u t" I - UMATILLA S MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1903 ARTICLE BY PENDLETON BOY IN PORTLAND MAGAZINE. their celebration about two weeks la better Impression than the others. nhoad and nro generally ready to be- (This lasts very lato and next day they gin on the Fourth. They seem to nogm gamming. They wager horses, take as much interest In this celcbrn-1 blankets, robes and nearly every- Ition as the white people do. It does J thing they have. This lasts only for not seem to us that the Fourth of ia snort time oeiore raceing is oegun. July would attract the Indian's atten- They take great Interest In their rac tlon In such a manner, but this seems Ing and also wager their possessions I to be their most enjoyable time, on the results. Rov Alexander Writes of the Umatil- They invite all of their neighboring This completes the regular pro- las and Their Manner of Celebrat- jtribes to their celebration and always I gram and the rest of the time is glv Relieves Dandruff Immediately and causes thi k, glossy h.iir to sup plant the former thin.brittle growth. Ncwhro's Hnrpicitlc performs its work on the principle , " Destroy tho cause, yon remove the effect," and consequently it reaches and kills off the evcr-bu?y microbe, which is responsible fur all scalp diseases. It thus makes dandruff and falling hair impossible, ami promotes a luxuriant growth of hair that soon becomes the pride of the owner. Even on bald spots it soon produces hair as: thick and luxuriant as anyone could wish for. One bottle will conTtnce Oox It is the only hair restorer Uut realty restore. For Sak by all Fint.Clau Drug Stores. 25 Ing One Great Failing Is Their Thirst for Whiskey. The following interesting article by Roy Alexander, of this city, appears in tho February issue of The Orderly, the official journal of Hill's Military Academy, of Portland: Situated abcut eight miles from air native town In Eastern Oregon, there is aa Ideal site for an Indian camping ground. The reservation near this town is vcy large an.l many Indians live there. This tribe of In dians, the UmatJllas, is the remnant of a once enterprising nnd tribe. They are very very peaceful 1 and for years have caused trouble Many of them :re civilized, ;talk good English, and are engaged in farming nnd other profitable pur suits. Their one great drawback is their unquenchable thirst for for whiskey. Of course, the state law la large number of Indians are pres ent.. Tho tents or wigwams, are pitched in the form of an oval around this trnct of land. It is a very pretty sight when a person sees tho wigwams placed in such a man ner. Tills celebration generally lasts for two weeks or until the Indirns are satisfied. On the first of July the visiting In dians commence nrrlving on the scone. In two davs the wigwams are erected and generally they begin with a grand parade on the Fourth. If the weather suits the Indians they havo en up to various diversions. A small dnnco hnll Is built for the white peo ple, and some enjoy themselves in this place. At tho end of two weeks the visiting tribes begin to leave. Their wicwams are torn down, and great tnG'r parade at once, but sometimes , it is uify nuf men iitii.iuf in uiu iiitui- niuiiey ........ ' 1 " 1. ( " .....-.. n n .nnnl n . . n tiiuuu. i hid jmi.iui? la ci iuul to mem ann ioukuii lorwuru to wim delight. The various decorations are really a beautiful sight. The old warriors ride in front with their chief as leader The younger men follow these warriors and last of all come the squaws and the children of the I prohibits the sellling of liquor to In- ! sTItlwft a"1' cl1 'llre" L,"'e "F"' in the Paloi.se country 'dim hut in different tvav tner Indians. At first they ride very slow- are fretting over the continued cold .succed i generally gettins T? much. I d then fa.8ter.an'Lfaster iim- and delay in getting in spring grain," Rntiirriiv lo iho r nHnn nnl rfnv tn ,"""K " .". said jonn yons come to town, nnd then the small jail Is filled with Indians. They are given their choice of a five dollar fine or a ,and shooting. The squaws who are a big foot hill farm er, who returned yestcrdny from a 'too old to ride stay at their wigwams business trip to Pullman and vicinity, and weep, as this reminds them of savs the Walla Walla Statesman. , Consumption's Small Beginnrri No matter how strong you imagine, yourself J be, if you are not breathing plenty of good air even day, if you are over-working, keeping late hours ij in any way using up your energies faster than the the place ims once more the appear- J are repaired, you are making it easier for constimJ .nice of desolation. . 1 . , , . U1,lri tion to come inio your lungs. i nis is the sma' We sell the greatest of blood purl- hprnnninrr tiers, Acker's Blood Elixir, under a1 """"i,- SrabiL"S..sr Let yur own sod scnsc and your dOCto you have eruptions or sores on your! nreSCribe VOUr habits and the neceSSarv ti-iPrl.Vl. body, or are pale, weak or run down. I J ''v-iiim just what you need, we refund ; rov nounsnment notnmq- win cio you more ol y if you are not satisfied. 50 1 J iw cents and $i. f. w. Schmidt & Co. ; man scotis .cmuision. it contains elements whirl you cannot get from ordinary food and is rich in thl best materials for making good blood. Scott's Emulsion is a wonderful food; imiujiiw. a. giv-ak vl I1UU1 lailllltlll LUUUljn VO'" . . . . . r-r , ...... . J 1 take so little 01 it. mat little enables the body t overcome wasting ana to Duild up the run-down ana worn-out tissues. Moreover Scott's Emukinn ;c COLD EVERYWHERE. Spring Everywhere Backward in the Palouse Country. RECTCITE3 ITUCR ATTENTION fto oar acbooL Instruction to siren jvunUnc capltaltilnc, punetoattns. pnjititiig, etc All our tMrhtng a prsett pml; tbe education we gtre is tsabie. A (""hk wttfe ib py the laeeen ot ax? BTBdraitea, m bttatneaa men and mini n d u bookkeepers ad teooffraubceo, tpnrrca this. Open all tb jresr; Koieatt mamittnA at any time; eatalosm fx. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLBGB POUTLAiTO, OIUIOOH s. A&HBTnoNc, i-T-n.4 psjnapAjb kucu liiuii. ul . . live uuiii.i t.ttt; Vf, . , . , . . . . .... , . j-,. , fhfiir nusliands who have non i "Thnro tciittio cimn- VinnlK- nn miirh low aays in jau, ana uio nne is bci- , k(,0 -r,, nr flr-U A .l .U dom paid. A person found guilty "-'-" -. ,as m uhh laiiBj, uut mu icunicimuii ( Jiiai. nwn-uuuuv,i. HIIU Wlicil LUC LUllbUmutlVP ra of selling whiskey to Indians I. -en-je- a dented a ,u u, Q' gain iiojn no u goutiiig tilt lipjJCi JlctUU. We'll send you a sample free upon request SCO! T & BOWNE, 409 Pearl Street, New York oo. o trm t,o. nonitnntinn- some oi mem are jiiuuieu or unve 8nr nE work s be ne tn-eauv ueiayen Some of these Indians have buggies Indian blankets on them. The In-n consequence. Unless a thaw oc- ! or wagons and seem very contented dians paint their arms, legs and faces icurs soon the formers of the Palouse i while rldint: in them Host of them. in a peculiar manner and some ride wheat belt will have to rustl to get j .however, seem to nrefer their natur- nearly naked. It is interesting to their wheat in this year in time.' al way of riding horseback. The watch the attempts of Photog lagencv is situated four and one-half .raphers. It :1s vary easy to take their fmm thn twn The neent's 'pictures when in the parade, but in lew instances win iney consent id have their pictures taken when standing. Mr. L,yons says ne is anxious ior a i igood thaw in this vnllev, he having I i several hundred acres of gran yet t Ito sow this spring. He Is farming . something like 700 ncres in the foot-1 m Ibuilding and a few others nre sltuat ed here, and this is a favorite place for the Indians. There are a few In dian policemen on this reservation and they nay close attention to their work A large Indian school having (Very little space is left for this dance, wheat was sown in the foot-hill dis- four buildings Is located two miles (for visitors crowd pretty closely in trict. he says, and farmers in thai from this agency, and the Indians 'their desire to witness It. The danc- section are anxious for a Chinook to have fine educational advantages. lers all wear moccasins and sleigh clear the ground of snow that spring The Indians begin preparations for 'bells and each man endeavors to make i sowing may commenns. hill country, but has jeveral hundred i The next event after this is the war acres that he failed vo get in owing ' 'dance, which is also very interesting, 'to the late cold snan. Little fall ' 91 BEST DRY WOOD. We have bought of the Allen Brothers, their interest IitiL Wood business, and now we are ready to furnish the bsi dry wood on short notice. Office 638 Main Street. Phone 2. P. P. COLLIER & CO,! ammmmmmmm mmmmmm mm mmmmmmmmmmmm m mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmnf ml WE ARE NOW OFFERING THE I SECOND ALLOTMENT OF 100,000 OF HIGHLAND GOLD STOCK SHARE -4i AT SIX (6) CENTS PER SHARE. tZ The first allotment of 100,000 Shares was disposed of at six cents per share, mostly by telegram, and in order to allow those whose orders failed to reach us by the j 5 20th of February, on account of delayed mails and blocked trains, an opportunity to secure "HIGHLAND GOLD" stock, at the bedrock price of six cents per share, we have nlaced the second allotment upon tbe market at the same price. This is a ground floor offer, and an opportunity to invest your savings in a gold mine with a brilliant future, one which will, without doubt, after a course of systematic development, rauk as one of the largest gold producers and dividend payers in the Sumpter 3 gold fields. -I LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION TheHIGHLAND GOLD MINES COMPANY owns twelve quartz claims (2t0 acres) in the heart of the famous SUMPTER DISTRIST OF EASTERN OREGON, and located on the same belt as the world-renowned NORTH PO-E, theCOLUMBIA, the GOLCONDA, and the E. &. E. MINES to the west, and theBAISLEY-ELKHORN and other large producers to the east, the great CHLORIDE mine lying to the north of the HIGHLAND GROUP. This wonderful belt or zone, after passing through the mines o the west, strikes the HIGHLAND ground and runs through it for a distance of 3500 feet, The vein ot ledge has been thoroughly prospected and pay-ore has been uncovered the whole distance ir fact, the longest and moet continuous pay-shoot or ore- body ever discovered in the district is found in the HIGHLAND ground. FREE TRIP TO THE MINES To any who wishes to invest a reasonable sum in the HIGHLAND, we will pay all the traveling expenses to and from tho mine for the purpose of his making a personal investi gation. We have a good mine and we are not afraid to show it. Mining men and experts of known ability who have visited the HIGHLAND are all unanimous In saying that theHIGH LAND will make a large mine and a good producer In inviting you to purchase stock in the HIGHLAND, we do so with the end in view of securing you as a permanent customer and client, believing that by fair and honest treat ment only can we retain the confidence of investors. From our prospectus you can learn all about our enterprise. It is a good one safe and certain. We recommend it to our most conservative clients. B SECOND ALLOTMENT IS NOW OFFERED AT 6 CENTS PER SHARE $30.00 will buy 500 shares; $60.00 will buy ,000 shares j $300 will boy 5,000 shares. No discount on large orders. THIS IS POSITIVELY THE LAST BLOCK OF THIS STOCK THAT WILL BE SOLD AT SUCH A1S EXTREMELY LOW FIGURE USE THIS BLANK FOR YOUR ORDER 190. t Men 1 cnorvicrM s.rr SUMPTER, OREGON. Gentlemen: 1 hereby make application to the HIGHLAND GOLD MINES COMPANY of Sumpter, Oregon, through yourselves, for ( ) Shares of the Stock of said Company, at Six (6) Cents per share, to be issued on February 20th 1903. I agree to accept the return of the amount re mitted in case of over-subscription. The purchase involves no Per sonal Liahilitv, as the stock is full paid, won assessable and non. forfeitable I wired at your expense on 1903, to set aside for me the number of shares above mentioned, to be issued on Feb. 20, 1903. Name Par value of shares P. O. Address , one dollar Enclosed herewith you Vr ill find in payment for the above subscription. Do not delay your orders. WIRE US AT OUR EXPENSE, stating the number of shares you wish set aside. Then remit by letter, (using the application blank below.) By this means you will be reasonably certain of securing the stdck while at the BEDROCK price of six cents per share. We refer you to any bank, business house, or to any substantial citixen in the com munity in which we live. Send money order, check or draft at your earliest convenience. For further particulars apply to For Further Particulars Apply To NEIL J. SORENSEN &C0., Department No. M Financial Agents GOOD AOENT8 WANTED. MUST GIVE REFERENCES. Sttmptc, Otego ?Muuimmuuumui uiuummiummmu imiuuiuuiuiuuuui uuuaiauiuumiu miiimmiu mmm umm: