East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 09, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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    You always get GOOD GOODS t Alexander's. !
Will be observed by msny. We want to en
tertain and help along all those in the keeping.
So we will arrange ss,les each day on materials
that will do you good and you can do good with.
vnhnn i nroc tor Tr-rmrrun c. rrrnnsr vn 5
WAWUwu v - cyi o f B rTi
and Stardy
Sturdy 7a
and Waists
line Deimoni juaces iur iniuuuux uu- c
Alexander Dep't Store
C AC rCT K K A A A K A A A A A A A A 7
he brand I runk bold nine I
Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining District.
Is located upon the GREAT MOTHER
LODE system of veins and has for neigh
bors on that vein such well known
mines as the NORTH POLE valued at
$10,000,000. The COLUMBIA valued at
$5,000,000. GOLCONDA valued at $3,
000,000. THE MONMOTH G. M. CO'S
BELLE BAKER mine valued at $5oo,
000. THE BALD MOUNTAIN valued at
$5oo,ooo. THE IBEX valued at $400,
000, and many others.
he urand l runk Gold Mining and Milling Go.
It has no indebtedness of any character.
It has a conservative mining and business management.
It is offering 50,000 shares of stock at 15; per share.
It will become a dividem payer in a short time.
It will pay you to write us for full particulars and to make
careful investigation of its merits.
It has the indorsement of mining men, business men
bankers of Eastern Oregon.
Write us today and let us post you.
H. S. McCalfcm & Company,
Miners, Brokersand Financial Agents,
Or R. S. BRYSON, Local Agent, Pendleton, Oregon.
Tlf T . .. l" . -v - t
uisixict rree on Application.
T. ................... T.TTT..TTTT.TTTVTTTTTTTTTTT
Ti.- Kit 'jl
Has the large demand for
Byers' Best Flour
. ' 1 wu. w UbllUbllUII 111 X JUU1 11 n C- 1)1 1 I 1 r
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
Small size Lace Curtains, good patterns, 50c
$ vilucs, special, 39c pair.
5 Medium size Curtains, good patterns, three
yards long, special, 75c pair.
I Good size Curtains, 3 yards long, wide enough
for any ordinary window, beautiful patterns,
special, $1.00 pair.
Large size Curtains, 3 yards long, very wide,
f special, $1 25 pair.
f Large size Curtains, 3 yards long, 50 inches
? wide, good variety of patterns, fine values at
$1 75. our special price, $1.40 pair.
f Large size Curtains, 3 yards long, 56 inches
? wide, beautiful patterns, our special price on
these for this sale, $1.75 pair.
X In addition to above described Curtains we
have a dozen designs, all large size Curtains,
i and designs too varied and beautiful to dc
T scribe, prices ranging as follows: $2.50,
J $2. 75. $3 00, S3. 50, $4 00, $4.25, ,4 50, $5 00
New Barber Shop Started Some
Sickness in the Neighborhood Wil
liam Floyed and Bert McKing Will
Build New House this Spring.
Milton, March 9. Mrs. D. E. George
sold her place below town last week
to M. J. Nell. Consideration $500.
Joe Kaufman, of Dry Crock, will
soon begin the erection of n now res
idence on his ranch.
Among the suffering and sick aro
the following: J. D. Talbot, sciatica;
Billie Reynolds, grip; Mrs. J. E. Mc
Quary. Rev. D. Sanderson received sever
al members into the church here and
at Vincent Chapel last Sunday.
The revival services in the Chris
tian church closed last Thursday
evening. Quite a number were con
verted and several accessions to the
W. S. Goodman and E. C. Slmond,
of Hudson Bay. were in town last
week getting new 'phones put in their
A social party was given at the
residence of Frank Cockburn last Fri
day evening, about four miles north
east of town.
Mr. Whitmore. one of Ira D. San
key's singers, sang in the M. E. church
last Sunday morning and evening.
Mrs. Waldcn, who has been at He
lix waiting on Mrs. H. G. Valker dur
ing her recent Illness, returned homo
Saturday evening.
Miss Nellie Burnett, of La Grande,
and Miss May Beaumont visited rela
tives in the Garden City over Sun
day. Otis Kelty. son of Ezra Kclty, of
Lower Dry Creek, is quite sick with
the measles, they having gone in on
E. L. Smalley has been in Walla
Walla the last week invoicing the
stock of goods in his drug store at
that place.
Mrs. William McKinley went to
Walla Walla one day last week to
take treatment for cancer on her
breast, which has been bothering her
of late.
Mr. Slater, of Walla Walla, and Mr.
Maestrelti, of this city, have opened
a barber shop in the Craddick build
ing, near' Edward's blacksmith shop.
As soon as the weather will permit,
the old frame building occupied by
Rohrman's bakery, will be torn down,
removed and a new brick one erected
in its place.
Joe Lawson, the wart, mole and
corn doctor at Freewater, is in the
hospital at Walla Walla, under the
physicians' care for stomach trouble.
Clyde Speer, of College Place, and
uibb jmiuie uveriun, 01 r reuwaier,
were married in Walla Walla last
Thursday, by the county judge. They
will live near College Place.
Mrs. Crossman, of La Grande, who
has been visiting relatives in the city
for the past 10 days, returned home j
Saturday. j
Sheriff T. D. Taylor and Elmer Ba
ker, of Pendleton; D. C. Brown and I
Lowell Rogers, of Adams; Dan Mc-1
Eachem and Mr. Hessel, of Weston;
S. M Willis, of Meacham; John Fix.
of Alkali Flat; A. N. Star. J. L. Elam ,
and John Smith, both implement men,
Miss Grace Clark, of Walla Walla,
were callers in Milton last week.
John Walden, A. C. Troyer and J
Charles Wiess, the deputy assessors . -p., . iTrT A C fW Id 14
for this part of the county, went to JUol A LUUUll
Pendleton Friday evening for instruc
TALK ABOUT LACE CURTAINS 1 You ought to see ours. Our J
new Curtains have just arrived and wo have the finest assoi Uncut to ho
lound in the city, and our prices aro lower than over. We have always had JJ
fine valco and nice patterns, hut thoeo aic far ahead of anything we have
ever had.
W li.nvo rW.iilnd In mn.l?n snpi.inl indncnnicnts dnrinu this woek. our
opening sale on Lace Curtains and Laces, and all who avail thomsolvts of fTl
this opportunity to purchase Lace Curtains will he inoro than pleased with
-J the bargains we ofVer. We list only a few of the many kinds wo have: U)
and S5 50 pair. You must sec these finer
Curtains to fully appreciate the values we
are offering. See our Window Display.
This is opening week also on Laces. While
we can't describe all our patterns, nor quote
all our prices, we can truthfully say we have
the newest, nicest things in this line, and our
prices are absolutely right.
Valenciennes Laces from lc vd to 25c yd.
Applique Lace Trimmings, all colors from 5c
yd to 00c yd.
All over Laces, white, cream, ecru and black,
all prices.
Calico, 10 yds to one person 3c yd
LL House Lining, any quantity 3Jtfc yd
Bleached Muslin, 10 yds to one person.. 3c yd
MALE 1011)
Malthoid Roofing.
Fire resisting. Will
thoroughly protect all
buildings covered with
it. A better roof
ing for less cost than
any other roofing
made. Quickly laid
and lasts for years.
Send for booklet. x
The Paraffine Paint Co.
San Fnncljco, Seattle,
Portland, Los Angelti
and Denver, Colorado.
- T7T w cv w w -am -w
Is Manufactured fev
2 for 25c
LEN & LEWIS , Distributors
tlons in regard to commencing work
Monday. They returned home Sun
day morning.
William Alexander has sold his
stone mason tools to Willis A. Mor
ris and is moving out on Frank
Steen's ranch in the Hudson Bay
country, where he will act as fore
man on the same.
Sam Atkins, who is taking care of
A. M. Elam's horses while he is gone,
was kicked on the leg the first of
the week and sustained a bad frac
Will Build Fine Residence.
W. A. Bannister, of North Mlltou.
has secured the contract to build a
fine residence for William Lloyd, on
his ranch north of Freewater. and
Frank Wormlngton, the contract for
a residence for Bert McKnight, in
South Milton, work to commence as
soon as material can be had.
Noted Evangelist In Milton.
Professor Whitworth, of Iloanoke
City, who has been assisting in the
1 revival services in Walla Walla, by
request of Dr. D. C. Sanderson, came
to Milton and sang at both morning
and evening services in the M. B.
church. In the morning he gave an
elocutionary solo, "Answered Prayer."
Professor Whitworth has been one of
Mr. Moody's singers and 1b singing
In the NorthweBt of his own accord.
that gets your lungs sore and weak
and paves the way for pneumonia or
consumption, or both. Acker's Eng
lish Remedy will stop the cough In a
day and heal your lungs. It will euro
consumption, asthma, bronchitis and
all throat aud lung troubles. Positive
ly guaranteed, and money refunded if
you arc not satisfied. Write to us for
free sample. W. H. Hooker & Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y. F. W. Schmidt & Co.
Pendleton, Feb. 26, 1903.
Street po'l tax for 1903 will be due
in 10 days from date of this notice
at the city marshal's office in the
city of Pendleton, Umatilla county,
Oregon, or by authorized deputy.
Such tax hereafter to become and he
delinquent. Whereupon It shall be
come and be the duty of the City
Marshal to proceed to collect the
same In the manner provided by the
law6 of this state for the collection
of road taxes by road supervisors and
the said marshal is hereby authoriz
ed, directed and empowered to do so.
City Marshal.
You Can Depend Upon Obtaining Re
sults Results That Last.
"Will it cure?" is always the first
luestion asked by a sufferer who has
xade up his mind to take a course
af treatment for any kidnoy ailment.
'Will I stay cured?" follows as a mat
ter of course. If the reader Is in doubt
about what method to follow, read
this statement carefully.
Frank Stltes. bricklayer, of 5449
Thirty-third Ave., Denver, Colo., says:
'It Is over throe years since I recom
mended Doan's Kidney Pills througn
our Denver papers. At that time they
stopped pain in uiy back and through
the sides, which although never severe
enough to lay me up, was sufficient to
cause more annoyance than anyone
ihould endure, when Doan's Kidney
Pills can bo so easily procured. If I
bad not received positive benefit
when the remedy first came to my
uotice, I would be the last man In
Denver to publicly indorse the medl
cine, and If the results obtained from
the treatment with Doan's Kidney
Pills had not been permanent, nothing
could induce me to reindorse this
medicine. The merits of Doan's Kid
ney Pills, should be universally
Sold for t0 cents a box. Foster-Mil-burn
Co., Buffalo, N. Y sole agents
(or the United State.
Remember the name DOAN'S
and take no substitute.
Strawberries, Melons, Grapes and every forage plant,
Vegetable, Fruit and Flower known can be success
fully grown on the Irrigated Lands of the
Situated along the Columbia River from Umatilla west.
We are prepared to Irrigate and have for sale 6000 acres
of these choicest lands, and offering them for sale with
at $50.00 per Acre (for the first iuoo Acres only.)
Annual charge for water not to exceed $1,00
per acre. For further information call upon or write to
N. BERKLEY, Pendleton, Oregon
:o t
ir-kkkk kickickirk-k-kick A kk AAA
We have'the largest stock of carpets, outside of Portland, in
the state. This is an undibputahle fact, We offer better bar
gains than can be had in Eastern Oregon, another fact which
is proven by the low prices we are offering.
Next door to Postoflice.
We announce that we have opened undertaking parlors in
connection with our furniture and carpet store and will answer
calls day or night. Phone Black 273.
Fresh, Reliable Garden Seeds, The kind that are pro
ductive. Don't take chances wasting your efforts, Onion sets,
best variety.
Nice Sound Apples
Good Cabbage
Fresh Ranch Eggs
Martin's Family Grocery and Bakery