayer at the
Bishop on Long Oriental Trip.
San Francisco, Cal., March 10.
Bishop David H. Moore, of the Meth
odist Epispopal church is among the
passengers to sail tomor.row for the
Orient, where he will visit the various
Mothodlst conferences over which he
has episcopal supervision. His field
is called technically Eastern Asia,
and includes Japan, 3orea and China.
Bishop Moore's most remote destina
tion is Szechuen province, in West
China, involving a Journey up the
Yangtae river of nearly two months.
All the Big Rivers Are Swollen
and Heavy Rains
Memphis, Tenn., March 10. The
rivor situation is now viewed by all
with alarm. Veteran rivormen and
engineers consider that serious 'dan
ger is threatened. At nine this morn
ing the river is a foot and seven
tenths above the danger line and is
still rising. Slow, heavy rains fell all
night continuing today. Engineers to
day predict that the water will go to
38 feet, the highest ever known and
four feet higher than at present Ref
ugees are constantly arriving, .some
in distress.
At Evcnsville.
Evansville, Ind., March 10. Steam
boats for the first time in a decade
are dropping their gang planks on
Water street Each hour brings new
stories of desperate attempts to save
stock and chattels in the flooded dis
tricts, but In the abandonment of
homes no lives so far are known to
have been lost in this vicinity.
The citizens of Shawneetown 111.,
where many persons were drowned In
the flood several years ago, are dis
cussing the ordering of a general re
moval of goods and livestock after
which the levees will be cut, allowing
the waters to gradually run In, thus
avoiding greater damage.
In Nebraska.
Omaha, Neb., March 10. The Platte
and smaller streams of Nebrasjbaare
all overflowing and many railway'lmd
wagon bridges have been swept away.
Near Stanton, while crossing a
bridge, a 19-year-old girl and her
brother were swept off their feet. The
former was drowned.
At Osmond, Albert Kohler, a well
known rancher, attempted to cross a
bridge. His horses became frighten
ed and missed the bridge, which was
under water. Kohler and the team
were drowned.
The Burlington is the only road car
Spectators Watching burning
.Olean ,N. Y., March 10. More than
a score of people were killed and a
large number were injured by an ex
plosion of oil near here yesterday. A
freight train on the Erie, made up
principally of oil tank cars filled with
oil, broke In two near this city about
9 o'clock. The two sections of the
train came together with a crash and
one of the oil tanks was demolished.
Fire broke out almost Instantaneously
and the sky was lighted up for miles.
Crowd of Spectators.
A large crowd of people left this
city for the scene of the fire. While
they were lined up along the tracks
a terrific explosion occurred. The
flames communicated quickly with
the other tank cars and the second
and third explosions followed each
other In rapid succession. Sheets of
flame shot out In all directions. Scores
of persons were caught within the
range of the fire and enveloped in
Caught by Fire,
f n and hnvn ran screaming down
the tracks with their clothing ablaze.
Others fell where they stood, over
with the awful heat Just how
many were killed is not known, and
many of the bodies "were incineraiea.
The Vatican and the Italian Throne
Both Want to Rule In Rome.
Rome, March 10. The English pil
grims were received by the pope to
day. The Duke of Norfolk, the Cath
olic representative of England read
an address which contained the fol
lowing passage: "I cannot lorget that
you have strenuously asserted the In
dependence of tho holy see, which
Catholics throughout tho world will
never cease to claim."
When" this "passage became kfcown
to the outside It created a most bit
N Id
Far Above the Danger Line
Continue to Fall.
rying traffic The Union Pacific,
Rock Island and Northwestern arc
using Its tracks west of here.
River Five Miles Wide.
Memphis, March 10. The Missis
sippi River ordinarily ono mile wide
here, is now five. The St. Thomas
levee, built on the Arkansas side In
1897, when the river was 40 miles
wide, Is In hourly danger of going
down beneath the swollen waters.
Big lumber plants and other Indus
tries, built up since then, are In the
territory now protected by the- levee.
Hundreds have left the lowlands In
front of the levee and are now mass
ed behind it, living in tents.
Family Rescuvl.
The steamer Sun, which arrived
this morning, rescued a family of
eight from a small mound, whore it
was completely surrounded by swirl
ing waters.
Government Engineer Lucas today
started in a relief boat with 1,000
sacks for down river ports, where the
levee Is threatened.
Up river reports make It certain
that the water will reach the highest
point ever known. The crest of the
flood now at Cairo, will reach here
the latter part of this week.
Levee Breaks.
New Orleans, March 10. The break
which occurred In the levee yestorday
at Bayou La Fouruche afforded a
temporary relief so the waters today
phow a rise of only three inches. The
most dangerous place now is in Con
cordia Parish, where the engineers
say a break Is bound to occur.
Ail Bhips ring slow bells. The levee
inspectors are patrollng the banks at
night to prevent a violation of the
order. The river Is now eight and
three-tenths feet above danger line.
It is not believed that the city will
be Imperilled until It reaches 21 feet.
Oil Train Are Caught by
of Fire.
Word was sent at once to the Olean
police headquarters by telephone.
Every doctor and ambulance in the
city was summoned. Carriages of all
kinds were pressed Into service and
everything possible was done to bring
the injured without delay to the hos
pitals for treatment.
Later Fifteen Dead.
Olean, March 10. The fire is still
burning at 8 o'clock this morning
making the scene of last night's disas
ter appear awful, with a high column
of smoke still In the air. Fifteen peo
ple are known to be dead and the list
will undoubtedly be increased when
Olean creek Is dragged. It Is believ
ed that several, when their clothing
was aflame plunged Into the river
and were drowned. Thirty are now
in hospitals, of whom seven are ex
pected to die. One is unidentified.
Victims nearly all young men and
youths. Tho wrecking crews are
working as fast as possible. All trains
are running around by the way of
Buffalo, as the tracks are impassable.
The Latest List.
Seventeen are dead and 35 injured,
according to the latest list. Two
bodies were found Incinerated in the
wreckage and aro unidentified.
ter resentment on the part of the Ital
ians, as it places the English pilgrims
on the side of tho church In tho fight
which is in progress botween tho Vati
can and the throne for supremacy.
Laborers Strike at Seattle Because
Wages Were Cut 10 Cents.
Seattle, March 10. All tho Japan
ese section, roundhouse men and la
borers on the Great Northern struck
today because their wages were cut
10 cents today. Much inconvenience
results from the strike.
Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis
sion Company, 120 Court Street
B. E. Kennedy, Local Manager.
Chicago, March 10.
Wheat Opened. Closed.
May 74 74 Vi
July 71 71
Minneapolis, March 10.
Wheat Opened. Closed.
May 73 73 &
July 74M. 73
Markets aro strong with upward
tendency in stocks. Money Is inclin
ed to bo scarce at 5 per cent.
Demolished Hospital ut Townsvllle
Killing Six Inmates.
Brisbane, Australia, March 10. A
cyclone swept Townsvillo in the north
west part of Queensland today nnd
smashed tho hospital. Six wero kill
ed nine seriously hurt. Hundreds
have been rendered homeless and
many wero injured. ,
Iron Mills at Auction.
Sharon, Pa., March 11. Pursuant
to the order of tho rofcreo In bank
ruptcy, tho rolling and plato mills of
tho Continental Iron Company wero
put up for sale at public auction to
day. Tho debts of tho company aro
To Visit at San Juan.
Washington, D. C, March 10. Allco
Roosevelt sails Saturday for San Ju
an, P. I., to visit with Governor Hunt's
Asserts That the Americans Have
Undertaken More Than They Can
Carry Out Day of Reckoning Com
ing. New Yorlc, March 10. Iteferrlng to
the diminution of the strength of the
New York Associated Banks, tho Lon
don Times In its city article says, ac
cording to a dispatch ot tho Now
York Times, that tho mysteriously
large reductions of not deposits or
fected in the last quarter of 1902, havo
usually been the result not of tho real
liquidation of excessive commitments,
but of transfers of indebtedness to
European capitalists, who wore roady,
for a handsome consideration, to tako
over for a time "these attempts to put
off the evil day when tho United
States business, world will havo to
own that It has bitten off moro than
it can chow."
The article says that during tho last
three or four years tho United States
has had more success than would havo
)n.Qn possible in the caso of any other
country, adding:
"No country can show contempt for
sound business rules with Impunity,
and the impunity apparently enjoyed
by the United Stntes for tho disregard
of tho laws of economics, which Is a
consequence of that country's compar
ative youth, merely amounts to dolny
in the day of reckoning for each orn
of economic debauch."
Meeting This Afternoon Results In
Agreeable Settlement.
An agreement was reached by tho
arbitration committee at 3:30 p. m.
(nrlnv In thn consideration of a WUKO
scale between the painters and tho
boss palntors. Tne arouraiion com.
mittee was composed as follows: C.
J. Wilson, representing tho Painters'
ITntnn- fl f. Rhnrn rnnreRftntlnir the
employers, nnd William Halo of tho
Carpenters' Union, wno was cnosen
by tho other two. Tho agroemont Is
tn nav J3.2K to ordinary nalnters and
$3.50 to Inside palntors and paper
nangors. to this end a contract win
bo signed, good for ono year.
Rigby-Clove Company Now Preparing
to Put In New Machinery,
The Rigby-Clovo Company has woll
under way their now building, which
is an annex to their foundry In tho
eastern part of tho city. The now
building is 50x50 feet. Tho old foun
dry building Ih being completely re
modeled for tho reception of new ma
chinery, Both structures will bo
roofed with a flro-proof material call,
ed parold. The patterns for use In
the manufacture of castings entering
Jnto the construction of the Rigby
Clove combined harvester have arriv
ed from San Francisco. The O. R. &
W n.n him hrnilL'ht down ffOIIl tllO
Grand Rondo vaJloy a Bampie or morn
ing sand which will bo given a thor
ough test by tho Rigby-Clove Compa
ny in their first casting of machinery,
and If It proves satisfactory, they will
at onco send for a carload of it.
The Whole Water Front on
East Side May Be Swept
Away by Flames.
Fire Department Has Been Fighting
the Flames All Night and Still at
Work Thirty Families Homeless
Victoria Dock Gone.
Portland. March 10. A terrific gale
is blowing at tho rato of 40 mlloa
an hour. Tho tiro department ha
been fighting fire all night and Is still
In nctlon.
At 4:30 a whole block on tho east
side went at a loss of fCO.000, and 30
families wero mado hotnoloBB.
At 5:30 tho $10,000 Fabor resldonco
was utterly consumod nnd $1,000
wnrlli nf tnwnlrv InsL
At 10:30 tho Victoria dock on tha
east side was uttorly wiped out with
threo adjoining residences, at a to'al
loss of $225,000.
The flro !b still raging and inay
sweep the whole wntor frnnc on the
east sldo of tho Wlllamotto RIvci.
Tho firemen nro fighting dospcrately.
Every nppllnnco for lighting tfre
In the city, Is in action.
Later Was Incendiary.
Portland, Mnrcli 10. It Is now
known that tho damago will reach
$750,000. Tho Victoria dock wan
full of supplies. A flro bug was aeon
running whon tho flro waB first noUc
ed. and it Is thought that it was of
Incendiary origin. Tho flro was put
out ni ;i p. m.
Baker City Mining Man Gets Into
Trouble and Is Arrested.
Baker City, March 10. The sensa
tional culmination of trouble that has
for some time been browing in tho In
ner circles of tho Uncle Dan Gold
mining company, camo yestorday
whon E. Everott, tho gonoral manager
of tho company, was arrcstod by Con
stable A. O. Honiplo, charged with as
suultlng Mrs. W. J. May, wifo of Dr.
May, tho secretary of tho company.
It Is stated that yesterday Mr. Ev
orctt wont to tho oflleo of Dr. May and
demanded the Bocrotary'B books. Dr.
Mny was not In the office, but Mrs.
May was. Mrs. May, It Jb statod, told
Mr. Everett that he was entirely at
liberty to look at the books and mako
any examination that ho carod to Into
tho affairs of tho company, but that
ho could not talo tho books from tho
office. Then, It Is said, Mr. Everett
wronclied tho secretary's book from
the lady's hands, rather roughly, and
took It from the oflleo, Whon Dr.
May returned and wns Informod of tho
occurrence, ho went beforo Justice of
tho Peace Messlck and mado com
plaint and a warrant was issued
charging Everett with assault Judge
McHHlck releaHdd Everott on hla own
recognizance and the trial of tho .case
was fixed for next Saturday before
Judge Messlck.
Cycle Racing to Begin.
Atlanta, Ga., March 10. Tho cyclo
racing soason In Atlanta, for which
the promoters havo bcon preparing
and tho rldors training for Bovoral
months past, boglns In tho Coliseum
tonight and will bo contlnuod for sev
ernl weeks to como. Tho opening
event Is to bo a motor paced raco be
tween Hobby Walthour, middle dis
tance champion of tho world, and Bon
Monroe, the Memphis flyer. The sea
son will closo with a six-day raco In
which a scoro or moro of tho fastest
riders in tho country nro entered
Mrs. Flock Brought Down by Consta
ble Jesse Lleuallen,
Mrs. FIock an oldony wnmnr of
Weston, was brought down by Con
Htablo Jesso Lleuallen this afternoon,
nnd will bo examined by tho county
board, for sanity UiIb ovenlnif.
She bus not boon exactly In her
right mind for years, according to the
statement of thoso who know her,
Her troublo la religious Insanity and
slio seems to brood over It very deep
ly at times, Sho Is perfectly ration
al, ordinarily but has spoils In which
her mind becomes weakened and It
was thought best by her relatives and
friends to have her brought before
tho county board.
She has a grown son at Weston,
and has resided In that neighborhood
for the past 12 yeHrs,